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October 20, 2006, 02:04:39 PM
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751 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: NEW! Darka Shel Torah Homepage on: February 15, 2006, 01:07:11 AM
does this mean you are no longer sending out sheets to us in the mail?
752 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../looking more like the real deal everyday... on: February 12, 2006, 06:27:24 PM
tremendous point monarchist... sharon deserves whatever he's getting and going to get... boruch Hashem and baruch dayan haemet...
oh and lenny-baby... "let's do revolution!" my agent will get ahold of your people and will set the whole thing up...'k? gotta boogy... cao-baby... keep it cool...
no seriously and of course little luke skywalker is and has been moshiach ben david all along but no one knew it until the end... same... same here in real life... gonna turn out just like the movie... what a freak? amazing!!! how'd lucas know? you know my first cousin from s.f. had an assistant producer credit for star wars (for the first three ones anyway back in the 80's)... far-out man! dig it! ta... nik.
753 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../to the galaxy and beyond... on: February 11, 2006, 10:57:02 PM
may the force (Hashem) be with us... obi-won kanobi as moshiach ben yosef who is killed... and yoda as eliyahu hanavi... now come on guys this star wars scenario thing works!!! ta... nik.
oh yeah about my prediction of netanyahu and a great surprise coming in the next elections based upon a dream i had a couple of years ago... well it's looking better all the time... even though i said i saw that the kc chiefs would win the superbowl (i was wrong) but saw something vague anyway that was correct... the team who kept kc out of the playoffs (pittsburg steelers) won... so i saw something i just didn't understand to interpret it correctly until i noticed this pitt. momentum developing during the playoffs... so now my vague dream about these elections of which i am only certain of a shocking and exciting (for us) result which led me to think a changed netanyahu back then it could come true or not but of one thing i feel secure about... neither labor or kadima are going to win... period!!!! past that i'm not saying... just that this time it will be something good for the jews!!! us real jews!!!! ta... nik.
754 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: WAKE UP - BAN AVICHAI!/it's about time guys!!! on: February 09, 2006, 11:07:24 PM
david it is easy there is a key to do this... i use it often... ~ nikmat~dam see? it is top left... shift and hit...
about avichai i have sensed all along that his agenda was not to help the right to help save jews and the land of israel... but to foil our efforts... to distract and get us off message...
he is a plant from the left pure and simple... no different than sharon was his entire career...
just stop answering his inane postings and ignore his comments on others'... finished... that is the way to be rid of him no matter how long he stays around trying to parade himself as the second coming of meir kahane... if he's more of a kahanist than all of us as he says... then let him tell us rav meir's postion on oh i don't know... on anything... how about? his postion on ger toshav status for non-jews... nik. out
755 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../was mentioned for political not cult purposes... on: February 07, 2006, 10:02:51 PM
can we stick to the topic please? who cares if trekies or star wars fans are junkies... we are talking about israel and her threatened demise...
756 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy... on: February 06, 2006, 11:03:11 PM
it's just a metaphor people... but as i always say... "if the shoe fits... WEAR IT!!!" ta... nik.
757 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../not a whoos or a star war junkie or nut... on: February 05, 2006, 05:31:25 PM
i just used the story as an example because it is becoming quite apt all by its lonesome without any help from me or from luke either... things are beginning to fall into place which are simply stunning and mind-blowing... as if they were all... oh i don't know... what's the word i'm looking for... um... oh i know! "SCRIPTED"!!! its all looking so "scripted" that way... so anyway dude... lighten up! it was just an analogy in the first place not "gospel" (which if it were would be all false) or the word from on High (the real thing... nevuah and then of course it would be the penultimate truth)... but nevertheless as such it is potentially somehow... someway... pretty damn prophetic-looking to me... yes sir... it is mate! and a wonder at that as well!!!! please Hashem!!!! and anyone not wishing for a coup in israel right now... this very minute... in their heart of hearts... after all this time... after all of this pure evil and vicious rishut and all the even more threatening and frightening things that appear to loom just on down the road a tiny bit... and most assuredly are trying to be pushed ahead and forward by forces out there pushing on them and for them to all come to pass... you all know who you are and more importantly i now know who and where you all are... so no point discussing this nekudah anymore at this juncture anyhow... and as to all of us who are friends here and are all of us in this thing now together let me just add... you all know my friends more with every passing day now how utterly pathetic people not with us truly are and how wicked they all are as well!!! (i know except for the torn and confused... i know... i get it...) tshuvah is still possible... for any jew even for a bonifide erev rav unjew... it is just not very probable to my mind is all... NOT AT THIS GREAT, LATE JUNCTURE... at any rate... only begin and jabotinsky and stern were tzadikim of their ilk of that whole world... bibi has SOME potential to change (i don't know how much)... but he hasn't exhibited any of it yet... not yet... pray for it as a last desperation resort..,a fall-back position at the very worst... but we are anyway all left wondering... will he or won't he? can he or can't he? but hopefully we can just by-pass him completely and go straight to the main event... MOSHIACH TZIDKENU!!! and so people... hold on to your faith because here we go!!!! here we all go!!!! moshiach is neigh... only he and Hashem can save us now... and they will!!! just daven!!!! and learn!!!! and do tshuvah your own self... ta... nik.
758 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the star wars analogy... on: February 05, 2006, 02:33:30 PM
luke skywalker as played by the settlers and dati, torah jews...
darth vader are the commanders of the idf...
the evil emperor is the government... sharon, olmert, peres, etc.
idf and police kapos and their goyish scum are the rays of death shooting out from the emperor's fingers as darth vader (the father) watches his son (us) powerless and about to perish but still reaching out for his abba to save him......
the emperor wants an empire of pure evil and darth as his prime minister and chief servant forever... but when oh when... will darth take ahold of and seize control of the emperor and drop him down the nearest blackhole and save the day?
coup now!!! coup now!!!
another fine message brought to you by... nikmatdam...
759 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: IDF Leaves Yizhar/and we all know what is coming next... on: February 05, 2006, 02:27:21 PM
yes jews do throw out jews... what are you talking about? we've seen it to be true ever since yamit!!! wake up... jews do do the worst things if they have no torah in them or the torah which they do have is a sam hamavet and not a sam hachayiim!!! so if the jews are erev rav unjewish jews then yes jews do and have and will continue to drive out other jews from their homes and off of their land... (our land that is)... and this development sadly now includes quite a few jews wearing tzitzit, talit, tephilin and kippot and hats... ta... nik.
760 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The end of religous Zionism./v'gog yagiah... on: February 05, 2006, 03:26:12 AM
the sickness is spreading and it will yet get much worse... as it says in tana d'bay eliyahu...
"and yehudah will fight alongside gog against yerushalayim..." yehudah means the cream of the crop mamash according to one of my rebbeim... rav nachman bulman... zt"l... the most frum... the biggest talmedi chachamim... the gedolim themselves? could it possibly be? that remains to be seen... but this is a real medresh and yehudah's defintion in chazal is correctly stated by my teacher and so...? mah yiyeh? stay tuned... neareh takef... b'od m'at... ta... nik.
761 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Red handed ruler of israel/ v'fascism ba l'aretz... on: February 05, 2006, 02:59:04 AM
excellent... this is the kind of stuff which needs publisizing if we are to prove the collussion and complicity of the erev rav government with the arab enemy to do away with the dati, settler and torah jews... it is genocidal by them already against us... they are clear nazis like they have always been from their inception and now we see the real them... the real truth about who they were and still are... secular zionism = nazism... end of statement... ta... nik.
762 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video from Amona Rated R on: February 05, 2006, 02:39:05 AM
and now we see the plan of action they will proceed with... no questions allowed... no explanations offered... no trial negotiations of time or locale movement of settlers... they should stay together and fight their way back into yesha somehere else and barricade themselves inside... make them have to be ready to kill women and children and prove they have the stomach for it... make them feel that they very well might be shot at themselves... this is all from the rav... read his two-part essay on yamit... problem then was it would have worked because begin at least was not an animal beast of prey like shamir, sharon and now ohlmert have all shown themselves to be... begin would have backed down... these monsters probably wouldn't... but that was the rav's game-plan... roof-tops are no good because they have planes and copters... underground or in caves is the way to go... and go hit them on their way into a site to tear it down... ambush their convoys... hit and run... macabee warfare... it is still the only way to go... the only way that has a prayer of success... underground and from mountain sides... hold on and hold out... Hashem will send His salvation... we will win!!! we will!!! they are just nazis... period... jewish nazis... imposing their will as thugs and bullies not as humans... let alone as jews...
and vow each of you to somehow, someway... make them pay if they succeed to hurt us or vanquish our homes...... lo n'shcahch v'lo n'slach... we will never forget and we will never forgive!!!
the erev rav unjewish jews and their nazi-goyim mercenary soldiers are just the latest and the last occupiers we have to contend with upon Hashem's sacred soil... moshiach comes after this pachad and crisis... know this!!! moshiach is neigh... moshiach is imminent... he is just a couple moments away now... these jewish kapos and their pet-beasts are gog's henchmen... we will defeat them and then gog himself will come to try and impose his dastardly will on us himself and then Hashem will lay into him but good and decimate his hosts like by yam suf... first Hashem will sucker him in and then Hashem will obliterate him and his memory forever... and Hashem will then rule the planet overtly... but this time for all-time to come!!!! amen selah... hold on... hang in!!! help... Hashem's help is on its way... i just know it!!! i feel it!!! i sense it!!! hold out!!! hang in there!!! fight back... revolt in your heart in secret if that is all you can do at the moment... and know that all decent people besides Hashem are on our side... for in the face of such utter and extreme evil... if you are truly a decent human being... jew or gentile... then how can you not rebel? nikmatdam... out...
763 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Kleiner Sells Out! on: February 05, 2006, 01:18:56 AM
wow... brings me to my previous question... where and what is marzel on all of this stuff? we need to know... NOW!!! not after the election... NOW!!! RIGHT NOW!!! who has info? i asked how is he still unbanned and why didn't rav meir do the same as marzel is now himself previously? (whatever the heck marzel is actually doing and whatever he, marzel, is saying or not saying)... ta... nik.
