Author Topic: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says  (Read 8545 times)

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I will post more as the information becomes available. Once again the blacks have shown that they cannot think in a logical manner and are completely driven by their base animal instincts. We really should rethink about passing out affrimative action degrees to these imbeciles.

What Really Really Happened in Jena

On Friday, Sept. 21, we published a lengthy account of what really happened in Jena, Louisiana, which showed how events in that town were distorted to fit an image of Southern white “racism.” We have since learned that events were even more shamelessly manipulated than we realized. There were two key elements to the “racism” charge: that there was a tree at Jena High School under which only whites could sit, and that whites hung nooses from the tree to intimidate blacks who asked if they could sit under it. Both charges are false.
Craig Franklin is a reporter with the Jena Times who has covered events from the beginning. He confirms that there was no “whites only” tree. The tree in question was planted in 1986, and only recently grew tall enough to give shade. The school put picnic tables under it, and anyone who wanted to sat at them.
As we reported previously, the question about whether blacks could sit under the tree was a joke during an assembly for boys. Everyone in the room knew that although students sometimes self-segregate, no place at Jena High School was off-limits to blacks or whites. Everyone laughed at the question. Mr. Franklin has learned that the boys asked a number of joke questions, partly to keep the assembly going as long as possible, so they would not have to go back to regular classes.
Even more central to the Jena-is-racist hysteria is the report—now enshrined as fact—that the next day nooses appeared on the tree to scare away blacks. The three students who hung the nooses were soon discovered, and school authorities described the episode as a “prank.” The national press has mercilessly blasted any school that could dismiss an evocation of lynching as a “prank,” but Mr. Franklin confirms that this is exactly what it was.
The three boys who hung two nooses were members of the rodeo team. Contrary to our report of Sept. 21, they did not paint the nooses in the school colors of black and gold. Both nooses were black, but only because the rope one of the boys had in the back of his truck was made of black nylon. Mr. Franklin says they were not even proper nooses, but crudely tied loops. Why did the boys put them there?
They had recently seen the “Lonesome Dove” television series, in which Texas Rangers string up several rustlers. None of the rustlers was black. The nooses on the tree really were a joke, directed at white friends.
Mr. Franklin, who recently spoke to the parents, says the boys did not even know nooses had racial significance. To members of the rodeo team, nooses meant cowboys and rustlers. “They didn’t have a clue what nooses mean to blacks,” he says, and were “totally flabbergasted” to learn that they can be seen as symbols of lynching.
It is nevertheless widely believed that white students perpetrated a vicious act of racist intimidation, but got only a slap on the wrist because the school dismissed it as a “prank.” The national media tell us that justifiably frustrated blacks then got into a fight with a white boy and were charged with attempted murder. Blacks denounced double-standard justice, and Jena became the new civil-rights battlefield.
Once the story took this turn, why did Jena High School not explain what really happened? The authorities learned about the nooses in investigatory hearings that could have led to expulsion (and did lead to suspension). State law requires that such proceedings be confidential, so the school kept silent. Only now have parents agreed to waive confidentiality.
The charges of “racism” that are supposed to be at the heart of this story have now been shown to be just as mendacious as the inventions with which Tawana Brawley helped Al Sharpton find his true calling. There was no whites-only tree. There was no “racist intimidation.” Four months later, when a gang of blacks decided to beat a white boy unconscious and stomp him, the local prosecutor treated the attack like the serious crime it was. The blacks—with the encouragement of the national media and the “civil rights” industry—concocted a history of “racism” because they wanted to beat the rap.
For those who know how the press covers race, its hideous cavorting over Jena is no surprise, but Craig Franklin is disappointed. “We are taught there are two sides to a story,” he says, speaking as a journalist. “The national media took one side and ran with it as if it were fact.”
In fact, they ran so far with it they are too ashamed to report the truth. Mr. Franklin says he called CNN to tell them what he has learned. “We’ll get back to you,” they said. The New York Times and the Washington Post are certainly not going to correct their stories, now that they have committed themselves to a juicy tale about Southern “racism.” We ask AR readers to let us know if even one national organ reports the truth.
This story is not like the Duke rape hoax. The press had licked its chops so gleefully at the initial charges that it could hardly turn its back as the sickening process ground on to its—for the press—deeply disappointing conclusion. The Times and the Post will write small stories when the “Jena 6” go to trial, but here’s betting they will never admit they got it wrong about the whites-only tree and the nooses.
If they ever do, what will be their message? That the press should control its biases? That it should check facts? No. They will blame the white rodeo team for its ignorance of American history, and will insist that every white boy get the “sensitivity training” he needs to know what nooses really mean.
(Posted on October 2, 2007)

