General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ape on November 22, 2007, 03:49:20 AM
You look too much like General Zod from Superman II
No offense, but odd, trendy beards and such aren't good in politics.
You look too much like General Zod from Superman II
Good luck, Vito!
OMG I never noticed that :-\
No offense, but odd, trendy beards and such aren't good in politics.
That's not true!!!!!!!!!
An odd, trendy beard worked VERY WELL for Abraham Lincoln.
No offense, but odd, trendy beards and such aren't good in politics.
That's not true!!!!!!!!!
An odd, trendy beard worked VERY WELL for Abraham Lincoln.
That was then.
These days a beard and no mustache makes one look like a child mollester.
General Zod for State Assembly.
Neal to Zod! I shall take over the whole planet, Hooston! ;D
good luck, vito O0
Well at least he can burn the other candidates with his heat vision...
These days a beard and no mustache makes one look like a child mollester.
And a moustache with no beard makes someone look like even more of a child molester. Especially if they wear sunglasses all the time.
Yeah, I think that's more true - and besides, Vito does have a moustache...
Vito, you're a good looking guy, but clean cut is better...
actually like the beard...very tough looking like your gonna kick everyone's ass...very nice.
I almost forgot about General Zod. I liked that guy.
Vito: Does your face hurt?
It's killing me! :D
Good Luck Vito!
You look like a Real distinguished gentlemen. O0
Uff, I've been gone three days and my facial hair is getting attacked! First of all it's just a go-tee, and I do have a mustache! If I shaved I would look way too young..
There are elected officials with facial hair, it's not a big deal.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
Vito, I don't think the facial hair is as big of a deal as you not smiling. You look very menacing in that picture. I don't think people will be inclined to vote for someone with a menacing look. I think you MUST smile in your picture if you want to have any chance of getting votes!
Uff, I've been gone three days and my facial hair is getting attacked! First of all it's just a go-tee, and I do have a mustache! If I shaved I would look way too young..
There are elected officials with facial hair, it's not a big deal.
We're only commenting in terms of politics.
Put yourself in the position of middle class mom & dad voters. Your facial hair style looks like the sort a youngster in a nightclub would have. Politicians need to groom themselves like insurance salesmen. It works.
If you want to look older, do what I did when I was 23 and selling big ticket items. Put grey streaks in your temples, it does wonders.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
I think that you're making fun of how Vito looks.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
I think that you're making fun of how Vito looks.
Oh you got me :::D I called him Handsome I am soooo bad. 8;)
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
What are you talking about?
Am I the only one who thinks the Infidel is incoherent?
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
What are you talking about?
Am I the only one who thinks the Infidel is incoherent?
Yes you are completely out on your own.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
I think that you're making fun of how Vito looks.
Oh you got me :::D I called him Handsome I am soooo bad. 8;)
You called him handsome followed by a :::D.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
I think that you're making fun of how Vito looks.
Oh you got me :::D I called him Handsome I am soooo bad. 8;)
You called him handsome followed by a :::D.
Oh that explains you complete mental process, you can't read a full sentence
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
I wouldn't worry about it was in between that ::)
Wow, this is interesting feedback. For the time being, I think the picture is fine. And I agree that losing the facial hair will make him look like a teenager. By the way, on Tuedsay, we are getting a huge boost, as the the UAC will send out an email to all its members (a few thousand) to advertise the event.
no smile
Vito, I don't think the facial hair is as big of a deal as you not smiling. You look very menacing in that picture. I don't think people will be inclined to vote for someone with a menacing look. I think you MUST smile in your picture if you want to have any chance of getting votes!
Menacing?? And I'm kind of smiling.. it's more of a smirk than a smile, I don't have a very good smile really..
Brian, that edited photo of me "smiling" is freaky.
That one I think is better
Well Vito, you already know that I think you look great! O0
That one I think is better
That's the original photo..
Brian, that edited photo of me "smiling" is freaky.
The "smile pic" is more pleasant. So says my mom. ::)
Yup its a good one, how is it going anyway? Whats the support like?
Well Vito, you already know that I think you look great! O0
I'm going with what the blond bombshell thinks... ;)
Yup its a good one, how is it going anyway? Whats the support like?