764 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh live audio on Jewish Leadership on: January 29, 2006, 05:59:52 PM
leib can you get a transcript of his lecture and put it up here? thanks... and i think you mean mesirat nefesh = true ahavat yisroel... don't you? (and not pekuach nefesh which means "threat to life") right?...? nik.
765 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:can't i get even one amen? on: January 29, 2006, 05:55:53 PM
hey ahavat yisroel1 where did you go? you took your amen back... why?
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October 20, 2006, 02:05:16 PM
Search: Advanced search Welcome to discussion boards. Feel free to discuss any topic pertaining to Revava, Israel or Judaism. 20342 Posts in 2427 Topics by 341 Members
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766 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Kahane article in Hebrew.../this is the way... the only way... on: January 29, 2006, 05:53:18 PM
yes... this is the way to fight... the only way... after i read this essay a few years ago i knew rav meir was right about everything he ever said and predicted... he knew what to do... we didn't follow his lead then... we must do so now or all of yehudah and shomron along with yerushalyim will be lost to us for sure... very soon... it is up to us to act and act now... we have run out of last chances and better tomorrows... our backs are to the sea now... we must find the courage to take the plunge and leap in... it is the heroic legacy and heritage of our avot and they are counting on us to rise to the occassion and emulate them so that all of their mesirat nefesh, self-sacrifice and kiddish Hashem shall not have been all in vain!!! revolution now!!!! nikmatdam
767 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Something interesting for the State of Judea initiative on: January 29, 2006, 05:41:23 PM
we should all declare ourselves independent of every government wherever jews reside... refuse to be ruled by these reshayim and we will prevail... this is the key... rise up and revolt... for in the face of this much evil worldwide and in israel especially... how can we not rebel if we truly have the blood of our avot flowing thru our veins?
768 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Mofaz is 100% Rodef, no doubts about it on: January 29, 2006, 05:39:12 PM
rav kahane summed it up best... "i'm sick and tired of the israel created by these leaders... an israel of ashkenazim and sephardim... dati and lo dati... everyone against each other... when i'm prime minister we will have just one jewish state... one where everyone are just all yehudim... period... all of us just jews together... all of us equal.." that is the goal... the only goal we have... so let's keep our "eyes on the prize..." ta... nik.
769 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined... on: January 29, 2006, 12:45:46 PM
damn straight... al pi nes too... Hashem wants war against them even more than we do!!!! ta... nik.
770 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Behold, the present-day Israeli leadership! on: January 29, 2006, 12:29:05 PM
Quote from: BK on January 29, 2006, 10:27:30 AM
So passionate, resolute and full of hope!
Such leadership!
"We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous,
we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our
enemies, we want to be able to live in an entirely different
environment of relations with our enemies."
Ehud Olmert, June 9, 2005, speech to Israel Policy Forum
in New York.
At least we can be consoled by contrasting such hellenists to the youth of the yishuvim and across the religious public. That is the future, and this corrupt, putrid leadership of G-D-less cowards will melt away soon enough please G-D!
that last line is a killer...
"we want to live in an entirely different relationship with our enemies"
hmmm! let's see now... he wants to live not fighting them, no longer courageous and no longer victorious over them... and all the while they are free to remain his enemy... i.e. it is alright with him if they do not become his friend...
well then that leaves just two avenues of approach... doesn't it?
ergo... either he wants to live with them in this "new relationship" of his as their slave or he wants them to slay him outright and be done with it already!!!
and there you have it! ladies and gentlemen... jews of all stripes... i give you israel's next prime minister!!!! (not)... G-d forbid!!!
what a worm of a man!!! what a disgusting and vile combination of donkey excrement, horse manure and cow dung!!!
plaster that quote and this summation all over israel and perhaps he will lose because of it... he is a total disgrace... if he is the true definition of what it means to be called a jew... i am ashamed to call myself one!!! ta... nik.
771 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: now here's an interesting couple of thoughts to mull over... on: January 29, 2006, 12:12:10 AM
you are right of course... if marzel is still the old marzel of old... i wonder what he did and had to do to qualify for his runs last time and this time? did he have to sell his soul tothe devil or not... and if he is still the same why didn't rav meir choose his approach... whatever it is? i need more info please somebody... what did marzel have to say and do not to be banned when they came to "pasken" on him in the supremem court of idiots over there...? ta... nik.
772 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined... on: January 29, 2006, 12:08:14 AM
thanks for the insight yby... i wasn't aware of that... iran was a menace even back then... ahmedfefer sounds just like nasser did as well... its strange but it seems that everytime the arab/moslem world believes they have the upperhand over israel they can't help themselves but gloat and beat their chests silly and then hopefully this time as all the other ones they end up looking like raving lunatics with egg all over their face... also hopefully this time when we smash them and crush them like they have never before been smooshed that egg on their face will also be radioactive this time and they will all glow in the dark before they die... please G-d amen selah
773 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / now here's an interesting couple of thoughts to mull over... on: January 27, 2006, 06:21:02 PM
well since we have so much time on our hands now and not too much to do until march 28th... let's consider the following enigma carefully... to boycot or not to boycot? that is the question... whether it be better to sit-out the election in march or vote for marzel or yuk... bibi? hmm... let's see now...thousands of blank ballots or thousands of potentially wasted votes...? marzel can't win unfortunately (but we might be able to put him in the knesset to rabble-rouse for us from there) and bibi right now is just not palatable (but he has a real chance to win and would not be a lesser of two evils per se; but the one who keeps out two certifiablely pure evils)*... on the other hand the sheer thought of olmert (read: peres, belien and sarid) or peretz whomever would surely win by our "none-of-the-above" (no thank you but i'll pass) vote is truly frightening... now there is one hell of a terrifying dilemma to have to contemplate... so you better get to work 'cause the overtime clock is ticking... i think we should ask a shaylah of a godol... i'm being serious... let's pick one and ask him and do whatever he says... who should we approach? i nominate... rav kadori or my rav who for the time being will remain nameless... but he is truly an adam chasuv... a great jew too... and very politically estute... think it over and get back to me... ta... nik.
*i agree with rav binyamin's take that voting for the lesser of two evils is still an evil... but bibi has some small hope to turn out o.k. i feel he does though i know many of you disagree with me... this goes back to my reading of the bible codes and a dream i had that perhaps he wins and turns against the u.s. and get's us all excited and proud t to be jews upon our own land again...nik. out
774 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined... on: January 27, 2006, 05:56:50 PM
great! and just when i thought things couldn't possibly get any worse too... thanks a lot pal... ta... nik,
775 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / best case scenario of hamas victory... on: January 27, 2006, 01:10:03 PM
and that situation is the much longed for possibility for an all-out civil-war among the palestinians now breaking out... please dear G-d let them slaughter themselves and annihilate their people like they did in lebanon in the 1980's... this is our greatest hope now aside from be'at goael... moshiach tzedkainu.... i did not celebrate the internal war in lebanon because those arabs were christian and did not hate us as much... so i pulled for them to win and did not rejoice over their deaths... however the iraq/iran war was pure hanah for me... never before have i ever had so much pure pleasure in cheering on both sides to victory and praying for each sides maximum success... until now that is...
GO FATAH!!! GO HAMAS!!! a plague on both your houses... may Hashem bless you both with ultimate hatzlacha in wiping each other out!!! sincerely... (each one of you) your number one fan in this endeavor... nikmatdam
776 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: final score: hamas 76 fatah 43 israel ~ 132... on: January 27, 2006, 10:20:20 AM
you are correct but i'm giving hypothetical scenarios of what we should do if chas v'shalom everything goes south; to hell in a hand basket and in the opposite direction away from the gelah shelaimah!!!! G-d forbid! ta... nik
777 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Hamas Victory a Good Thing showing the hypocrisy of the world for all to see!!! on: January 27, 2006, 09:00:51 AM
again david... it is not the fact that they won that bothers me... i and you both knew the pa were lying all along and never meant a word of their supposed recognition of israel's right to exist or of their very publicly made claims to have signed onto an agreement swearing off and renouncing all violence and terror... we knew from the start that this was all sheker muchlat...
however what enrages me and makes me wonder why we aren't rioting in the streets of israel (at least) right now is the bigger lie that we were all told which has made all of this insanity possible to begin with and which now should drive us to push for the total vacating of our side of the bargain of oslo and our withdrawal of concurrence with the "two-state" solution and our proclaiming of the new and now final conclusion that we have a right to a "one-state" solution because they have lied to us about everything and they have broken every damn committment they have supposedly ever made to us and to the world; especially due to the point that i am making...
which is... that what bothers me here about the entire matter with hamas in these elections is that they still exist in any form at all for after oslo the pa supposedly swore to us that the fatah faction would either get hamas to lay down their weapons and accept the peace process or.... OR... they would be annihiated as obstacles to peace... and now we see them not only alive and well and unrepentant... not just running to become a faction within the pa but winning the whole election outright and now they are on the verge of taking over the entire government and all the while never having to first announce compliance with the accords in oslo which gave them the ability and the right to seize power in the first place... and they are being permitted to do this by the world not just by fatah and the corrupt israeli government but by the whole entire planet while still maintaining their original charter and goal calling for the destruction of israel...
now what would the world and the arabs and sadly the erev rav jews everywhere be screaming right now if israel had just elected rav kahane who we know would have ignored oslo and done away with all the arabs in israel one way or another? why they would be in a frenzy of anger and a fit of rage proclaiming his illegitamcy and their refusal to sanction and abide by the israeli people's democratically expressed will and would not allow him to assume power unless he would FIRST announce his intention to bow to world opinion by promising his full acacceptance of the entire peace process as is; replete with all of its various tenets and clauses (even the hidden ones)... and you know this would be happening right now!!!! you know this would be true!!!
so when the exact equivalent occurs on the other side of the equation and they elect their "kahane" party where is the outrage now from the world and from the jews for that matter? why are they so timid and tepid in their response and reaction to these events? why are they just "worried" and "concerned"; anything but upset... they are calmly "evaluating the changed situation"... why aren't they demanding what we all know they would be demanding from us if the shoe were on the other foot... (and please G-d soon it will be... soon it will be)... and then you know all hell will break loose but only against us!!!
