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October 20, 2006, 01:36:34 PM
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301 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Only Olmert can" -- bumper stickers, t-shirts and more! on: June 29, 2006, 04:11:54 PM
all he's doing is following orders... like the good little jew-boy peon that he is... nik.
302 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I will trust the Israeli government - They Know what they are doing. on: June 29, 2006, 04:10:24 PM
great thread... thanks... nik.
303 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel?/hell no... on: June 29, 2006, 04:09:09 PM
and there you go... if they're asking... they're planning... and if they're planning... they're doing... what further proof do any of you now require to see what's ahead... hurtling towards us at the speed of a bullet...? nik. out...
304 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Katsav: "Gaza Withdrawal, Oslo were big Mistakes" on: June 29, 2006, 04:06:27 PM
as long as the reshayim keep dropping like flies i couldn't give a rat's ass about cheapening anything... nik. out...
305 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Katsav: "Gaza Withdrawal, Oslo were big Mistakes" on: June 29, 2006, 02:35:07 AM
well i don't care about the rest of you guys... i for one will NOT! refrain from waxing vulgar...
katzav you efing son-of-a-[censored] where the hell were you last summer...? go blow it out your ass now!!!! go to hell you efing bastard!!!! i'm death davening for you now as well... mazel tov! you just made it onto my list, slimeball... nik. out...
306 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert on: June 29, 2006, 02:33:34 AM
one correction... he didn't dedicate tehilim to b'nai korach... they were leviim and they composed their own and david included their wonderful piyutim... which amplified their tshuvah to torat moshe... in his sefer!!!! nik. out...
307 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Only Olmert can" -- bumper stickers, t-shirts and more! on: June 29, 2006, 02:31:26 AM
CORRECT!!! right you are... someone give that man a cigar... nik. out...
308 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I will trust the Israeli government - They Know what they are doing. on: June 29, 2006, 02:30:12 AM
o.k. care to let me at least in on the secret here...? i plead ignorance... nik.
309 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 29, 2006, 02:01:34 AM
no... bk... i know about the brachot part... i'm referring to the layning part... each one used to read his portion until there were just too many people who couldn't read and so to avoid boosha they decided to call people up but only the newly initiated b'al koreh would read from the torah... when they began saying each one their own brachot before and after each aliyah is later on... i know that came later... i was only talking about the layning... and i know it was the reading part that was the trouble not the trop part... 'cause if they couldn't even read the hebrew how they gonna know the trop? but that's not proof there wasn't any trop to begin with either because when yidden knew to read they all knew to layn also because this is how they all learned... and i have to believe there was always a way to chant the torah not just read it... otherwise why would we make up a way 200 years ago when no one ever did it before...? and how would yemenites who were still cut off from the rest of us know to create a style for themselves as we had and do it exactly when we invented ours... (we all know they have a certain way of chanting even different from other edat hamizrach or other sephardic communities) and so i just know we always sang the torah in some fashion... why or how things changed over the centuries and were modified in differing climes i know not... in fact the yemenite or temani style is probably the original one... just like their lettering which includes a j-sound and a th-sound is probably much closer to the original ivra than either ours or the modern ivrit ...
in fact there is another rayah to my understanding of things because it's brought down in shulchan orach (much further back than just 200 years ago... that's at least 5 or 600 years ago or so... at the very least to there... and once you can go back that far it has to mean you have a system or tradition in something that you are following or tracing backwards... something which must have also been anciently active)... my proof therefore is from hilchot kriat shema... for it is brought down there that it is a hidur mitzvah to say kriat shema with the trop and not just say it or chant it in your own fashion of davening... so there... there is proof there always was cantilation called trop... ha!!!! put that one in your horn and toot on it!!!! nik. out...
310 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Synagogue torched in Yerushalayim on: June 29, 2006, 01:52:05 AM
no make that 2... they said they got a 62 yr. old man from rishon l'zion... is that right? but true... just another lovely day in OUR land... how sweet it is to be home... home sweet home at last... "l'heyot am chofshi b'artzenu..." ah... i can hear the birds cooing and the angels singing... can't you...? nik. out...
311 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert on: June 29, 2006, 01:43:27 AM
come to think of it... the chofetz chaim did have a son who died early... before him... hmm... pulsa d'nura... maybe... but then it took longer than a year to be fulfilled... oh well... trotz-scumbag still paid good and ugly... so however he was cursed it worked thank G-d... and that filth was removed from the earth before he could do any more damage to yidden... so let's just leave these matters for the gedolim and mekubalim... shall we...?... death davening is still an option and open to all of us... come onboard... i'm davening hard for a few prime reshayim jews and gentiles to bite the dust this summer... please Hashem... nik. out...
312 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada on: June 29, 2006, 01:38:33 AM
that's correct... and we can easily do it and get away with it... they can't stop all of us all the time from fighting back... i say fight back even dirtier than they do with us... start smashing their babies on rocks and burning their schools down with their kids inside... why should only jewish children end up babyfood for the ravens...? nik. in a rage out....
313 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The IDF can't do ANYTHING right.... on: June 29, 2006, 01:32:24 AM
and i say you're right about Hashem but He also lets these rashayim have the run of the place because we do nothing to stand up to them and take them down... we are doing nada... zero... zippo... efes... shoom davar... kloom... nik. out...
314 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada on: June 29, 2006, 12:21:21 AM
no they deserve the same treatment they give us... they kidnap and murder random people whoever they can lay their filthy hands on... so we should give 'em back exactly what they do to us... indiscriminate killing of their kids is not an atrocity... it is what they so richly deserve and it will end their reign of terror... nik. out...
315 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The IDF can't do ANYTHING right..../think about it... on: June 28, 2006, 11:16:58 PM
let me ask you guys a question... you know i already know the answer... but what do you say...
when the soldiers were ambushed and kidnapped a few years back in lebanon why didn't we invade? when the two from the reserves or off-duty or on leave took a wrong turn and ended up lynched why did we not invade? why only now are the idf and is. gov. all of a sudden sprung into action... with such anger and outrage? how dare you...? etc. etc.
if idf guys are so "sacred" as everyone goes on and on about why only now? i won't bother you with my answer... you know it anyway... this is staged, pre-planned, cynically contrived just for effect... you know... "conspiracy" stuff... etc. etc... but what say you as to the inconsistency in policy...? nik. out...
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October 20, 2006, 01:37:15 PM
Search: Advanced search Welcome to discussion boards. Feel free to discuss any topic pertaining to Revava, Israel or Judaism. 20341 Posts in 2427 Topics by 341 Members
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316 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert on: June 28, 2006, 10:08:17 PM
so what if it wasn't exactly within the year... maybe the chofetz chaim just cursed him and didn't use a pulsa which is supposed to result in the death of one of your own as a trade off... (kach shemati)... the point you all are missing is that when he did die it wasn't a natural death... it was a tremendous mita meshuna and it was a crushingly huge and exquisitely delicious kiddush Hashem!!!! like i said... a tzadik gozer Hashem mekayim!!!! so better get your wheaties and don't piss-off any tzadikim... nik. out...
317 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada/let's give 'em back exactly what they dish out... on: June 28, 2006, 09:56:34 PM
hey great lines... truth... here's what i advocate... they want all their prisoners to come home... they say homicide bombing is a legitimate form of protest and/or act of warfare... fine... o.k. let 'em all go... take them out... strap them with explosives and hurl them sans shute from planes and copters over gaza and the west bank... let's see how much they enjoy suicide bombers on their heads... over their schools and restaurants... in their homes... mida k'neged mida... man i want their blood!!!! genocide now baby!!!! genocide now... nekamah is the only path to true justice and real peace... nik. out...
318 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / oh... would that it weren't true... would that it wasn't so... on: June 28, 2006, 01:40:02 AM
again... i didn't predict it... i didn't prophecize it... i put two and two together... just follow the murderers... guiliani and silverstein... but i do admit probably shouldn't say it... you won't believe me anyway... i did dream june... i heard it in a dream... not the 22nd... not that it wouldn't go down... i fully thought it would and was scared to death it might... so out of concern for those innocent potential-victims and their families... i risked ridicule and i called a jewish homicide cop in s.f. and tipped him off as to my concern and my theory... if he did anything about it i don't know yet... but if he did... maybe the buzz around chicago by the decent cops and crimefighters got it to be broken up and unable to be followed through on... they said it came from a tip that they found these guys... anyway... all i did was put the scenario together because i know 9/11 was a fraud... an inside job... and i got help from Hashem for june... that's all that happened... that's all i'm claiming...
and i know it all from book by jayne davis... "the third terrorist"... she proves a massive fbi cover-up of that tragedy and proves who did it... that mcveigh had arab (iraqi) help "john doe #2" and names him and proves he was working as a baggage something or other in logan airport on the morning of 9/11... and voila! there you go... there you have it... game, set and match... the truth is out... glaring you if you are objective right in the face... and that story as to how it could be that our gov. would ever block an investigation of foreign terrorism on our soil... that coupled with the fact that the borders were and are still so very porous and were so even in the immediate wake of 9/11... (only airports were closed and no one was flying then anyway... so no great loss or hardship then)... it just didn't make any sense if these were real events perpetrated by real enemies against our country and its citizenry... and thus this made me see it was all a set-up... all a ruse... a deadly lie... and then when tali hatuel and all her children were genocided like that on sunday may 8, 2004... on the very day the likud voted down sharon's disengagement plan... it made me cry out even more than all the other events since oslo in '93... why are jews still dying if we've caved-in and given it all away already... on paper at least... in principle if not completely yet in reality...? i said to myself it just doesn't all add up... this shouldn't be happening... none of these things... not here and not there... and so i know... i know... it's just true... all of it... these are vicious killers running our gov. running this planet... and in the face of this much evil... like avraham avinu said in confrontation with nimrod... when they threw him into the kivshan haaish... in the face of all this evil... how can you NOT rebel?!!!!! that's how i know these things... this is why my life is forfeit for this cause... as should every jew on earth do... we must fight nimrod/esav/amalek/rome... it is now or never... now or never... nik. out...