I'm being contacted by members of different organizations that want to help me with my campaign, so it's off to a great start.
Yup its a good one, how is it going anyway? Whats the support like?
I'm being contacted by members of different organizations that want to help me with my campaign, so it's off to a great start.
Wow ok very good. O0
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
Who exactly is his partner in crime? Yes it was peaceful for a few days and thats why you should not start up all over again.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
I think that you're making fun of how Vito looks.
Oh you got me :::D I called him Handsome I am soooo bad. 8;)
You called him handsome followed by a :::D.
Perhaps it was a :::D done out of shyness more than done out of sarcasm.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
Who exactly is his partner in crime? Yes it was peaceful for a few days and thats why you should not start up all over again.
I see you once again have not missed an opportunity to attack as well.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
I think that you're making fun of how Vito looks.
Oh you got me :::D I called him Handsome I am soooo bad. 8;)
You called him handsome followed by a :::D.
Perhaps it was a :::D done out of shyness more than done out of sarcasm.
He is just jealous, Vito knows what I think of him. 8;)
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
Who exactly is his partner in crime? Yes it was peaceful for a few days and thats why you should not start up all over again.
I see you once again have not missed an opportunity to attack as well.
You really like to stir the pot. I don't attack I only respond to stupidity.
Hey Vito:
Don't smile too hard.
You might break the camera :P
Hey Vito:
Don't smile too hard.
You might break the camera :P
:::D Do I really have a stone cold look? I see a light smirk.. my eyes can't be THAT bad ;D
Vito: You look like you're sitting on a long pole. Crack a smile for Pete's sake
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
Who exactly is his partner in crime? Yes it was peaceful for a few days and thats why you should not start up all over again.
I see you once again have not missed an opportunity to attack as well.
You really like to stir the pot. I don't attack I only respond to stupidity.
So you respond to yourself, go play in the traffic.
you are trolling for the sake of it.
I don't stir I only defend.
You have made your position perfectly clear with Scriabin and others you don't want me as mod or even on this forum.
Its your tough luck mate.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Oh yes now you can Bull Sh*t as much as you like now, free feel.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
Who exactly is his partner in crime? Yes it was peaceful for a few days and thats why you should not start up all over again.
I see you once again have not missed an opportunity to attack as well.
You really like to stir the pot. I don't attack I only respond to stupidity.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Brian, that edited photo of me "smiling" is freaky.
I made that smile in about 3 minutes for demo only. just to get feedback really.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it :::D
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. :::D
Who exactly is his partner in crime? Yes it was peaceful for a few days and thats why you should not start up all over again.
I see you once again have not missed an opportunity to attack as well.
You really like to stir the pot. I don't attack I only respond to stupidity.
So you respond to yourself, go play in the traffic.
you are trolling for the sake of it.
I don't stir I only defend.
You have made your position perfectly clear with Scriabin and others you don't want me as mod or even on this forum.
Its your tough luck mate.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Oh yes now you can Bull Sh*t as much as you like now, free feel.
Nothing like a lady with class ;)
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
There are Jews that argue with other Jews here, there are Gentiles that argue with other Gentiles here.. and there Gentiles that argue with Jews here. There is no agenda by any side obviously. Btw Infidel, you're Jewish?
Brian, that edited photo of me "smiling" is freaky.
I made that smile in about 3 minutes for demo only. just to get feedback really.
The smile is better.
He does not need to get a new picture
the dude looks 100% playa 4 lyfe
Bro you will do fine
dont listen to what some idiots in here have to say
just like a fit person shouldnt be affended by a comment coming from a fatasss
you shouldnt listen to them
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
There are Jews that argue with other Jews here, there are Gentiles that argue with other Gentiles here.. and there Gentiles that argue with Jews here. There is no agenda by any side obviously. Btw Infidel, you're Jewish?
I have asked Chaim.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Are you insane?
This is about Vito's picture. It is amazing how you are able to make this into a case of anti-semitism.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Are you insane?
This is about Vito's picture. It is amazing how you are able to make this into a case of anti-semitism.
Nope just tells it how it is , and if you are asking if i think you are really an anti semite the answer is yes.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Are you insane?