and our kahane philosophy doesn't call for genocide of the palestinians and the israeli arabs... no... just for their transfer out of our land... their "kahane"shita calls for war and bloodshed... while ours only calls for it as a last resort if we are met with resistance to our policy of their removal from israel... and the world knows all of this very well but chooses to ignore this difference... this not at all subtle but very obvious difference between our two camps... even our calls for vengeance are not the same as they only started since oslo when terror had continued unabated despite its signing... prior to that we were willing to forgo it (until moshiach) and wish them well just somewhere else...
and so why the double-standard from the world here? i'll save you the trouble of pondering the answer to my query... the reasons are simple... and it is not because we jews are an advanced and an enlightened people and the arabs are a backward and primitive one... no... this is just the excuse the world uses to try and mask and explain away their hypocritical positions and hide from view their true motivations... which clearly and concisely stated are that first and foremost oil and gas are the world's primary considerations... not human rights and the sacredness of human life... next... secondarily the lessons of life teach us here that terrorism works!!! the world is terrified of these creatures and will let these groups do whatever they want with virtual impunity if the powers-that-be are left alone... and they will truly, as we have witnessed, let them do anything and everything and get away with it just as long as their targets are exclusively limited to jews and israel (and this would be so even if the goyim didn't hate us so much)... and as history has shown us this has been the case... they have allowed all of this to go on the way it has ever since even before the state of israel came on line... and this has been so simply in order not to be awash in terror themselves... but there is a third and more sinister cause at work here... and that is that deep down this is an entirely jew-hating planet... one only too happy to see hamas win and renew the world's hope to see us finished us off and let the arabs led by hamas reverse and get rid of the un's great mistake of having ever voted for the state of israel to be founded at all... so it is not just the arabs alone but the vast majority of the elite and powerful people on earth as well that do not want to have to tolerate and put up with or countenance any longer an israel that so threatens their interests and security... they just want someone else to do their dirty work for them and give them deniability when it finally comes to pass... and they will look the other way and even secretly aid in the cause to make israel cease to exist once and for all... and they feel this demented anathema toward any israel whatsoever... and this means any israel at all of any size or shape... even if she were to be merely the size of a "postage stamp" to use rav meir's analogy that would be too much for them to bear because of the dual geo-political blackmail of energy and terrrorism that they have all submitted themselves to and have so cowardly prostrated themselves to... allowing themselves to be extorted and brow-beaten into loathing the existence of israel and coaxed into their clandestine participation of complicity in this anti-israel conspiracy... all of which though MIGHT not be the case at least not to the severe degree and fanatical extent that it has morphed into if anti-semitism had not played such a huge role here in all of this diabolical madness... and this is the bitter truth here that we jews refuse to acknowledge and accept... but we had better wake up and do so or we will all perish... G-d forfend!!!! nikmatdam
778 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / final score: hamas 76 fatah 43 israel ~ 132... on: January 26, 2006, 11:10:31 PM
as in minus 132... as in negative 132...
our goose is cooked now... bibi sounded so pathetic on fox news today...
what needs to be done now in a hurry: (in order of prefered options)...
1) moshiach to show up NOW! please G-d...
(he can take it from there)
(he'll know what to do)...
2) a coup d'etat by the idf followed by immediate all-out
war against the arab world... (nuke mecca now)...
3) referendum called to vote yes or no;
up or down on the whole entire peace process...
4) massive civil disobedience uprising of jews all over the world
and in israel bringing an end to israel's current system of government
by any means necessary... (total revolution)...
5) protest movement calling for unbanning of kach and kahane chai...
(if hamas can run then so can we)
(if the palestinians can be given the right to vote
their true conscience then so should jews)...
6) the election of marzel prime minister...
7) the election of netanyahu prime minister with
marzel defense minister and feiglin foreign minister...
the election of netanyahu prime minister without the above in the hopes
that he will come around quickly to the truth and take the emergency steps
necessary to re-right the israeli ship-of-state...
i have no idea why that icon covers #8 it certainly
is not my chief preference although of all of these choices
it has the best chance of occurring by the end of march...
9) the secession idea,,,
this low down on our list because i don't think it can work;
not because of us but because the israel we leave
behind will help the arabs to defeat us and you all know
that this would truly be the case and besides they probably would
never allow us to do this in the first place which leaves us with only
the following last-ditch few efforts...
10) with the failure of any and all of the above occuring by the end of march;
and with the election of either kadima or labor into power the pace of our
national suicide will only accelerate and so our next best option then becomes
the reformation of the pre-state jewish underground movements ~
the irgun and stern groups...
(i'm deadly serious) ~ (i am not kidding around)
11) barring even this... if all else fails we have but two choices
left to us; and neither are great ones: and they are either:
armed rebellion and civil war...
no... i'm still lucid and haven't lost my mind... not yet anyway...
12) or massive yeridah to save as many jews as possible
to await moshiach back in the golah (exile)...
13) and that's it; sorry but there are no further options...
if we reach this stage we are all soon to be dead anyhow ~
vicitms of another world wide shoah...
well... that's it folks...
that's all she wrote...
game, set and match...
we have reached the end of our collective rope...
it is now or never...
do or die...
may Hashem have mercy upon His people
and upon His land...
am yisroel chai... od avinu chai...
eretz yisroel ours forever in our hearts and minds...
"if i forget thee o' yerushalayim..."
do tshuvah, daven and learn torah...
nikmatdam out...
779 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined... on: January 26, 2006, 10:40:39 PM
amen yby
780 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined... on: January 26, 2006, 04:48:56 AM
how right you are... 14... how right you are!!!!
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781 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / far worse than we ever could have imagined... on: January 26, 2006, 03:59:16 AM
final score hamas 70 fatah 50 or so... jews 0 as usual... the pa fatah will not announce how many seats it officially won... they will only concur that hamas won 70... 70!!!!
now be very careful and on your guard the old song from the who goes... "so we don't get fooled again!" and "meet the new boss... same as the old boss..." this election changes nothing in the strategic planning of america and her israeli-kapo traitorous jews... no matter what they attempt to say to the contrary... it just is not and will not be true... everything coming out of any politician's mouth here or in israel is going to be a lie... no matter how shocked and dismayed they sound they will all be lying... in the end they WILL do business with hamas and they WILL try to destroy israel with hamas if we let them and they think they can pull the wool over our eyes yet again with impunity... and give us false hope that the peace process is finally over and done with and broke beyond repair... and now we can elect olmert because now he is talking tough, etc. ad naseum!!!! but he will proceed to give away yerushalayim and dismantle all the settlements just the same no matter what hawkish rhetoric he runs on now... it is all a lie... same for bush and rice here... all of their speechifying will be just to keep the stupid american jewish and christian electorate at bay... they will try yet again to dupe us and pacify us with harsh anti-palestinian remonstrations and pro-israel sound-bytes but will go right on ahead with their nefarious plans non-stop endeavoring to create a terrorist plo state as if there is nothing wrong.... they just want us to think that they are pressing on the brakes and will give this appearance just long enough to have olmert installed to finish us off... don't be fooled and don't have false hopes that now everyone is waking up to the truth and beginning to see the light with their blinders pulled off at last... and that henceforth they will be on our side and put an end to all this madness and crush the arabs etc. and build for us a greater israel... they haven't learned any lessons here... no matter what they say... this outcome is just what they wanted it to be... they will say they let hamas run because they thought they would be the jr. partner and not have control.... but they knew all along that hamas was going to win... they fooled us yet again... if we had only known that they knew that hamas was going to win we would have protested bitterly and angrily... and they would have had riots from us on their hands to contend with... and of this i am certain... but they assured us that in the quest for peace we should let hamas participate because maybe then they would stop their terror and anyway they won't win a majority.... and now we see yet again what happens when we listen to and allow ourselves to be mollified by our "leaders"... how many times must i say this... every word out of their filthy, vile, efing mouths is a lie... every single, solitary word... as the joke (really a truism) goes: question: "how can you tell when a politician is lying to you?"/ answer: "whenever you see his lips moving!!!" how true... how true... STOP BEING FOOLED... we are onto them now... ta... nik.
782 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: for intellectual purviewing only/rated ti for total insanity.... on: January 26, 2006, 03:47:40 AM
terrific... now any second grader with a computer can blow his whole damn school up in a single afternoon... what a wonderful world we all live in... ain't technology just efing grand...? as for me i would have been just fine to have been alive back in the horse and buggy age... as i used to tell my parents olav hashalom... about my birth... right place (california)... wrong century (i would have prefered pre-1840).... before the gold rush and the industrial revolution came along and just ruined the whole efing planet!!!! ta... nik.
783 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!" on: January 26, 2006, 03:43:41 AM
what a shame...
784 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Rebbe speaks out on Hebron on: January 25, 2006, 11:21:48 PM
wow... the rebbe was a navi...
785 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up? on: January 25, 2006, 11:12:10 PM
truth... the answer is there are good people among every race and religion and ethnic group... what i'm saying here as i wrote... i'm not all the way over to where they were that every single non-frum jew is evil... i just used the story to apply it to the establishment left in and out of government circles in israel... i believe that the vast majority of them are so far gone that they are capable of just about anything... and as i have come to witness over the last 13 or so years... nothing anymore shocks me as to the depths of depraved and irrational anti-torah hatred to which these people are willing to sink to in order to root out any chance of a torah-true state arising... i believe that they would rather be put in crematoria and see the land overrun by nazis rather than live to see moshiach come and the third temple built... call them erev rav jews like the gra does.... call them unjewish jews like i do... or call them the latter day jews who like in mitzrayim would prefer to die in the plague of darkness rather than live and have to leave egypt and become servants of Hashem... that's how far gone these guys are and i believe none... zero... nada... zilch.... efes... none of them are ever coming back... they are never going to do teshuvah... but this is so for only the elite 10-20% of the populace and not anywhere close to 50% of the total leftist camp... but however many they are... they are too far gone and i know.... not just believe... i know that none of them will ever change their minds... ta... nik.