319 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert on: June 28, 2006, 01:18:59 AM
anyway he said....
"we are paying the price in the shmad of our children because when the jewish communists came around to harass us and destroy torah from our youth we did not take up arms to challenge them but cowered in fear... had we been willing to fight... yes we may have lost many lives but maybe they would have failed to kill our children spiritually..." or something to that effect... i have on this site in one of my diatribes the exact wording and if anyone wishes to see it precisely i will dig it up for you upon request... nik. out...
320 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "Only Olmert can"/"ice cream, candy, cigaretts.... get your programs here!" on: June 27, 2006, 11:09:21 PM
i know... and truly my heart and my prayers go out to them and their families... but don't count on olmert to save the day... all our efforts always look good at the start of an operation like today and end dismal failures... (like in jenin... remember?)... besides... olmert doesn't give a damn about the two kidnapped boys... no matter what his rhetoric... he's just as callous and cold-hearted as peres ("missles shmissels" or whatever the hell he said... yemach shemo v'zichro too... oh i can't wait for that bastard to die... i ache as much for him to kick as i did for arafat)... anyway... that's not what all of this is about... this operation is just for show; a sick, minipulative performance of muscle-flexing and chest-pounding for olmert... he's only in it to shore up his right side and score some brownie points for toughness... (only this time it won't work 'cause we're all onto these deceptions and lies)... (been there, done that, got the photo and the tee-shirt... thankyou very much)... you'll see (hope i'm wrong)... we won't come anywhere near crushing hamas as we know they deserve... as we know we should for our own survival... only way those boys are coming back not in bodybags is if we do a deal and let terrorists and murderers walk... (people who... pchhh... "people"... animals who shouldn't even be in jail... creatures who we should have long ago executed in the first place if true justice were really being served here for us, the vicitms and their families which is never the case anymore... pchh... "true justice"... what an empty, hollow and twisted phrase that has become)... and so we're always left wondering... huh? what happened...? what went wrong...? we have the power... so why did we let those vile scumbuckets off the hook yet again...? and the answer is we are not our own masters... we serve rome... i.e. the u.s. period end of discussion... mark my words... nothin's gonna happen good here... lo alenu... just more dashed hopes and further demoralized jews until we give-in and let 'em give the rest of the country away... and right on cue... just when we thought things couldn't possibly get any worse... here comes the nazi-pope to take over har habayit and all of yerushalayim... while we continue to do nothing but stare out into empty space; open-mouthed in complete disbelief... when we should be burning that evil abomination... the knesset (that nasty nest of lying vipers; that iniquitous den of gutter-swiping thieves and murderers of jews) right down to the to the very ground!!!! nik. in bitter outrage and in total and utter disgust... out... as in OUT!!!!!
321 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada on: June 27, 2006, 11:03:43 PM
revolution now!!!!! coup now!!!!! nik.
322 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert/kain yehi ratzon!!!!! on: June 27, 2006, 11:02:54 PM
count me in... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam vaed... death by DivIne hand only... death davening baby is coming to a traitor near you... better eat your wheaties... nik.out...
323 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Only Olmert can" -- bumper stickers, t-shirts and more! on: June 27, 2006, 03:21:30 AM
let's see if he can even handle a crisis with a single jew... btwym my money is on hamas to make him look like the horse's ass he truly is...... nik. out...
324 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and now for something totally different... vindication!!! on: June 27, 2006, 03:19:38 AM
until G-d forbid it's time to cry... and that time is fast approaching because of mockers like you... laugh all you want but you ignore my warning at your own peril... nik. sadly signing out...
325 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and now for something totally different... vindication!!! on: June 27, 2006, 02:46:06 AM
hamaven yaven... hamaven yaven...i think it's much better for you if you don't know at all... you aren't ready for what i have to say... nik. out...
326 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and now for something totally different... vindication!!! on: June 26, 2006, 10:45:24 PM
as for the rest of you guys... i see crow-eating is not one of your strong suits... you should at least give-it-up when you are proven wrong... but i guess that's expecting too much from you... huh? nik.
327 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 26, 2006, 10:43:57 PM
no... it is brought down (in the mishna bruera on kriat hatorah) that it used to be that everyone called up for an aliyah read his own portion but when am aratzet increased in order not to embarass someone who couldn't read (as in even read)they switched to having a ba'al koreh and then even those who could read didn't... now layning without the trop is of course yotzei the mitzvah but why do we have it now in the first place? why is it such a big-deal? probably because it was always sung and our version which is only as old as you say it is is a development from what used to be... what was... not out of thin air from nothing... get it? we are just amplifying what our forefathers did... we wouldn't innovate without any reason... where else have we ever done that? to do something totally without precedent? why we changed from their ancient minhag of how to layn i know not... but i know we just didn't invent it out of whole cloth one day as a good idea to make bar mitzvah boys go nuts!!!! nik. out...
328 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Urgent campaign to keep David Ha'Ivri out of jail on: June 26, 2006, 10:33:48 PM
i'll do what i can from here... nik.
329 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi? on: June 23, 2006, 03:38:37 AM
no but once the word was out that hitler was serious there were millions of jews who would have wanted to flee to israel, america or britain but were restrained from doing so... had those first few boatloads of jews been successful you don't think millions would have followed suit and fled... had there been anywhere to run to? and another thing irks me... you guys know nothing... ever hear of betar? well... jabotinsky had 200,000 almost fully armed jews in poland and he was trying to get them on the move to wipe out the jewish agency traitorous filth... but hitler struck early and davka poland... guess who gave ol' adolph-baby the intelligence that jabotinsky was almost ready to fight? jabotinsky knew what was tutzach in the velt... how those vile jews were selling out their brethren... he tried to stop them... nik. out...
330 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 23, 2006, 03:35:24 AM
here yissacher knock yourself out... ta... nik.
History of Chazzanut and Congregational Singing (Nigunim)
The Cantorial Terms: Nusach, Scarbove, MiSinai, Freygish, Ahavah-Rabbah Mode, et al
Zogekhts: Sections of the liturgy that are traditionally chanted by the cantor in a brisk tempo (allegro) with minimal or no repeating of words. Examples are U-v'kheyn Teyn Pakh-d'kho, Atoh V'khar-tonu, Atoh Zoykheyr and Atoh Nigleyso for the High Holydays; Atoh V'khar-tonu and Mi-p'ney kha-to-eynu for the Sholosh R'golim; and Tikanto Shabbos Rotsiso Korb'noyseho for the Sabbath -- as opposed to a retshtativ, below.
(Also spelled Zogachts, Zogechts, Zogachtz, Zogechtz.)
RetshtaTIVn (singular: retshtaTIV): Recitatives / Cantorial Solos - Sections of the liturgy that are traditionally chanted by the cantor in a dramatic operatic manner, with much repeating of words. Nowadays, are rarely used during actual synagogue prayer-services, as their use unduly lengthens the services to the dismay of today's worshippers. Instead, retshtativn are usually performed only at Cantorial Concerts. A good example is Cantor Murray Bazian chanting V'Nireyhu Ayin B'Ayin and Av HoRakhamim Hu Y'Rakheym Am Amusim (plays streaming using RealPlayer).
freygish (פֿרייגיש): To read what exactly this term means, go to this page on the KlezmerShack website, which is entitled "The Sub-Mode System of the Ahava Rabboh Mode (Freygish)." (Also spelled freigish, פרייגיש)
oberkantor (אָבער־קאַנטאָר): chief cantor (also spelled ober-kantor, obercantor, אבערקאנטאר ,אבער־קאנטאר )
khazn sheyni (חזן־שני): second cantor (also spelled chazzan sheini, chazzan sheni, khazan sheyni)
The first reference below is an email from Cantor Sherwood Goffin of New York's Lincoln Square Synagogue, from his email posted on the website. I have edited and annotated Cantor Goffin's words -- Yos'l, March 2004.
Date: Thu, 10 July 2003
From: Sherwood Goffin <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Nigunim in Shul (Congregational Singing in the Synagogue)
Dear Mr. Dixler, amv"sh
The oldest source is the Sefer Chassidim (R" Yehuda Ha Chasid) 1148-1217 c.e., who forbids using the melody of one part of the tefillah (prayer service) or kriah (Bible reading) for a different tefillah or kriah. We know that the Maharam MiRuttenberg, about 50 years later, started to standardize the musical nusach hatefillah. For instance, in his day, all the Kaddeyshim for Yom Tov used the tune of Tal/Geshem. During his lifetime they began to evolve into separate melodies for Maariv Rosh HaShonah, Shacharis, Musaf, Neilah, etc.
