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The "Conservatives" perform faggotry "weddings" between two Jews but they won't perform intermarriage (other than between a Jew and their own Non-Halachic converts which they don't consider to be intermarriage).
How do they justify this?
The "Conservatives" perform faggotry "weddings" between two Jews but they won't perform intermarriage (other than between a Jew and their own Non-Halachic converts which they don't consider to be intermarriage).

It depends. Are the gays white, black, oriental or australoid? :)
It makes no difference if it is people of the same sex Menachem Creditor will perform a wedding for them!!
It depends. Are the gays white, black, oriental or australoid? :)
What would Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach think of his daughter Neshama's latest husband a "conservative" clergyman named Menachem Creditor who performs same sex chupot? Reb Shlomo is rolling over in his grave over such a Chilul Hashem IMHO any thoughts?
General Discussion / Re: Gender is binary. Race is not.
« Last post by Mishmaat on August 30, 2024, 12:59:08 AM »

Jews are a nation and ethnicity, not a race. Jews are a white ethnic group, not a separate race. Saying Jews are a race is like saying Italians are a white race. Both are white ethnic groups. Both are Mediterranean Caucasians. The other Caucasians are Nordic and Alpine. The type of Mediterranean we are is Semitic. Jews also accept converts of any race or ethnicity. But I'm talking about the nation as a whole.

True. Understood.
Torah and Jewish Idea / Re: Korean Missionaries Come to Israel! -Rabbi Tovia Singer
« Last post by Nachus on August 30, 2024, 12:31:35 AM »
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

   A lot of excellent points made by Rav Tovia
   in this segment. Israelis or any Jewish people
   should never, ever chas v’shalom be taken in
   by or participate in any way or buy into any of
   this stuff even if these ‘missionaries’ think of them-
   selves as well meaning and wishing to do “good.”
   The mere fact that they are attempting this proves
   their ignorance of Torah laws and customs and is
   a real bad sin.
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Rav Tovia covers this topic with a
  sincere style and in a wholehearted
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