Offline fjack

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Here are some facts regarding the Jena 6 victims. This is starting to make the Duke case sound like a stroll in the park on a nice spring day. Something radical must be done with these negroes. Expulsion from white countries would be a good start. They are not intellectual capable to live in a civilized society.

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Monday, Oct 8, 2007
Posted on Sat, Sep. 29, 2007
Jena 6 case caught up in whirlwind of distortion, opportunism

JENA, La. | Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and talk-show hosts certainly feasted on the racial unrest in this tiny central Louisiana town.
But it would be unfair to claim they threw the match that ignited the Jena Six case into a global blaze of hostility and misinformation.
That distinction belongs to Alan Bean, a 54-year-old white, self-proclaimed Baptist minister from Tulia, Texas.
“Do I know him?” was LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters’ sarcastic and dismissive response when I asked about Bean during a 45-minute interview.
“People are reluctant to say it,” said Craig Franklin, editor of the Jena Times, “but there is no doubt that Alan Bean created all of this.”
This is different things to different people. To some, this is a long overdue civil-rights reawakening, which points out pervasive racism in the South and in our justice system. To others, this is a horrific public-relations crime against the white people of Jena and irreparable damage to race relations in the poor oil town. And to some dispassionate observers, this is an unfortunate situation being exploited by white and black racial extremists.
On Sept. 20, when Jackson, Sharpton and Jena Six family members led competing rallies in support of six black youths accused of brutally attacking a white classmate, this — more than 20,000 marchers — was something no one in Jena could ever imagine.
But Alan Bean could.
Bean — the creator of Friends of Justice, an organization primarily dedicated to helping poor minorities victimized by our justice system — had warned prominent members of the Jena community as early as January that the town would be painted as racist by the national media if Walters didn’t back down.
“I told them I was going to bring media attention to this situation, and it was likely the same thing would happen to them that happened to my little hometown,” Bean said by phone on Friday. “Tulia got a bad rap, a rap it probably didn’t deserve. But the media doesn’t do its job. It’s in the entertainment business.”
“Tulia” refers to the case that made Bean and Friends of Justice a player in the world of American criminal justice. In the late 1990s, Bean exposed a corrupt cop in his hometown. More than a dozen drug convictions against minorities were overturned because of Bean’s work. Tulia was labeled as racist, and Bean became the person to call if you thought the police and/or a prosecutor were exploiting you.
A lawyer in New Orleans put Bean and parents of the Jena Six in contact with each other in December. Within three months, Bean had researched Jena and the events surrounding the assault, and published a 5,400-word narrative titled “The Making of a Myth in Jena, Louisiana” and a 2,400-word, media-friendly narrative titled “Responding to the Crisis in Jena, Louisiana.”
These two pro-defense narratives form the outline for most of the world’s understanding of the case. Bean connected the December assault on Justin Barker to the September noose hangings, to Reed Walters’ infamous “I can ruin your life with the stroke of a pen” statement at a hastily called school assembly, and to separate off-campus confrontations between Robert Bailey and white men on the Friday and Saturday before the attack on Barker.
Walters said Wednesday he’d never heard that the attack on Barker had anything to do with the noose hangings until the defense filed motions in the spring to recuse him from the case.
Bean said he first spoon-fed his narratives to Tom Mangold of the BBC because Mangold had worked with Bean on the Tulia drug cases. The BBC filmed a documentary on the Jena Six titled “Race Hate in Louisiana.” Bean said he then gave the Jena Six story to newspaper reporter Howard Witt of the Chicago Tribune, which published a similar story on May 20.
“I put it in the hands of people I knew would do a good job with the story,” Bean said.
Bean also gave his story to a blogger, Jordan Flaherty, and a law professor, Bill Quigley. From all of these sources the story mushroomed and became fact.
The Jena Six beat up Justin Barker because they were still angry about the lack of sufficient punishment given to white kids who hung nooses on a whites-only shade tree, and the six were railroaded by an overzealous district attorney who failed to properly prosecute white men who viciously assaulted Robert Bailey and later pulled a shotgun on Bailey and two others at a convenience store.
Walters, police investigators, school officials and some Jena residents say Bean’s story is hogwash. There is at least some legitimacy to those claims. Bean’s story and subsequent posts on his Web site contain factual errors.
The three kids responsible for hanging the nooses were given more punishment than just a “few days of in-school suspension.” They went to an alternative school for nine days and received two weeks of in-school suspension, LaSalle Parish school superintendent Roy Breithaupt said.
But more than the factual errors, Bean’s story is framed — by his own admission — as an indictment of the criminal justice system and the people in power in Jena and, therefore, the story is unfairly biased. Bean never examined the other forces at work that contributed to the Jena Six assault and Walters’ heavy-handed approach to justice as it relates to the alleged perpetrators.