786 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up? on: January 25, 2006, 10:58:04 PM
well i'll have to take you at your word yby... i really thought it was only n.k. but you saw and heard what you saw and heard.... that hasn't been my experience with them before... so i just don't know... you have no reason to lie so i believe you... but the thought of it sickens me... when those jewish kids got blown up at that nightclub that friday nite... i didn't go around saying they got what they deserved for being m'challel shabat... not at all... i cried and i got angry and i ached for revenge... and well you all know here what i do when i'm enraged.... i just cannot fathom jews being that cold-hearted... now if sarid or belien or peres bought the farm... i'd rejoice... but that's not because they aren't dati... it's because i consider them rodfim and even worse... as actual killers of my people... it just pains me to think of jews so twisted and so misguided... that is not what the holy satmar rav meant to convey to them... of that i'm certain... maybe he wasn't clear enough or precise enough in what he was teaching them about the kedusha and tahorah of torah-true judaism... i just don't know what else to say... for once i'm speechless or wordless... so i'll just sign out... nik. out....
787 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: This is SICK on: January 25, 2006, 07:18:18 PM
truly sick... and so agonizing to feel so impotent to do anything about it... hence my turning to death davening to feel like i am able to have some effect... not that i think it is my prayers per say that brought sharon down or leveled the pope l'mashal (he died just 3 days after i began this campaign)... i know it is solely Hashem doing these things when and why He wants to... but i don't remember another tekufa like these past 6 months where so may world leaders and other influential people either went to the hospital gravely ill or bit the dust altogether... death davening to the end!!!!
788 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!" on: January 25, 2006, 07:10:34 PM
thank G-d and right on!!!
789 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up? on: January 25, 2006, 06:15:56 PM
not all of satmar... only neturei karta... a lunatic fringe of them rejoice at jewish blood being spilled... i know some of them here and in israel... it is not true... while neturei karta march with farrakahn and had in the past embraced arafat... actually hugging him...
790 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yisrael Meir Cohen - USA Revava speaking tour on: January 25, 2006, 04:31:58 PM
that means he'll be here in l.a. too right?
791 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: More expulsions scheduled on: January 25, 2006, 02:18:12 PM
no question about it...kreplach... bibi is pond scum... however the bible codes have him as the next pm and somehow someway taking us to war which would be a great, great thing!!!! please G-d.... "all we are saying is give war a chance!!!!" "one well placed baby nuke could make our whole day!!!" ta... nik.
792 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Who's Afraid of big, bad Hamas-wolf?"/edited response.... on: January 25, 2006, 01:42:12 PM
o.k. i conceed you your point... well made... but my point is that israel and the plo both lied to us when they promised us by oslo either to disarm or wipe out hamas... that's all i'm saying... i know they're both scum... both jew-haters and wanton spillers of our blood... i know... you are right... there is no difference between them... but the whole entire peace process was stipulated and based upon the supposed breakthrough and understanding on the arab side of the negotiations for a swearing-off of all violence and terror on their part and upon the assumption of the duty to take care of the clear necessity to disarm or put down any arab terrorist bands still left standing inside "palestinian" territory who had continued to refuse to go along with the peace process...
and this is the lie i rail against so assiduously... everytime you hear how concerned the eu, the un or rice or bush over here in america are about hamas' participation in these elections or even of their continued existence on any level... know with certainty that you are listening to a lie... a lie meant solely to fool jews and israel-loving christians into thinking that our government here and yours over there give a rat's ass about israel and its jews... know this!!! shoot even hillary held a fundraiser for hamas in the white house while she was first lady!!!! so it is and has been a total lie from day one about their supposed "concerns" over hamas because of their appearance upon the world's terrorist list... (but this list shouldn't be construed or regarded as the decent world's enemies' list... our hit list... no this is really the power's protected list of gangsters, murderers and thugs for hire which they utilize and subsidise to do their dirty work for them all around the globe... to run guns, traffic in drugs and deliver death to jews and other political unwanteds)...
just like my contention about al-qaeda so too by hamas and all the other terrorist groups in the world... they are all owned and run by western interests... and eventhough iran is said to be footing the bills... the money is channeled from saudisville and delivered by networks working for the powers to syria to feed the wolves of hamas and islamic jihad and hizbollah, et al... so whenever you read or hear about these groups being banned or outlawed because of their being listed by the state-department as a terrorist organization.... know that each and everytime you read or hear that... know that it is a total lie... a lie meant to assuage and lull to sleep american jews to keep them believing that all these world-government entities are on our side supporting israel's right to peaceful co-existence... i mean come on the whole thing is utterly transparent now... when right after 9/11 the un via the u.s. elevated syria to security council status with a veto... what the hell is this? syria is not a partner in the coalition to fight the war on terror.... syria IS terrorism!!! terrorism par excellance!!! syria invented terrorism for G-d's sake... ever hear of the hassins... the assassins? well they were founded in a nexus between syria and persia (iran) in the 7th or 8th century and they have been doing nothing else since but perfecting their craft and exporting it globally... war on terrorism my ass!!!!
so how do i know this is true... you ask? well let me tell you... because of the absurdity in the first instance of thinking that the best way to get rid of hamas is by employing the pa to do the job... who hires a target's own brother to do the hit? no one... that's who... and so i already knew that there was nothing real here... nothing but a pack of lies and fraud going on with these kinds of approaches to the problems in the middle-east being seriously bandied about... the pa were hired rather to insure the safety and protection of hamas from us and in order to arm their brethren and get them ready to do their worst for the cause of judenreining the west bank... in other words to do the real and actual bidding of the powers-that-be... these powers don't want jews to have peace... they want oil... and land and money ventures to engorge themselves upon.... the powers don't give an efing damn about jews... when will we finally wake up to history and understand this truth? and that's how i figured out what the oslo suicide process and the road map to gehenom was really all about... and that's how i know that they were all lying thru their teeth when they got us foolish jews to blindly go like sheep yet again to our own demise despite the never again slogan and banner we've raised since the shoah... and this is how they got us saps to oversee and see to the destruction of our own land... eretz yisroel has been doomed by our own actions... we are doing it to and by ourselves!!!! without any outside interference or severe pressure required... and i mean the pressure from the likes of bombs and tanks... not the mere arm-twisting continuously applied from washington...
when you thnk about it the powers really have come up with quite an ingenius plan... why go to war against israel when you can get israel to diplomatically dismember itself in the name of "peace" and "co-existence" and love and brotherhood... etc? and besides... they can't openly betray israel and the jews because there are too many american jews and christian types in the u.s. who love israel and believe in the bible who would rise up and vote them out of power in a heartbeat if they ever dared to do israel any harm overtly... and they all know this... hence all the lying and subterfuge to keep the truth hidden from all of us decent folk here and abroad... but there is still hope because they did not count on us finding out about their little two-faced scheme... and of course they are way too arrogant to really fear G-d... they don't really believe He is there... that He exists... and so they haven't counted on His intervention sure to come at the last moment to save us and wreck their machinations... but for now we are staring into the abyss and we are scared.... very, very frightened at their power and their goal to eradicate us jews from off the face of the earth once and for all... (but i'll get to that tana d'bay eliyahu later)...
but for now just know that secretly behind our backs both the israeli and american negotiators and government officials all knew right from the start that the pa never had any intention of ever fulfilling this publicly espoused obligation to disband or wipe out hamas... and their favorite excuse as to why they were not doing more and pushing harder to get the job done was always that they wanted to avoid a civil-war at all costs but the real reason is that they were never really required to do the job in the first place and so of course, naturally, it would follow suit that they never had to comply and really get it done... it was all a sham... because they didn't have to comply with non-extant tenets of the hidden clauses of the oslo accord... the open version for our consumption to delude us into thinking that they had solemnly resolved to carry this out was the non-binding cover to fool us... the real agreements were hidden... and everyone in on this conspiracy knew this the whole entire time... and they especially knew they didn't have to comply because israel and america, et al needed the terrorists unopposed and unfiltered in order to clear the path of torah jews away from the areas of land destined to become free-enterprise zones for the sole enrichment of and angrandizement of the powers-that-be... and as the mafia always tell people before they murder them in cold blood... "you know... it's nothing personal... it's just business..." and so there you have it... business as usual... and thus ladies and gentlemen i give you the very down and dirty and extremely deep secret of the utter fraud known to the world as "the oslo accords"... they are nothing more and nothing other than a nazi-mafia brokered deal for land and for profit... period!!!!
ta... nik.
793 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up? on: January 25, 2006, 01:30:57 PM
true enough... it's still a mitzvah encumbent upon us... i'm just saying we have to revolt now... not just fight within the system... it's either follow the irgun/stern plan against the diabolical bloody brits or abandon the land until moshiach comes... these are our only two options remaining to us... there is no longer this quasi third one to buy time.... there is no more time left for us... the clock just ran out today... hamas just received something like 34% to fatah's 42%... it is all over for us... without a coup from the army we have no choice... it's either open rebellion and even civil-war or it's head for the hills and ride this one out 'cause it's going to get nasty and ugly very soon now... it's going to get much, much darker before it gets any lighter... i am truly, truly sorry to say... ta... nik.
794 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up? on: January 25, 2006, 12:57:27 PM
where? where have they said anything about them... i have read just about every last word they both have written... i know they disagreed with the psak of the satmar rav but they never hated him or trashed his chasidim for following him... so screw you...
