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October 20, 2006, 01:59:26 PM 

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676   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "to eat or not to eat...? that is the question... whether it is better to..."  on: March 02, 2006, 05:39:09 PM 
pitcha is also calf's feet served jelled hot or cold with mustard... it looks crazy like clear jello or that slime goop in gefite fish jars and cans... (i call it filthy fish)... but the pitcha stands up and is cubed and hardened a lot like jello and it tastes...? well i don't know... never had the guts to try it... the two times it was ever served to me both times i asked for the fish instead... yuk!!!! big-time!! uhuh.. none for me thank you very much... yeesh!!!! and i gave the same response to the dude in meah sha'arim who one shabat wanted to and actually did offer me... beef... lung and brain... that is... ah no... no i don't think so... i'll pass on those too... thanks anyway... and as long as we're on the subject of grossed-out and disgusting food... how about these gems from my non-kosher days... (all of which i have seen but none of which i actually tasted except the frog's legs once a couple of bites)... frogs, eel, octopus, lobster, crab, snails (escargo). rattle snake bug or insect pops (candy suckers with an actual  dragon fly or mosquito to suck down to and then eat... yuk... yuk... and double yuk... and of course my one and only all-time favortie... choclate covered ants!!!! mmm mmm good!!! ta... nik.
677   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "tin soldiers and the bushes comin'..."  on: March 02, 2006, 12:48:52 PM 
you tell it like it IS!!! yby... like it REALLY is!!!! nik.

as for you kreplach... thanks a mil. you just sewed up my case complete... i owe you man for that last bit of info about yale... not here not for now... stay tuned for part 5 of the british are coming... it'll all be in there... you'll see the west is not dumb shooting themselves in the foot... the powers-that-really-be here (gog u'maygog) they know exactly what they are doing and apparently they don't give a rip if we see what they're doing and know why as well... they are just out there doing their thing and they don't care that we know the depths of their tumah and rishut... they are not afraid of us... if this were a legitimate aftermath to a real event of an act of war against us on 9/11... the enemies' relatives would not be attending the same university as the current and 2 former presidents of the u.s. (or attending any university whatsoever on u.s. soil for that matter)... it just wouldn't be happening... not after such murder!!!if they weren't involved in it (they being the cabal in washington and in london)... if they weren't involved in it (which has always been my contention that of course they were all in league with the terrorists... in fact they were directing them... the terrorists worked for them... were hired by them to do whatever they deemed necessary for them to retain and increase power, hegemony and economic sway) and from the moment i learned of it i never wavered from this belief for a single solitary moment... "i knew"... i just knew it was a fraud... deliberately done to gain political power and strike fear in the populace to make us tame... (read the book v for vengeance by steve and alan moore and david loyd) go on just read it 'cause it's all in there in black and white... the whole damn scenario is laid right out for all the world to see... the entire disgusting game plan unfolding appears to be not just a tale in a book or soon in a movie... but explains everything that has occurred here in real life... and not just about 9/11 no sir... not by a long shot... about everything... the 60's/ lincoln's assassination even... back to the founding of the nation ~ america... and along the way back it stops by the holocaust and it comes to teach us about the shoah that it was a staged and planned affair... conceived in the 1920's and carried out in the 40's... and it accounts for and explains everything that went down... clarifies what really went on and why!!!! stay tuned please... when i reveal my take to you... your minds are going to explode in rage and passion for k'lal yisroel.... that's how much i'm going to blow your minds!!!) i'm going to blow you all away.... every last one of you on this site...  blow you all away... the truth will out and lead us to geulah!!!! amen selah>...

nikmatdam... just here doing my job... 24x6.... 
678   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "amona"... "hundreds of jewish skulls bashed in amona!!!"  on: March 02, 2006, 03:09:35 AM 
to the crosby, stills, nash and young tune... "ohio"... on the "4-way street" live album...
(words by neil young)...

"tin soldiers and nixon coming;
we're finally on our own...
this summer i hear the drumming ~
four dead in ohio...
gotta get down to it;
soldiers are cutting us down...
should have been done long ago...
what if you knew her and
found her dead on the ground?
how can you run when you know?

gotta get down to it;
soldiers are cutting us down...
should have been done long ago...
what if you knew her and
found her dead on the ground?
how can you run when you know?

na na na na 
na na na na...
na na na na
na na na na...

4 dead... (4...) 4 dead... 4 dead... 4 dead in ohio... (4... 4...)

tin soldiers and nixon coming;
we're finally on our own...
this summer i hear the drumming ~
four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio...
how many more? (4... 4... 4... 4...)
four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio...
how many more?" (4... 4... 4... 4...)

and now for "amona"... (by nikmatdam)

"gentile soldiers and olmert coming;
we're finally on our own...
this winter i hear the calling ~
hundreds of skulls bashed in amona...
gotta get down to it;
soldiers are cutting us down...
should have been done in the gush...
what if you knew him and
saw him bleeding on the ground?
how can you run when you know?

gentile soldiers and olmert coming;
we're finally on our own...
this winter i hear the calling ~
hundreds of skulls bashed in amona...

(hundreds and hundreds of) skulls bashed in amona...
skulls bashed in amona... skulls bashed in amona...
(hundreds and hundreds of) skulls bashed in amona..."

how many more?
in how many other settlements?

na na na na
na na na na...
nanananananana.... nik. out
679   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / or no parking in Amona... still parking it right here in l.a.  on: March 02, 2006, 03:06:11 AM 
yeah i know just what you mean... i once read in public at an open mic a love poem i wrote as a kid of 18 or 19... i introduced it with this phrase... "here's a poem i wrote when my heart was young when i still had time for love... before the weight of the world descended upon my shoulders like a ton of bricks..." you should have seen the smiles on the ladies faces when i said that one... that alone was worth the price of admission... and that's why now and everyday a little bit...  i've taken to listening and watching dvd music... jethro tull... the who... beatles... csny... neil young... the cat... cat stevens before he became a soney (probably)... etc. etc. pure pure nirvana still to this very day... check this one out under new topics... ta... nik.
680   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona).  on: March 02, 2006, 12:03:05 AM 
i'll go along with you guys... i want this thread to hit 100 replies... how 'bout them dodgers? rams? lakers? as for me and foodstuff... i'm simple... nothing like a good sports event with a cold beer and a hotdog smothered in mustard and raw onions chips or fries... no dif.... nothing sweeter!!! ta... nik.
681   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel?  on: March 01, 2006, 07:48:05 PM 
excellent post 14...
682   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ArabTerroristStabs2atbusstop-his reward/waiting so very long for peres' reward!  on: March 01, 2006, 07:44:21 PM 
as i have said so many, many times over the last 13 years... every drop of blood of our people that is shed... is on the heads of and on the hands of every jew alive who supports the "suicide-now process"... it especially oozes out from every pore of peres and his ilk who planned and carried off this tragic fiasco for our nation... i can only wish him and his kind a speedy as in soon death by Divine caveat and a most painful and agonizing one at that!!! i want them to suffer as so many of us have... i want their deaths to be as excruciatingly painful as humanly possible and i will continue as always to death-daven for this to befall them all!!! death to the murderers of our people!!!! death by Hashem's hand alone so He can register the greatest possible kiddush Hashem from these happenings... but may it be soon... and in public so we can rejoice and praise G-d for Divine justice being restored to the earth!!! amen... kain yehi ratzon...  i am nikmatdam... imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption... and i ache for vengeance!!!! nik. out
683   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / America - Enemy of Israel?/you better believe it; no doubt about it...  on: February 28, 2006, 11:05:40 PM 
kreplach that's wiVes not wiFes... anyway there's more than just smoke there's some fire to all those accusations against shiffren... but... and i don't know about the rest... but the rabbi moshe antelman dude (originally from massachusetts)... is legit... he put kissinger in cherem after the yom kippur war... he was with rav meir at the start of jdl and his books vols.1-2 "to eliminate the opiate"... are must reads as they illuminate with excellent research and bibliography... the rise of the sabbatian/frankist heresy which directly paved the way for the satanic creations of reform and later conservative "judaism"... he also gives you the low down on all the goyish illumanti/masonic cult garbage (its real but its garbage) so... real garbage... and where it worked along side the sab/frank. characters and later the ref./ conserv. bastards and... AND... he shows you where, when, who, how and why all these forces were in vogue and cruisin' back in their heydays...he teaches communism/socialism/fascism origins, players and followers... and of course he exposes the secular zionist barrel-full of poisoned apples... pure unadulterated poison... and so i dig him for all that he opened my eyes to and furthered me down the path to know the emet of the last 1-200 years... i see the truth... i know what happened and why and it ain't pretty... believe you me... just wait until you see part 5 of "the britsh are coming..." you are all going to go nuts... i guarantee it... but it will be the G-d-honest truth i promise... i wouldn't waste your life or my own on lies and deception... it really happened and we have to expose the nazi bastards and we have to hold their sins up to the light of day for all to see... get the world to hold them accountable and make them pay... really pay for what they did to us... (to k'lal yisroel)... and continue to do to us down to this very day in different shapes and forms... and one day... one glorious day... the truth will out... and then they will fall in shame and derision forever and ever... and the lepers that they truly are will finally be apparent to everyone and the world... the decent part of the world will no longer fear their nazi-despotic power and will shun them and treat them as anathema... one day soon... very soon now... please Hashem... nik. out... 
684   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the british are coming... actually they never left... part 4b...  on: February 28, 2006, 04:22:22 PM 
1) the lion = the british empire (england)...

2) the bear = the soviet union (russia)...

3) the leopard = the 4 prussian reich states (germany)...

4) the metal monster = the united states (of america)....
upon closer scrutiny we see unfolded the following details to nail this interpretation home...