The Shulchan Aruch (1488-1575) extensively quotes the Maharil (R' Jacob Moelin - chief Rabbi of the Rhineland c.1375-1450) as to minhagei tefillah.
The Maharil was the Posek (Halachic authority) for the largest Jewish communities of the day - Worms, Speyer, Mayence, Regensberg, etc. He was upset at the "foreign" elements intruding in the melody of tefillah, and he set out to determine which versions were the true ones (MiSinai or Scarbova). He was able to do that because of the Crusades that brought Jews from all over Europe to seek safety in the Rhineland. He examined the different musical strains, and determined which were authentic. His P'sak (Halachic ruling) - that "Ein L'Shanos" - one may not change the musical Nusach of a community, is standardized as Halacha by the Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 619). You can, of course, see that in the Mishneh Brura as well. He was also responsible for standardizing Nusach Ashkenaz in the form that our Siddur takes, and in many minhagim, such as the chazzan (cantor) starting to chant HaMelech from his seat, (before ascending to the Omed), etc.
After the turn of the 20th Century, The nascent Young Israel Movement sought to bring young people into shul by emulating the Chassidim by introducing Nigunim (rhythmic congregational singing) to their minyanim (heretofore this was verboten). Until then, no one "sang" (i.e., with a fixed rhythm) Kel Odon or L'cho Dodi - there is a nusach (classic arrhythmic chanting) that you even hear today -- that was carefully adhered to.
The Young Israel initiative started the trend in non-chassidic shuls to use nigunim (congregational singing) to supplement the nusach (NOT replace it). Believe it or not, through the 1950's and even the 1960s it was still frowned upon by mainstream shuls (and by reactionary sticklers like Yos'l).
Many of the first Young Israel nigunim were taken from the reform choral pieces of Germany and Austria, such as the entire Hotsoas Hatorah (taking out of the Torah from the Ark) melody, including "Vayehi Bin'soa HoOron"/ "Ki Mitzion." Even (rythmic melodies like) the universal "Shma Yisroel" were all reform compositions. But, there was very little else out there, and that is why they used them. Today, we have to be careful not to use nigunim where they don't belong, and not to erase the nusach (classic arrhythmic chanting) as a result.
Some (like Yos'l) think it is now frumer to NOT sing nigunim, and that is a bit of hisnagdut (opposition). Nigunim are part of Zeh Keli V'Anveyhu. We just have to use seychel (common sense). My guidelines are the 4 M's: Mode (nusach), Mood, Meaning and Min HaMikdosh (not from secular sources).
Incidentally, many of the favorite KAJ melodies are these aforementioned compositions of The Reform - Lewandowski, Sulzer, et al. I guess we have "kashered" them over the last century and one-half by using them in Avodas Hakodesh (Synagogue Prayer-Services).
Shalom, Chazzan Sherwood Goffin, Lincoln Sq. Synagogue, N.Y.,
Faculty Belz School of Jewish Music at Yeshiva University
The next reference is the website entitled The Origins of Chazzanut at At this website there is an excellent definitions of the word scarbova (or skarbove). The following quotes are from that website.
The period between the wars (World Wars I and II) is generally regarded as the 'Golden Age of Chazzanut.' This is the time when legendary Chazzanim such as Kwartin, Sirota, Hershman, and Rosenblatt flourished. Simply put, these men had the ability to make people cry. Their singing and pleading with the Almighty would send shivers up and down the spines of their congregants, and they were able to raise them to high levels of communion with G-d.
(It is, perhaps, beyond the scope of this article to rationalise this, but I'm certain that it was the environment in which people lived that enabled these cantors to achieve it. People living in poverty, who could not afford to see a doctor when they were ill and were frequently out of work, were more easily moved than we can be today in our more affluent society. When the Chazzan pleaded with the L-rd to grant people who were unemployed and living through a war 'a life of peace, a life of sustenance, and life in which there's no shame and reproach...,' it was not difficult to make them cry.)
There are also many melodies, rather than modes, which are very ancient. In the Ashkenazi (European) rites they are referred to as Scarbove Niggunim, (the word Scarbove is probably a corruption of the Latin word sacra meaning 'sacred'), or MiSinai-melodies, i.e., melodies transmitted from Mount Sinai (!). These titles undoubtedly came about as a means by which to invest them with sanctity, and so discourage Chazzanim from altering them.
Most of these Scarbove tunes came from Southwestern Germany, from the old communities of Worms, Mayence and the Rhinelands. Examples of them are Aleinu for the Yamim Noraim (High Holidays), and Adir Hu for Pesach.
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The following is quoted from the UAHC website
The two pillars of Jewish melodic continuity are: a) the cantillation of the Torah, and b) the chanting of certain prayers for a given liturgical function. Cantillation (in Hebrew: Ta'amey Haneginah or Ta'amey Hamikra, or in Greek: Trope -- also the Yiddish Trop) is the musical reading/chanting of the books of the Torah: the Five Books of Moses, the Prophets, Book of Psalms, Book of Ruth, etc.
The pattern of chanting of specific prayers (Nusach Hatefillah), as well as the Cantillation of the Torah has survived -- in spite of its unavoidable evolutions and regional adjustments to the tonality of the musical environment in the many countries of the Jewish diaspora.
Before we proceed to analyze the sources of these musical motifs, which were the basis of the "tradition" (Minhag), let us examine the form of worship, the "Service" in the Holy Temple (the "Bet Hamikdash") in ancient Jerusalem, which influenced the later "Service" in the Jewish Synagogue, and the even later format of the Christian Service:
In the Bet Hamikdash, the Priests (Kohanim) were in charge. They would perform the animal sacrifices, would bless the Congregation (Lev. 9:22), and on Yom Kippur the Priest would confess his sins and the sins of all of Israel (Lev. 16).
The Levites (Levi'im), who performed a wide variety of functions in the maintenance of the Temple were also the musicians of the Temple. They sang Psalms, prescribed for each day, played the instruments, such as the harps we mentioned earlier, the Chatzotzera, the Chalil, the Ugav and the Shofar and the cymbals.
A.Z. Idelsohn, in his Jewish Music, Chapter I, tells us that even in the First Temple (from about 955 B.C.E. under King Solomon to 586 B.C.E., when destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia), the Blessing before the Sh'ma (the Creed), certain benedictions, the Ten Commandments were already used and probably sung.
The Second Temple was rebuilt about 516 B.C.E. During its existence the Service was expanded, and it is from that time that certain traditions in singing such prayers as the Ahava Raba, the Benedictions of the Amidah (silent standing prayer), the Sim Shalom, the Hallel (Prayers of Praise of the L-rd), etc., can be traced. (Mishna Tamid, Mishna Arachin XI, 3-6, among the sources). The musical part of the Service was usually a responsive chanting by the Levites and the Congregation, accompanied by instruments.
Both the Biblical Cantillation and the Chanting of Prayers were taught to the Congregation by the Levites by a method which we call Chironomy: a system of hand-signs for each musical motif. This became especially formalized in the Cantillation of the Torah, which was chanted in regular intervals: every Monday and Thursday (the market-days in Jerusalem) and on the Sabbath, as well as on the Holy Days. Originally, these Tropes, the tunes for the Torah Cantillation, were taught by rote with the hand signs, which eventually were put on parchment in a pictorial way. This actually constituted the earliest musical script known in our culture. These Trope signs were eventually systematized and transcribed by Aaron ben Asher in Tiberias in the 9th century. They were then re-transcribed into the evolving common musical script, the Neumes, which were the foundation of our present musical script.
We can detect the ancient roots of the Cantillation and of some of the prayer tunes by comparing the similarity of the Yemenite, Syrian and other Oriental Jews, who for centuries lived isolated from each other; or by comparing these melodies with early Christian chants, which were sung in the Byzantine (Eastern) Church. We can follow the evolution of these tunes into the tonality of German, Lithuanian, and other European Jewish communities and see them again reflected in tunes of the Gregorian chants of the Church, the musical foundation of Catholic Liturgy.
Thus, we find that the enforced diaspora and the will for spiritual survival of the Jews brought about a way to record their original music, which in turn was used and adapted by the Christian Church, which became a dominant influence in European music for many centuries. Of course, there were elements in Church music other than the Hebrew influence, but it is this Hebrew element in Christian music which inspired many centuries of musical development throughout the Western culture.
All the patterns of musical cantillation and chanting can be categorized in a system of tonal groups called modes. Although the "mode" is the ancestor of our present "scale," and can in fact be described as a scale the tones of which are used to form a melody, the word "mode" comes from the Latin "modus," which is the root of our English word "mood," and I think this is no coincidence. A "mode" expressed a certain mood in which the tune was sung, or was meant to be sung. Thus, even though a "mode" of a prayer-tune (Nusach) may have changed in time and place, the "mood" did not, or should not. It is one of the constant factors in an ever-changing process of "minhag" (tradition).