“I didn’t know,” Bean said when asked whether he knew of defendant Mychal Bell’s violent juvenile history when he was crafting his narratives. “I never talked to Mychal’s family, and I never talked to Mychal. He was in jail. I knew he had a history for getting into trouble. I knew he was a kid at a crossroads.”
Bean also didn’t know that in fall 2006, Bell, who 16 at the time, was living with his then-18-year-old best friend John McPherson and McPherson’s then-16-year-old wife, Ashley, in a three-bedroom trailer. The McPhersons are white. Bell is the godfather to their 18-month-old daughter.
Bean has a very idealistic view of the Jena defendants.
“These are fun-loving, impetuous, athletically gifted black males that don’t drink and don’t smoke, and they go to church as well,” he told me.
The church-going contention flies in the face of what Rev. Jimmy Ray Young, pastor at L&A Baptist Church, said Wednesday.
“None of these boys have been in church except when Al Sharpton was in town,” Young complained. “I’ve told the ministers we need to get these boys back in church.”
Walters claims that Bean and the media have distorted other key elements in the case.
Bean reported that Walters directed his “stroke of the pen” remark at black students when the school called an assembly to quell protests of the noose hangings. Some pro-Jena Six chain e-mails create the impression that Walters met privately with black students and threatened them. Not true, Walters and police say.
Paul Smith, Jena’s chief of police, says he and sheriff’s investigator Jimmy Arbogast called Walters to the school after a student took a swing at Smith when he was breaking up a fight between students.
“Tensions were high. Everybody was upset,” Arbogast said. “We wanted Reed to explain to them that, ‘Hey, look, you have to think for a minute. Look what age” you are. Y’all are in high school.’
Flanked by Arbogast and Smith, Walters addressed the entire student body. He said he began by telling the students about an aggravated rape case (possible death penalty) that he was considering.
‘I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Walters recalls saying: “With the stroke of a pen I can make life miserable on you or ruin your life. So I want you to call me before you do something stupid.’ That last part doesn’t get reported. It doesn’t make good press.”
Bean also wrote that three days before the Jena Six assault a white man, Matt Windham, pulled a shotgun on Bailey and two others. He wrote that they wrestled the gun away from the man and ran off, and that Walters charged them with a crime rather than the white man.
The police contend that Windham — not the boys — called the police, claimed the boys threatened him, chased him back to his vehicle and wrestled his gun away. The police also say that two uninvolved female witnesses backed Windham, and that’s why the boys were charged.
Bean also mischaracterized the simple battery that Bailey suffered at the Fair Barn party four days before the attack on Barker, according to Walters, police, several witnesses and Bailey’s statements to police.
“Robert Bailey Jr. was attacked by a savage white mob at a local dance,” Bean wrote. “True, he wasn’t knocked unconscious — but that is just a matter of aim and good fortune. He was punched, he was kicked, and he was smacked over the head with a beer bottle (and he’s got the scars to prove it).”
Walters, who prosecuted Bailey’s lone attacker (Justin Sloan), said there was no mob attack. It was simply a dispute at the door of a mixed-race, invitation-only party that Bailey was denied access to.
“It wasn’t a fight,” Walters said. “Robert Bailey didn’t swing. He didn’t do anything. The kid hit him, knocked him down. No beer bottle, no anything. There was no statement of the victim at that time indicating any weapon was used. … The defendant (Sloan) was arrested on a simple battery. He was prosecuted on a simple battery. He pled guilty to a simple battery.
“It was only after the fact that I learned that a beer bottle was involved, that stitches were involved,” Walters continued. “And I checked after the fact with my local hospital: Did this happen? The information (about a beer bottle) came up in a motion to recuse me from the current charges. That’s the first time I’d heard about that.”
Ironically, Bean is now growing frustrated with the way the case has turned, particularly since Jackson and Sharpton got involved. He said they wouldn’t return his calls. He indicated there was a riff between the Bailey (Bean camp) and Bell (Sharpton camp) families.
People in Jena say the feud is over money. The families are handling the donations to the Jena Six defense fund. Robert Bailey recently posted and took down MySpace photos of himself and another Jena Six defendant with wads of $100 bills stuffed in their mouths and splashed across their bodies.
“I can tell you there is no misappropriation of the funds,” said Bean, adding he was not being paid for his services. “I’ve been there and seen them handling the checks. Where Robert got his hands on that money, I don’t know. He’s a kid. It was a stupid thing to do.”
As for Bean’s thoughts on Jackson and Sharpton?
“I’m not at all comfortable with the way this has been handled by the Jackson and Sharpton folks,” Bean said. “What’s wrong is that Jesse and Al have tried to turn this into an old civil-rights story in which Mychal Bell emerges like Rosa Parks, and that’s not right. These guys (Jackson and Sharpton) have lost their gravitas, lost their credibility. People are really tired of the same old 1960s shtick.”
Based on the crowds in Jena on Sept. 20, I’m not so sure.
To reach Jason Whitlock, call 816-234-4869 or send e-mail to [email protected].
© 2007 Kansas City Star and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.