1) the lion ~ england... is dead on because the coat of arms of the royal monarchy of the british isles has always been depicted by a lion... and one standing upright like a man to boot... just as depicted... plain and simple... very straightforward... also the eagle wings plucked off by angels from the lion's back which made it have to fall back to earth and stand upright and receive a human heart (read: become mortal) and cease to be a threat to be eternal and flight-super-powered which would have somehow rendered him invincible... and in strictly historical terms one could say that had britain maintained its iron-clad grip over its north american colonies it would be far more prodigious and all-powerful than it is today and would perhaps never have declined so precipitously as it did after ww1... also the eagle wings could be construed as a reference to america anyway since the u.s.national symbol is the eagle... but since the last creature is america this is not totally accurate... also this is not an exclusive depiction since the roman empire also utilized the eagle as its standard... and therefore one could just as easily lay reference to this part of the prophecy to the relationship between rome and britain and/or between rome and bavel in chazal's original analogy... but again i much prefer this lion being a forecast of the british empire... and the eagle wings which are utilized in torah as a reference to the "pinions or wings of the Divine Presence" ("the kanfei HaShechina")... and so i understand the ceremony of the removal of these wings from the lion's back to be a signal thru the fog that england (the cream of esav) will not be allowed to be or refuses to play the role of becoming G-d's elite messenger to bring the final redemption (the geulah shelaymah) as it later on would appear to have stepped forward to become when the balfour declaration was announced in 1917 stating that "his majesty's government looks with favor upon zionist desires to re-colonize and settle in palestine and establish a jewish state upon its historical jewish homeland of ancient israel..." and we see this has come to pass due to all of their subsequent backpedaling and backstabbing that later british governments conceived, carried out and imposed upon israel (as we shall discuss in more detail further on) from the policy formation stages right on through to the implementation of their evil designs into actions creating many now irreversible facts on the ground the consequences of which israel is suffering from still to this very day almost 100 years ago...

and just like esav himself refused the mission to be his brother yakov's protector and guarantor thru history so too his descendants have proven to be no less heartless and hateful toward the children of israel... indeed, i remember the description of one of my teacher's here in l.a. ca. of esav who is always characterized by too many of us as a mindless barbarian complete with loin cloth and club... caveman style... yet who in reality is an intellectually savvy and worldly genius who can be and often is a truly ruthless tyrant and despotic murderer...  but who can just as easily make himself appear to be a very refined and elegant and charming gentlemen and a cultured diplomat when he absolutely has to... to wit this great ploy and stratagem of esav has been passed down to esav's most distant english offspring "perfidious albion" which the british are so well-deservedly and infamously referred to by historians for their vast capacity to pull the ol' double-cross, to divide and conquer and for their utter rapaciousness in and penchant for never, ever keep their word... all of which they have over the centuries so greatly perfected these special and unique "talents" of theirs and have even succeeded to elevate them to a veritable and rare art-form by now...

2) the bear ~ russia... is also more accurately to my mind a depiction of russia rather than persia... because "devour much flesh" fits the slavic and baltic areas of eastern europe to a tee... for that part of the world has probably seen the slaughter of more people over the course of human history than any other region on the face of the earth... between the huns and the mongols and the cossacks and the arabs and the poles and the ukrainians and the bulgarians and the romanians and the yugo (united) slavs; (the albanians, bosnians, croats, serbs, etc.) not to mention the russians themselves... billions have died in warfare i'll wager since creation... and besides that persia represents a pleasure-oriented or hedonistic society is not altogether true with the exception of the purim story and achashverosh's lust for wine, women and song... it did not necessarily mean that the whole of that society and populace were always like that before and after him... i mean i can't say for certain i just don't know persian history that well but surely anyway "flesh" in the sense of killing is more apt a description and likely to be a much more important and significant insight into the legacy of this beast's contribution to the history of civilization... the "three ribs in its mouth" could be an indicator of something about the nature or the type of victims that the all-consuming daze of their ravenous lust and insatiable appetite would destroy before its time in the sun was or is complete... jews, christians and moslems... but this is just pure speculation on my part... i have no idea really... it could represent the three classes of people always exploited by them... the serf or peasant farmer, the middle class, blue-collar factory worker and the professional soldier...

3) the leopard ~ germany... of note is the fact that the flag of the undermined weimar republic or second reich had a leopard on it... the four heads would have to mean the four different eras of its ascendancy... the fourth is the current form of the german republic post ww2 (the nazi third reich)...  and does not have a militaristic bent to it as the other three previously had...but it is rather a financial conglomerate and corporate mega-giant... and the fact of the four wings in light of the wings removed from the lion appear to be significant as well... i would say it relates to the power of this beast... and since it says that "dominion was given to it" this certainly indicates that the power of flight gives this creature a distinct advantage over all the other animals in our little prophetic zoo here... and longevity... now it may seem strange since the nazis lost ww2 but as i will explain later on and with the knowledge of modern germany's comeback and economic prestige in today's world... we see that this is true and really behind the scenes germany is ruling today... and the nazis did really win ww2.... but not hitler and his henchmen and hordes... and due to their defeat in the 40's their hegemony has been confined to a backroom, board room level of ceo power and not in the more open and revealed manners of political rule and domination or of a military dictatorship or even a lesser one... a junta... (but as i mentioned before more on this idea and concept is forthcoming... so bear with me)...

4) the metal monster ~ america... first of all it is not an animal like the others but a sort of non-human appearing... kind of frankenstein.... or one of those frightening sci-fi creatures kids play with today... and darn if it doesn't act exactly like the history of the american white man... chewing and stomping and destroying literally everything in its way... either by devouring it or by crushing it with its monstrous feet... exploitation of natural resources... over consummation of goods and services... materialism to the nth degree... no conservation... raping the land... marching non-stop from coast to coast... and paving over paradise... with steel and stone roads and bridges and train tracks leading everywhere... this is and has been the hallmark of america... hasn't it? no saving some for later... no giving it a rest... no taking a break for awhile... no satiety... just give me... give me... give me... mine... mine... mine... all mine... nothing for you and nothing for later on... now... now... now... always right now! instant gratification... eat... eat... until engorgement...  ba'al taschit (wastefulness), tsar balei chayim and slavery (abuse of animals and people), achilat gassa (gluttony, greed, avarice, graft and huge forms of corruption wafting over the whole length and breadth of the land)... like there is no tomorrow... and absolutely done with no concern for the environment's or for society's future viability and ability to regenerate itself and any of the vast wealth, energy or toil consumed in such mindless and reckless abandon... and always the mantra is profits... profits... and yet more profits...the bottom line is always and solely the bottom line!!! nothing else ever seems to matter... as per the mafioso creed so well known: "hey buddy... nothing personal... it's just business..." and as you enter thru any of her many ports of call the sign says: "welcome to america... the land of the (carnally) greedy and the home of the grave (of spirituality)..." and as far as all the stomping around and trodden under foot of everything in this monster's path that is depicted herein gives us a glimpse into its genocidal tendencies which obviously came into view and was undeniably employed in their dealings with and relationship with the red men... the indians... the indigenous, aboriginal populace found in the land which this monster claims to have "discovered" and to have "colonized"... not to mention the further subsequent oppression and over-exploitation of successive waves of immigrants forced or willingly coming here from abroad... blacks enslaved, oriental coolies to build the railroads...dirt-poor and starving irish as mercenary soldiers for the north's consumption during the civl war... jews for the factory sweatshops... any lower economic-strata women and children of any race or creed used up as well everywhere... mexicans for farming and construction purposes... you get the idea...   

and alas as the illustrious vilna gaon foresaw and wept bitterly over and then related to his talmud muvhak... reb chaim volozhin... "the torah is going into golut (exile) in america!!!" a long and ugly and cruel a treifa-medina... a gilded-ghetto where the "streets are lined with gold" but where you have to sell your soul to mine that gold... to a place where the jewish people would prosper materially and grow wealthy and enjoy a super-abundance of everything and all things physical... but many would lose their souls thereby thru assimilation and moral turpitude and by virtue of an aversion to or an apathy toward idealistic righteousness... and where torah learning would eventually thrive (but not right away) and where the giants of the spirit of yesteryear would not be produced there in any great numbers and would become few and far between... and where eretz yisroel and the geulah shelaymah (the final redemption) would be delayed for an agonizingly long stretch of time... due to the fear of the gentile becoming king replacing what was once the abidingly ubiquitous and crucially sincere fear of G-d which the jewish people always exhibited, maintained and demonstrated with an exceedingly awesome display of self-sacrifice (mesirat nefesh) thru nearly 2000 years of a harsh and bloody exile of martyrdom and kiddush Hashem (the sanctification of the Sacred Name of G-d) before coming to these shores...

and the gra foresaw as well that the eternal fire of the torah itself was destined to suffer there from an apparent diminution of its previously nearly universally acknowledged transformable warmth and light...and that it would instead become mired in a place from which its words, laws and stories would no longer be taken seriously by a world gone increasingly stark-ravingly mad... nor would its liberating, life-affirming ethical message of the brotherhood of mankind be heeded any longer nor would its once globally recognized vouchsaving and provision of true inner-freedom be felt or considered worthy of our attention or pursuit... furthermore the torah was to be sent to a place where its real-life sagacious advice and life-sustaining guidance would not be sought, desired or even perceived and finally the torah was headed for a place where the depths of its true worth and purely elemental and indispensable objective truth would not be explored, plumetted nor probed by very many at all worldwide for a very long span of time... not until after the very advent of the end of days... and as our sages teach us... at the torah's first coerced translation from hebrew into the greek language... it was tantamount to the caging of a lion... and so too here, sadly, the torah's forced sojourning in america has relegated it to relative and shameful obscurity and its power has literally been stripped away leaving the torah to languish forlorn in loneliness and pain allowing it to be indefinitely consigned to heavy chains of bondage...

but this creature has much, much more to reveal to us about itself and its forecasted future history which we can surely see has truly come to pass and quite accurately at that and in amazingly minute detail....  now certainly all of the above attributes of this monster could be adequately represented as an accurate description of the vicious and callous roman empire... but how much more powerful, dangerous and menacing have the destroyers of america proven to be in not even yet two and half short centuries... rome had over 500 years; half a millennium to do its worst and wreak all of its havoc upon roughly speaking only a half of the planet... while america in just a quarter of that time has unleashed such a ferocity and an onslaught of violence and a hunger for gain which has inflicted and registered such severe and fatal damage with such force and exertion with a reach of virtually every corner of the entire globe... so you tell me which nation this monster as described and shown here in our nevuah is better depicted and more precisely portrayed... rome or america!!! and i believe with this point i can finally rest my case... or vendel jones' in any event... and thus i can now go on to prove my other points of contention... the political, historical and conspiratorial ones which make up the gist of the accusations that i am leveling at the powers-that-be who are tyrannically ruling this planet in fascist form and fashion... and i can also now begin to deliver the dire warning that my vision unfortunately portends and which does not augur well for the shared destiny and future of all humankind... especially for the jewish people all over the world....