This is about Vito's picture. It is amazing how you are able to make this into a case of anti-semitism.
Nope just tells it how it is , and if you are asking if i think you are really an anti semite the answer is yes.
That's quite a bold accusation!
If I'm an anti-semite, then by your definition, there isn't a single non-Jew on the face of the Earth that isn't an anti-semite.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Are you insane?
This is about Vito's picture. It is amazing how you are able to make this into a case of anti-semitism.
Nope just tells it how it is , and if you are asking if i think you are really an anti semite the answer is yes.
Why do you feel he is anti-semitic? He never gave me that impression..
He does not need to get a new picture
the dude looks 100% playa 4 lyfe
Bro you will do fine
dont listen to what some idiots in here have to say
just like a fit person shouldnt be affended by a comment coming from a fatasss
you shouldnt listen to them
:::D So I look like a player now hah. Efharisto re O0
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Are you insane?
This is about Vito's picture. It is amazing how you are able to make this into a case of anti-semitism.
Nope just tells it how it is , and if you are asking if i think you are really an anti semite the answer is yes.
That's quite a bold accusation!
If I'm an anti-semite, then by your definition, there isn't a single non-Jew on the face of the Earth that isn't an anti-semite.
Its what I think and what I believe about you, and throwing $200 dollars at Chaim doesn't buy you the ability to change who you are.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
Why would you make a stupid, idiot statement like that?
This is why they should have never gave you any position, in case you don't know it but gentiles make up over 90% of this forum and support Chaim.
You sound like a Nazi propaganda machine, except you're trying to turn Jews against gentiles.
How in the world did we get from the topic of Vito's picture to accusing people of antisemitism? I tell ya, you guys are a bunch of meshuganas!
How in the world did we get from the topic of Vito's picture to accusing people of antisemitism? I tell ya, you guys are a bunch of meshuganas!
Hah, you sound like a Yiddish grandma :::D
How in the world did we get from the topic of Vito's picture to accusing people of antisemitism? I tell ya, you guys are a bunch of meshuganas!
Ask Infidel.
She really has to learn to not attack people the first time they say a little something.
I was going to tell people to back off she didn't say anything out of the way and then she writes this garbage.
How in the world did we get from the topic of Vito's picture to accusing people of antisemitism? I tell ya, you guys are a bunch of meshuganas!
Hah, you sound like a Yiddish grandma :::D
Ok back to the picture, you look ok.
You are who you are, people either like you or not.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
Why would you make a stupid, idiot statement like that?
This is why they should have never gave you any position, in case you don't know it but gentiles make up over 90% of this forum and support Chaim.
You sound like a Nazi propaganda machine, except you're trying to turn Jews against gentiles.
Like normal ****** you never can understand anything.
I was going to tell people to back off she didn't say anything out of the way and then she writes this garbage.
****** Like your rubbish you drove Wayne out of the forum with? Try again.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
Why would you make a stupid, idiot statement like that?
This is why they should have never gave you any position, in case you don't know it but gentiles make up over 90% of this forum and support Chaim.
You sound like a Nazi propaganda machine, except you're trying to turn Jews against gentiles.
Like normal ****** you never can understand anything.
This response or lack of response has to be the worst ever, you can't explain what you said so you attack people.
Saying gentiles are against Jews on this forum is stupid, please explain without insults.
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
I believe he is, I don't care if you think he is not, it makes no difference to me.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
Why would you make a stupid, idiot statement like that?
This is why they should have never gave you any position, in case you don't know it but gentiles make up over 90% of this forum and support Chaim.
You sound like a Nazi propaganda machine, except you're trying to turn Jews against gentiles.
Like normal ****** you never can understand anything.
No you are the smartest person on earth, don't think you know any more than anyone else, you are not that smart. Calling people on the forum anti-semites and that they are against Jews is a disgrace to the forum and to Chaim's hard work. You are a disgrace.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
Why would you make a stupid, idiot statement like that?
This is why they should have never gave you any position, in case you don't know it but gentiles make up over 90% of this forum and support Chaim.
You sound like a Nazi propaganda machine, except you're trying to turn Jews against gentiles.