The Modes of Cantillation vary slightly geographically, but they have certain common constant elements; the mode of chanting the Torah during the week and on the Sabbath, the mode of chanting the same Torah for the High Holy Days, the mode of chanting the Prophets (the Haftarah), and the modes of chanting other books of the Bible
The modes of prayers may be categorized into the eight modes, which more or less coincide with the early Church-Tones. These in turn were rationally explained to be based on the Greek modes, such as Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Myxo-Lydian, Aeolian, etc., which were the forerunners of our Major, Minor and eventually Chromatic (12-tone) scales.
The main modes (called "Steigers") which have survived in our Synagogue music, and which have also influenced a great deal of our Jewish folk music, are: a) the Magen Avot Mode, b) the Adoshem Malach Mode and c) the Ahavah Rabah Mode (which is also an Arabic mode, the makam "Hedjaz"). The names of these modes are taken from the initial words of prayers, which were chanted on the Shabbat. Then there are the many modes in which prayers on Holy Days were chanted, such as Hallel (Praise), Viddui (confession), Geshem (prayer for rain) and Tal (prayer for dew); and, as we said, the modes of the Cantillation.
Before we follow the development of Synagogue music from its ancient roots to the many eras and areas, let us first again go back to some of the historical discoveries of some aspects of Jewish music, which found its expression not only in the Synagogue, but also outside.
MiSinai Tunes
During the 11th century, a whole group of melodies evolved among the Jews of the Rhineland in Western Germany, which were to become the traditional Nusach Hatefillah, the prayer tunes for every occasion of worship: morning, noon, and night, Sabbath and weekday, Festival and High Holy Days. These tunes were given the name of Scarbova melodies, or later MiSinai tunes. The word scarbove is a derivative of the Latin word sacra, meaning "holy." MiSinai merely underlines the traditional character of the tunes, as if they actually came from "Mount Sinai." However, they did express, in the new tonality of Western Europe, an evolved form of the traditional modes.
It is also about this time that we can see the emergence of Z'mirot — the "table songs."
The basic modes, which originated in the Middle East, and were transformed into the various tonalities under other people's influences, were:
S'licha — mode (penitence)
Viddui — mode (confession and vows)
Adoshem Malach — mode (after a prayer based on psalm #93)
Magen Avot — mode (Friday night, later used in many folksongs)
Ahava Raba — mode (Sabbath morning, a late mode, but Mideastern)
The Cantillation modes of many books of the Torah.
It is interesting to note that the time of the evolving MiSinai tunes also coincides with the flowering of the European troubadours and Minnesingers. There are many melodies which can be traced to a mixture of Minnesong, and Nusach. There were also a number of Jewish Minnesingers, such as Suskind von Trimberg, whose poetry we know but whose tunes were mostly lost to us.
The language of 11th century Germany was Mittel-Hoch-Deutsch or medieval German. It was the language which the Jews of that area spoke, just as the Jews of Persia spoke Persian, and the Jews of Spain spoke Spanish. But the Jews in all these countries not only adopted the language, they also adapted it, by mixing it with some Hebrew and inventing their own idiomatic words, such as scarbove for "holy," or Mazeldig for "lucky" [made up from the Hebrew mazal (luck) and the Germanic adverbial ending –ig].
Thus, in Central Europe, Yiddish was born -- just as in far-away Bokharia (an ancient eastern province of Persia) Judeo-Persian was born, and in Spain "Judeo-Espanol" was born, which later was called Ladino. Since the Jews saved their own Hebrew for use in worship and study (Lashon Kodesh - Holy Tongue), they spoke and wrote and sang in their adopted/adapted languages.
The Jews entered Spain in 700 C.E. together with the Moors from North Africa and built strong and prospering communities there for several centuries. Together with their Semitic cousins, they also left a very strong imprint on Spanish culture, which became especially permanent in music. Ladino songs have the kind of "Spanish" flavor which is already a result of this Semitic influence on Spain. But most of the Ladino folksongs which we hear sung today come from communities of Sephardic (Spanish) Jews who left Spain a long time ago and can be traced to other musical influences, mostly from the Mediterranean countries, where these Jews settled: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, etc.
It should be pointed out that the reference which is made to "Sephardim" and "Ashkenazim" today, especially in Israel, bears little resemblance to the original meaning of these words: Sephardi means "Spaniard" and Ashkenazi means "German." Today it relates to the liturgical ritual customs which developed in the communities of originally "Ashkenazic" Jews in Central and later in Eastern Europe, (whose Yiddish was a Germanic language once), and in the communities of the once Spanish Jews, the Sephardim, who originally were Oriental Jews, and after their expulsion from Spain migrated back toward the East. The latter's customs and liturgy were still rooted in the Oriental origin, and therefore coincided more with the Jews who had never left the Orient, such as the Yemenite, Syrian, Iraqi and other Mideastern Jews.
Because of this common tradition, we call all Oriental Jews in Israel today "Sephardim," even though they all have had quite different historical experiences in their 2000 years of diaspora.
A final reference is the excellent treatise on The Main Modes of Traditional Cantorial Music. The website is actually entitled "The Main Klezmer Modes" -- because the modes of Klezmer Music are identical with the modes of Cantorial music. Go to "The Main Klezmer Modes, by Josh Horowitz" at the Klezmershack website
In case you've heard chazzanim use the term "Freygish" and wonder what exactly that means, go to this page on the KlezmerShack website, which is entitled "The Sub-Mode System of the Ahava Rabboh Mode (Freygish)"
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331 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi?/a better question... who is a rabbit? on: June 23, 2006, 03:22:51 AM
yes i read the pamphlet too about the holocaust based on the essay by rav meir and the lecture by rav binyamin... and of course all the bickering and in-fighting was real... but that is not my point... my point is the holocaust was a pre-planed, premeditated slaughter by the then ruling world powers and all even america were in on the kill... and jews like the warburgs and the wises and the rothchilds and the montefories and weizmans and the ben gurions, et al... were all in on the plot... all satanic sh.tzvi niks and open nazis to destroy torah jewry so as not to let it flourish and return to eretz yisroel in huge numbers into the millions which would have upset the ol' applecart of what secular (read: kafira and meridut) zionism wanted to happen in the ere-emergence of the nation of israel... they all wanted thing this way... jew and gentile alike... each for their differing reasons... germany, britain, france, america and the erev-rav jews... each wanted the frum jew dead... each had their own reasons and rationale and each helped the other achieve their common goal...
oh is Hashem gonna have a time with this sick world when it comes vengenace-time... i can't wait... i ache for those days.... nik. out...
332 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 23, 2006, 03:13:04 AM
we are not talking about minhag shtut here...we are talking about layning the torah with a trop... if we have a system... jews always had one... and since there are several... yeckish, yeshivish, sefardish, yemenitish, etc. and it all has a melody to it... it had to stem from one way back... what all of a sudden after 3000 years just in the last 200 or so years.... EVERYONE made one up for themselves... what we all got tired of just reading it in a bland voice... and we did so... all at the same moment in time... what ruach hakodesh we all had then.... horsefeathers!!!! every community and eidah had a system of laynen and it all developed from the beginning from har sinai... to say any different is both childish and ignorant... nik. out...
333 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 23, 2006, 02:27:27 AM
never mind... i'll let you have it... no i'll take it... if we have a custom how we sing things in shul then they had one too... what all of a sudden after 3000 plus years... just in the last 200 or so years (according to you) we decided you know what... let's sing this stuff... ?dream on!!! nik.
334 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 23, 2006, 02:12:30 AM
you don't know the everyday birkat hatorah niggun and the special one for the yomin naroiim? which shul or yeshiva did or do you attend? what is wrong with you? nik.
335 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and now for something totally different... vindication!!! on: June 23, 2006, 02:03:36 AM
the news is out... just today they foiled an imminent plot to bomb the sears tower in chicago... i told you this was on the books... in the works... and even told you june was the target date... check back to my post#255 of may 1st... i'm not gloating i'm just chilling in my righteousness... i called this one!!! nik.out...
listen up...
« on: May 01, 2006, 01:43:41 AM »
while we wait to see if i'm right that olmert will never sit as pm on his own direct election... we have something else to worry about...
the only man on the planet to be in ny on 9/11 and in london on the day that their bombs went off was none other than his nibs the "wonder" mayor of the world... rudy guliani... and he was at illinois univ. less than a month ago predicting that 9/11 would not go down in history as the only date on which an al qaeda terrorist strike on american soil occurred... (his actual words)... (he's already correct because okl. city was the first one anyway) but that's another story; not for now...
meanwhile thanks to the loosechange video on 9/11 we now know that the satanic jew... larry silverstein the then owner of tower 7 leased the rest of the trade center bldgs. and property from the rockefeller conglomerate group barely 6 weeks before 9/11 and insured it from terrorist attack to the tune of 3.5 billion dollars worth...
and so... well... i'm sad to have to be the one to inform you G-d forbid... but i'm afraid here we go again... because i just learned that last week or so he leased the metlife/sears and roebuck bldg and complex in... you guessed it... none other than the windy city... chicago, illinois...
and so you guys can do the math from here... put two and two together and you can easily see another 9/11 in the offing... looming just beneath the horizon... perhaps as soon as june... chas v'shalom... beware and be forewarned... and get the word out... suspect any land or bldg. that silverstein either owns or leases... these nazis think we are so stupid that they can perpetrate and get away with anything and right under our noses to boot... what arrogance and hubris... what disgustingly evil men and women {condi} they all are... they must be stopped... we have to stand up against them or they will enslave the world... nikmatdam... out...