so we turn now to the perplexing portion of this beasts ten horns... eleven really with the one smaller one with human eyes and a mouth coming up after the other ten are already extant and in place... which indicates later on in history near the end of days... as this horn displaces three of the ten upon its advent, then starts to blaspheme G-d and in the process begins to hold sway over and be soveriegn over those described as Hashem's special people (am segulah) within their land... (gog u'maygog... britain and america combined as we shall see next week) and due to this small horn's grevious transgressions it causes the whole entire beast to be slaughtered in the end by the holy ones (k'lal yisroel led by the two messiahs... moshiach ben yosef and moshiach ben david)... and while the other three beasts are given a short-term repreive from destruction and are granted a time of favor to dwell peacefully with the new world order and final dominion granted at long last after a heated and fiercely pitched final battle... the fourth beast is no where to be found as he has not even a short range kiyum into the messianic age...

and we see that this is so because another prophet yeshyahu (isaiah) also spoke in similar terms  about the lion and the bear and the leopard (and also the wolf ~ spain, france) and the adder (serpant or snake ~ the arab world) as living quietly and in harmony... at peace with a child or a lamb or a kid goat among others... and this is quite unususal and therefore quite significant... because two prophets never prophesize in the same manner... each has his/her own signon or theme, style of poetry and imagery... and for two of them to envision and describe the future almost exactly alike bears great meaning and truly indicates that their prophecies will come to pass as any doubling of dreams or prophecy in the torah means its certain truth and speedy realization and establishment in real life... in history...

and thus as it says...
in isaiah:11:6-9...

"the wolf will live with the sheep and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and a calf, a lion whelp and a fatling (will walk) together, and a young child will lead them. a cow and bear will graze and their young will lie down together...and a lion, like cattle, will eat hay. a suckling will play by a viper's hole; and a newly weaned child will stretch his hand toward an adder's lair... they will neither injure nor destroy in all My sacred mountain; for the earth will be as filled with knowledge of Hashem as water covering the sea bed..."

and so we see what is in store for us and the world a little bit down the road...

so getting back to the horns... they represent the ten greatest leaders of this nation/empire...

so who is it referring to edom/rome or the united states of america...?

i think it makes infinetly more sense to be the ten from one cohesive unit like the u.s. rather than be from the disparate nations who have ruled the roman empire and wielded power for over 2000 years... for it is only the 11th horn that gets this metal monster destroyed for blasphemey and attacking G-d's chosen people whereas so many leaders of the roman empire have been evil and have hated torah and Hashem and have attempted to wipe out the entire jewish people... and have succeeded in destroying the second beit hamikdash...

so for my money i lay it all on america here... and besides... which were the ten greatest leaders of edom of all-time... titus, caligua, jukius and agustus ceasar, nero, constatine, charlegmain, napolean, bismark, queen elizabeth or victoria, lenin, stalin, gorbachev, washington, lincoln, jefferson, fdr, churchill, kennedy or reagan... hitler, arthur, the louis' of france the henry's of england, the czars of russia , the popes, mussolini, franco of spain or king ferdinand and queen isabella, king richard the lionheart...? just whom would you choose to include and whom would you leave off of the list of ten symbolized by the rise of the ten horns on this beast... and which were the three horns that were and are knocked off or displaced by the eleventh one which comes up only at the end after all the other ten have already held power over mankind and had total hegemony over the earth each in turn for a little while...?

one thing in agreement here that works for either side and scenario... the small horn is the house of bush... absolutely no doubt about it... but i will get to that later in the next installment... 

so we will see in part 5... please G-d that this creature is america and gog u'maygog is britain and america conjoined and who exactly is responsible for ww1 and 2... and why... who did the shoah and has been running the secret war against the jews and israel before, during and ever since the holocaust... and who is amalek in this world of soiled and impure bloodlines and impossible to reconstruct and follow lineages... applying equally so to royal ones or otherwise alike... and we will take a look at current events since 9/11 and determine the shame and degradation of mankind which is going on now all over the globe... the re-enslaving or re-serfazation of humanity... if you will... and so for next time then... we will see you then... nikmatdam... out (end part 4)... part 5 to follow shortly... n.

685   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the british are coming... actually they never left... part 4a...  on: February 28, 2006, 04:20:19 PM 
and into the wee hours of the night nikmatdam writes on... summoned to serve his Master in this way... and hark... what do we discover? what is this? what do we find? why it's unbelievable... at long, long last... the promised sequel (part 4) to parts 1-3 of "blare blair everywhere"... and so shall we proceed? why, but of course:

"behind blue eyes"  (the who) (by peter townsend)

(heard him say that he wrote this song in utter disgust over the bloody history of his european civilization)...

"no one knows what it's like
to be the bad man
to be the sad man
behind blue eyes...

no one knows what it's like
to be hated
to be fated
to telling only lies...

but my dreams
they aren't as empty
as my conscience seems to be...

i have hours, only lonely
my love is vengeance
that's never free...

no one knows what it's like
to feel these feelings
like i do
and i blame you...

no one bites back as hard
on their anger
none of my pain and woe
can show through...

but my dreams
they aren't as empty
as my conscience seems to be...

i have hours, only lonely
my love is vengeance
that's never free...

when my fist clenches, crack it open
before i use it and lose my cool
when i smile, tell me some bad news
before i laugh and act like a fool...

if i swallow anything evil
put your finger down my throat
if i shiver, please give me a blanket
keep me warm, let me wear your coat...

no one knows what it's like
to be the bad man
to be the sad man
behind blue eyes..."

and this fine number from the same group...

"won't get fooled again..." (the who)...

we'll be fighting in the streets
with our children at our feet
and the morals that they worship will be gone
and the men who spurred us on
sit in judgment of all wrong
they decide and the shotgun sings the song...

i'll tip my hat to the new constitution
take a bow for the new revolution
smile and grin at the change all around
pick up my guitar and play
just like yesterday
then i'll get on my knees and pray
we don't get fooled again...

the change, it had to come
we knew it all along
we were liberated from the fold, that's all
and the world looks just the same
and history ain't changed
'cause the banners, they are flown in the next war...

i'll tip my hat to the new constitution
take a bow for the new revolution
smile and grin at the change all around
pick up my guitar and play
just like yesterday
then i'll get on my knees and pray
we don't get fooled again
no no!!!

i'll move myself and my family aside
if we happen to be left half alive
i'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
though i know that the hypnotized never lie
do ya?

there's nothing in the streets
looks any different to me
and the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
and the parting on the left
are now parting on the right
and the beards have all grown longer overnight...

i'll tip my hat to the new constitution
take a bow for the new revolution
smile and grin at the change all around
pick up my guitar and play
just like yesterday
then i'll get on my knees and pray
we don't get fooled again

no, no!!!


meet the new boss
same as the old boss..."

and this from phil collins of genesis...
off of the "selling england by the pound" album...

"dancing with the moonlit knight"... (genesis)...

"'can you tell me where my country lies?'
said the unifaun to his true love's eyes.
'it lies with me!' cried the queen of maybe
~ for her merchandise, he traded his prize...

'paper late!' cried a voice in the crowd.
'old man dies!' the note he left was signed
'old father thames'
~ it seems he's drowned;
selling england by the pound...

citizens of hope & glory,
time goes by ~ 'it's the time of your life'.
easy now, sit you down.
chewing through your wimpey dreams,
they eat without a sound;
digesting england by the pound...

young man says 'you are what you eat' ~ eat well.
old man says 'you are what you wear' ~ wear well.
you know what you are, you don't give a damn;
bursting your belt that is your homemade sham...

the captain leads his dance right on through the night
~ join the dance...
follow on! till the grail sun sets in the mould.
follow on! till the gold is cold.
dancing out with the moonlit Knight,
knights of the green shield stamp and shout...

there's a fat old lady outside the saloon;
laying out credit she plays fortune.
the deck is uneven right from the start;
all of their hands are playing apart...

the captain leads his dance right on through the night
~ join the dance...
follow on! a round table-talking down we go.
you're the show!
off we go with: ~ you play the hobbyhorse,
i'll play the fool.
we'll tease the bull
ringing round & loud; loud & round.
follow on! with a twist of the world we go.
follow on! till the gold is cold.
dancing out with the moonlit knight,
knights of the green shield stamp and shout..."

and this from crosby stills and nash... (reported to have been written after the experience of visiting winchester cathedral in london while on LSD)...

"cathedral"... (crosby, stills and nash)...

"six o'clock
in the morning, i feel pretty good
so i dropped into the luxury of the lords
fighting dragons and crossing swords
with the people against the hordes
who came to conquer...

seven o'clock
in the morning, here it comes
i taste the warning and i am so amazed
i'm here today, seeing things so clear this way
in the car and on my way
to stonehenge...

i'm flying in winchester cathedral
sunlight pouring through the break of day.
stumbled through the door and into the chamber;
there's a lady setting flowers on a table covered lace
and a cleaner in the distance finds a cobweb on a face
and a feeling deep inside of me tells me
this can't be the place...

i'm flying in winchester cathedral.
all religion has to have its day
expressions on the face of the savior
made me say
i can't stay...

open up the gates of the church and let me out of here!
too many people have lied in the name of christ
for anyone to heed the call.
so many people have died in the name of christ
that i can't believe it all...

and now i'm standing on the grave of a soldier that died in 1799
and the day he died it was a birthday
and i noticed it was mine.
and my head didn't know just who i was
and i went spinning back in time.
and i am high upon the altar
high upon the altar, high...

i'm flying in winchester cathedral,
it's hard enough to drink the wine.
the air inside just hangs in delusion,
but given time,
i'll be fine..."

and so you see dear reader... even these goyim know the emptiness and bankruptcy of their european culture and creed...

but let's do just one or two more... but this time for america... "land of the greed and home of the grave..." the greed for materialism and hedonism and the grave for all things pure and spiritual... (and soon i promise you will see why the u.s. has to be included in a piece about bloody great britain)...

"no more mr. nice guy"... (by megadeath)...