Like normal ****** you never can understand anything.
This response or lack of response has to be the worst ever, you can't explain what you said so you attack people.
Saying gentiles are against Jews on this forum is stupid, please explain without insults.
No point in taking you its like talking to a rock in the road. Then again It has far more ability to understand then you would never hope for.
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
I believe he is, I don't care if you think he is not, it makes no difference to me.
That's apparent...
Like normal ****** you never can understand anything.
No you are the smartest person on earth, don't think you know any more than anyone else, you are not that smart. Calling people on the forum anti-semites and that they are against Jews is a disgrace to the forum and to Chaim's hard work. You are a disgrace.
I am smarter than you *****. Well anything is smarter than you.
Listen, it's not Gentiles attacking Jews.. simply an argument. Please no fighting.. we are too small a group to not get along.
Its exactly that Gentiles attacking Jews.
Why would you make a stupid, idiot statement like that?
This is why they should have never gave you any position, in case you don't know it but gentiles make up over 90% of this forum and support Chaim.
You sound like a Nazi propaganda machine, except you're trying to turn Jews against gentiles.
Like normal ****** you never can understand anything.
This response or lack of response has to be the worst ever, you can't explain what you said so you attack people.
Saying gentiles are against Jews on this forum is stupid, please explain without insults.
No point in taking you its like talking to a rock in the road. Then again It has far more ability to understand then you would never hope for.
Answer the question, why are you saying gentiles on the forum are against Jews?
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
I believe he is, I don't care if you think he is not, it makes no difference to me.
If you believe he is please keep it to yourself, don't spread lies
Answer the question, why are you saying gentiles on the forum are against Jews?
****** go play in the watermelon patch were you belong.
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
I believe he is, I don't care if you think he is not, it makes no difference to me.
If you believe he is please keep it to yourself, don't spread lies
It is not a lie ****** and I will say what I like. After all its called being free.
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
Do you see her attitude?
Not again! Come on guys!
You really have to do something with her attitude.
She is saying gentiles on here are Jew haters, that is not right.
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
Do you see her attitude?
Oh you going to have a cry over it.
My attitude is simple I don't like posers and pretenders, funny who I can list the same four people who fit that and none of them are Jews. ::)
And they work in their pack. 8;)
Not again! Come on guys!
It's not guys it's one person, please go back and read what she has said
Not again! Come on guys!
It's not guys it's one person, please go back and read what she has said
Thats right blame the Jew
Not again! Come on guys!
You really have to do something with her attitude.
She is saying gentiles on here are Jew haters, that is not right.
I said some gentiles< can't even get that right ******
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Some are , and no I will not change my belief cause I know its true.
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Some are , and no I will not change my belief cause I know its true.
Stop being petty and go rate or upload some videos.
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Some are , and no I will not change my belief cause I know its true.
Stop being petty and go rate or upload some videos.
Go to hell and don't dare try and tell me what to do.
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Some are , and no I will not change my belief cause I know its true.
Stop being petty and go rate or upload some videos.
Go to hell and don't dare try and tell me what to do.
Excuse me?
I don't mean to tell you what to do but some anger management would certainly be beneficial.
Why do you think you are above what this forum stands for?
Not again! Come on guys!
It's not guys it's one person, please go back and read what she has said
Thats right blame the Jew
That's always the easy thing to say, right?
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Some are , and no I will not change my belief cause I know its true.
Stop being petty and go rate or upload some videos.
Go to hell and don't dare try and tell me what to do.
Excuse me?
I don't mean to tell you what to do but some anger management would certainly be beneficial.
you have no right over me, and don't you ever think you do.
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Some are , and no I will not change my belief cause I know its true.
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
Not again! Come on guys!
It's not guys it's one person, please go back and read what she has said
Thats right blame the Jew
That's always the easy thing to say, right?
So its not ok to be Jewish now?
Oh boy.. Infidel come on, calm down. I like you, you know that.. but saying that the Gentiles here are against the Jews, and that Scriabin is anti-semitic is really un-called for. Just drop this whole thing.
Some are , and no I will not change my belief cause I know its true.
Stop being petty and go rate or upload some videos.