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 06:16:19 AM »
1. Olmert WILL sit in office, so enough with the retarded "predictions"! (Although I suppose if he does you'll make some stupid excuse.)
2. I gaurantee you that there were thousands of people who were in NY for the terror attacks, and then in Londo fo 7/7. People travel, and the fact is that NY and London are two of the biggest cities (finacially/economically) in the world... In fact, I was in NY 1 month beforehand, and I was here in London on 7/7... O oh...
3. I think you're a little confused. Do you even know what a "Nazi" is?
It's always the paranoid or obsessive compulsive ones who refer to everyone they don't like as "nazis"...
( Sorry, but I just love family guy!!! )
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 06:20:16 AM by BK » Report to moderator Logged
"The Land will not be atoned for the blood which has been spilled upon it, except through the blood of those who spilled it..." (Isaiah 14:16)
Hero Member
Posts: 2002
Re: listen up...
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 10:19:56 AM »
Let me tell you all how really deeply worried I am about the US Let al qaida strike and destroy half the country (without any Jews getting hurt), boo fu""ety hoo The americans will never learn that you cannot appease animals and that economic interests do not come before morality, unless they are taught a very painfull lesson first.
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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Posts: 748
Re: listen up.../behave people...
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2006, 12:35:54 PM »
i'm not making any excuses... i really believe he won't sit... of course i'm disappointed at today's news that shas was so shamelessly bought off... and if that is the difference then i was wrong... but it took a bunch of traitors to make me so...
as far as 9/11 and 7/7 are concerned...
only the ignorant, the petrified and the complicit will refuse to see the connection and the convergence of guliani and silverstein... of course satanic larry didn't own the train stations in london... or did he? hmmm! nik. out... way out... huh?
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Re: listen up...
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 12:41:59 PM »
I thought the freemasons and the templars were controlling the world! Damn it was the guliannis all along!
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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Posts: 773
Re: listen up...
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2006, 12:44:05 PM »
its the elders of zion i thought?
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The highest level of faith is faith which is clear without philosophical speculation. Kuzari
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Re: listen up...
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2006, 12:47:26 PM »
I think that before he died, Jerry Garcia managed to dose all the water sources in the world with acid
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Posts: 2401
Re: listen up...
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2006, 12:58:17 PM »
Rubbish. I control the world! In a few days time I shall make a vague and intensely malleable "prediction," and prove my leadership of the NWO.
In fact, here's a little taster: out of the next 100 cars you see, at least one will be red.
Either that, or I'll make an inconsequental statement that cannot be disproved simply because I offered no proof for it in the first place. For example: there are aliens in my backyard, and they have formed a colony underground so noone can see them...
Wow, this psycho stuff is sorta fun - now I see why so many people do it!...
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"The Land will not be atoned for the blood which has been spilled upon it, except through the blood of those who spilled it..." (Isaiah 14:16)
Hero Member
Posts: 2002
Re: listen up...
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2006, 02:36:53 PM »
Nik is going to go postal on you guys!
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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Posts: 263
Re: listen up...
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2006, 06:23:33 PM »
Quote from: British_chabadnik on May 01, 2006, 12:44:05 PM
its the elders of zion i thought?
, i saw a documentary of that on cinamax yesturday ( its on demand now). on one part their was this black guy who said Jews control everything , who da mayor of dis city - blimBEEg, then the other guy is like what about when Guliani was the mayor, and the black guys like listin to what your saying - JEWW-liani.
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Re: listen up.../yuk it up morons just as long as you don't f-ck it up!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2006, 04:42:52 AM »
bravo!!! author! author! you guys crack me up... mock me if you must but that doesn't alter the fact not one iota that israel is staring doe-like into the crosshairs of another holocaust (chas v'shalom) right now!!! and the same "fine" folks who brought you 9/11 did the holocaust and ache to do another one on us and are indeed plotting one right at this very moment while you guys are all so busy being consumed with yuking it up!!! so have at it guys!!! get a good laugh at my expense... just as long as our enemies don't get the last laugh... that will be enough for me... i will be glad to have been nothing but a raving lunatic and we are and always were really safe from danger all along... that will be much to my satisfaction... i will be fine with that... but if i am right... G-d forfend... what then? will you also be fine with all of your unkind latzonot? nik. out of his flippin' mind!!! huh?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2006, 04:57:14 AM by nikmatdam » Report to moderator
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Posts: 298
forum badass
Re: listen up...
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2006, 05:55:42 AM »
and the black guys like listin to what your saying - JEWW-liani.
That man aptly demonstrated the limitted nature of the African "mind".
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History will remember Israelis as the greatest nation to ever live. They are just sooooooo cool. Any negative characteristics they have are just because of brainwashing. I love them all and especially all holy IDF soliders. I heart Israel.
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Re: listen up...
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2006, 09:08:35 AM »
Extazy, whats this documentary called
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Posts: 748
Re: listen up.../and so...
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2006, 05:53:29 PM »
are rafi eitan and effie eitan related...? bros? then they are both pusul and not on our side just like sharon wasn't and don't let the kippah and frumkeit or the broken bones at amona fool you... if rafi did to pollard what arutz7's newstory today suggests then they are sick jews and should be shunned... nik. just mindin' the store while i completely melt down!!! ta... nikie pooh and goodnight... also please G-d... let this issue before the israeli courts take down this perfidious coalition before it even takes office for a single day... amen... see how in reporting yesterday the news that shas joining put them over the top how they lumped together as one figure (36) the 28 of kadima with the 8 of the pensioners? that means they were in cahoots all along and the 36 combined was always there for the taking... they just made it look close or some other disgusting political rot reason to appear to have been opposing and competing parties when all along they were duping the voting public as to their affiliation and duality... probably cooked the books or votes for the geezers as well so as not to have to cheat on too great a scale on their own party name and accord... you can fool all the people all the time... but you can't fool Hashem or me... nikmatdam one of His humble servants... the whole damn thing stinks to low hell and high heaven... take rafi eitan out and those 8 seats will crumble leaving just 59 left.... thank you very muich Hashem... boruch Hashem!!! justice for jonathan pollard now!!!! a true, true jewish hero and prisioner of zion... an exalted jew of great suffering, yesurim and superior mesirat nefesh!!!! i mean he really laid it all out there on the line for us!!! be grateful and show hakorot hatov by davening for him and by davening for the death of all those involved in his arrest, conviction, incarceration and most of all for his betrayal... may he be blessed with freedom and light and goodness all his days and forever.... amen selah!!!! (i am mekanah his olam haba... it is awesome to contemplate... but i just pray he gets a little of this world as well before his 120 are up... and let us all say amen again!)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2006, 06:40:12 PM by nikmatdam » Report to moderator
Posts: 739
f.k.a. LTKN
Re: listen up...
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2006, 06:46:42 PM »
Rafael EitaN, Effi EitaM. You'll have to forgive me if that's as far as I managed to get with your post...
In a bad mood, as usual
336 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I'm through with Protesting - - by David Ha'Ivri on: June 23, 2006, 01:59:23 AM
right you are... it's time to revolt!!! nik.
337 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 23, 2006, 01:57:49 AM
it is in shulchan orech that a woman can layn the megillah in those above stated circumstances... and therefore you see by torah a woman's voice is not kol isha in that context... yes that is my source and i'm sticking by it... we also have a source therein where women technically can be given aliyot except it wouldn't be zneut for the men to SEE her reciting the brachot during davening on their side of the mechitza... and it is not due to their voices being heard... another rayah... and we always had a niggun for birkat hatorah... my other rayah is from az yashir moshe... you going to tell me that wasn't singing and dancing too??? you shallow, disrespectful, selective boor!!! nik. out... your torah knowledge couldn't fill a thimble!!!!
338 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: thank you politicians... on: June 23, 2006, 01:44:25 AM
and i'm sure they'd all tell you... "you're welcome..." because this is exactly what they have tried to do... in concert with their marching orders to set israel up to fall in the next war with the arabs... the goal is for mutual destruction of both arabs and jews... so that what is left of the world afterwards... in the christian and moslem world that is... and among the very few remaining kapo-erev-rav jews all now living under rome in a one world gov. one world religion... led by the vatican and by the throne of england (along with the nobility of the rest of europe) and i'm sure i don't need to tell you that this does not include us and is not and will not be in a united world under moshaich nor under Hashem and His torah either... nik.
339 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi?/almost nobody alive today... on: June 23, 2006, 01:33:30 AM
you know not of what you speak... since sh.tzvi hit the jewish world there have been jews fighting and plotting to kill all religious jews and rid the world of torah altogether... hence the planned and carefully orchestrated holocaust which was carried out almost to completion... ww2 wasn't so much a war as it was an extermination party brought to you by all of the lovely world leaders to decimate european torah jewry... and they almost succeeded... this is the real reason no country would take any jews in fleeing from hitler's inferno... save for the dominican rpublic (55, 000) and a few others... they all were in collusion to spill our blood... and this is why britain could wantonly defy the league of nations' mandate of 1919 to lop off jordan from being part of the jewish homeland promised in the balfour dec. of 1917... this is why in 1922 they did this because they had plans already in the works back then to do us in... in fact as my last post in a week or two will show... all the wars 1 & 2 were planned in advance and so is the soon coming ww3... G-d forbid... as you shall all see soon... very soon... nik. out...