"i used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'til they got a hold of me
i opened doors for little old ladies
i helped the blind to see
i got no friends' 'cause they read the papers
they can't be seen with me
and i'm gettin' real shot down
and i'm feeling mean...

no more mister nice guy
no more mister clean
no more mister nice guy
they say he's sick; he's obscene...

my dog bit me on the leg today
my cat clawed my eyes
my mom's been thrown down out of the social circle
my dad has to hide
i went to church incognito
when everybody rose, the reverend smith
he recognized me
punched me in the nose...

no more mister nice guy
no more mister clean
no more mister nice guy
he say you're sick; you're obscene..."

and finally... from the poignant words of freddie mercury of queen comes a song whose lyrics really sums up the entire history of the white race... (from yefet thru esav... from yavan to edom; greece and rome... down to britain and america)... 

"white man" (from "a day at the races")... (queen)...

"i'm a simple man
with a simple name
from this soil my people came
in this soil remain
oh yeah...

and we made us our shoes
and we trod soft on the land
but the immigrant built roads on our blood and sand
oh yeah...

white man, white man
don't you see the light behind your blackened skies?
white man, white man
you took away sight to blind my simple eyes
white man, white man
where you gonna hide
from the hell you've made?

oh the red man knows war
with his hands and his knives
on the bible you swore
fought your battle with lies
oh yeah...

leave my body in shame
leave my soul in disgrace
but by every gods' name
say your prayers for your race...

white man, white man
our country was green and all our rivers wide
white man, white man
you came with a gun and soon our children died
white man, white man
don't you give a light for the blood you've shed?

what is left of your dream?
just the words on your stone:
'a man who learned how to teach
then forgot how to learn'..."

now dear reader i put you through all this to show you how prescient  these songwriters were about a certain prophetic vision of daniel... (chapter 7)...

"in the first year of belshazzar king of babylon, daniel saw a dream and visions in his head upon his bed; he then wrote down the dream, and told the major parts. daniel began and exclaimed:

'i saw in my vision at night that behold! the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea. four immense beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other. the first was like a lion, and it had eagle's wings. i was watching as its wings were plucked, and it was removed from the earth and stood upon two feet like a man, and it was given a human heart. then behold! another beast, a second one, similar to a bear; it was placed on one side and there were three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and this what they said to it, "arise, devour much flesh!"

'after this i was watching and behold! another (beast), like a leopard, with four bird's wings on its back; the beast had four heads, and it was given dominion.

'after this i was watching in night visions, and behold! a fourth beast, exceedingly terrifying, awesome and strong. it had immense iron teeth, and it was devouring and crumbling, and trampling with its feet what remained. it was different from all the beasts that had proceeded it, and it had ten horns. as i was contemplating the horns, behold! another horn, a small one, came up among them, and three of the previous horns were uprooted before it. there were eyes like human eyes in this horn, and a mouth speaking haughty words. i watched as thrones were set up, and the One of Ancient Days sat. His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like clean wool; His throne was fiery flames, its wheels blazing fire. a stream of fire was flowing forth from before Him, a thousand thousands were serving Him, and myriads were standing before Him. the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

'i saw that after this, because of the sound of the haughty words which the horn spoke, i watched until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and consigned to a flame of fire. as for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, yet an extension of life was given them until a season and a time.

'i was watching in night visions and behold! with the clouds of heaven, one like a man came; he came up to the One of Ancient Days, and they brought him before Him. he was given dominion, honor and kingship, so that all peoples, nations and languages would serve him; his dominion would be an everlasting dominion that would never pass, and his kingship would never be destroyed.

'as for me, daniel, my spirit became uneasy in its sheath, and the visions of my head bewildered me. i approached one of the standing ones, and i asked him for the truth concerning all this. so he spoke to me, making the interpretation of the matters known to me: "these immense beasts, which are four: four kingdoms will arise from the earth. but the holy supreme ones will receive the kingship, and they will inherit the kingship forever, forever and ever."

'then i desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from them all ~ exceedingly terrifying, with teeth of iron and claws of copper, it devoured and crumbled and trampled what remained with its feet ~ and about the ten horns that were on its head, and the other one that came up as three fell before it, that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking haughty words, and an appearance greater than that of its fellows. i had watched as that horn waged war with the holy ones AND WAS PREVAILING OVER THEM, UNTIL THE ONE OF ANCIENT DAYS CAME  AND THE HOLY SUPREME ONES WERE GRANTED JUSTICE; AND THE TIME CAME, AND THE HOLY ONES INHERITED THE KINGSHIP.

'this is what he said, "the fourth beast: there will be a fourth kingdom on the earth which will be different from all kingdoms; it will devour the entire earth, and trample and crumble it. and the ten horns: from that kingdom ten kings will arise, and another one will rise up after these, who will be different from the former ones, and he will humble three kings. he will speak words against the Supreme One, and he will exhaust the holy supreme ones, and he will plan to alter the seasons and the law; and they will be given over into his hand until a time, and times and a half a time. but judgment will be set,  and they will take away his dominion to be annihilated and to be destroyed completely. and the kingship, the dominion and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens will be given to the holy supreme nation. its kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey it."

'until here is the end of the description. i, daniel ~ my thoughts frightened me greatly and my countenance changed; but i guarded the matter in my heart.'"   

and thus we see this nevuah and know it covers all of history... especially so because the rest of the book of daniel address just this period of time... the end of days... the coming of moshiach and techiat hamatim...

so now we have to explore the real meaning of these visions daniel had... mefarshim on the spot teach us that these 4 creatures represent 4 different empires or civilizations   

1) the lion = bavel (babylon)

2) the bear = peras/madai (persia)

3) the leopard = yavan (greece)

4) the metal monster = (rome)

and there you have it and if there was nothing else to this it wouldn't merit continuing this essay... but what worked for an interpretation early on in our history may need some adjustment because of all our other developments over the last almost 2000 years... but besides the fact that there is an accepted kabalah or "tradition" as to what daniel saw and it has been authentically and accurately recorded and preserved from the time it was written to our own day and age... all i wish to offer is a clarification and/or a variation on theme to account for a more precise accounting for our times since chazal anyway taught us that all prophecies extant and incorporated in the bible (and i am only referring to the Tanach here)... were done so because they have a message which has bearing on each and every further generation in the future until the end of time... and so i offer you now the idea of one righteous gentile... vendel jones which seems to me to be right on and helps extend daniel's vision down to our own era... take this for whatever you think it's worth... but i feel it is excellent and well done... quite a bit in tune with daniel's words... and i am able to elaborate along the way with additional insights that i found within his great interpretation that fit like a glove and seem to belong... as if woven together into a fine tapestry...

he writes (paraphrase)... the vision of daniel must be speaking of a later period of time than the one believed by earlier generations... and that even though in daniel's day and age all of history after the babylonian empire were yet to be played out... still the murkiness of the vision and the fact that the creatures each in turn arose out of the churning water and did not descend from heaven to earth.... that he feels this means it was a vision of the then far, far off distant future... because the rather more prosaic pshat of the archetypal progenitors of human society and civilization... world conquering and dominating entities each greater than the previous in turn... which would better be represented if they had descended from heaven similar to the concept of the archangel (sar) which we are taught in torah represents each nation and empire in world history up in the heavenly courts of affair... and therefore we must not be referring here to those primordial, predestined and a priori world-altering empires...

and so mr. jones proceeds to lay out quite convincingly the case for each creature representing a rather more limited and a much later-on-in-history developed nation/state...

also as an aside before we launch into the particulars here... the animals portrayed only vaguely represent the 4 major civilizations... the lion ~ bavel because they were first and took down the first temple and therefore they are like the "king of the jungle"... and the bear ~ persia because of king achasheverosh of the purim story fame... and his penchant for hedonistic pleasure... and the leopard ~ greece for alexander the great's fierce, ruthless and relentless pursuit of world conquest... and finally the metal monster ~ rome is depicted for its all-consuming, rampaging devouring of all in its wake and path...

all well and fine as far as a general description and overview give vendel a shot and see how much closer to perfect depiction these creatures appear according to his take on daniel 7...

so once more...daniel sees them coming up out of the murky water or ocean... rising up and taking control and holding sway each in turn over the entire earth... and vendel sees this as a far off and distant vision of human history... thousands of years away... which makes sense to me because why should 3/4 of the nevuah be about the future and 1/4 current events as bavel already had "arisen" and was then ruling the world... it would be much more exact to say a navi sees the future... his whole individual and collective prophecy that is... not part future and part present... especially in light of the fact that we are told that these prophecies in particular are carefully stored and conserved in the holy bible for all-time because their relevance is for all generations and not just the era in which they were proclaimed...

with this last point in mind as well we will examine vendel jones' rather excellent viewpoint and explanation of this prophecy... and so may i introduce to you... "the four beasts of daniel 7...":

686   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF/"military madness is killing our country..."  on: February 28, 2006, 02:53:49 PM 
unfortunately they are yby... the nusach of the prayer for the idf does not distinguish between the hero and the bum... so i cannot be a party to answering amen if the bracha will benefit those bastards and nazis as well... what will be with the good ones? they should resign as i've said... what will be with us? Hashem will take care of us and we will learn to fight for ourselves... nik. out 
687   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / PrayerforIDF/"the army's up the road; salvation ala' mode and a cup of tea..."  on: February 28, 2006, 02:45:38 PM 
correct yby and then when he is ordered to turn his rifle on us... and he does... what then? what does that make him...? so if that makes him a coward and a traitor (as should be your answer... don't know that it is)... then what is he when he see or knows of others from within his ranks who went and beat heads and smashed faces in by amona...? what should have been his response to all of this then, now and in the future...?  nik. out...
688   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: hanging ten with the surfing rabbi in l.a. ca.  on: February 28, 2006, 02:40:09 PM 
i know him... i see him from time to time around town... he resides here in l.a. but i had forgotten about that incident and did not know of this siruv for this reason... so i will get to the bottom of this and give you an answer... ta... nik.
689   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Pray 4 IDF/"take these guns off of me... it's getting too dark (evil) to see..."  on: February 27, 2006, 06:23:49 PM 
they are enlisted in the army of the erev rav who is aligned and in league with gog u'maygog...

ergo... all decent boys and girls; men and women should resign or go awol and go to jail or form their own militia and attempt a coup d'etat... otherwise they may think they are defending k'lal yisroel and their own friends and families... but in reality they are serving the forces of evil and they are endangering those they mean to help, rescue, save and protect...

