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I saw one on the road that crosses the Jordan River to the South of the Kinneret.

They also have them in Haifa but I haven't seen them in person. The "KFC Israel" website lists them all. The first one opened in Nazareth but I think it closed. They would rather prey on Jews than to cater to goyim.

When I said fake, I meant fake as in CNN is fake news. They are real KFC branches but it's not "KFC Israel" even though they call themselves "KFC Israel". There is nothing Israeli about non-kosher food. The real KFC Israel that had some kosher branches closed. The franchise that took the name "KFC Israel" should call itself KFC Ishmael.


Now they have fake Israeli branches. There is KFC in Israel but they are goyish, not Israeli.,98501.msg
I haven't seen any either here in the Galil or in Jerusalem since they closed KFC a few years ago. What I did see was billboards in Arabic from the highway to Efrat for KFC in Bethlehem but I have not seen ay KFC's kosher or otherwise in Jewish areas nor even fake ones. In my town we have a kosher McDonald's & a kosher Domino's but no KFC
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:   

    Because Rav Tovia is a man of strong faith,
    he, as he well articulated in this segment,
    sees no reason to doubt the validity of this
    historic event that is acknowledged by most
    of if not all ‘nations.’ The world itself, should
    never be “flooded” with doubtful, obstinate
    cynics particularly when it comes to events
    of ‘Biblical’ proportions such as this.
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  All around interesting presentation by
  Rav Tovia and especially appreciated the
  references to good and evil as well as
  expressed concern for certain individuals’
  propensity to become atheists.
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I remember Trump wanting to give nuclear bombs to Saudi Arabia.
Liked, commented, shared, tweeted.

Wow, Bibi is even more self-hating than Jared "Crappy Jew" Kushner.

Please promote this important video everywhere possible.



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