Go to hell and don't dare try and tell me what to do.
Excuse me?
I don't mean to tell you what to do but some anger management would certainly be beneficial.
you have no right over me, and don't you ever think you do.
:'( :'(
Not again! Come on guys!
It's not guys it's one person, please go back and read what she has said
I read it, sorry about that Johnson Brown. Well, I try to remain neutral.
All I'm saying is that when people are curious about the forum and check it out, it does not help for their first impression to be long threads of this sort. Before I joined, I checked out the forum. Everyone was so nice and I wanted to join right away.
I ask, for the sake of the hard work that Chaim and the admins have done for the forum, to maintain the reputation of being a JTF family, for people to refrain. In this case, as in the other thread that was split, I think its better to let go of things sometimes or to at least keep it private or directly contact someone in power to get help in resolving an issue.
Sometimes, the best weapon is to ignore someone.
Right now, we have other things to worry about too, like the youtube campaign in which we are being directly attacked by mooslims, croatians and other nazis.
What you say is true but Infidel is a moderator and I feel that she should not act this way in her position, she should carry herself better then this. You carry yourself with class.
Something has to be done with her, she does not belong in that position. I am calling on the Global Moderators to step in and do something about her before I go directly to Chaim.
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
Not again! Come on guys!
It's not guys it's one person, please go back and read what she has said
Thats right blame the Jew
That's always the easy thing to say, right?
So its not ok to be Jewish now?
When you can say anything you say that.
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
JTF seems to have no problem attracting Jews.
Not again! Come on guys!
It's not guys it's one person, please go back and read what she has said
I read it, sorry about that Johnson Brown. Well, I try to remain neutral.
All I'm saying is that when people are curious about the forum and check it out, it does not help for their first impression to be long threads of this sort. Before I joined, I checked out the forum. Everyone was so nice and I wanted to join right away.
I ask, for the sake of the hard work that Chaim and the admins have done for the forum, to maintain the reputation of being a JTF family, for people to refrain. In this case, as in the other thread that was split, I think its better to let go of things sometimes or to at least keep it private or directly contact someone in power to get help in resolving an issue.
Sometimes, the best weapon is to ignore someone.
Right now, we have other things to worry about too, like the youtube campaign in which we are being directly attacked by mooslims, croatians and other nazis.
What you say is true but Infidel is a moderator and I feel that she should not act this way in her position, she should carry herself better then this. You carry yourself with class.
Something has to be done with her, she does not belong in that position. I am calling on the Global Moderators to step in and do something about her before I go directly to Chaim.
Thats right you removed Wayne and now you are going me how predictable.
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
JTF seems to have no problem attracting Jews.
Yes it does, and I am talking Jews that control bigger interests.
When you can say anything you say that.
Try speaking English not ******. :-\
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
JTF seems to have no problem attracting Jews.
Yes it does, and I am talking Jews that control bigger interests.
If they don't want to join, that's their problem.
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
You didn't answer the question. What gives you the impression that some Gentile here are against the Jews? What do you and your friends "see"? (I'm not trying to be pushy, I'm just really curious)
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
You didn't answer the question. What gives you the impression that some Gentile here are against the Jews? What do you and your friends "see"? (I'm not trying to be pushy, I'm just really curious)
How dare you vito? Even asking that question is anti-Semitic! ;D
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
You didn't answer the question. What gives you the impression that some Gentile here are against the Jews? What do you and your friends "see"? (I'm not trying to be pushy, I'm just really curious)
How dare you vito? Even asking that question is anti-Semitic! ;D
Shhhhhh.. don't blow my cover you Jew bastard!!!
What gives you the impression that some of the Gentiles here are against the Jews?
I have asked many times Jews to come here they read the forum, many that would change the face of JTF and give alot of political weight.
And they refuse to come due to the attitude of some gentiles here. One said its far better being attacked by a muslim than a gentile, because its like being attacked by our own brother.
I said by pass them the Idea behind JTF is more important.
They said no.
If outsiders can see it, and I can see it, it surpirses me others can't.
You didn't answer the question. What gives you the impression that some Gentile here are against the Jews? What do you and your friends "see"? (I'm not trying to be pushy, I'm just really curious)
She won't answer you, she will only insult you. She can't answer, she got caught.