coup now!!! coup now!!!! nik. out
690   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF  on: February 27, 2006, 04:31:15 PM 
where do you click for english?
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691   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF  on: February 27, 2006, 02:55:11 PM 
i will be soon... just doing a couple more things until june..
692   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / PrayerforIDF:"lay down your weapons and go home or turn them on your masters"...  on: February 27, 2006, 01:40:53 PM 
historically true but no longer so... because britain and america rule the world and they are the long dreaded and awaited gog u' maygog... so the jig is up and there will never ever again be a peaceful gov on earth caring for the welfare of israel and yidden until moshiach comes and conquers the conquerors... and devastates the devastators... these are the end of days... we have no more time left to us... nik. out
693   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF  on: February 27, 2006, 01:27:50 PM 
yby... anarchy in this instance would be far better than the "order" these mamzarim have imposed upon us both here and in israel... nik. out
694   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF: "may G-d grant you an early reitrement... amen..."  on: February 27, 2006, 01:25:58 PM 
and you don't think that every gov. in the world is corrupt, jew-hating and in league with bush et al and his greedy hordes of refuse? ta... nik.
695   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF and the medina and delay thereby the coming of moshiach..  on: February 27, 2006, 11:59:19 AM 
oh well in that case there is no way you should be praying for a gov. that is murderong its own people for profit and you should be praying for their downfall as i am... in fact we all are defacto anyway... 3x a day when we pray for moshiach to come we are praying for these bastards to go by the boards and for them to get what they deserve... gehenom!!!! nik. out
696   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF to do tshuvah...  on: February 27, 2006, 11:53:35 AM 
well tz... perkei avot aside... the source for the prayer is later than that... mideaval infact and many a community disbanded them forever or for a time whenever persecution hit them from the gov. that they had previously been praying for... like during the crusades... if you knew the secret sins of america against the jews and israel you would ONLY pray for america's utter destruction... they are a pack of liars and dirty undehrhanded connivers... they belong on the ash heap of history and soon... please G-d... there is no forgetting and no forgiving what they did to us during the holocaust and during all the pre and post days of israeli statehood... maybe not the entire gov. but a significant part (state dept.) and most if not all of the wealthy industrialists and financiers of the past 100 or so years... these sons-of-[censored] are murderers of our people for profit!!! for nothing other than pure profit... nik. out   
697   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF/not from my lips... not anymore until moshiach comes...  on: February 27, 2006, 03:04:15 AM 
gush katif proves even more than the 6 day war that G-d is protecting us and not the israeli army... so gey kaken ofen yam!!! i will only support the army of Hashem... the idf refuses to be that army so i have no choice but to reject them... read what rav binyamin had to say about their ineptitude by him in tapuach, etc... and how he knew they had become useless and totally unreliable for their defense and protection... and so he wanted them to depart from their midst so that they could take up arms and guard themselves... and he said this long before gush katif and amona... and he said this and felt so strongly about this that he explicitly said for them to leave even if they would not leave their weapons behind for them to use... that's how much trust binyamin had in Hashem... he was the real deal!!!!

besides i will never support or countenance goyish scum as mercenary soldiers or policemen in our security forces... what an utter chillul Hashem!!!... now you can go take that flying leap i want you to take... nik. out   
698   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "i read the news today, oh boy... the english army had just won the war..."  on: February 27, 2006, 02:49:49 AM 
by mike are you referring to yby or me... nik.? if me... i know but i feel i have to do more.. so i say my own words in english at the end of it before i take my three steps back...

the gemora says that the amora shmuel... known as shmuel hakatan (not because they didn't want to confuse him with shmuel hanavi... but because he never received smicha...) (this is good for the other thread... "who is a real rabbi?" as well)...

anyway... he invented or composed this paragrah and added it to the shmoneh esreh... after a jewish min (a kofer b'ikar) asked him whether there was a prayer for him and his ilk in davening... mocking of course the whole thing... and so shmuel said yes and gave it to them between the eyes... he didn't daven for their teshuvah or beg them to repent and change their ways... he was sick and tired of them being moser good jews to the roman authorities... and so he prayed for their removal from the world...

i am adding more than just these above idolators or mosrim... i am adding the current crop of kapos and collaborators with the enemy as well as the high and mighty jews who are and have been for 100 years now... murderers of our people... nik. out (just wait until i post my research findings in a day or two... parts 4 and then 5 of "blare blair everywhere"... just you wait and see!!!)... n.
699   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / death davening for self-hating jewish jew-haters...  on: February 26, 2006, 11:00:40 PM 
but i am davening for their death... that means i am asking Hashem to ferret out the enemies and kill them before they are able to kill any of us... i AM leaving it up to the One who Knows... i'm just praying for their deaths... G-d is either agreeing or disagreeing with me and anyway with or without my prayers... He is the one doing the killing not moi!!! nik. out 
700   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Prayer for the IDF/pray for them to do a coup or pray for moshiach to take over.  on: February 26, 2006, 10:53:32 PM 
the one for the u.s. gov. i sit down and do not say amen... or i walk out...

the one for the state of israel i sit down and do not say amen... or i walk out...

the one for the idf was the only one that i stood for and said amen... until gush katif...

since then... i sit down and do not say amen... or i walk out...

does that answer your question? good... glad to be of service... ta... nik.
701   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today  on: February 26, 2006, 02:10:37 AM 
why is wishing my enemy dead before he can hurt more and more decent people any further a problem? why?
702   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/death davening...  on: February 23, 2006, 07:32:07 PM 
i am davening for the death of any human being on the planet who has any power or influence (or potential for same) over the road map to hell... if they could help stop it and refuse to do so... i wish them dead... DEAD!!! nik. out... 
703   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: FW: Muslims claim all of Israel as Muslim territory (along with Spain, France  on: February 23, 2006, 07:12:54 PM 
i know bk i know... i'm just making a play on words...
704   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/the fifth son not at the seder at all...  on: February 23, 2006, 11:28:51 AM 
bc you are correct... if they do tshuvah they do it and it would be accepted on high by Hashem... absolutely... even peres' would be... as i hear from chamish that rabin had hihurey tshuvah at the end... fine and dandy...

but my point is i know longer feel that i have to or must pull for them to do so and most certainly i do not have to take their 1 in a million chance of doing tshuvah into consideration while attempting to rescue good jews from their clutches... and yes therefore i wish them dead and death daven for them because they are actively fighting against us and Hashem over control of eretz yisroel and they are harming and killing and beating and maiming innocent people and they are siding with gog and armilius, etc. in the world which spells our doom if they are not defeated and above all i am not alone in this decision...

i got it from the words of rav binyamin quoting his father i believe in the haggadah saying their is a 5th son not mentioned who is so evil and is o gone that we no longer have any obligation to love, care about or even try to bring back and ada raba we have a mitzvah to shun them and to fight them because they threaten the future of torah, eretz yisroel and am yisroel... look it up there... ta... nik. out   
705   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I wish this news was about Temple Mount/it will be and soon... please G-d...  on: February 23, 2006, 05:56:38 AM 
nuke mecca now!!! and let's drag those two monstrocities off of har habayit too!!! ta... nik
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706   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: yermiyahu 50 & 51... YES!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!  on: February 23, 2006, 12:06:04 AM 
my bad... the mistake is mine... 50 and 51 and not 52...

707   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/huh? come again?  on: February 22, 2006, 11:59:37 PM 
what is wrong with you guys...? what is the matter? we are talking about people who beat our women and children... why do you wish them well... and don't give me this tshuvah stuff... you know they will never do it... not the haters... never!!! so what gives...? the longer they continue to walk the planet the more good and decent G-d-fearing people will be harmed... it's that simple... it's them or us and it can't be both of us... live and let live... it is more like live and let die... and i choose them to do the dying not us!!!! nik. way out on a limb this time... oh brother!!! 
708   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona).  on: February 22, 2006, 10:44:06 PM 
so too under the half-moon-k is the cambell's tomato juice if not their tomato soup... nik. out
709   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: FW: Muslims claim all of Israel as Muslim territory (along with Spain, France  on: February 22, 2006, 10:42:51 PM 
allah achbar!!!! allah is a rat!!!!!
710   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I wish this news was about Temple Mount  on: February 22, 2006, 10:41:19 PM 
thanks for this post!!! beautiful to see... boruch shehecheyanu, v'kiyamanu, v'higehyanu l'zeman hazeh... ta... nik. 
711   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today  on: February 22, 2006, 10:36:33 PM 
and some of those enemies of Hashem unfortunately just happen to be jews...

and if yehudah hamacabee had accepted your quaint little truism there... the tzadukim would still be holding services for avodah zara on har habayit... what are you thinking? nik. out... i know... i know... way out... to you anyhow... n.
712   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: yermiyahu 51 & 52... YES!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!  on: February 22, 2006, 10:29:30 PM 
oh you are so uninformed... babylon is and was and is finally thank G-d soon to be no more... a COUNTRY!!! not just a city!!!! my G-d!!!! and all the prophecies which we have in our tenach are for all-time not just for the era in which they were delivered... there were millions of nevuot which were just for their generation's consumption and therefore were not recorded and kept on record l'dorot... there was no need to include them in tenach and so... read what yirmiyahu had to report from Hashem as to what will be the cursed fate of bavel (iraq)... thank G-d... ta... nik. 
713   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/yby not well informed...  on: February 22, 2006, 10:23:58 PM 
two proofs to what i am saying above...

1) when a hopeful para adumah (a red heifer needed to remove tumat met in order to do the avodah in a state of tehorah ~ ritual purity as required in the rebuilt beit hamikdash) seemed to have been born... a group of self-hating erev rav jew-haters said and i quote: "let's go down and kill it so that the charedim can never have their moshiach come!!!"

