Like the great Dan Ben Noah says
and he is 100 percent correct that;
and I will add that these Bolshevik
‘third world’ policies that both of
these fiends would potentially put
forth would G-d forbid make the
entirety of the United States of America
look like San Fran Psycho does now!
Just as Jesse ”Hymietown” Jackson
ran a thankfully unsuccessful ‘campaign’
in 1984, (symbolic Orwellian?) so must
the present communist absolutely not
win the Presidency even if they are a VP
and people are foolish enough to give
them some type of advantage due to that
vile error. In the “final analysis,” Trump and
his fellow Republicans must run on a return
to energy independence, lower taxes for
everyone, income, property, etc. reduction
of inflation, better economy (across the board
socio-economically;) more feasible fiscal policies
that are also considerate of the ‘middle class’
safety/border security, less crime and have got
to, on all levels convince the American people
how they will return to prosperity.
This was another excellent “on the money”
JTF commentary!