Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

Should interreligious marriage be banned?

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--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on March 18, 2008, 10:59:53 AM ---
--- Quote from: Mstislav on March 18, 2008, 10:57:08 AM ---
Weasels?  ;D

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Yes that's what I call them when I'm mad. LOL, I don't cuss but I call them weasels instead.  :laugh:

--- End quote ---
I see.

Muslims believe someone can stop being a Muslim just by quitting the religion.  But Jews (at least Orthodox) don't believe someone can stop being a Jew.  They believe that person can stop practicing Judaism, but they become a non-practicing Jew, not a Gentile.  Someone who quits Islam becomes an Infidel, indistinguishable from other Infidels.  They do not become "non-practicing" Muslims.

Yes it should.  It just creates unnecessary division among the child.  If he/she chooses one religion, the parent of the other religion will disown him.  If he comes out as an atheist, then the parents are to blame for turning him away from G-d.  So I believe that IR marriages should be banned.

I do belive Jews should marry Jews and I hope none of other Jews on the site are offended, but thereis nothing in Torah barring Jew from marrying gentile and it should not be banned.  Perhaps people forget that King David's mother was a Moabite?  Also, many other great Jews came from half Jewish marriages, even those where only the Father was a Jew.  I think the whole concept of you are a Jew because your mother is a Jew came from the fact that our women where getting raped all the time by Cossack and other europeans during our diaspora in Europe.   It is shame for me to say, but many of us, including: Ashkenazi, Sephardim and Mizrachi are undoubtedly half-breeds.  This is not to say that I desire to see us become less and less Jewish, however, with the lack of religious teaching and authority in Israel, our Jewish ways will die long before we intermarry with gentiles.


--- Quote ---Also, many other great Jews came from half Jewish marriages, even those where only the Father was a Jew.
--- End quote ---
The rules changed in recent history, and now people (except for the karaite branch) have decided to go by the mother instead.


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