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I do not know enough about that situation to comment one way or another so I will take your word for it!!!

You know how to recognize the letters je and ije.

Here is an example of Dubrovnik literature from the 16th century:

"Čudan ti je animao čovjek, tko dobro promišlja, i razlike ti su naravi u njemu tko dobro stavi pamet. Jedni su - neka ostalo ostavim - naravi tihe, s kojom se može govorit, koji razlog čuju, koji razlog primaju i slijede, koji svijet razumiju, koji meni paraju pravi ljudi."

You notice the jekavian pronunciation like modern Croatian and unlike modern Serbian.
Like Serbs who claim that everything written in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik is Serbian.
I do not know enough about that situation to comment one way or another so I will take your word for it!!!
These coons have no identity of their own so they steal ours how pathetic!!! Umm Hmm!!!

Like Serbs who claim that everything written in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik is Serbian.
These coons have no identity of their own so they steal ours how pathetic!!! Umm Hmm!!!
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