795 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / what if they gave a country and nobody showed up? on: January 25, 2006, 12:20:34 PM
it is swiftly beginning to be apparent that it would have been far better if we would have all remained in the golut and not made aliyah as massively as we have done from all over the world... we should have rejected such an unjewish state and its secular ruling authority on moral and ethical grounds... not just on religious ones but yet still consented to live under their rule in the hope that they would repent and/or moshiach would come and make them obey...... and we should not have put our faith in them that G-d would protect us and forgive us for their sins and their continuing defiance and refusal to institute and abide by torah law... we shouldn't have risked our lives and the lives of our children on the goodwill of these vilda chayot!!! they are killing the dream of 2000 years and the satmar rav and his warnings to us were correct... he was right and we were wrong... no good can come from such evil... not in a million years... they will never do tshuvah not in a zillion years... and so there is no dealing with these bloodthirsty monsters... they are all degenerate liars and psychopathic murderers... they are no different than all of the many filthy enemies and foes that we have had to confront and endure oppression from since avraham avinu was made to struggle with nimrod...
one short story will suffice to illustrate my point... as told to me by one of my teachers here in l.a....: back in the early days of the spin-off group neturei karta one of the leading rabbis of mainstream satmar (forgot his name) once walked up to its founder (sorry but his name slips my memory at the moment as well) at one of their demonstrations to block traffic from disturbing their shabat near their neighborhood... and this rav called out an epitath at him... and it was the worst thing imaginable for a satmar chasid to hear himself being labeled...
the rav said: "you're a zionist!!!!"
shocked beyond comprehension the other rav stammered back: "why? how can you say such a horrible thing like that about me....? chas v'chalilah!!!!"
to wit the first rav responded: "because i saw you lay down in the middle of the road to block that bus (or whatever vehicle it was... because i thought that from day one of the state there was in place the status quo agreement of no public transportation on shabat but this is how i heard the story told over to me)... so because you did that and trusted the driver not to run you over... you must believe in zionism and that some measure of mercifulness and goodness and other such redeeming values and human qualities can still be found among the chilonim... you proved beyond all doubt that you believe these murderous behemot and villianous reshayim to have some good left in them despite their kefirah and hatred of torah... so you must be a zioinst as zionism is currently understood to be!!!"
the other rav accepted the first rav's musar and sheepishly walked away.... end of story...
now who among us until just recently would not have wanted to throttle the first rav for his bigotry and lack of ahavat yisroel? but now we all see the truth... maybe not all the way yet to include bus drivers and the other hamoan am... but at least as relating to government officials and the politicians... at least as far as they are concerned we now see the light of this truth... and it is time for us all to apologize to the charedim... they were right and we were wrong all along the way... so sad to say... but no less the truth to admit... ta... nik.
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796 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bibi is no better... on: January 25, 2006, 11:42:14 AM
and netanyahu is also the same... he says that he won't relinquish as much of yesha as his other two opponents will and that he will hold a referrendum for any major movements and i guess he would halt this unilateral madness.... but i for one do not believe a word he is saying.... he has a long way to go to prove to me the sincerity of his words...
797 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Yeshah Council of saboteurs is at it again/read: kapos of kapos... on: January 25, 2006, 09:33:16 AM
the absurdity and the obscenity of this whole scene screams to the high heavens for justice, rectification and compassion.... when will Hashem answer our prayers already and defeat our enemies...? must we all be prepared to lay down our lives first before Hashem will be moved to intercede on our behalf...? answer... yes... even in mitzrayim when we were at our absolute lowest in terms of self-determination and power we had to defy the egyptian authorities and paro himself to be redeemed... and we had to have a willingness to leave the exile, accept a law-giver and a law... sight unseen... and be willing to conquer and hold a distant land populated by giants and giborim... so tell me... what's new this time around people? ta... nik.
798 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a recipe for disaster only in israel... on: January 25, 2006, 09:19:15 AM
take * one part... will of the people... always ignored...
and add + to it another part... will of the dictators... always accomplished...
and what do you get? this equals = revolution... in every other land and country
save for israel the one and only jewish state...
reason: (choose one): not enough courage> insufficent resources> lack of unity> judaism forbids rebelliousness>
799 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: you would rather be helenist than satmar? on: January 25, 2006, 12:04:40 AM
no you wouldn't... satmar has a legitimate shita based on the psak of the holy satmar rav ztv'k"l.... that it is better for all of eretz yisroel to be ruled by goyim until moshiach comes because of the great chillul Hashem involved in a jewish state that is m'kayim (even out of fear of the goyish reaction) all of the heathen, batei avodah zara now open in the holy land where the command of Hashem is to close them down or even to tear them down... all of them without exception.... now his view therefore was that it would have been far better if the secular state of israel had never come into existence the way it did... and now that it had... he held that his people must not participate in anyway in the life of the state so as not to become accountable for this great chillul Hashem... with this position i too (the nothing that i am in comparison to that great sage) find myself in agreement... he was and is right... we have suffered untold tragedy, harm and agony because of this great sin...
however all of the above is a far cry from the twisted and demented way a breakaway faction called the neturei karta have taken his psak out of context and taken their actions to the extremes of wishing for the demise of the state and openly working with the vile arab enemy to undermine jewish hegemony... my solution of course is to take a different tack now that the state exists and in light of the fact that the destruction of it would only lead to the death by murder of multitudes of jews... if it fell into arab hands... a foreign power like britain or america would have been tolerable under which to patiently await moshiach.... but at this time to advocate life under arab rule would be a hellish nazi nightmare of immeasurable torture and agony... but now that there is no turning back of the clock... i am rather in favor of keeping israel under jewish rule... but i am for the wresting of power from the grip of the unjewish jews who because of their stubborn, arrogant and derisive refusal to institute torah law are the cause of bringing down upon us all the horror of the past 100 years in eretz yisroel...... and once done, i further propose that we should take the risk of attempting to comply with the mitzvah of stamping out idolatry no matter how angry, enraged or outraged the world becomes... likewise i am also no longer in favor of regressing and of returning the country to other more "benign" goyish hands since the shoah has proven conclusively that everyone hates us... and because we must not allow another just as severe chillul Hashem to occur by endeavoring to roll back the redemption process which Hashem, Himself has put into motion... this would not only be the height of insanity and chutzpah on our part but the utter depths of ingratitude to Hashem who has thus far made known to us His intention and desire to send us moshiach if only we would exhibit truly the willingness to live up to His torah dictates... nikmatdam
800 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: they swore this wouldn't happen; but they were lying to us all along... on: January 24, 2006, 06:46:43 PM
my point here is that the BIG lie was not just that our jewish leaders and our american and british "friends" promised us that if we gave back land we were guaranteed for sure of getting back in return a real, secure and an enduring peace... but that really all along the powers-that-be knew secretly that an actual peace was not in the offing and was not forthcoming nor about to unfold and evolve slowly... no... that lie alone would not have been as catastrophic nor as devastating as the situation post-oslo actually has turned out to be... since all of us already knew ahead of time that we were going to get back nothing in exchange as evidenced by the 20 years prior leading up to oslo of a frgid detente and cease-fire that was then and still is anything and everything but "peace" with and by the camp david/sinai accord with egypt... thus we all knew this next round of the "peace process" in the making was going to be just as fraudulent as well...
but the severe and twisted; duplicious and sinister business here that we fell for... is that we were told by our own government that if we armed the plo and made them our partners they would do our dirty work for us and get rid of hamas for us BECAUSE SUPPOSEDLY THEY ALSO HATED AND FEARED THEM... and THAT lie is what has led to the direct threat to israel's survival... AND THE REAL TRUTH WAS THAT THEY WERE ALL LYING TO US... i.e. (that is) THE ISRAELI, AMERICAN AND THE BRITISH GOVERNMENTS... and not just arafat....
and peres and sharon, et al were all in on the deal... they knew hamas was not going anywhere... that is why we never suspended oslo when it became clear that the plo would never get rid of hamas... this is why we never went to war to make them comply either... all we did after terrorist attacks is make a show of it by bombing empty buildings that we had sent word as to our intended targets of retalliation and thus we let them know which ones they were going to be and where and when... and the one and only invasion back into their zones was for sharon to have cover to get elected to dupe us into thinking that he was on our side and that he would come to our rescue and save the day... yet another ruse among the many that they have consistently and successfully pulled over on us throughout the years...
for what normal country under similar circumstances wouldn't finally give up and call off a contract that the other side was so brazenly and so overtly in non-compliance with in every and any of the various tenets of their supposedly agreed to obligations...? and furthermore why didn't we ever even threaten them publicly with this move...? or to then just go ahead and annex the territories and be done with it...? no... to the contrary we've seemingly done just the opposite with and by our losing hope in them to comply... and we have begun to dismantle and retreat; conceeding land willingly and unilaterally on our own with no rhyme or reason for it ever spoken about save than for a very weak and utterly vapid rationalization (a specious and false argument floated instead) that we will in the end be more secure if we establish firm and recognizable borders even if they are weaker or less buffered ones than we previously held which were far more distant from our major population centers; were wider and denser; with far more militarily defensible terrain at our disposal... which because they were much more vague and less clearly defined borders for map makers to draw... were thereby somehow not as secure and as protective as they will be now that we have capitulated and separated ourselves from close proximity to and control over the enemy by all this haphazard backpedelling... (as if this accomplishes any real separation since the enemy now floods the abandoned areas right on up to the newly circumscribed and freshly entrenched borders)... how's all of this for strategic double-talk? what nonsense!! how absurd! and how obscene! and more crucially... how wrong!!! and what a lie!!!
and as if to further baffle the imagination we were told that with this suicidal move by which we would be at a decidely greater disadvantage to defend ourselves and hence in much graver danger of attack... still because we would now be living behind internationally recognized and sanctioned lines we would have more justification and support for going to war if we had to then we do at the present time without this claim of legitimacy... and that then we would be facing an enemy army and not just a bunch of children with arms.... can you believe this diseased mentality? we would go back to being little david against goliath instead of our present status as the fourth greatest army in the world... and that would be a good thing!!!! only a very sick people with a death-wish would ever conceive of such a strategy for defense!!!! and as if even this was not enough lunacy for one government to exhibit they then set out to demonstrate the rectitude of their thinking... for they said look at all the terror we suffered when we were broader and wider... and this is the reason we must fall back.... kicking them all out won't work... fighting a really all-out and unrestricted war won't work... only this disengagement plan will work for us!!! unbelievable!!!! and to make their case and prove their point that they are right they have allowed us to be killed relentlessly by the hundreds for years now with no let-up in sight... and as soon as we return to (not just the 1967 borders) but to the 1949 or even to the "aushwitz borders" (as labeled by abba eban) of '47 as both president bush and condi rice have each once let slip this past year that they expect us to do just this very soon now...
