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You do not fulfill a law by abolishing it.

Attacking the Pharisees was unjustified. They were led by the rabbis and Sanhedrin. It is the heretical Sadducees who rejected the Oral Torah and the leadership of the rabbis. 

Matthew 27:25 attacks all the Jewish people and their children. You can try to twist it into a pro-Israel interpretation or you can reject it like I did.

All I'm trying to let you know is that there ARE different ways people interpret these things and not all of them are anti-Semitic. Most American Christians I've met are not at all anti-Semitic and quite the opposite in fact, and yet these same people are very sincere, committed Christians. They believe in supporting Israel and such as well. When Chaim was in prison and he was starving because they wouldn't give him kosher food, a Christian senator named Jesse Helms stepped in and got him food.

Your experience with Christianity and my experience with it are two completely different things. I'm sorry that you got exposed only to the bad people who lay claim to it.
General Discussion / Israel under renewed attack
« Last post by cjd on April 13, 2024, 07:41:27 PM »
It's sad to see due to the poor leadership in Washington today has allowed the situation to develop like this... G-d willing the Iron Dome and the IDF will minimize loss of life and damage in Israel... Better policy from the White House over the last few years may have produced a far better picture than we see now.
The doctrine I learned was that Jesus was the fulfillment of the ceremonial laws so certain things don't apply anymore like the need to be kosher, etc. Even those things aren't "obsolete" but are just currently fulfilled so we don't have to do anything further with that. However the moral laws never stopped applying. So thou shalt not murder, the rules against homosexual sex, etc. never got erased, obsolete, etc.

I understand that you grew up under very different circumstances and were taught different things than I was, and it looks like you have some religious trauma from that which I have a lot of sympathy/empathy for. However it seems like you're often conflating your experiences and what you were personally taught to Christianity in general and that's not really accurate. When I was growing up I was always taught that being pro-Israel was the only valid way to be for a Christian, specifically because of Genesis 12:3 and other verses that were important and NOT considered obsolete in any way.

I didn't find out anyone took a different interpretation until I was an adult and I actually thought the person telling me that there were anti-Semitic "Christians" was lying to me and was just being a jerk because I'd never heard of anything like that before then. To me it was like hearing there are Christians who also worship Satan. It just flat out didn't make any sense. Christianity is based on the teachings of a Jewish person so how could any sincere Christian possibly be anti-Semitic? It's stupid and ridiculous to think the two ideas are compatible.

Of course there were some harsh things said in the NT about the Pharisees of the time but that doesn't apply to Jews racially speaking and doesn't necessarily apply to modern Judaism either. Hypocrisy was one of the main things that was called out, like acting holy in public but not really being holy for example. You could use the same criticisms to call out some of the nasty behavior that happened in the RCC where evil priests were moved around to new congregations rather than turned in to authorities. You could apply these criticisms to evil pastors who use their position of authority to take advantage of people in their churches and then get outed later all the while acting like holy people to the public.

There were also Jewish people at the time who followed Jesus willingly and didn't see His teachings as being against them in any way. Even some in high positions of religious authority like Nicodemus believed that Jesus might be the Messiah so it's not as if it was just illiterate people or ignorant people who didn't understand the scriptures. Someone like Nicodemus would have been highly read and knowledgeable about the religious laws and their intricacies.

So while I'm definitely not here to proselytize which would be against the rules anyway, I do want to set the stage for you to understand that there is more than one interpretation and that the anti-Semitic environment you apparently experienced is not what many other people who are Christians subscribe to. You paint with a very broad brush based on your own personal experiences and what you were taught. I agree with your rejecting those evil teachings and I understand why the whole thing would leave a bitter taste in you toward Christians. However you need to understand that is not the case across the board.

You do not fulfill a law by abolishing it.

Attacking the Pharisees was unjustified. They were led by the rabbis and Sanhedrin. It is the heretical Sadducees who rejected the Oral Torah and the leadership of the rabbis. 

Matthew 27:25 attacks all the Jewish people and their children. You can try to twist it into a pro-Israel interpretation or you can reject it like I did.

