« Last post by Rubystars on February 05, 2025, 07:32:13 PM »
I understand that it seems crazy but I like it.
I don't think he's trying to make it the 51st state. He's trying to make it a territory controlled by the US, much like Puerto Rico, etc.
Israel has obviously not done what they need to do to secure this region so someone needs to step in and get it done if Israel isn't going to do it.
Israel is at fault for causing instability in the region because they refuse to take control of Gaza. Since Israel refuses to get things done then the next best option is the USA.
The USA has an interest to protect Israel even though Israel seems suicidal. The USA also has an interest in getting our own citizens back as well as the citizens of our ally Israel back.
The USA has an interest in stopping that region from being used for terror.
The USA has the strength to get this done.
Is this not what we've always wanted? To get the Fakestinians out of Gaza and into the Arab nations? Those who stay will not only have a better quality of life but will be under more rule of law and control because obviously Hamas was only ever going to use it as a place to launch terror attacks.
I also feel like, once it's depopulated of terrorist Hamas supporters as much as possible that more than likely Israel will get control of that area again or will take over the primary security of the region. It's probably why Bibi is on board so quickly. The USA will come in, clean it up, expel the Fakestinians as much as possible out to other Arab nations and then manage it with Israel.
If Israel could handle it they already would have. They have been weak, limp wristed, and suicidal. The USA can't afford to let this situation go on for decades and decades.
As for increased anti-Semitism it's already at an all time high so I don't think this will make it much worse than it already is with all the stupid campus protests and all that other nonsense we've seen in the news. Maybe if we just rip the rug out from under all the Pro-Fakestinians by moving the Fakestinians to other Arab nations and building up an actual productive area in Gaza instead then they won't really have much to protest over.
Oh yes they'll scream genocide while it's going on but they're already doing that. Trump isn't making that happen. Anti-Semites are already the way they are, they're not going to become more that way because of Trump and at least Trump is doing something while Bibi has just been [censored] around doing nothing.