and then presto!!! voila!!! they will pull the string and like magic terrorism will cease... and we will at last have a respite from terror and a small modicum of peace.... (for awhile anyway because then the powers-that-be in the world will know that they have us dead-to-rights and that they can finish us off anytime they care to or need to)... so then finally we will have some relief and the appearance of real peace because the terrorists will then be reigned in just iong enough in order for the jewish collaborators who run israel with a brutal, repressive iron-fist like the kgb and the ss before them in history to be proven correct in their views and estimation of these issues... and so that they can give the impression of being profoundly forward-thinking in their "breathtakingly very bold and courageous understanding of international politics and foreign diplomacy"... and so that in the eyes of the world and to the great delight of very, very stupid and inane jews everywhere they can all be hailed, lauded and feted as brilliant statesmen and visionary heroes of peacemaking... replete with nobel peace prizes and other international accolades and awards to boot... but it all will be a sham... an outright lie... for this will only then be so because the fix has been in all along the way... and this has been their secret, hidden agenda every step of the way.... and so when israel then subsequently meets its demise... the world and its "good jews" will have an excuse for cover... as they will gleefully concur and explain that... "well... afterall is said and done... you see that... these have been YOUR leaders o' children of israel... YOU put them in power; not us... and this is what YOU have allowed them to do... so now rejoice o' yaakov... you worm! you knave! these are your gods and they have led you back in chains of bondage... back into slavery and golut in egypt... this time forever... mazel tov!!!! and l'chayim!!!! suckers!!!!!"
and so this is the actual and until now the inexplicable reason why the government of israel never reacted with any of the above mentioned common sense and self-defensive mechanisims which should have automatically been triggered in the face of crisis and the emergency procedures which should have kicked-in under normal reflexive actions... and these lifesaving devices were not employed not because of israeli blundering and hand-wringing but rather due to the G-d-awful real truth that they had surrepititiously sold us all a shoddy bill of goods... they said one thing in public about the treaty for our consumption and then they went right ahead with impunity and did whatever the hell they wanted instead... and so they arranged mysterious and clandestine meetings behind our backs and laid nefarious plans which they kept from our knowledge and hidden clauses were appended onto accords that they had devised with america, britain and all the others prodding them along to take all of these quixotic steps which we have all seen them take shockingly against our own best jewish, self-interests instead of others more obviously protective of our safety, security and welfare... doing all of these evil things without informing us first or at all nor allowing us to voice our opinion on the matter... and all the while with each further step of insanity they were creating a fait acompli... facts on the gorund to make their deal unbreakable and irreversible... and so the very sad and real truth all along was and is that the plo WERE and ARE still keeping to their end of the bargain... just not to the one we all thought and were led to believe (by the perfidious word of our own brethren) that they had signed onto to observe... for they were given arms not to put down hamas as they and the israeli leadership proclaimed to us and to the rest of the world but just the opposite in order to terrorize all of us and beat us into submission until out of fear and by virtue of demoralizing attrition we would finally relent on our hold and claim over the land due to their now overwhelming arab power and in light of our collective broken heart at the huge human toll suffered over our lost loved ones and due to the undeniable knowledge of our government leaders' underhanded and traitorous betrayal of our dreams and the callous breaking of their promises to us to help afford us our dreams... (these deep spiritual and physical wounds even emanating out from those on the yesha council whom we had entrusted with our very lives and even more shattering... the painful disallusionment inflicted upon us stemming from some of our once most revered rabbis now suddenly discovered to have been so very horribly compromised all along the way)...
and thus an international plot was hatched even before the first gulf war to destroy eretz yisroel forever and turn it into a secular, multi-national entity with a tri-ethnic and tri-religious population base forming just another link in a middle-eastern geo-political-bloc, economic region and free-enterprise zone (not even an independent secular country onto itself any longer) with no borders and no governments... save for a single, fascist world-body empowered replete with court and police force to control the business interests in and of the area... but not to the self-determinative advantage of nor for the financial benefit of the indigenous populaces there... mind you... oh no... not at all... but solely for the protection of those specific and exclusive concerns of the super-rich and mega-powerful around the world...
and this is THE lie i am referring to that has put eretz yisroel and the am Hashem in such dire straits and imminent peril and has rendered all of us in such jeopardy to our complete and utter dismay and despair... nikmatdam
801 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Long live co-existence- Another Israeli Arab is supected on: January 24, 2006, 01:53:24 PM
as rav meir repeatedly warned us... "either they all go or surely we will all go..."
ta... nik.
802 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sharon should get jail time on: January 24, 2006, 01:51:18 PM
the only jail i wish for all the sharons... is the eternal one... in gehenom!!!
803 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: they swore this wouldn't happen/but they were lying to us all from the git-go... on: January 24, 2006, 01:47:43 PM
and there we have it... thankyou bk...
804 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / they swore this wouldn't happen; but they were lying to us all along... on: January 24, 2006, 11:49:34 AM
i don't know how many of you realize this but with the terrorist group hamas about to participate in the upcoming parliamentary election of the arab enemy in our midst upon our land... (not that the plo itself who now rules there isn't still and always has been a terrorist group) but along with their inclusion comes to mind the true evidence of the clear and unambiguous sheker we were all told... and the sedition and treason which most of us fell for and let the erev rav government of our jewish state get away with...
because if you will recall back to 1993... THE rationale the erev rav jewish murderers of our people used to convince the "majority" (they never really had one back then so they just proceeded to lie about this point of contention as well and invent one with false polls... pretending that they did... proof positive of this fact: they refused to hold a referrendum on the issue)... but THE rationale they utilized to ram oslo down our collective throats was that unless we dealt with arafat we would be faced with having to contend with a much, much more wildly rabid and deadly organization... hamas... which would take over and greatly radicalize and increase terror all over israel...
isn't that what they said? tell me that wasn't THE main propagandizing argument they used to get us to go along?
and so now what do we get a mere 13 years later... we get hamas coming to power in gaza for sure and it is only a matter of time before they do so on the west bank and in jerusalem... and so now we see the terrible price we are about to pay for our naivete and our meekness and our willingness to try and get along for the sake of jewish unity... to not make waves and see if it will work... to give peace a chance... to take risks for peace... to sacrifice for peace...
and now we know because of all the other lies they have told us about this process... now we know they were lying right from the start... now we know and we have known for sometime that they are with the enemy camp in "palestine" and with the enemy camp in washington, london, paris, moscow, etc.
and now they plan to finish us off... with these elections which include hamas that they still brazenly have the gall to lie to us baldfacedly and without any trace of shame and tell us that they are not for this inclusion of hamas but are allowing and going along with it in order to hold out hope for peace... this is the death-knell for what is left of the state of israel... this is the beginning of the end game for one-world government and one-world religion with their masonic, satanic temple forced upon us on har habayit...
and therefore this is it jews... this is it... march 28th or whenever is too late... now is the threat... now is the danger... and no one sees it coming and no one complains... and no one rises to object and expose them for the deadly liars and poisonous vipers that they truly are... and no one calls them on this lie... their now most blatant of all their way too many lies that we let them get away with... this single, solitary lie which made all the other myriads of lies possible to tell... and so now we are faced with THE penultimate question... what will we do when israel itself is no more...? there is no more time left for us to act... it is now or never... literally not figuratively...
805 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / it's not about us any longer... it's all about our kids now... on: January 23, 2006, 11:36:56 PM
they are the ikar... we are not... they are our teachers and we should become their students... truth be told... and the truth will out... there is no question that our children's generation will bring moshiach (if we don't) and this is so solely by dint of their bitachon and emunah... and by their courage to demonstrate their vision and conviction thru mesirat nefesh.... something we their elders have yet to prove... and this is the case because we are sore to show that we really have any real bitachon or emunah... true trust and faith in Hashem... what a shame but this is the G-d-awful and G-d-honest truth about our golut-ridden generation... afilu ha tov meod shebenanu pales in comparison to the least among them... but i guess that's a great thing.... boruch Hashem... ta... nik.
806 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: hatred as mitzvah... on: January 23, 2006, 10:25:29 PM
807 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / hatred as mitzvah... on: January 23, 2006, 05:25:59 AM
the mida of hatred gets a bad rap most of the time... and not without alot of justification... however as i am sure i needn't remind you there is a time and a place for everything... including hatred... as shlomo hamelech says in the third perek of kohelet..."...there is a time and a season for everything under heaven... a time to love and a time to hate... a time for war and a time for peace..."
and as david hamelech sings in tehilim 139:19-24... "...o' that You would slay the wicked, o' G-d, and men of blood (to whom i say) 'depart from me!' those who pronounce Your name for evil schemes. it is taken in vain by Your enemies. for indeed those who hate You, o' Hashem, i hate them, and i quarrel with those who rise up against You! with the utmost hatred, i hate them; they have become enemies to me. examine me, o' G-d, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. and see if i have a vexing way; and lead me in the way of eternity."
and before that in 119:164: "i have hated falsehood and abhorred it... but Your torah i love..."
what? test me in my hatred? is it complete enough to earn olam haba?
yes... yes... and a thousand and one times... YES!!!
for the full measure of hating G-d's enemies reflects the great love that one has for torah jews and G-d's children who fear Him and love Him... and this includes love for those righteous goyim (b'nai noach) that exist in every generation as well... for who are the enemies of Hashem in this world? those who hate torah, mitzvot, morality, eretz yisroel and the jewish people.... and this can and has and still does include even some of our very own fellow jews throughout history... unfortunately...
when david "spilled much blood upon the earth" and was therefore excluded from being the one to build the beit hamikdash this was not because he was a great sinner and had done evil.... Hashem told him that every heathen corpse that he slaughtered was in G-d's eyes as a sacred korban (sacrificial offering to Hashem's everlasting glory).... why was this so? because david was protecting Hashem's chosen people from destruction from bloodthirsty monsters who hated the jews because of their torah allegiance to Hashem... and so david's hatred was the flip side of his love... hatred for evil and love for good... hatred of those who came to crush an innocent people just trying to quietly sanctify themselves and live their lives in the service of the Al-mighty with much love for Him and for His land, torah and mitzvot... and so while it was true to Hashem that david could not build the temple because Hashem had decreed that this could only be done in a generation safe and free from warfare and bloodshed... but still david was not a rasha... for he made it possible thru the many wars which he waged during his lifetime for that peaceful time period to arrive as he discouraged all the many enemies of israel that they could not prevail over them since G-d was with him and with the rest of His people... and so they left us alone for awhile until we sinned again and lost this level of protection and grace... but david inspired us to high levels of faith and mitzvah observance and love for Hashem who had sent such a precious neshamah to be our king and our savior...
