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 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Moshe Feiglin is 100% right and it is truly
  incomprehensible why the United States and
  or Israel have not disarmed them and allow
  these horrendous casualties to occur except for
  one obvious reason: the false shepherd leader-
  ship within Israel and the United States!
  We must all hope and pray for a PM such as
  Moshe Feiglin who would do ‘what he has to do’
  restoring strength as well as sovereignty to the
  Holy Land of Israel!

Please promote this important video everywhere possible.



Moshe Feiglin Rips Israeli Government for sending in IDF soldiers instead of using Airstrikes.
A must listen to.
General Discussion / Re: Fakestinians list KFC at top of boycott list.
« Last post by ChabadKahanist on October 12, 2024, 02:10:30 PM »
I saw one on the road that crosses the Jordan River to the South of the Kinneret.

They also have them in Haifa but I haven't seen them in person. The "KFC Israel" website lists them all. The first one opened in Nazareth but I think it closed. They would rather prey on Jews than to cater to goyim.

When I said fake, I meant fake as in CNN is fake news. They are real KFC branches but it's not "KFC Israel" even though they call themselves "KFC Israel". There is nothing Israeli about non-kosher food. The real KFC Israel that had some kosher branches closed. The franchise that took the name "KFC Israel" should call itself KFC Ishmael.
I get what you mean & you are correct.
I don't know what more he can do to prove to you and everyone else that he's not an anti-Semite. I mean he has Jewish people who married into his family, and he clearly cares about them as people. He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and he's supporting Israel's right to defend itself. I think even if he made some offhand stupid remarks now and then actions speak a lot louder than words. Even Ben Shapiro said he was the most pro-Israel president we've had in a very long time and I believe if DJT was anti-Semitic Ben would have been one of the first people to call him out for it. He preferred Ron DeSantis in the primary and said a bunch of stuff he didn't like about Trump but not once did he accuse him of anti-Semitism.
Funny how the Biden/Harris administration always has money for foreign powers but not to help people at home.
General Discussion / Instant Coffee
« Last post by Rubystars on October 11, 2024, 09:52:42 PM »
So I found out a few years ago that I have celiac disease. It really sucks because I had to give up a lot of food I enjoyed. One thing that was kind of cool is that I did find an instant coffee that is maked gluten free (most coffee is naturally already but it's good to have that label because that means it's not cross contaminated with wheat). I found out my coffee was made in Israel and that made me pretty happy. I like to support Israeli companies when I can. It was Elite brand. It comes in chocolate and vanilla and regular flavors too.
The North Carolina National Guard loaded a C-17 plane with supplies to aid the Hurricane Helene victims.  But this was just so Commie'le Harris could have a photo op.  The supplies were never actually sent, because they were not going to illegal aliens or terrorists.
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