2) and this one you should have heard of for certain... it wasn't said that long ago...

a former shabak chief said something on the order of... "in order to keep a firm grip on our power... it may be necessary to have an altelana event in every generation to keep the right in line..." and so this includes not only religious jews but even secular, nationalistic ones as well!!!

so there you go... they wish us dead!!! DEAD!!! ta... nik.
714   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/you shouldn't be so shocked...  on: February 22, 2006, 09:36:03 PM 
rav meir said over and over again... "in israel... we do not have an arab problem (that particular thorn in our sides can easily be removed and taken care of in short order)... but we surely have a JEWISH problem... in fact... we ONLY have a jewish problem..."

now you see the pure wisdom of his words... these are our chief enemies... it makes no never mind that they just happened to have been born from a jewish mother... they hate us and wish us dead... DEAD!!! and what is even more crucial and infinetly more important is that they wish Hashem, His torah and His land dead as well!!! chas v'challilah!!!

and therefore... we have no right to forgive them or any obligation to try and win them over (to be mekarev them) at the expense of protecting real jews... the settlers and the torah jews... mostly one and the same thing... we have to stand up and defend them and not care what happens to jews who are reshayim... it's just too damn bad!!! too flippin' bad for them!!! i have no more love or concern for them... if they wish us evil like this... and i am only speaking about the haters not the average non-dati jew here in the states or over there in israel...

furthermore... the gra writes in kol tor (chapter 6 in the final chapter) that amalek in the end of days will be comprised of a nexus between gog (yefet and esav), yishmael and the erev rav jews... the unjewish jews like peres, belein and sarid and their minions... he also says that anyone... any jew not fighting to keep armilius from ruling and conquering eretz yisroel... knowing that he is responsible for keeping moshiach ben yosef and moshiach ben david at bay... keeping them apart and preventing them from coming together and successfully defeating gog and yishmael and the erev rav jews which will spell the geulah shelaymah at long last... anyone not actively engaged in fighting them... even if they are not involved in plotting with and supporting armilius (gog) it would be better for them if they had never been born... they will rue the day that their apathy or fear or whathaveyou kept them from their duty to fight for the meshichim and on the side of Hashem against His enemies... and this in fact is so because those not fighting are actually thereby by their absence and silence helping armilius to win... because as edmund burke once said: "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing..."

and so if that should be the sorry disposition for the frightened and/or apathetic jews what should happen to and be our judgement of those jews who are actively aiding and abetting the enemy with conviction and passion?  for me the answer is quite clear... DEATH TO THE EREV RAV JEWS!!!!

nikmatdam... OUT...

715   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / yermiyahu 50 & 51... YES!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!  on: February 22, 2006, 08:51:21 PM 
every jew on the planet should know these two perakim of navi... this day marks the beginning of the end for babylon... all bloody hell is about to break out and be unleashed in bavel (iraq) as predicted by yermiyahu hanavi... until the entire plain will be a "tel olam" (rubble forever)... as punishment for their destuction of the first beit hamikdash...

when this prophecy is complete then onshim for the second beit hamikdash will commence and europe will finally boruch Hashem get what it so richly deserves!!!! death to europe!!!!!

716   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Revava Organizer Prevented From Ascending Temple Mount  on: February 22, 2006, 02:53:17 AM 
yisroel and david both know that this issue is the one thing that can block all of the gov. plans to give jerusalem away... keep it up guys... you literally are saving our lives and eretz yisroel... be well and G-d bless... nik. out...   
717   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona)/ soup or salad?  on: February 22, 2006, 02:50:10 AM 
good idea... i prefer salads but my favorite all-time soup is cambell's tomato soup!!! hmmm, hmmm good!!! hey ya know i feel a whole lot better already... thanks kreplach... you deserve to be in a good old fashioned chicken soup sometime... erev yom kippur is your meal man... nik. out
718   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona).  on: February 21, 2006, 10:06:44 PM 
and they said the same to yehudah macabbee... don't be another avichai!!! sit down and shut the hell up!!!
719   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / nikmatdam claims all muslim lands forfeit as araye nidachas to be eradicated...  on: February 21, 2006, 10:02:02 PM 
nuke mecca now!!!!
720   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar  on: February 21, 2006, 09:40:55 PM 
i wish the same... and we have to work toward it... we can't just sit back and pray for Hashem to grant us a nes... we have to go out and do it ourselves if necessary and/or thru our hishtadlut show Hashem our mesirat nefesh and thus "earn" His bringing us a miracle... that is what rav meir taught us anyway... ta...nik.
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721   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: bad news on the demographic front  on: February 21, 2006, 02:54:47 AM 
nothing a few well placed molotov cocktails as reminders can't solve... chase em out under fire i say... ta... nik.
722   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Revava LeHar HaBayit/ also right here in the u.s.  on: February 21, 2006, 02:52:04 AM 
count me in... we can hold a vigil here in golut too... try for next year if moshiach still hasn't come... get a stadium full of jews tp daven mincha/maariv on erev or rosh chodesh nisan... also try to make the special bracha when there are 22,000 jews present in one place... no media... l'shaim shemayim... rent out yankee stadium and hold a rally to raise money for the settlements, etc. every dime goes there not to us... free addmission... checks made out to an already exsiiting organization to help... again none for the organizers of the vigil... what a kiddush Hashem... shows the beleagured of israel that american jews are with them and "feel their pain" but for real!!! who is in? ta... nik.   
723   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona)/burn baby burn!!!  on: February 21, 2006, 01:42:41 AM 
this is a good idea... i thought about what it may look like to sink to the level of arab scum and refuse... but we have to hurt the left where they really feel it... in their wallets... civil disobedience is too mild to get the job done against these nazis in jewish bodies without souls... so yes let's go for it!!! anything to take the fight to them and hurt them where they live... i say raze the beverly hills of tel aviv to the ground... burn it down!!!  burn down savyon... burn it!!! nik. out...
724   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Reclaiming the Temple Mount - A NEW BOOK by David Ha'Ivri  on: February 21, 2006, 01:38:32 AM 
can't wait to read it david... may we soon be serving Hashem daily on har habayit as it is encumbent upon us from chumash... amen... kain yehi ratzon... nik.
725   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Chief rabbis" to meet with Dalai Lama/instead of moshiach...  on: February 20, 2006, 02:17:47 AM 
"mah omrim hagoyim?" we simply refuse to fear G-d and G-d alone... why don't we say "mah omar Hashem yisboruch?" why can't we understand that if we exhibit faith in the world... Hashem will abandon us...? why do we think we have to do everything derech hatevah like the goyim feel they must to survive and thrive? why do our supposed leaders and rabbaiim show so little understanding of the call of the torah for us to be an "am l'vadod yishkon..."?

i can accept the kefirah of a rabin who said in washington at the oslo accord signing... "we no longer dwell alone..."... he didn't know any better... he was an am haaretz... but what i can not fathom nor refuse to accept is when chief rabbis and gedolim do the same thing and fawn over every pope or potentate who seems to show an interest in our coming to them hat in hand and scrape the dirt for their friendship and love... it sickens me to no end...

as if we haven't made it as humans if we are not invited to all the right balls and celebrations or to the highest level diplomatic functions... it really is a disease... the am hanivchar... the royal family of Hashem on bended knees begging for a place at the table of scum and filth that just appears to glitter like gold... and often it does... but there is a difference... our torah is gold mamash... their stuff glitters true enough and sparkles too... but it is fool's gold and not worth a damn or a dime... ta... nik.
726   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Chief rabbis" to meet with Dalai Lama  on: February 19, 2006, 11:26:04 PM 
i'm not saying that they are not nice people... i am saying that their philsophy of life will get us destroyed... nik. out
727   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: marzel would serve a great purpose in the knesett... fire and brimstone!!!  on: February 19, 2006, 12:45:01 PM 
and therefore he should run and go in there day in and day out and blast away at them all... like rav meir did... give em' bloody hell i say... they deserve it!!! i've heard him go off in public... he's phenomenal!!! perfect for the job!!!! nik. out
728   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - righteous is as righteous does...  on: February 19, 2006, 12:36:42 PM 
sorry... righteousness demands of us to shun evil and work to eradicate it... not work with it and try to co-exisit with it... nik. out
729   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members... it's all in the wrist when you ...  on: February 19, 2006, 12:35:10 PM 
 it is simple... the ... are pauses either for an aside (like a comma (,)) or as a period (.)... just pause when you get to the three dots (...) take a breath or a beat and then continue... that's all... nik. out
730   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar  on: February 19, 2006, 12:00:35 PM 
not true... i don't know who gave david ha'ivri smicha but if he is a rav and not just the political leader of tapuach... i would trust him with my life... i have found him to be totally honest, trustworthy and brave... he'd make a great boy scout master... but he is a great jew already!!!! nikmatdam
731   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Chief rabbis" to meet with Dalai Lama/now i feel secure...  on: February 19, 2006, 11:58:09 AM 
now there's a great idea... let them meet with the chief object of avodah zara in the world today... let them sit at his feet and learn to out gandhi... gandhi and let's see the total collapse of the entire jewish state... yes this is the way jews... go to the avodah zara and learn to be even more passive than you already are... learn to say thankyou when the gov. tramples you and smashes in your skull!!!! ah just great! this info makes my day complete... thanks for it!!!! now i can finally sing and dance for joy again!!! what good news!!!! ahhhh.... YES!!!! YES!!!!! TA... NIK. OUT...
732   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members  on: February 19, 2006, 11:53:31 AM 
whts... so... wrng... with... my grmer? 
733   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar/not trying to reinvent the wheel here...  on: February 19, 2006, 11:34:07 AM 
all i'm saying is whichever rav or rosh is for the peace process even today... anyone saying yes to this direct query should be immediately removed from power or isolated or simply not followed or listened to any longer... what is so wrongheaded about this? if he ends up being evasive and not directly saying no he is not for it... he is stalling and lying and is really still for it... for money, or quiet, or position, or kavod... or power or you name the reason i don't give a damn!!!! he's got to go... the only acceptable answer is an emphatic... NOOOOOOO!!!!! and not to be just saying it and really lying... so they should answer the question under scrutiny of a public gathering and not during some private interview... i just don't trust the yesha leadership... even its rabbanim as far as i can spit... and that ain't very far at all... ta... nik.
734   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / New Chief IDF Rabbi - Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar/new chief rabbit...  on: February 19, 2006, 02:53:06 AM 
response to lt~kn who says they are not collaborators for talking to authorities... (see end of page one)...

oh yes it does... just think for a moment... what does a rav have to know or discuss about security...? let him send the yishuv's soldiers and security people... the only reason to have the rav there is to convince him to cooperate and get his kehilah or yeshivah to cooperate in their own dissolution quietly and without a fuss... (once again proving the tana d'bay eliyahu correct)... "and yehudah (the rabaiim) will fight alongside gog against yerushalyaim..." damn it all... it's coming true right before our eyes and we refuse to see and act to fight this disease... how to fight is the only question... and the answer is simple... get each rav on the record of what he believes now about the peace process... no matter what he said back in the 90's... ask him now... anyone saying we should go along should be removed from power... period... end of statement... nik. out

735   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: can anyone understand this?  on: February 19, 2006, 02:45:35 AM 
thanks but would it were not so... nik. out
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736   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / can anyone understand this?/not without dissecting it under a microscope...  on: February 18, 2006, 10:41:22 PM 
the fact that zionism without torah is garbage i agree... but that is not the point being made above... i believe he means to support the addage that yeshivot use often still today...