Offline cjd

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I think by causing sensations like this the liberal left may actually over play their hand and shock complacent whites back  into the real world. Most white folks have been so buffaloed into inaction by the civil rights groups they are letting society go down the drain. We need a few more  situations like this to get people thinking  and moving.  White society as it is now are like sheep in the stockyards outside the slaughter house.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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I will post more as the information becomes available. Once again the blacks have shown that they cannot think in a logical manner and are completely driven by their base animal instincts. We really should rethink about passing out affrimative action degrees to these imbeciles.

What Really Really Happened in Jena

On Friday, Sept. 21, we published a lengthy account of what really happened in Jena, Louisiana, which showed how events in that town were distorted to fit an image of Southern white “racism.” We have since learned that events were even more shamelessly manipulated than we realized. There were two key elements to the “racism” charge: that there was a tree at Jena High School under which only whites could sit, and that whites hung nooses from the tree to intimidate blacks who asked if they could sit under it. Both charges are false.
Craig Franklin is a reporter with the Jena Times who has covered events from the beginning. He confirms that there was no “whites only” tree. The tree in question was planted in 1986, and only recently grew tall enough to give shade. The school put picnic tables under it, and anyone who wanted to sat at them.
As we reported previously, the question about whether blacks could sit under the tree was a joke during an assembly for boys. Everyone in the room knew that although students sometimes self-segregate, no place at Jena High School was off-limits to blacks or whites. Everyone laughed at the question. Mr. Franklin has learned that the boys asked a number of joke questions, partly to keep the assembly going as long as possible, so they would not have to go back to regular classes.
Even more central to the Jena-is-racist hysteria is the report—now enshrined as fact—that the next day nooses appeared on the tree to scare away blacks. The three students who hung the nooses were soon discovered, and school authorities described the episode as a “prank.” The national press has mercilessly blasted any school that could dismiss an evocation of lynching as a “prank,” but Mr. Franklin confirms that this is exactly what it was.
The three boys who hung two nooses were members of the rodeo team. Contrary to our report of Sept. 21, they did not paint the nooses in the school colors of black and gold. Both nooses were black, but only because the rope one of the boys had in the back of his truck was made of black nylon. Mr. Franklin says they were not even proper nooses, but crudely tied loops. Why did the boys put them there?
They had recently seen the “Lonesome Dove” television series, in which Texas Rangers string up several rustlers. None of the rustlers was black. The nooses on the tree really were a joke, directed at white friends.
Mr. Franklin, who recently spoke to the parents, says the boys did not even know nooses had racial significance. To members of the rodeo team, nooses meant cowboys and rustlers. “They didn’t have a clue what nooses mean to blacks,” he says, and were “totally flabbergasted” to learn that they can be seen as symbols of lynching.
It is nevertheless widely believed that white students perpetrated a vicious act of racist intimidation, but got only a slap on the wrist because the school dismissed it as a “prank.” The national media tell us that justifiably frustrated blacks then got into a fight with a white boy and were charged with attempted murder. Blacks denounced double-standard justice, and Jena became the new civil-rights battlefield.