and so i say to all of you here... just take one case for example... tali hatuel and her 4 little girls so mercilessly destroyed by roving bands of wild beasts and by their jewish handlers and enablers.... if you really have ahavat yisroel.... how can you not be enraged over their murder? how can you not want revenge? how can you not hate until there is no possibility of hating anymore with a fire and a passion which will burn until the end of time.... until justice is done? and how can you not hate for all of the deaths caused by these evil enemies of Hashem? and how can you not be outraged for all the blood of your people and for decent people everywhere spilled throughout the ages? SO DON'T TELL ME ABOUT UNIVERSAL LOVE OF MANKIND OR OF TRUE AHAVAT YISROEL FOR FELLOW JEWS UNLESS YOU FEEL THE PAIN AT THEIR INNOCENT BLOOD BEING SHED... AND UNLESS YOU CRY OUT TO G-D WITH BITTER TEARS OVER THEIR WRONGFUL SLAUGHTER BY EVIL... EVIL MEN WHO DESERVE NOTHING BUT THE SAME FATE TO MEET THEM TOO FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO ALL OF US AND CONTINUE TO DO TO US.... AND YOU SHOULD FEEL THE ANGER AND THE RAGE AND THE HATRED OF THEM AND WANT TO CARRY OUT THE VENGEANCE YOURSELF... AND YOU SHOULD WANT THEIR BLOOD WITH EVERY BREATH YOU CONTINUE TO TAKE AND THE RAGE AND HATRED OF THEM FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO GOOD PEOPLE SHOULD BRING THE VERY LUST OF TASTING THEIR BLOOD TO YOUR MOUTH AND THE DESIRE TO FEED THEIR FLESH AND BLOOD TO THE ANIMALS OF THE FIELD AND TO THE BIRDS OF THE SKY... AND AT LEAST IN YOUR HEART YOU SHOULD DO SO OR DESIRE TO DO SO EVEN IF YOU CANNOT DUE TO FEAR OR INABILITY... BUT YOU SHOULD WANT TO DO SO... WHY? BECAUSE OF THE GREAT LOVE FOR HASHEM AND FOR HOLY JEWS AND FOR DECENT HUMAN BEINGS EVERYWHERE THAT FLOWS THRU YOUR VEINS... THAT'S WHY!!!! SO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD HERE ABOUT HOW MUCH SOME OF YOU "LOVE" AND DON'T HATE... AND HOW PURE YOUR HEARTS ARE... BULL!!! PROVE IT!!!
and as rav meir taught us... "if you can't or don't hate your enemy you cannot and will not win the war..." but more than this.... "love your enemy" is not a mitzvah... and if you fight this way it causes you to be responsible for all the blood of your brothers and sisters that results from your meek attitude...that idea is in the wrong bible... not in ours... "we don't turn the other cheek and offer it to our enemy to strike us again" of course no one should.... you have to be a fool to live by that false maxim... we are commanded by G-d in the torah... rather to "throw the other fist" and if not for ourselves than at least for each other's protection... as it says... "lo t'amod al dam rayecha!" "thou shalt not stand idly by while your brother's blood is being spilled" and if you are not able to fight to save him at least you must do something... anything else... to try and rescue him... calll the cops, etc. the insanity that we shouldn't fight and hate our enemies is beyond the pale in our sick golut-ridden world... we are such saps and utter knaves!!!! we thereby become the ones who are "merciful to the cruel and ultimately cruel to the merciful..." and for this sin we will burn... and burn long and hard... for chazal say... better you were not born.... it would have been better if your mother's placenta would have washed over you and suffocated you than you should live to cause jewish and other innocent blood to flow because of your cowardice and yellow-bellied timidity toward hatred of one's enemies... especially since they are G-d's bitter foes as well... all that innocent blood will be on your head and on your hands if you refuse to fight for your people and for goodness in the world in general... even if you do nothing (we are not speaking here about collaboration with the enemy out of fear and from a gutless mindset) but just inaction alone is enough to be branded by chazal as if you had instead fought on the side of evil... for the enemies of Hashem... better you should die a horrible death than to face Hashem after a full 120 with this sin on your slate... besides all the above what rav meir was really teaching us was that the real reason we should find it within ourselves to exhibit the appropriate response to evil is because of our love of our fellow man; especially for our fellow jews and for our love of Hashem... nikmatdam...
808 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!" on: January 23, 2006, 04:07:11 AM
good post truth... that picture, if there can ever be just one, is THE picture of the shoah and it is THE cause of and reason for the pledge and vow we must scream (and mean it) of... NEVER AGAIN!!!! never again without a fight! never again as innocent and powerless sheep to the slaughter... as the rav coined and taught us the meaning of that phrase and what it really comes to convey... and it makes no difference if that next time, G-d forbid it should ever occur, but it makes not one bit of difference if we are confronted by goyish nazis or jewish ones... we must live up to our sacred honor and the oath we have made to each other... ta... nik.
809 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!" on: January 23, 2006, 12:26:40 AM
unfortunately.... you are both wrong.... rav meir held that everyone should go to jail... men, women and children.... and they should all baricade themselves inside their homes to fight forced-evacuation... the chashmanoim were his model... after they saw matisyahu step forward.... they headed for the hills... but i believe they took their families with them.... leaving them behind exposes them to danger and the warrior-rebels to blackmail... so they all ran for cover and lived in caves under great privations... ta... nik.
810 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How can Jewish police act like animals? on: January 22, 2006, 06:46:51 PM
because they are not really jews... they are the unwashed erev rav jews... direct descendents of those that moshe rebenu took out of mitzrayim against Hashem's wishes and see what a mess they are causing.... that is why the gra equates them with the nexus of yishmael and esav... and says that at the point of convergence of all 3 of these reshayim is and will be amalek for the end of days.... he says this in sefer kol tor look it up.... last chapter... they are unjewish jews more goyish than jewish and with no mercy (rachamim) no kindness (chesed) and with no shame (busha)... their very connection to avraham avinu according to chazal is suspect if not outrightly rejected.... they are scum... ta... nik.
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811 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:mesirah: ain chalek b'olam haba.... on: January 22, 2006, 01:07:53 PM
of course they shouldn't be deported... even if we know they are guilty as hell... according to torah law they can only be tried by fellow jews and should be in this case and should not by any circumstances be turned over to a goyish court... that would be mesirah a severe sin carrying with it the loss of one's eternal reward in olam haba... ask any real rabbi and he will tell you... what they did to jonathan pollard was mesirah... what they did to robert manning was mesirah... and what avneri is trying to do to these guys is tantamount to the same... all the people responsible for the above will burn forever... ta... nik. and this is no small thing coming from me... who holds the erev rav jews to be unjewish jews... but still jews who have rights as jews.... just we have rights too and we can and should deal with these terrible jews ourselves.... not take the coward's way out and ask the goyim to do our dirty work for us.... this smacks of what they said we did by "yashka pundle pudd'n pie kissed the girls and made them cry".... anyway... i don't think every idf member who carried out the immoral and obscene laws in gaza are all automatically qualified for the rasha status of the erev rav (nor for amalekite status according to the gra)... but any of the brutal ones who hurt their fellow jews and relished the opportunity to do so are qualified and we should hunt them down like the dogs that they are and punish them ourselves... only thus will true justice ever be served for the rape of gush katif... a maven yaven... nikie pooh out...
812 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Avichai is invited by adminstrater. on: January 22, 2006, 01:01:20 PM
yeah you're the real McCoy alright... and i'm the flippin' toothfairy...
813 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: public debate on "Not leaving Israelis on "the other side of the fence" on: January 22, 2006, 01:32:47 AM
go for it david... don't let up and don't give them any slack... of course you do know don't you that even if they left the land and agreed to leave you all behind to fend for your selves... they would secretly help the arabs to kill you all or drive you off... as they could not afford a successful torah jewry and settler victory... it goes against their designs for the future of the state and against their emotional and physical stranglehold and rule over the jewish people and land... you do know this correct? with much love and concern for you all... nik.
814 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is the enemy of our enemy our friend? (you asked for it so here it comes)... on: January 22, 2006, 01:20:21 AM
most of the time... the enemy of my enemy is my friend... but not in the middle east... iraq and iran squared off against each other and we (israel and america) supported... iraq!!! and iran!!!! both of them like insane morons playing with fire and look what it got us... trouble, death and war... and nukes up the gazooo facing us... this is a sick, demented world only getting sicker... it is long past time that we declared war on everybody and looked to no one including britain and america for help, aid or friendship.... no one is the true friend of the jews on this planet... nobody!!! and of course our enemies even include our own fellow jews around the globe who are not with us and who support the erev rav unjewish jews in their domination and iron-clad control (read: oppression) over eretz yisroel and their crushing intimidation and vise-like hold over all G-d-fearing torah jews... we need to rise up and revolt against our slavemasters (america and britain) and their jewish kapo enforcers and taskmasters (the israeli gov.) and we need to tear those abominations off of har habayit and begin to do the avodah (tumah hutra b'tzibur) while we begin construction on the beit hamikdash and we also need to nuke mecca now!!!! there... that is my considered opinion, david... ta... nik.
815 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Avichai is invited by adminstrater. on: January 22, 2006, 01:04:34 AM
that should have read... administratOr... you [censored]...
816 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us join the revolution. on: January 20, 2006, 05:24:19 PM
avichai... you are truly pathetic...
817 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting Devar Torah by Rav Binyamin Kahane, and Topic for Discussion... on: January 20, 2006, 02:03:09 PM
yes i've seen this great piece awhile back and this is why i have been pushing for total revolution.... of course rav binyamin was right... it is so clear... no need to comment upon the content or the message any further... just to say that it is long past the time that we jews in the world came to israel enmasse and told paro (currently bush, blair, olmert) to just ef off!!! we must stand up to them and the rest of the world and declare our true independence and freedom from the bondage israel has always been shackled under... it is long past time that we put our lives on the line for what we believe... that Hashem exists and that He gave us sole possession of all eretz yisroel and that He demands that we set up a torah state in it or lose it.... and that this requires throwing all goyim out of it and shutting down permenantly all of their idolotrous houses of worship.... period.... forever!!!! this is what is asked of us... this is what is required.... G-d is on our side and He will come to our aid.... if we show faith and trust in Him first.... thus the sum of the entire kahane legacy and heritage that they martyred themselves for in order to pass this vision and courage down to us... their students and followers.... are we up to the challenge or will we simply scare-off easily the first time we are attacked? this is the only relevant question left to ask... ta... nik.