"we survived 2000 years without the land of israel but we can't survive even 100 years without the torah..."

which is also true but my point is...

in our day and age the last part implies that if we had to we could go back out into golut and with torah alone again we could continue to survive...

i disagree... first because there are just too many jews so far gone that only eretz yisroel being there has any hope of bringing them back... the b'al tshuvah movement in america pales to the one in israel and always has... and always will... also torah judaism around the world would fall and fail... most of them if we ever lost eretz yisroel again... chas v'shalom...

so the idea that "all we need is torah" does not work anymore... and should be changed to...

"all we need is torat eretz yisroel..." because as rav meir and rav binyamin each said repeatedly... the torah taught in exile has become stale and is not producing the spiritual results of yesteryear... and so much of it is infused with a golut mentality that the real torah of david hamelech, etc. is not coming thru and is not getting out... ta... nik.
737   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members  on: February 18, 2006, 10:25:03 PM 
for instance?
738   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bad news on the demographic front/only because too many dati remain in golut...  on: February 18, 2006, 10:12:45 PM 
nothing that a nice little coup d'etat up their wazoo can't fix... if we take over they'll flock to the exits in droves... boruch Hashem... v'kain yirbu!!! ta... nik.
739   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: justifying my writing style one mo' tyme!  on: February 17, 2006, 11:50:15 AM 
and so you say that i should edit...? this is not a newspaper... it is a free-flowing exchange of ideas not an op-ed section... hard to follow? well then don't read what i have to say or... ask me questions about what i'm trying to relate... either way... it's up to you... and by the way i try to go over my posts and do so many times to make sure i say things correctly and spell them right, etc. i have no further time to go back over them after all that and edit them down for you so that it can be spoon-fed to you as you wish... so whatever you decide.... later man... keep it real and i guess edited... ta... nik
740   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: can anyone understand this?/not with out a thesaurus for the word treason...  on: February 17, 2006, 11:45:48 AM 
yeah... same thing happened here in l.a. when r. blau of yu and rel. zion of amer. came thru at the ou conference spewing a "new" approach called abandoning the land of israel and no longer being "a one-dimensional" political movement just interested in the "issue" of eretz yisroel...THE ISSUE! not the value or principle (as important as shabat or kashrut, etc.) but THE ISSUE of the land!!! can you believe that? what insanity... he said we have to get back to what we did from the beginning of the state... and that is to exclusively teach torah, spread yiddishkeit and do kiruv work... forget the land..."

i'm not kidding... that is what he said...

so up went my hand and i asked him..."when they next come for the rest of the west bank and jerusalem are you advocating that we not fight to retain it?"

he answered... "we are not a single-issue organization anymore... and we will not become one again!"

as i tried to probe his "genius" further... i was shouted down by others... "let others have a turn!" and so i sat back awhile listening to the inanity of it all... just shaking my head... until he said... "ah but my friend in the back disagrees with me..."

and so up went my hand again to take another crack at him... (i still can't believe he gave me the chance)...

and so i said to him: "let me try to get a clear understanding of what your message really is... you are saying that if and when they come for the rest of eretz yisroel won in the six-day war and we are told to return to our former borders which abba eban called "the aushwitz lines"... you're telling us that your only concern then will be that the concentration camp called israel that will remain in our possession should be a jewish one and not a goyish one? is that what you are trying to say?"

you should have heard the shockwaves of the sudden in-take of air all over the room... i destroyed him... but of course so what... he just went on to the next ou dog and pony show spreading this vile filth and kefirah!!!

and so my good man... that is what this piece is trying to tell us as well... same garbage spewing forth... forget the land... judaism is what's really important... as if yishuv haaretz has nothing to do with torah and yahadut!!! sheer lunacy... nik. out...
741   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members  on: February 17, 2006, 11:28:00 AM 
it's fine just the way it is... let it alone... ta... nik.
742   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: justifying my writing style...  on: February 17, 2006, 05:28:12 AM 
i don't like to write with all the proper punctuations... it slows me down and makes me lose my train of thought... so inbetween ideas i do this... to get you to pause and then read on... in this way it turns this form of communication into a speaking flow rather than a stiff and overly structured written work... i also don't capitalize anything even beginnings of sentences for the same reason... hitting the shift tab every couple of seconds is such a bother... also i like it that in this way i only show kavod for Hashem by capitalizing only His name or midot... ta... nik.
743   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - not even a brave to my mind...  on: February 17, 2006, 03:34:58 AM 
another erev rav rav i see... just what i said... whoever cooperates with the evil empire is evil... period... end of discussion... nik. out...
744   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: get ready y'all; uncle sam is on his way... er... i mean... gog is coming...  on: February 16, 2006, 09:32:00 PM 
that's correct... as i keep reminding everyone here... the tana d'bay eliyahu... purported to be the authentic writings of and collected midrashim of the school founded by eliyahu hanavi... (i'll share a couple i know by heart and when i get the book back from storage i'll share some more bli neder, bezrat Hashem... but let me just say this one over again here right now...

quote!!!! "yehudah will (not might... WILL!!!) will fight alonside gog against yerushalayim..."  (DID YOU HEAR THAT? WILL FIGHT with our archest enemy of all-time; worse than hitler, titus, paro, bilam, esav, yishmael, lavan... you name him... haman, nevuchadnetzer, sancherib, hadrian etc. all of them... all rolled up into one)... no one ever bigger or more fearsome or more mighty... and more menacing and just as the rest were... aching... panting... to be the one to finally wipe eretz yisroel off the map and slaughter every single last jew on the planet to boot... gog is salivating to do this... thinking he is in as strong a position as paro was at yam suf... stronger even... like nimrod's power over good and avraham was and whose victory appeared to be assured... as certain as the sun rising the next morning to everyone who witnessed the confrontation between avraham and nimrod... they and nimrod feeling certain to destroy avraham avinu... at the moment of maximum strength and fullest of power... right up to the very second of throwing avraham into the furnace... right before the miraculous event of kivshan haaish saving avraham's life and freaking the entire world out and causing the downfall of or at least giving the initial shove which demarcated the beginning of the end of the reign of king nimrod... (which was slowly completed in stages... first this shock... then the fall of the tower of bavel and finally the war between avraham and the four kings (nimrod being one of them... amrafael)... each step of the way having him losing more control and ever more power... right up until nimrod finally perished at esav's hands on avraham's day of death)...

and this is where our enemies think they have us all over again... right now... "maesah avot siman l'banim" ("the deeds and events of the patriarchs' lives are a sign for the children...") that we will repeat their deeds and history exactly as happened to them... like what they went thru... so too will we go thru... in deeds and in their meanings and significances... and as theirs' was and turned out so will our history as well...... 

and so gog is now moving in for the kill... thinking he has it all sown up... and so does yehudah (read: the rabbis... the cream of the crop according to my rebbi; rav nachman bulman zt"l) yehudah means the best jews in each and every generation in history... the tzadikim... the talmedei chachamim... the gedolim? (jury still out on this one)... and THEY ARE THE ONES OUT OF FEAR DESTINED TO JOIN WITH GOG TO FIGHT AGAINST YERUSHALAYIM JUST BEFORE, DURING OR MAYBE EVEN AFTER MOSHIACH SHOWS HIS HAND!!!!! NOW HOW'S THAT FOR COWARDICE...? and so any rabbi living today who holds by the peace process or/and even the hidden clauses of oslo and agrees to the giving over of hegemony of jerusalem to the vatican... he is treif!!!! he is fighting with gog against Hashem Yisboruch and moshiach and against all of us little people who have faith and trust in Hashem... these rabbis are denying our own (and their own) avot and our legacy and heritage... so now you see what the litmus test should be... anyone saying give in... is pasul!!!!! or am i pasul for suggesting such meridah (rebellion) against our rabbis? either this is a real medresh or it is made up and a lie... i say it is real and is showing the fear of jews even good ones in the face of gog and the test of our emunah and bitachon that he represents....

yeshayah hanavi (isaiah) writes (perakim 1 and 6 i believe) in two places that rabbis... talmedei chahamim will deny that they are learned and shrink from leadership when the chips are most down and the all-out pachad is at its highest possible rung and maximum pressure and stress on us jews... and then poof! moshiach will burst through and save those of us who held on... as yeshayah says further... and chazal teach us as well... at the end of days... "a tzadik b'emunato yechiyeh" (the righteous will live and survive by and by virtue of their faith in G-d when it counts the most at the very end)... see the chazal (forgot where... someone? anyone?) where the sages say... its a gemora somewhere... judaism was boiled down to these many mitzvot in david hamelech's time and these many later on and from 613 you get all the way down to 11, and then 8... and then 3 and then one... a tzadik will live by his faith in the end!!!! at the end!!!! one mitzvah in the face of overwhelming odds and forces arrayed against tiny us... and yes damn it... we will hold even if our rabbis will not!!!!!