Once the story took this turn, why did Jena High School not explain what really happened? The authorities learned about the nooses in investigatory hearings that could have led to expulsion (and did lead to suspension). State law requires that such proceedings be confidential, so the school kept silent. Only now have parents agreed to waive confidentiality.
The charges of “racism” that are supposed to be at the heart of this story have now been shown to be just as mendacious as the inventions with which Tawana Brawley helped Al Sharpton find his true calling. There was no whites-only tree. There was no “racist intimidation.” Four months later, when a gang of blacks decided to beat a white boy unconscious and stomp him, the local prosecutor treated the attack like the serious crime it was. The blacks—with the encouragement of the national media and the “civil rights” industry—concocted a history of “racism” because they wanted to beat the rap.
For those who know how the press covers race, its hideous cavorting over Jena is no surprise, but Craig Franklin is disappointed. “We are taught there are two sides to a story,” he says, speaking as a journalist. “The national media took one side and ran with it as if it were fact.”
In fact, they ran so far with it they are too ashamed to report the truth. Mr. Franklin says he called CNN to tell them what he has learned. “We’ll get back to you,” they said. The New York Times and the Washington Post are certainly not going to correct their stories, now that they have committed themselves to a juicy tale about Southern “racism.” We ask AR readers to let us know if even one national organ reports the truth.
This story is not like the Duke rape hoax. The press had licked its chops so gleefully at the initial charges that it could hardly turn its back as the sickening process ground on to its—for the press—deeply disappointing conclusion. The Times and the Post will write small stories when the “Jena 6” go to trial, but here’s betting they will never admit they got it wrong about the whites-only tree and the nooses.
If they ever do, what will be their message? That the press should control its biases? That it should check facts? No. They will blame the white rodeo team for its ignorance of American history, and will insist that every white boy get the “sensitivity training” he needs to know what nooses really mean.
(Posted on October 2, 2007)

What a spin. I must congratulate the person who wrote this bogus article. lol I think racist whites will say anything to dismiss the nooses (3 nooses, I might add) that were hanging from that tree. lol The first story I heard other than the TRUTH, was that those nooses were hung there because they used to hang the mascots of rival school football teams. THEN I read this, that the reason that the white kids hung the nooses because they're part of a rodeo club? When was the last time, in a rodeo you saw a cowboy hitching a noose up onto a tree to catch cattle? LOL Give me a break! Those boys weren't stupid, they knew exactly what hanging even ONE noose from a tree meant, especially to black people. Tell me something, just out of curiosity, how would you feel if someone painted a swastika on the walls at a school you attended...because of your Jewish heritage, how would you feel? I have an analogy for you noose: hanging black people  as swastika:used against Jews. Both signs of hatred give credence to the fact that both cultures should be dead. I don't see how anyone can look at three nooses (PAINTED IN SCHOOL COLORS) hanging from a tree no matter HOW short it was as a 'prank', but see a swastika as serious business and an insult to Jewish people.