818 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / The golden path/has been tarnished and has lost its sheen and former lustre... on: January 20, 2006, 01:44:13 PM
"sticks and stones" pal... and you already tried ignoring me a couple of times before... remember? i guess you just can't help yourself... huh? infant... baby... fetus... zygot...
819 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us join the revolution/yes let's... on: January 20, 2006, 01:38:12 PM
but not with you... you have proven to be vile and insulting to just about everyone here... i am convinced you were sent in here to wreak havoc upon us and deny us the opportunity to have even one site where we can openly and honestly share our views and try to come up with plans of action to save israel and the jewish people from what we all see and know is coming just down the road a year or two off if not even sooner... you are of no help and you are just an annoyance.... everything you began in this thread i and others have been calling for for months while you were on your little "feiglin is the savior" kick and drew time and energy away from the real fight and the real issues and torah values... and now you want us all to run out there half-cocked and all get arrested and beaten so you can finish off your nefarious and filthy little war against good, G-d fearing torah jews who really care about am yisroel and eretz yisroel and are desperately trying to save them both from destruction.... most of it... you got some nerve bastard... and i for one think you are as low as they come.... as lowdown and dirty as they come.... ef off!!! ta... nik.
820 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us join the revolution. on: January 20, 2006, 03:49:09 AM
bravo... welcome to the bandwagon... johnny come-lately... you got to be a plant...
821 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The golden path/where? on: January 20, 2006, 03:13:00 AM
you just got to be kidding... right? you can't possibly be this daft, blind or stupid... can you? yes, i guess you can...
moshe should have stood his ground and fought for his position and rightful place... just like rav meir and binyamin did... he should have made them ban him...but he showed that he is a coward instead... he cracked under the pressure... in the end he cared only for his viability rather than demonstrating yet again what a hypocritical sham, fraud and total bankruptcy the "democratic" political system of israel actually is... to think that bibi sought to have him excluded because he had been arrested for legitimate protests of oslo and for wishing to express his freedoms of speech, assembly, conviction and other assorted rights and liberties.... and G-d-given ones at that... but that evil pales in insanity to what moshe did when he caved and slobbered all over netanyahu so spinelessly to stay legal... and to think that he didn't have the guts or vision to realize that now he can never ever again stand up for torah principles because he abrogated the central value of yirat shemayaim and trust in G-d alone... he did have them in a panic and he then let them off the hook... he let them save face while he essentially banned himself and all but conceeded to them that they are the authority and they rule by virtue of a mandate.... one that is really non-existent... but now they can spread the lie and use the fig leaf he gave them for cover... to hide behind it shamelessly and thus block and obscure from public view their filth and corruption... what a monumental blunder... what an utter waste of a golden opportunity... what a terrible crying shame... there is no way around it now... there is no denying the truth... feiglin is compromised now... let no one say otherwise.... and anyone still not seeing this is just as compromised as well... ta... nik.
822 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the emir of kuwait couldn't wait for moshiach to appear... on: January 15, 2006, 01:07:21 AM
death davening... whisper it in the night... death davening is working... shhh.... don't tell anyone.... but another jew-hating bastard has just bitten the dust and gone on to his eternal reward in hell... another sonei yisroel with impact on the road-map to hell is no more... and the only question remaining... is who will be next please G-d? mubarak? peres? bush? cheney? death davening... baby it's working!!! shhh..... ta... nik.
823 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: these next elections... (edited) on: January 15, 2006, 12:34:03 AM
i dreamed this election a year or so ago... nothing clear all i can tell you is that i awoke and said something huge and dramatic is going to happen in the next elections in israel... then they weren't slated until nov. '06... and of course it looked like they were for sharon all the way and no bibi anywhere in sight and it looked real bad this year when he lost his bid to topple sharon within likud... but i awoke and i just had a feeling it was netanyahu and that he might (all though it doesn't look like it now... but the feeling of euphoria i had is that he might do something to thumb his nose at america and start doing what is truly in our jewish best interests in israel) in other words i felt he wanted to do tshuvah for hebron and everything he did last time and this time he will be like begin and not like peres, sharon and rabin and the rest... that is my interp. of my dream and it will be exciting... so i am calling it the way i dreamt it... but i also thought i saw the kc chiefs as superbowl champs in another dream before the season began... but maybe it was for next year... huh? ta... nik.
and don't put down nevuah... i am not claiming to be a navi... but rav aryeh kaplan wrote that before moshiach comes nevuah will begin again... so look for it... n.
824 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / these next elections... (final edited version)... on: January 13, 2006, 06:10:30 PM
i promise you all... peres or olmert or whoever kadima puts up will lose... it will be bibi again unless moshiach comes or the whole country suddenly turns to kahane's legacy and realizing that he would easily have won this time for pm had he lived and been allowed to run... of this i have no doubt at all... rav meir would have won... and a huge revolution breaks out and sweeps the whole entire country and puts an end to the current system... tragically our loss is greatest now with rav meir gone... oh how we could have used him right now... oh how we need him now... but we still have Hashem... and that's the point... we are not losing... Hashem is winning... he just knocked sharon out... it was a clear and clean ko... and kadima is through now too because of this... they were only going to vote for sharon because everyone is scared about what might happen... and they knew or thought they knew that at least sharon could take the country to war if all hell broke loose and get the people to go along... something they will never do with olmert or even peres... not to mention peretz forget about it... maybe, maybe bibi if he does alot of tshuvah and we started to trust him on the right (which right now and probably at all... he is not trustworthy period ever) so forget about us... but maybe, maybe....he has enough clout to get the left to go along in case of an emergency or a crisis... this election is now and always has been over this one indicator... and now with sharon gone and rav meir killed it is all over... there is absolutely no one out there to feel secure with... to trust in... save for Hashem... and thus this is the supreme moment before our final redemption...we all only have Hashem to trust and look up to for leadership... Hashem will send someone to rescue us... of this i am positive... it may not be moshiach yet... we still may not be zoche... but we will be redeemed from this tzora and dire situation... hopefully with moshiach finally... and if it is moshiach ben david... the first thing he is going to ask for if moshiach ben yosef is chas v'shalom already killed... that Hashem revive him and join in the fight against gog and the world... and then someone is going to come forward to be moshiach ben yosef (if alive)... or he will stand up out of his grave... i know who my candidate would be for this role... not shlomo carlebach or even the rebbe of lubavitch... besides neither of them were slaughtered... they died of natural causes... my vote would be for rav meir... or even r. binyamin... "wouldn't that be a kick in the head?"
if however moshiach ben yosef is the one Hashem now sends forward... we are still perhaps a little ways off for full and complete redemption and we have more pachad and hard times left to go with him as our leader... and depending on his and our combined net worth he will either live and succeed or die and fail to a certain level... only partially fulfilling his mission until moshiach ben david finally shows up... and then we are still in for kehachtah tzoros... but i believe firmly we are already passed that time... that we have been living in that time ever since 1990 and our suffering is crescendoing now... not just beginning... and so rav meir was and is moshiach ben yosef perhaps (provided that he can come from one of the other shevatim since rav meir was a kohen but perhaps not)... and now Hashem will rescue us... (moshol to follow next week).... please G-d... but for now... if Hashem is going to give him techiat hamatim anyway as soon as moshiach ben david arrives... so why let him die in the first place?
answer: to make us worry... to test us some more... just one last time... it really is Hashem doing it all Himself anyhow... so here we are put to the final test... when moshiach ben yosef dies (if he does) or even if we still have to worry over him because he is going to appear now... (both are still possibilities) ... the point is not to lose heart and give up... cave in to gog and all the goyim... america and britain... especially... the eu and russia secondarily... arabs way down the line... i don't think anyone now except golus jews wants israel to capitulate anymore... no one sane b'aretz does... all though i'm worried about the rabbanim... it tana d'bay eliyahu... that yehudah will fight along side and with gog against yerushalayim... and one of my teachers taught us that yehudah always means the spiritually elite rabbanim and gedolim... they are on the chopping block now... extreme pressure being exerted upon them to cave... meet the pope... go along with the road map to hell... etc. and they are doing it... all over the world and in israel too... just as predicted.... but are they wrong in doing so...? i say yes... but they say no... they say we are not supposed to be taking matters into our own hands... we are supposed to give now... bend but not break... we are called upon to just gut it out and wait for Hashem to save us... that it is still not time for maccabees to start guerillah warfare...or any war... unlike what rav meir held we should do and that this mesirat nefesh on our part will bring moshiach... who is right? this is the only question.... but either way we must find ways not to lose hope... because Hashem will save us... don't give up and don't cave all the way in.... don't get frightened... stand up to the threat of our oppressors at least in your heart... don't go over to their side like ravsheki did at the time of chizkiyah and yehsiyahu hanavi against ashur (the assyrians)... see there... we must remain firm in our own souls... we must trust and have faith only in Hashem even if we do not take any other actions personally... and that is our nisayon... all of us jews world wide... this is the final hurdle to redemption.... hold out! hang in there! we can make it together.... hold! hold on! hang tough! hang in! rebel in your hearts and minds... daven and learn like crazy with fierce strength and hope in Hashem to defeat all our internal and external enemies... now is the time of our liberation and freedom from all tyranny forever... forever! now is the time!!!! now!!!! be well and G-d bless... am yisroel chai!!!!! ta... nik.
825 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: more d'vrei nevuah from rav meir hy"d... on: January 13, 2006, 05:32:56 PM
pegging him for what he truly already then was... always was... always... know this... internalize this.... he was always exactly what he turned out to be at gush katif... yamit was him... gush katif was and is him... nothing else was ever him... never ever was... ta... nik.
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