Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles
Should interreligious marriage be banned?
Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
--- Quote from: David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh on February 24, 2008, 12:48:36 PM ---On my birthright trip they attacked me for saying that Jews should only marry Jews. Infact my Refrom Liberal Obama supporting friend called me a racist. He wasn't the only one
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Reference them to the Torah where it says that it is forbidden. Tell them that G-d is agains't it and ask them if they know better then G-d.
Show them this video http://torahanytime.com/rav_mizrachi.html
01/08/08 Intermarriage
Which was a big hit, and where even many gentiles called Rabbi Mizrahi afterwards in agreement and thanks.
Western thought is against racial/ethnic loyalty. That is why westerners do not like the fact that Judaism inherits membership based on blood. I happen to support ethno-nationalism as a theoretical concept, therefore I have nothing against Jews wanting to preserve their ethnic identity, just like I would have nothing against Spanish, Italian, or Russian people doing the same thing. If two liberals want to marry across ethnic lines, they shouldn't do it in a Jewish state of course, and they shouldn't claim to be upholding religious tradition while they do it. Perhaps what annoys me is people who claim they are being observant Jews and intermarrying. It's the dishonesty. If people intermarry and admit they are not following Judaism, then it doesn't annoy me as much.
While I think ethnic preservation is a good thing, attempts to say "it is just religion" are simply dishonest, there is an ethnic component too. Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists do not assign membership based on birth. Only Hindus and Jews do.
Yes, ban it. O0
--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on March 14, 2008, 05:26:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 14, 2008, 12:48:47 PM ---
Muslims say everyone was born Muslim until choosing something else.
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Yeah, I hate it when they say that. What a cheap and sleazy way to pretend that their religion is universal. Those weasels!
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They can believe whatever they want. If they want to convert us forcibly, or steal our land, that is where they cross the line for me.
--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on March 14, 2008, 05:26:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 14, 2008, 12:48:47 PM ---
Muslims say everyone was born Muslim until choosing something else.
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Yeah, I hate it when they say that. What a cheap and sleazy way to pretend that their religion is universal. Those weasels!
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Weasels? ;D
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