Offline mosquewatch

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Good point.
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Offline fjack

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Ms. know it all, was the 'noose' tied with a hangsmen's knot? If it wasn't then it cannot be used to hang anyone with. By the way the reporter for the paper is a black guy. I suggest that you call and demand that if the 'noose' that was hung on the tree was not a hangsmen's knot, just say it was because it would make a better story and would serve the needs of the black community much better.


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Ms. know it all, was the 'noose' tied with a hangsmen's knot? If it wasn't then it cannot be used to hang anyone with. By the way the reporter for the paper is a black guy. I suggest that you call and demand that if the 'noose' that was hung on the tree was not a hangsmen's knot, just say it was because it would make a better story and would serve the needs of the black community much better.
You are amazingly hateful, you know that? It wasnt' meant to HANG the black kids but to threaten them not to sit under the tree again or they WOULD be hanged. DUH! I asked you a question and you didn't answer it so I'll repeat myself one more time. If some idiot painted a swastika on your school or on your house, how would you feel about it? A noose is as threatening to black people as a swastika is to Jewish people. Don't you understand that?

Offline mosquewatch

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Ms. know it all, was the 'noose' tied with a hangsmen's knot? If it wasn't then it cannot be used to hang anyone with. By the way the reporter for the paper is a black guy. I suggest that you call and demand that if the 'noose' that was hung on the tree was not a hangsmen's knot, just say it was because it would make a better story and would serve the needs of the black community much better.

Hi Fjack, I happen too live in South Mississippi. I understand completley what those kids were trying too do. It is blatently obvious to any one that lives here a noose from an oak tree ( despite the knot ) is a clear signal. I apoligize if I come across as as "know it all" but I live in a state where the word "[censored]" is an everyday cliche.  I do not take the side of the jena 6 for their actions. 
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Ms. know it all, was the 'noose' tied with a hangsmen's knot? If it wasn't then it cannot be used to hang anyone with. By the way the reporter for the paper is a black guy. I suggest that you call and demand that if the 'noose' that was hung on the tree was not a hangsmen's knot, just say it was because it would make a better story and would serve the needs of the black community much better.

Hi Fjack, I happen too live in South Mississippi. I understand completley what those kids were trying too do. It is blatently obvious to any one that lives here a noose from an oak tree ( despite the knot ) is a clear signal. I apoligize if I come across as as "know it all" but I live in a state where the word "schvartza" is an everyday cliche.  I do not take the side of the jena 6 for their actions. 
I think he was talking to me, though. I'm still trying to figure out what fjack's problem is with me.

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Understood, When he texted MS, I thought of my paltalk name Mississippimud ,and got off track.
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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2007, 05:48:24 AM »
So now you want to ban rope. Since the rodeo and the school's rodeo club uses ropes with nooses, they are racist and should be kicked out of school and rodeos should be under federal regualation and banned. What a simple sick tribe the blacks are. Get a life and collect your reparations from whitey and leave the country.


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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2007, 11:37:45 AM »
So now you want to ban rope. Since the rodeo and the school's rodeo club uses ropes with nooses, they are racist and should be kicked out of school and rodeos should be under federal regualation and banned. What a simple sick tribe the blacks are. Get a life and collect your reparations from whitey and leave the country.
Which is the truth fjack? Were they hung because the rodeo was in town? Or were the nooses hung because they hang the mascotts of other teams ? Since you dont' believe nooses were hung to threaten the black kids who sat under the tree the previous day.

And you STILL didn't answer my question. No surprising. I'll answer it for you then. HELL NO you wouldn't like it if you woke up one morning and someone had painted a symbol of hatred for Jews (the swastika) on your door. Why don't you think its possible for the nooses to have been hung in hatred for black kids?