340 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / yehareg v'al yavor... people now.... yehareg v'al yavor!!! on: June 23, 2006, 01:16:12 AM
of course it is... my point though is that we are all sinning... we are chayiv to follow the laws of kiddush Hashem over a mitzvah the goyim wish to break us of... any mitzvah... and so we have a clear order min hashamayim... yehareg v'al yavor... but we choose to transgress out of fear instead... every damn time!!!! nik. out in disgust...
341 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yonatan Pollard's marriages on: June 23, 2006, 01:04:03 AM
i heard his first wife turned on the family after her release even though jonathan had signed his plea bargain (the one they reneged on) only because of how ill she was and how cruelly she was being treated in prison by the authorities... otherwise he would have fought the charges in open court... something the gov. couldn't tolerate since their case was bogus against him anyway... i mean they had him on something... just not on the thing that ol' caspar yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam vaed pulled out of his hat to have the key thrown away on him... this is the worst case of anti-semitism and the worst travesty and miscarriage of justice in u.s. history... even more than by the rosenbergs which was a lie too back then with only a smiddgen of truth to it...
in any event... when she got out she changed and kept telling the family not to fight for a re-trial because it would hurt his chances for a pardon and they got angry at her and their marriage fell apart... (this from his father whom i met in l.a. and heard speak 10 plus years ago or so... anyway that's the story from here)... nik. out...
342 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***blake, floyd and arlo guthrie....*** on: June 22, 2006, 12:54:51 AM
here's a little more of the goyish intent to steal jerusalem from us and to continue to claim themselves to be the chosen people of G-d (israel) they also claim yashka came down from his cross and moved to england or at least his brother james did... so they say... so they say.... nik.
(by william burke)
"and did those feet in ancient time
walk upon england's mountains green?
and was the holy lamb of god
on england's pleasant pastures seen?
and did the countenanace divine
shine forth upon our clouded hills?
and was jerusalem builded here
among these dark satanic mills?
bring me my bow of burning gold!
bring me my arrows of desire!
bring me my spear! o clouds unfold!
bring me my chariot of fire!
i will not cease from mental fight,
nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
'till we have built jerusalem
in england's green and pleasant land..."
and now a little more from a couple of modern american and british poets...
"time..."/ ""breathe..."/ "breathe reprise..."
(by pink floyd)...
"ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
you fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
waiting for someone or something to show you the way
tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
you are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
and then one day you find ten years have got behind you
no one told you where to run, you missed the starting gun
and you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking
and racing around to come up behind you again
the sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older
and shorter of breath and one day closer to death
every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way
the time is gone the song is over, thought i'd something more to say
home, home again
i like to be here when i can
when i come home cold and tired
it's good to warm my bones beside the fire
far away, across the field, tolling on the iron bell
calls the faithful to their knees
and hear the softly spoken magic spell..."
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care
leave but don't leave me
look around and chose your own ground
for long you live and high you fly
and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
and all you touch and all you see
is all your life will ever be
run, run rabbit run
dig that hole, forget the sun,
and when at last the work is done
don't sit down it's time to dig another one
for long you live and high you fly
but only if you ride the tide
and balanced on the biggest wave
you race toward and early grave..."
"home, home again
i like to be there when i can
when i come in cold and tired
it's good to warm my bones beside the fire
far away across the field
the tolling of the iron bell
calls the faithful to their knees
to hear the softly spoken magic spells..."
"coming into los angeles..."
(by arlo guthrie)...
"coming in from london
from over the pole
flying in a big airliner
chickens flying everywhere around the plane
could we ever feel much finer?
coming into los angeles
bringing in a couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man...
there's a guy with a ticket to mexico
no, he couldn't look much stranger
walking in the hall with his things and all
smiling, said he was the lone ranger
coming into los angeles
bringing in a couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man...
hip woman walking on a moving floor
tripping on the escalator
there's a man in the line
and she's blowing his mind
thinking that he's already made her
coming into los angeles
bringing ina couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man...
coming in from london
from over the pole
flying in a big airliner
chickens flying everywhere around the plane
could we ever feel much finer?
coming into los angeles
bringing in a couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man..."
ever wonder why the war on drugs is always a huge failure when all we have to do is firebomb all the poopy fields that are clearly visible by our advanced satellite technology...and depictable from miles up in space to boot? i mean it can read my tee-shirt as i walk down the street... so why can't it identify the drugs and send in the airforce to wipe out the crops? because of all the mullah they make from selling it themselves and because of the havoc and mayhem they create to keep us locked down in utter misery from everything going on... that's why!!!! if they legalized the stuff or at least the most harmless of the lot... grass... then these problems would disappear... but so would their profits and so would some of their iron-clad control over us...
the point here is... the throne of england and the vatican are our worst enemies... and if they succeed none of us will survive... they are working and have always been working to enslave the entire planet... all the wars... all the suffering... all the genocide are theirs... if we are not careful they will destroy israel... reclaim jerusalem and build a monstruous cult-temple on har habayit and rule forever... until Hashem stops them that is... but we can stop them now ourselves if we would only awaken to the truth of their evil... we must wake now!!! wake up world... wake up... it's not too late yet... but it almost is... time is not on our side anymore... time is running out... we have only just a little breathing space left... don't let them suffocate us all... wake up... please!!! nik. out...
343 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 21, 2006, 11:54:56 PM
this is a very stupid stream... trop has existed from the beginning of torah... the tagiim on top are said to be the original score for the torah... the sephardim and the temanim have their own chants as well... all of them are musical, cantatorial lefi the differing development of their respective minhagim and mores... reading the torah has always been done in song fashion... from az yashir moshe (which miriam and all of the women sang as well)... to hazinu to tehilim... music is part of reading torah outloud... now stop the nonsense and leave it alone... if it were not for other tzniut reasons required for proper halachic decorum in shul women would be allowed to layn as this is not a violation of kol isha... and as i said where the tzibur needs to be yotzei megillat esther and no man can do it a woman can and must to provide fulfillment for her community for this mitzvah... and this is for a purely derabanan mitzvah (mikra megillah)... kol shekain for a d'oraita one like parshat zachor... which although women do not go out to war they are still required to hear to i guess teach their sons and as a part of k'lal yisroel in any regard are bidden to hear this parsha because they too are a part of k'lal yisroel and fall under the obligation to remember what amalek did to us... nik. out...
344 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Torah codes - BZK on: June 21, 2006, 11:44:33 PM
the codes are real... rabbi dr, eliyahu rips is a mathematical genius and a true talmud chacham and yore shemayim... nik. out...
345 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi? on: June 21, 2006, 11:43:25 PM
i do believe that's what the deformers have in mind for us... nik. out...
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346 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!) on: June 21, 2006, 11:05:56 PM
i read it yes and the books it was base on... and none of them referred to 666 in the way i just did... nik. out...
347 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / beyond dispute... on: June 21, 2006, 10:47:13 PM
what i meant by a single posek... was one with guts and intellectual honesty to truly acknowledge that this is indeed the matzav we now live in... that the goyim are attempting to take eretz yisroel away from us and we are therefore bidden by the torah to defy this... and not give-in...
the truth of the matter is beyond dispute... it is not a situation like by zerat requiring a cohen to pasken it so... it is our matzav whether any jew in the world recognizes it or not... i just don't want to get to Hashem and be told i needed a psak before i acted... so as not to be guilty of suicide... G-d forbid...
the matter is settled though... the filthy goyim are truly trying to break us of the mitzvah of eretz yisroel and all the halachot (that are beyond question extant and applicable) surrounding this mitzvah...
honor, bravery and valor... i'm afraid are a thing of our past... we live in a dor of zero guts... courage does not exist except for those within the idf who are also with us and of course except for the hilltop youth and their supporters and some not all of the yesha settlers... after these exceptions to the rule... nada... nik. out...
348 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / look... on: June 21, 2006, 01:48:40 AM
i'm working here... i shouldn't be pulled just because i feel like writing... if you are not happy due to my amount of stuff then i guess people can press reply on their own posts and put their's back on top of mine and let mine fall... if everyone does that there is no need for condensing mine or preventing me from trying to communicate... i've marked all posts which have lyrics on the subject matter line so people can choose to skip over them if they wish... and i can be read by those who wish to read me... so i have every right to do what i'm doing and i'm not interfering with anyone else and their right to write... nik. out...
as i said in the end of "won't back down"... i just finished virtually everything i want to say here and i have but one more post... two or so weeks from now... and i will be done and out of here if you like... or i'll just be here like everyone else... no more lyrics and no more dozens of posts and new threads... o.k.? fair enough sounding to me... now let me be... n.
349 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***"won't back down..."*** on: June 21, 2006, 01:28:14 AM
this one is now complete... the whole thread but i just closed off the unfinished part to the end of the war to end all wars about ww1, the titanic and jesuit plotting since lincoln to destroy america or take it over... (really since back in 1776) but that too is for later... and we have mentioned before in our the british are coming series... ta... nik.
with this and one more thread i will have finished my backlog of blogs and i will cease to do this again... i only have one more post in mind anyway... and then we'll see from there... i'm spent... nik. out...