and so there it is... minus the proper mekorot because i'm sorry i don't remember chapter and verse all the time so well and it would take me maybe hours to reference them... my computer software for all things tenach or yahadut is not hooked up yet... anyway... what i quoted you is true and pure torah... i will vouch for the veracity of every word unless someone can show me where and why i am wrong... by all means... but when you hear a couple more of these midrashim you will see and know that they are for real... i just don't have the sefer with me right now... ta... nik.
745   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the rebbe vs. the rav... does chillul Hashem play a role in pekuach nefesh?  on: February 16, 2006, 01:13:05 PM 
no you are not correct... i read a sefer on the rebbe's position (forgot the name... a pamphlet really... available at all fine chabad bookstores) and he said as follows: for pekuach nefesh... to save lives... if real preace was actually in the offing... then giving away parts of eretz yisroel would be permitted... but... BUT! since he said... that he knew before oslo was signed that arafat, et al were not genuine and did not mean to keep their word... and that ada rabah giving land away would cause greater, not lesser threat to and more not less actual loss of jewish lives that therefore it was forbidden to give away any portion no matter how small... hence the slogan from lubavitch..."NOT ONE INCH!!!" that was his shita... no doubt about it... rav meir disagreed and said because of the chillul Hashem involved and cited sources in tnach where shlomo hamelech gave away land and lived to rue the day and was severly punished that this proves we are not allowed to ever give away Hashem's holy soil... furthermore the rav said that we learn from a gemora and a medresh that even if the goyim only want our crops and not the land itself... it becomes a milchemt mitzvah and we all must go to war... it's all in his magnum opus for you to read... sefer harayon... look it up... ta... nik.
746   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the future looks pretty nukie from the tnach for our arab cousins...  on: February 16, 2006, 01:03:50 PM 
all nevot we have in tnach are not over with until moshiach comes... there were millions of prophets in yisroel during the biblical era... only these relatively few prophets and their prophecies are with us extant today in our bible... chazal say because these are the only ones not for or not exclusively for the generation in which they were delivered and apply for all-time until biat goel tzedek... just thought you'd like to knw this... because egypt is still gonna get flattened and then rebuilt as Hashem has promised them and we will be the dor to see this... from yechezkel's words... sounds like a nuke affair to me... boruch Hashem! kain yirbu!!! nukes all around for my great bud ol' yishmael... may nukes rain down on all his countries and family... can i get an amen on that one brother? ta... nik.
747   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: THE RED COW...  on: February 15, 2006, 08:43:59 PM 
hey look i read shmuel whatever's second part of red cow and i commented... how do i see my reply? nikmatdam
748   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / justify sojourning in the golah?/tough enough to take it all the way...  on: February 15, 2006, 06:00:19 PM 
it's alright lenny... i'm a big boy now and i can take the heat... as i always say to others who whine and complain... "if you can't take the heat... stay out of the kivshan haaish..." and so it is for me to follow my own maxim as well... and i'm not afraid... i am prepared to do what avraham avinu did when confronting nimrod in the war against him when they kidnapped lot... as the medresh says: he said to himself... "i may not be able to prevail against such overwhelming odds... but this is such a huge chillul Hashem that i cannot just sit still and let them get away with this outrage... so at least let me go out and fall on kiddush Hashem..." and we know the rest... and though today the "rest" is still hidden from our view and we can in no way know how things will turn out... we can only have faith and hope and prayer, etc. but we can also do what avraham avinu taught us and follow his sterling and sparkling example... let us all now pledge to ourselves and to each other that we will all stand up and revolt against all of this obscene chillul Hashem... and let us all become willing and prepared to go out and fall on kiddush Hashem... if that is all that is left to us or remains for us to be able to do... let's do it and may Hashem be with us and come to our rescue like He was and did by our avot... amen selah!!!!

"at least i will go out to fight and stand up for Hashem and His land and His torah... and im ovadati ovadati! (if i am lost... then i am lost)... at least if nothing else... i will go out and fall on kiddush Hashem!!!" nikmatdam... out...

but let me conclude with an important addition here: unlike gush katif and amona... when and if i go out to fall on kiddush Hashem... i will not be doing so passively... i will be doing so like avraham avinu... utilizing weapons of war... i urge the settlers and all of us to fight back and not just go quietly and bleeding into the night enroute to a hospital ward or to an emergency room... give back as good as we get... shoot back... and shoot to kill... and thus let's try not to go out at all... not from the world nor from off of our land... if it is really down to either us or them now... then i choose them (to go) and anyway they have drawn first blood on us now for years and years already... and they deserve this to happen to them... richly deserve it and much, much more... and they are anyway sending their goyish dogs to do their dirty work for them... so why let them get away with this outrage... "habah l'harog otcha... kum v'harog oto rishon!!!" ("if someone comes to kill you... get up and kill him first")... shoot them and shoot to kill... it is the only way to fight... it is the only way to go now... without moshiach now!!! we have no other paths left open to us... for if we do not... they will take it all away from us including yerushalayim ir hakodesh and even the unthinkable... even har habayit... so ask yourself what you are ready and prepared to do...? fight or watch it all be taken away from us? all of it... every last square inch of it and along with it will also go all of our pride in our nation and all of our self-respect for our legacy and heritage... so once more... again i ask you... which are you more ready for? to fight back and perhaps (even probably, barring a miracle from G-d) lose your life... or be smashed around in futile protests and demonstrations and despite all of our best efforts and prayers still watch it all disappear in the end anyhow? the choice is up to us... (to paraphrase the venerable patrick henry): "i know not what course others may take... but as for me... give me all of eretz yisroel or give me death!!!" nikmatdam... out... 
749   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: can you justify your continued sojourning in the golah?  on: February 15, 2006, 12:40:36 PM 
you would be correct in everything you said... if and only if i were doing all of these things in total from my own volition... but i assure you i am not!!! ta... nik.
750   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / can you justify your continued sojourning in the golah?  on: February 15, 2006, 02:52:51 AM 
when i see our people being blown to pieces or shot in cars at point-blank range and their little babies wiped out as well by vicious, bloodthirsty arab monsters... or seeing them beaten savagely and dragged away to be thrown out of their homes and communities... and these latter events done by supposed fellow jews or by their surrogate goyish-filth upon their "jewish commands"......

thus after all these many years when i see even just a small part of this... i can no longer just sit here and watch silently even compassionately... i cannot justify my existence in a place of relative safety and security (at least quiet to date here in l.a. ca.) and i can no longer reconcile my docile life to their torturous and agony-filled lives... my heart can't take anymore of this bitter news... my mind can't accept and allow my being to continue to witness such atrocities seemingly now without surcease... and so i can choose to do one of two things... i can go to where my people are suffering ("and moshe went out to see the burdens of his people")... or i can bring their same plight down upon myself right here... as for me... i have chosen for myself both of these approaches...

i must act and feel that i am doing something... i can no longer just sit idly by my brothers' and sisters' (or my sons' and daughters' or my parents' and grandparents') innocent blood being shed and spilled seemingly every single day now and in virtual impunity... i cannot stand this any longer... i can no longer bear the sight or sound of these horrid things happening... i cannot tolerate another terrorist attack... not a single one more... my soul can't take it!!!!

i know prayer and learning torah... doing mitzvot and giving tzedakah and doing tshuvah... i know it all helps and i do these things everyday... but it is not enough to counter the growing rage i feel... to stifle the burning hatred my eyes flash... i am a man possessed with the need to do something... anything... to help my people survive and prevail against these sick creatures who deign to call themselves jews and against the arab nazi-scum and menace... i know what i would like to do to "bring it on home here to me"... but i know i cannot do it... alas none of us can... and we will all not be able to do these kinds of things until moshiach arrives...

and so instead i will do the following... i will run for congress here for three months beginning on march 10th and then assuming i lose even in the republican primary i will be in... then i will come to eretz yisroel to get my face bashed in along with my brothers and sisters because i cannot allow myself to be free and secure when they are not... to live in a place where i am protected when they are in peril and pain while i am not... and don't worry people... i will lose save for a nes because i am running without any support... jewish or goyish... no funding and no help of any kind... but i will also lose because i am running on a platform whose message is against everyone in this country... but i will give them all the campaign from bloody hell i assure you of this... i will become anathema and they will loathe the very mention of my name...

for i am running to tell the goyim here that their government is sinning against G-d by trying to assume the mantle of gog and reverse the geulah... i am running to warn them that they will suffer and pay the ultimate price in blood for their government's secret sins against the jews and israel spanning over the last nearly 100 years almost... (read... "the secret war against the jews" by john loftus)... and this includes participation with britain and germany and the so-called "jewish agency" of palestine in the premeditated holocaust that was launched against our european jewry of the last century... and the majority of the nazi-scum here and abroad have all largely got away with all of these crimes against our people and against our humanity and our G-d... and they have all gone on to enrich themselves in oil and drugs and arms, etc. in league with our perpetual arab and moslem adversaries... and they are now united and banded together and are all in collusion to try and wipe israel off the map once and for all... 

and i will not just sit here and let it happen because i am no one and nobody and because no one else in the jewish world sees what i see and can put the pieces together as i have and can see where we are heading... "v'chol dor v'dor omdim alenu l'chaloteinu"... but we thought after the world did the holocaust to us... that they were all sorry now and even loved us and wanted to help us... and really did begin to care about the lives of jews... we of the aftermath... of the next generation thought we were different... that we would be spared such horror and trepidation... but we were wrong... we were fools... we thought we knew better the nature of our goyim today than chazal knew all thru history... what arrogant and haughty people we are... to think we see better and know deeper the world about us than Hashem and His holy chosen tzadikim and servants...

and so to all you fellow jews of mine out there who think i am or soon will think i am a stark-raving, mad, lunatic threatening your safety and security... let me first tell you what to do... read rav meir's essay on the paschal lamb in this month's darka shel torah... know that mordechai followed this same gameplan to rescue his dor and know the truth of what rav hirsch wrote at the end of his superb piece "19 letters" when he too faced the chants of the crowd telling him he was nuts and crazy and only making things worse for us all by his fighting the goyim and the reform jugernaut for frum rights and communal self-determination as well as for kiruv rechokim purposes...

(paraphrase)... "and i see the house (of the jewish people) in flames about to burn down... and thru the fire i see a small child trapped inside (the children of our future generations)... must i... need i ask if others too see the child in danger before i rush in to save him/her? do i care if i offend anyone or ruffle a few feathers along the way to saving the poor baby? i will give all of these considerations not even a single thought... because... (and for me too)   I SEE THE CHILD! I KNOW HE/SHE IS IN THERE AND IS IN DIRE CIRCUMSTANCES! AND SO I WILL DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE WHETHER ANYONE CONCURS WITH ME OR NOT!!! BECAUSE I SEE THE DANGER!!!! I SEE THE SAKANAH!!! AND I AM NOT JUST IMAGINING IT... I AM NOT HALLUCINATING... I AM NOT INSANE!!!! AND THAT IS ALL I NEED TO KNOW TO CONVINCE MYSELF THAT I AM CORRECT IN WHAT I FORSEE HAPPENING ALL AROUND ME!!!!" nikmatdam... out!!!!
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