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2007, 05:41:25 PM »
The school has a rodeo club and the club lost. Besides the rope was nylon, the rope you would use to hang someone would be hemp. If the rope used was nylon the knot on a hangsmen's noose would not break the kneck since nylon would stretch. If it was a real threat they would have used a hemp rope tied with the proper knot. I can't stand this 'made up threat'. It is also a federal law not to make a hangmen's noose.

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2007, 08:01:38 PM »
fjack ,

Does any news organizations have an actual pic of the noose ? I've looked, I can't find one. I'd like too see the actual rope used. Still living here in the south, it sends a clear message ( a bad one ).  The composite of the rope doesn't mean anything, it's a symbol of hatred that the kkk use. It's like if I painted a swastika instead of putting a real swastika statue at someone's home, the message is clear.
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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2007, 09:57:20 PM »
The school has a rodeo club and the club lost. Besides the rope was nylon, the rope you would use to hang someone would be hemp. If the rope used was nylon the knot on a hangsmen's noose would not break the kneck since nylon would stretch. If it was a real threat they would have used a hemp rope tied with the proper knot. I can't stand this 'made up threat'. It is also a federal law not to make a hangmen's noose.
What's the difference? Would you feel less upset if someone left a needle point swastika on your doorstep? The same with the rope used to form the nooses. It dosen't matter what they were made of, but what it represented overall. Hatred for black people and the threat that if another black person sat under the tree they'd be hung. I don't know how you don't understand that.

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2007, 10:04:28 PM »
The school has a rodeo club and the club lost. Besides the rope was nylon, the rope you would use to hang someone would be hemp. If the rope used was nylon the knot on a hangsmen's noose would not break the kneck since nylon would stretch. If it was a real threat they would have used a hemp rope tied with the proper knot. I can't stand this 'made up threat'. It is also a federal law not to make a hangmen's noose.

I think you're in denial here fjack.  This article is total BS, we all know what those white students were trying to do when they hung those nooses up.  As far as I know, it's not a typical rodeo custom to hang ropes on trees. 

Just because the white kids hung nooses up does not excuse the actions of the Jena 6 in any way, so there really isn't any justification to deny that the students intended to put out a message to the blacks when they hung the nooses up.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2007, 10:30:28 AM »
The school has a rodeo club and the club lost. Besides the rope was nylon, the rope you would use to hang someone would be hemp. If the rope used was nylon the knot on a hangsmen's noose would not break the kneck since nylon would stretch. If it was a real threat they would have used a hemp rope tied with the proper knot. I can't stand this 'made up threat'. It is also a federal law not to make a hangmen's noose.

I think you're in denial here fjack.  This article is total BS, we all know what those white students were trying to do when they hung those nooses up.  As far as I know, it's not a typical rodeo custom to hang ropes on trees. 

Just because the white kids hung nooses up does not excuse the actions of the Jena 6 in any way, so there really isn't any justification to deny that the students intended to put out a message to the blacks when they hung the nooses up.
I agree with you 100% Ze'ev. There is no excuse for what the Jena 6 did to Justin Barker...there is no excuse for what those white kids did to that one black kid at a party...and there is no excuse for what the white man did when he pulled a gun on a black teen. NO ONE was thinking. ALL THREE should have been held equally responsible for their actions.

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2007, 11:36:12 AM »
I bet the ape professor at Columbia hung the noose in her own office...


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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2007, 11:57:26 AM »
I bet the ape professor at Columbia hung the noose in her own office...
Prejudicial mumbo jumbo ChaimBenMordechai. Why is it hard to believe that there are whites who hate blacks so much that they'd do such a thing? You and many of your cohorts have mentioned that most whites hate blacks anyway..why the change of heart? ANd would you be saying all of this if someone left a swastika, a symbol of Nazi terrorism, on the front door of your house? The noose is just as much of a threat as the swastika, only it targets different ethnicities.

Offline Kananga

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2007, 12:31:40 PM »
There is a nationwide campaign being promoted by several neo-nazi outfits called "Noose on the Loose" which encourages those angry and disenfrancised whites to hang nooses in highly visible places with the hopes of goading emotionally unstable blacks to act out and create more presslines.