350 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 20, 2006, 11:42:37 PM
what??? the trop is ancient and so is layning the parsha... moshe rebenu set it up for shabat shachrit and mincha and for mon/thurs./mon/ so as not go three days without torah just like a human being cannot go three days without water... and torah is compared to water...
also ezra set up to read the whole torah in a one year cycle and how many aliyot to have on each shabat, yom tov, rosh chodesh and chol hamoed and plain chol or fast day, etc. and how many pesukim to read minimally per aliyaha...
so you know not about what you speak here... nik. out...
351 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***the british are coming for us all... parts# 7a &7b...*** (now complete)... on: June 20, 2006, 11:37:12 PM
this one is now complete... sorry for the delay... nik.
352 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / 666/ the magen david/shabatai tzvi, jacob frank, reform and the holocaust... on: June 20, 2006, 10:06:11 PM
by the way i just found out why 666 is evil to the goyim... and you're right it has to do with judaism's view of 6... the 6th day when man was created... nature as a whole... and erev shabat... as well as a siman of and for moshiach... check out the megillat rut... (perek gimmel)... when boaz gives rut some barley it is six stalks and six portions of something else... and then another 6... three sixes in a row... and now we know... "the rest of the story..." nik. out...
i have also recently learned that the magen david only is jewish since the 13th century... when it first appeared on jewish craftsmenship and architecture... the only connection to moshiach and david is the six points... in other words the two triangles by themselves stand for the pagan signs for man and woman... similar to the modern circles with a cross at the bottom for female and an arrow at the top right for male... and interlocking them and introducing them into judaism may have been a gnostic accomplishment... whose influence over us only grew in time with all the superstitious nonsense which crept into our way of life... which was and is pure kishuf... (occult or black magic) which are all asur as forms of avodah zarah... the same can be said for some... maybe not all... of the kameahs (amulets) and the segula-like objects (red string, etc.)... that then came in followed shortly thereafter by the shabbtai zvi and jacob frank heresies... and then by of course the reform, conservative and reconstructionist madness and tumah...
and where did it all end up...? well in our siddurim and machzorim on succot we pray for rain on shmnei atzeret... the word af bri appears as an angel who overseas rain... this we know from the eliyahu hanavi har carmel story to be totally false... there is no angel over rain... since creation Hashem has handled this key himself... as it says in gemora "over everything in creation Hashem assigned a guardian angel or sar to watch over it... even one over every blade of grass... and these three keys were... geshem, techiat hamatim and hibaraiyon... (conception)... so we should not mention that prayer every year... but all of this corruption of torah-true judaism ended in the horror of the holocaust... led by the likes of moses mendelsohn and yonatan eibshitz who were secret shabtai tzvi-niks just as rav yakov emden surmised... in fact i've seen the "smicha" that mendelsohn wrote for eibshitz... full of references to the sabbatean lunacy and kefira... they were into incest with their sisters and they used to take the orlah from their sons and instead of burrying it they used to burn it... in the sick, demented death-wish for a holocaust of torah jews to come to pass in the world... and lo and behold it almost did... it almost did...
read for yourselves all about this in rabbi marvin antleman's two-volume work... "to eliminate the opiate..."
nik. out...
353 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***"jerusalem..."*** on: June 20, 2006, 09:22:14 PM
there see... that's how it works... you can't possibly miss it... nik. (i know; i know) out of his mind... ta... n.
354 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust... on: June 20, 2006, 09:17:43 PM
that's right truth and it all stems from the anussarius-paleolithic age of cavedwellers... who walked this earth with very few brain-cells and even fewer articles of clothing covering their derriers... nik. out
355 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Torah codes - BZK/may all be true even the predictive ones... on: June 20, 2006, 09:12:01 PM
well drosnin in vol. one claimed to have known about rabin a year or so before it happened... and the one where arafat buys it in gaza in a hail of bullets did indeed come true but to his cousin... mousa arafat... and he said in vol. two... either 2006 or 7... from a nuke either in s.e. iran or in s.w. yemen where iran could easily hide one... G-d forbid of course... and the either/or makes sense too because the goyish year may be unclear... but the hebrew one is clear... 5767... in other words anytime after this upcoming rosh hashana... again chas v'shalom... it will still be 2006 in sept. and it could even be for after next rosh hashana which will still be 2007... in any event at the time of the event the world was not talking about iran being anywhere near a bomb... nor was the news filled with that meglomaniac assbite and his calls of jihad and downright gloating over the impending doom of israel... perish the thought... however all of this has built up ever since jan. 2006... and so we see the prediction starting to form and come to fruition... G-d forfend... nik. out...
356 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / remember now... just follow the bouncing *** asteriks ***... on: June 20, 2006, 08:10:58 PM
o.k. yiss. i'll grant you that point... but i didn't quote 5 matisayhu songs... only one... i have done multiples of others like pink floyd, etc. but there too only on one thread... until today that is because i have another choice couple from them for a certain point i'm making... but feel free to skip over it ala the eitzaot i gave... also i am not interested in letting you find links on your own... i don't understand the problem... no one is putting a gun to anyone's head to read the lyrics... skip over them and go to the message or ignore me as you all usually do anyhow... i know you can't possibly object to seeing lyrics quoted... right? you guys aren't that anal are you? don't answer that or we all might get a time-out... nik.
357 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Safed rabbi: I really don't hate Arabs on: June 20, 2006, 07:54:44 PM
i'll conceed your point for the time being... nik.
358 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust.../and how!!! on: June 20, 2006, 02:59:53 AM
we can still keep them off and out and allow ourselves the freedom to say what we truly feel... if someone calls me a name i want to be allowed to call him one back too... retort tachat retort... or... i want to see him get a time-out too... not just me... i get one for responding because i never initiate... you all initiate and nothing happens to you... unfair and unbalanced... and definitely unjust...
and yiss. i didn't run "5 simultaneous threads all on matisyahu lyrics and see them absorbed into one and get mad..." again with your selective memory or more likely your over-exaggerated and hairpin-triggered bias against me... i put lyrics out there one or several per and each one had and has a separate and unique message and angle... they are not repeated and they are not all saying the same thing... and yes i want you to undo your redaction of them... some of them are not completed yet...
oh... and by the way... bk this is not spamming... no one forces you to open my posts... if anyone wishes to avoid me... here's what you do... scroll down and ignore nikmatdam threads... and voila!!! no spam... i'll even make it easy for you... i will from now on put an asterik ***** on the subject line of that particular post containing any lyrics from songs in it... that should make it easy for any primadonnas here to avoid opening anything of mine that is untoward even if it would only be for a split second until you click out of it... so no need to waste even one finger's energy to bring up something you find offensive... how's that for consideration on my part...? but that also means i can have as many threads going at one time that i want... and so can any of you... creativity and prolifcisy should not be and does not deserve to be punished...
that is all... nik. out...
359 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / another gadol b'torah fails to be omed b'nisayon... on: June 20, 2006, 01:14:32 AM
any response other than what rav meir said is dishonest and a lie... that's aleph... we do hate them and not just because they hate us... but because of the grotesque things they have done to our people because of their hatred...
secondly... the fear factor... it's real... especially in israel... even gedolim apparently are afraid to stand up and speak out clearly and unequivocally as to the true position of the torah vis a vis goyim in general living in israel and in particular those who we know seek our death and the destruction of our G-d-given homeland... thus the real reason we do not act more forcefully and more bravely... we are all lacking in true courage, true emunah and even the smallest modicum of true bitachon...
thirdly... we live in an era of shmad... where the nations of the world are coming after us to break us of one of the mitzvot of the torah and therefore (and this applies to every single one of us)... our duty in the face of this is to lay down our lives... yehareg v'al yavor... anyone who does not put himself/herself on the line when the situation arises has sinned... no beit din can and will punish them but Hashem will hold them accountable after meah v'esrim... now i am not saying here that all of us are duty bound to immediately go out and put ourselves in a sekana to prove our faith and courage... but when the situation arises of and by itself as it has to that rav in sefat and as it did before on another thread to harav mordechai eliyahu... and as we have just seen that they have both caved-in under duress and under stress... they are indeed chayiv... for by their fear and subsequent failure to stand up and m'kadish shem shemayim... they have done a disservice to k'lal yisroel who looking up to them for leadership and courage are now even more discouraged and disillusioned than they were before these gedolim collapsed and gave-in under pressure... this is the essence of chillul Hashem... no one will judge them down here on earth but Hashem will certainly bring them to din over their chet...
and finally... because all the above is so glaringly our matzav ... and personally... because i feel the way i do about this issue... i am presently trying to find even a single posek of some stature and clout who will agree with rav meir and state that he was (and still is) correct... and that we do indeed live in a situation of shmad l'mitzvah echad... and when i do...