Elijah Muhammad be waitin on da mother ship umm hmm :::D :::D :::D :::D
Missa is the celebration of the Eucharist.

My Croatian genes make me the perfect grammar Nazi.
Missa is how schvartzers (negros) say Mister in their mangled ghetto English
Promoted on Telegram and Gentiles for Moses.

Traditional Christian doctrine rejects the continuing obligation to observe all of the Torah's eternal Divine commandments as such, both those which are for Jews and those which are for Gentiles.

In other words, they believe that Genesis 12:3 is obsolete.

The doctrine I learned was that Jesus was the fulfillment of the ceremonial laws so certain things don't apply anymore like the need to be kosher, etc. Even those things aren't "obsolete" but are just currently fulfilled so we don't have to do anything further with that. However the moral laws never stopped applying. So thou shalt not murder, the rules against homosexual sex, etc. never got erased, obsolete, etc.

I understand that you grew up under very different circumstances and were taught different things than I was, and it looks like you have some religious trauma from that which I have a lot of sympathy/empathy for. However it seems like you're often conflating your experiences and what you were personally taught to Christianity in general and that's not really accurate. When I was growing up I was always taught that being pro-Israel was the only valid way to be for a Christian, specifically because of Genesis 12:3 and other verses that were important and NOT considered obsolete in any way.

I didn't find out anyone took a different interpretation until I was an adult and I actually thought the person telling me that there were anti-Semitic "Christians" was lying to me and was just being a jerk because I'd never heard of anything like that before then. To me it was like hearing there are Christians who also worship Satan. It just flat out didn't make any sense. Christianity is based on the teachings of a Jewish person so how could any sincere Christian possibly be anti-Semitic? It's stupid and ridiculous to think the two ideas are compatible.

Of course there were some harsh things said in the NT about the Pharisees of the time but that doesn't apply to Jews racially speaking and doesn't necessarily apply to modern Judaism either. Hypocrisy was one of the main things that was called out, like acting holy in public but not really being holy for example. You could use the same criticisms to call out some of the nasty behavior that happened in the RCC where evil priests were moved around to new congregations rather than turned in to authorities. You could apply these criticisms to evil pastors who use their position of authority to take advantage of people in their churches and then get outed later all the while acting like holy people to the public.

There were also Jewish people at the time who followed Jesus willingly and didn't see His teachings as being against them in any way. Even some in high positions of religious authority like Nicodemus believed that Jesus might be the Messiah so it's not as if it was just illiterate people or ignorant people who didn't understand the scriptures. Someone like Nicodemus would have been highly read and knowledgeable about the religious laws and their intricacies.

So while I'm definitely not here to proselytize which would be against the rules anyway, I do want to set the stage for you to understand that there is more than one interpretation and that the anti-Semitic environment you apparently experienced is not what many other people who are Christians subscribe to. You paint with a very broad brush based on your own personal experiences and what you were taught. I agree with your rejecting those evil teachings and I understand why the whole thing would leave a bitter taste in you toward Christians. However you need to understand that is not the case across the board.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of them comes out as muslim.

Considering that Mohammed was in his 50s when he raped and beat a little 9 year old girl, only pedophile men should want to be Muslim. The only women who should want to be Muslim would be into BDSM  humiliation and being beaten.

I honestly can't figure out why people continue to hold to this stupid religion when it's all about hurting people and degradation and dehumanization.
General Discussion / Re: O.J. Simpson literally got away with murder
« Last post by Dr. Dan on April 12, 2024, 06:03:05 PM »
He’s in an extremely warm place where the heat of the sun will be the air conditioning
General Discussion / Re: Do you think that Iran will attack Israel?
« Last post by Dr. Dan on April 12, 2024, 06:01:42 PM »
I’m not trembling. However I tremble if God’s  verdict on us is negative.
General Discussion / Re: Do you think that Iran will attack Israel?
« Last post by Binyamin Yisrael on April 12, 2024, 05:34:13 PM »
Is Iran waiting for Shabbat? Maybe they will wait for Passover like when the war started on Shemini Atzeret. 

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