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2007, 06:01:53 PM »
There have been more whites that were hung then you darkies. If you don't like it tough. The negro prof in nyc who said a noose was hung in front of her door probalbly did it herself, More and more you darkies are trying to use this scam to try and extort money from white people. Well you are not getting a nickel out of me. If you want come and try and extort money from me, come to my house or try and collect from me on the street and see what you get, and by the way bring some of your friends.

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2007, 07:20:55 PM »
Fjack, With respect, I disagree with you. I've lived in the South for almost 40 years. I know the culture, and I know the racism that abounds in our culture on both sides.  The bottom line is, when one hangs a noose from an oak tree, that has nothing too do with a rodeo. It is a blatant and clear message too the Black population, stay away or else.  I work with a guy right now that believes I am a white supremicists ( Typo ). Every other day he says too me "White power" and does the nazi salute. I tell him he's nuts. I really don't believe you understand the level of hatred towards the Black population, in some places in the South. It is not a made up fantasy, it is not a scam. These people mean business. And they are not beyond killing some one.

No peace, without FREEDOM.


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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2007, 08:40:11 PM »
There have been more whites that were hung then you darkies. If you don't like it tough. The negro prof in nyc who said a noose was hung in front of her door probalbly did it herself, More and more you darkies are trying to use this scam to try and extort money from white people. Well you are not getting a nickel out of me. If you want come and try and extort money from me, come to my house or try and collect from me on the street and see what you get, and by the way bring some of your friends.
So its possible for an entire race (ahem...MOST white people) to hate blacks but IMPOSSIBLE for a hateful white person to hang a noose somewhere? Are you kidding me?NO one is asking for a red cent from you. You sit at your computer console blaming ALL blacks for everything you're pissed off about, then accuse ALL BLACKS of extorting money from you?You sound a wee bit paranoid. Got meds? ???

Offline cjd

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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2007, 08:47:32 PM »
There have been more whites that were hung then you darkies. If you don't like it tough. The negro prof in nyc who said a noose was hung in front of her door probalbly did it herself, More and more you darkies are trying to use this scam to try and extort money from white people. Well you are not getting a nickel out of me. If you want come and try and extort money from me, come to my house or try and collect from me on the street and see what you get, and by the way bring some of your friends.
So its possible for an entire race (ahem...MOST white people) to hate blacks but IMPOSSIBLE for a hateful white person to hang a noose somewhere? Are you kidding me?NO one is asking for a red cent from you. You sit at your computer console blaming ALL blacks for everything you're pissed off about, then accuse ALL BLACKS of extorting money from you?You sound a wee bit paranoid. Got meds? ???
Erica Sharpton and Jackson have extracted some huge settlements from corporations to frightened to tell them where to get off. So what fjack is saying is not so far fetched.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years


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Re: The facts are coming out about Jena, and it is nothing like the media says
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2007, 09:01:50 PM »
There have been more whites that were hung then you darkies. If you don't like it tough. The negro prof in nyc who said a noose was hung in front of her door probalbly did it herself, More and more you darkies are trying to use this scam to try and extort money from white people. Well you are not getting a nickel out of me. If you want come and try and extort money from me, come to my house or try and collect from me on the street and see what you get, and by the way bring some of your friends.
So its possible for an entire race (ahem...MOST white people) to hate blacks but IMPOSSIBLE for a hateful white person to hang a noose somewhere? Are you kidding me?NO one is asking for a red cent from you. You sit at your computer console blaming ALL blacks for everything you're pissed off about, then accuse ALL BLACKS of extorting money from you?You sound a wee bit paranoid. Got meds? ???
Erica Sharpton and Jackson have extracted some huge settlements from corporations to frightened to tell them where to get off. So what fjack is saying is not so far fetched.
That's THEM..I can't do ANYTHING about what those losers do with their time. However I'm sure that if some 'self hating Jewish person' did something horrible and I came in here and pinned him and his crime on ALL Jewish people...Not only would I be banned, but I'd be on Hate-The-Black-Chick watch! ALl I'm saying is stop being general. Sharpton dosen't belong to black people, Jackson dosen't belong to us either. Blacks who commit crimes don't belong to us either!