i am going to go out and find a way to deliberately put myself in harm's way and if no way exists... to manufacture a situation where i will openly flaunt the shita of the reshayim endeavoring to destroy eretz yisroel... in other words... i will be looking for my kivshan haaish to get myself thrown into... why? not because i have a death-wish... far, far from it... not because i have so much guts... i have long held myself to be a coward... too overly afraid of violence and war... but i am going to do this simply because i hold at least someone from k'lal yisroel must act in this fashion (b'makom shain ish...)... like nachshon ben aminadav by yam suf... solely in order to defy the will of the memshelet zadon who rule here upon this earth... and it matters not if it will do any good or not... i'm not after throwing my life away for nothing... but that doesn't matter anymore if indeed we are all chayiv anyway due to the circumstances... for r. akiva did not go out and teach torah b'rabiim on purpose and be moser nefesh because he thought he would rally the yidden to victory immediately... no... he went out to defy the romans because they were trying to break us of the mitzvah of talmud torah our sine qua non in this world... and he was willing to die if necessary just to demonstrate by example for dorot to come even if no one then would get it and be inspired to throw off the yoke of the filthy goyim... he laid down his life purely because it was the right thing to do... to further inculcate us in the principle of avraham avinu...that in the face of such utter and complete evil how can one not rebel against it...? of who wants to live in a world where this much evil dominates...? and so too i... humbly... i feel called to rise up and do so now over a different mitzvah (actually there are two mitzvot here: the mitzvah of eretz yisroel which the goyim are attempting to get us to deny publically and the mitzvah to seek vengeance for fallen jews; to not stand idly by their innocently spilled blood)... both of which i feel... represent a jew's supreme obligation and our very raison d'etre (the true essence of our existence in this world along with torah) in this life and which has been the case ever since sinai and indeed throughout our blood-soaked history...
that is all... i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance... nik. out...
360 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Safed rabbi: I really don't hate Arabs on: June 19, 2006, 10:51:52 PM
i will have a response for you all shortly... nik.
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361 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Mordechai Eliyahu/ a great jew who has fallen... on: June 19, 2006, 10:48:54 PM
i've heard this maesa as well... seems like a decent and good jew had a meltdown of fear and indecision and it cost k'lal yisroel dearly... so so sad... my heart goes out to him... he failed a test of his emunah and of his bitachon... but we all have at one time or another and we should just do tshuvah and prepare ourselves now for the present and future battles of conscience sure to come... it has gotten alot worse for us because of this failure to stand up back then... and it will only get harder for us to stand up for Hashem and His truth the next time... but even so... we have to atone and we have to get it right finally... ust once is all and that might do it... it may only take just one act of mesirat nefesh by any of us... for Hasehm to do the rest and send moshiach finally... nik. out...
362 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a new day dawning over revava...? on: June 19, 2006, 10:36:12 PM
truth i stand corrected then... didn't know anyone else has felt the knife... and i take it back what i responded to lenny about what you said about me... you were also speaking about yourself and your own post of the moment how with a turn of a phrase in the "wrong" direction it would get axed too... and how unfair that would be not only to me who appreciates the words of support you were therein offering but also to yourself and to all of the others who should get to hear what you have to say no matter what it is that you want to say... so thanks again and have at it...
and bk and yby... no we can't put it behind us now and move on... not until we discuss and vote on removing the stupid rules and regulations (read: restrictions and censorship)... nik. out...
363 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "There is nothing I hate worse than a bad argument for something I hold dear." on: June 19, 2006, 10:22:34 PM
i'll take the man in white everytime... nik.
364 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Truer words have never been spoken on: June 19, 2006, 06:39:34 AM
no... it doesn't make me think... it makes me want to lose my lunch... the death-knell for the state sounded... and rang-out loud and clear... hard and long... when they first began to let in all those efing russian goyish scum and nazi-refuse... and man are we gonna reap what we have sown... in spades... nik. in disgust out...
365 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust... on: June 19, 2006, 06:28:07 AM
no lenny... i think he was referring to me... and thank you both for your kind words and your understanding... but he was saying that no one should be deleted as i have been several times now... because each post a person expresses here is a little bit... a little piece of the wider and whole truth of am yisroel...
in any event... yby... the last person i would ever call on is one of the unjewish erev-rav jewish reshayim to help me in any fashion... i would never do that ever... even if i were in real trouble... and i'm not about putting out a hit on anybody... i want to be unshackled and unrestrained to fire back and fight back WITH WORDS ALONE DAMN IT ALL!!! that's all... why should you be able to tell me to go ef myself and i can't call you an animal in need of a zoo in return...? why not...? there is no basic fairness in this equation here... yiss. is selective in how he views the names i'm called... and overly dogmatic in his response to my choice few which are always in response not ever initiated unprovoked or gratuitously thrown in just for effect to shock and to wax downright nasty... but sometimes it is necessary to get down and dirty and i demand the right and the freedom to do so when i deem it appropriate and shyach... he is dishonest and so are all of you who are my detractors here... you don't have an ounce of intellectual honesty in your brains...
i want the sissified rules revoked and annulled... i want to be free to speak my mind with the total range of vocabulary at my disposal inside my head in the normal flow of my natural discourse... i say we vote on it... i also say you're all cowards if you vote it down... you have no idea how fierce and how insultingly chazal went at it and at each other in their milchemet hatorah during their pursuit of emet... it didn't make them bitter enemies... only better friends... so i say... let's let 'er rip and really have at it here... ey? nik. out...
366 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Safed rabbi: I really don't hate Arabs/he will love them to death... his own... on: June 19, 2006, 05:49:13 AM
rav meir once said... "the lesson from the war in vietnam is clear... if you don't or won't hate your enemy... you can never win the war against him..."
he also said... "i don't hate arabs because they are arabs... that would be racism... i hate them because they hate us and kill us and want to destroy us and drive us from our land..."
and therefore in light of the above... this rabbi is the worst kind of garbage and puke there is... and he is a rodef after us all...
furthermore anyone saying things like this after what they have done to us even just since oslo ('93) has no love for jews in his heart... otherwise how could he forget so easily the murder of so many precious jewish neshamot...? especially all of the little jewish children... such lack of sensitivity and weak feelings defies logic... it boggles the mind... it is not the sign of a normal human being... this is truly sick... any of those deaths could have been someone in his own family and then if that were the case he would never say a thing like this... doesn't he realize this...? what is wrong with us...? i am utterly stupefied... doesn't he understand that he has no right to say this...? that it iis not his place to speak for our kedoshim and kiss and make-up with the murderers of our people...? he really can't see this...? this rabbi... this jew... has no soul... he should be defrocked...
rak nekamah... only vengeance... there will never be any forgetting nor any forgiving... nik. out...
367 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust... on: June 18, 2006, 01:03:21 PM
we will see what david has to say about all this... i want you out... nik.
368 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Torah codes - BZK on: June 18, 2006, 01:01:52 PM
wow... and much more to the point... there is a potential predicitve nature to the codes which say (vol.2) israel will benuked by iran in 2007 if not earlier... check it out in droznin's book... nik.
369 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Inside Scoop on Attempted Abudction Of Girls Near Tapuach on: June 18, 2006, 04:06:45 AM
all i can say is kain yirbu... and against this vile filth for the deeds they have performed like the tali hatuel killing and the cannibalizing of idf soldiers a few years back... all i can say is that throwing them all out is too good for them... i want their blood... genocide now baby!!! genocide now!!! " only vengeance"... "rak nekamah!!!" nik. out...
370 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust... on: June 18, 2006, 03:53:04 AM
i see my post complaining about my treatment was pulled... this is now a serious matter to me and therefore i will again air my beef...
the issue isn't name-calling or being banned it is equal treatment and also applying the so-called rules to everybody here on an equal basis...
i feel they are not being properly managed, monitored or enforced... ergo i am taking this issue to david... this is not a vendetta and unlike what any of you think including his nibs the moderator... i am not and have not threatened anybody here... you all misunderstand... i don't want to beat you up as some of you have said... if you give me grief i said i would unleash a torrent of words at you to defend myself... not come calling at your house... what are you guys insane? over a forum i would make myself a rasha? you guys truly are nuts... or as i tried to convey in my deleted post tonite... you guys are either a bunch of cowards or big crybabies i don't know which is more appliciable... siissies comes to mind too... you can all dish out pretty well... but you just can't take a little of your own medicine in return...
now i will conclude this message and diatribe and let it go... if two things occur... first this is not pulled... and second it is addressed as a truly relevant although regrettable issue that has arose here... that is all... nik. out...
371 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Mordechai Eliyahu on: June 18, 2006, 12:46:05 AM
rav meir told me himself that r.eliyahu was his posek for things zionisitic... nik.
372 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri on: June 15, 2006, 12:27:29 AM
oh yeah... i nearly forgot... your usual ploy to not deal with what i have to say is to ignore me altogether... and in this you guys excel let me tellyou... and you're all absolutely masterful at this... balk!!! nikie-pooh and goodnight...
373 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 14, 2006, 11:49:38 PM
no i was speaking from yiss. point of view that layning is speaking... and hence at least those two verses are singing... but i know that regular trop which in english is called cantilation... which means musical notes... is singing... just listen to the ba'al koreh on shabat... is that his spoken voice or is he carrying a tune... singing a melody? a chant if you will... but singing it still is... nik. out...
374 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri on: June 14, 2006, 11:44:43 PM
thought so... n.
375 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stand up for Jerusalem! on: June 14, 2006, 11:44:10 PM
well put...yby... only thing is... in aug. i plan to be in jerusalem... im m'eretz Hashem... ha!!! ta... nik.
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