As far as Bandera where does it say he killed Jews?
1. In the same Wiki article you posted:
"Bandera was an antisemite and Nazi collaborator.[70]
Bandera's OUN faction adopted the program 'Struggle and action of OUN during the war' which outlined the plans for activities at the onset of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union and the western territories of the Ukrainian SSR.[63] The program declared:
'The Jews in the USSR constitute the most faithful support of the ruling Bolshevik regime, and the vanguard of Muscovite imperialism in Ukraine'
Section G of the program – 'Directives for organizing the life of the state during the first days' outlined activity of the Bandera followers during mid-1941.[64] In a subsection on 'Minority Policy', the leaders of OUN-B ordered:
'Moskali [i.e. ethnic Russians], Poles, and
Jews that are hostile to us are to be destroyed in struggle, particularly those opposing the regime'Later in June, Yaroslav Stetsko sent to Bandera a report in which he stated "
We are creating a militia which will help to remove the Jews and protect the population."[78][79] Leaflets spread in the name of Bandera in the same year called for the "destruction" of "Moscow", Poles, Hungarians and Jewry.[80][81][82] In 1941–1942 while Bandera was cooperating with the Germans, OUN members did take part in anti-Jewish actions. German police at 1941 reported that 'fanatic' Bandera followers, organised in small groups were 'extraordinarily active' against Jews and communists.[83]The most famous action of mass murder by Bandera and his men was in the Lvov pogrom 1941 but they were murdering Jews all over Ukraine
2. Even the ADL, who are notorious for ignoring and minimizing antisemitism, report that half of Ukraine's populaton is bluntly antisemitic and the rate is increasing (poll from 2019)

3. As for Zelensky, is it really the first time that you have seen an antisemitic country that has self hating Jews in power? Walter Rathenau in Germany, Leon Blum in France, Bela Kun* in Hungary, Bruno Kreisky in Austria? It surprises you that Nazis have no issues using token Jews? Ukraine's goal is getting accepted into the EU and there is no better way of improving its image than having a token Jew in power (in Ukraine, like in Russia, the real rulers are the oligarchs, anyway). Zelensky is a token self hating Jew from an assimilated family, who married a non-Jewish woman and whose children are Christian, a Jew who gives "hero of Ukraine" honors to soldiers from the Nazi
Right Sector organization (whose leader marched in Kiev calling for the expulsion of all Jews):

* Bela Kun was not Jewish (his dad was) but was considered as such by his country