If they don't want to join, that's their problem.
You are so small minded. This highlights the major problem here. If you get people with large companies and businesses, or people in office interested and supporting JTF, then you can help more Jews.
Getting people on street level is just the first step.
Or have you not even considered this?
You didn't answer the question. What gives you the impression that some Gentile here are against the Jews? What do you and your friends "see"? (I'm not trying to be pushy, I'm just really curious)
I have already answered you.
If they don't want to join, that's their problem.
You are so small minded. This highlights the major problem here. If you get people with large companies and businesses, or people in office interested and supporting JTF, then you can help more Jews.
Getting people on street level is just the first step.
Or have you not even considered this?
Non-Israeli Jewish politicians wouldn't give JTF the time of day. There is no such thing as a good Jew in office outside of Israel. Chaim makes that very clear.
How dare you vito? Even asking that question is anti-Semitic! ;D
Vito is not an anti Semitic.
How dare you vito? Even asking that question is anti-Semitic! ;D
Vito is not an anti Semitic.
He was just joking..
Non-Israeli Jewish politicians wouldn't give JTF the time of day. There is no such thing as a good Jew in office outside of Israel. Chaim makes that very clear.
You are very wrong, many support JTF. You need to think outside the USA or thats the problem here, a cultural thing, where you are limited in your views. Theres a whole world out there, and many are Pro-Jew Pro-Israel.
And I am talking real allies not wannabes.
I'm so glad everyone likes my picture :)
Antisimetism ? Wha..What ? :o How the hell it came into that ?
Antisimetism ? Wha..What ? :o How the hell it came into that ?
Don't ask....
C'mon guys, let's stop this, it's crazy. Scriabin is a good guy, I don't think we should make labels on people without any kind of evidence whatsoever.
Scriabin is a great member of the forum! Always has been!
Also, if there are Jews who won't join a movement because there are pro-American, pro-West, pro-Israeli gentile members involved, I don't think we want them anyway. The only way that we can meet our goals is if Jews work along with gentiles , that's what JTF is all about!
If there are Jews who won't work with us because of that, frankly, we don't want them here!
C'mon guys, let's stop this, it's crazy. Scriabin is a good guy, I don't think we should make labels on people without any kind of evidence whatsoever.
Scriabin is a great member of the forum! Always has been!
Also, if there are Jews who won't join a movement because there are pro-American, pro-West, pro-Israeli gentile members involved, I don't think we want them anyway. The only way that we can meet our goals is if Jews work along with gentiles , that's what JTF is all about!
If there are Jews who won't work with us because of that, frankly, we don't want them here!
Ze'ev, do you like my picture? ;D
The Infidel, I'm appalled by what you're saying. I find it very disturbing that you're just casually throwing around the anti-Semite label at people who are the least deserving of such vicious slander. These are my brothers and sisters, and I will not sit back and say nothing as you accuse them of being what they're not. I find this to be very disgraceful. Shame on you! And just for clarification, Muslims are Gentiles. I despise them. All of them. They're Amalek.
Vito, the chin strap is fine. Some of the criticism isn't even necessary. If we're going to talk about superficial things, the one thing that really impressed me was that very elegant suit. I wish you all the best and I sincerely hope that with God's help you get elected and get your foot in the door.
The Infidel, I'm appalled by what you're saying. I find it very disturbing that you're just casually throwing around the anti-Semite label at people who are the least deserving of such vicious slander. These are my brothers and sisters, and I will not sit back and say nothing as you accuse them of being what they're not. I find this to be very disgraceful. Shame on you! And just for clarification, Muslims are Gentiles. I despise them. All of them. They're Amalek.
Vito, the chin strap is fine. Some of the criticism isn't even necessary. If we're going to talk about superficial things, the one thing that really impressed me was that very elegant suit. I wish you all the best and I sincerely hope that with G-d's help you get elected and get your foot in the door.
Thanks O0
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
Thanks, OdKahaneChai.
Ok everyone
I am just putting this topic to a screaching hault
The Infidel is on her time of the month!
Everyone please ignore her for 4 or 5 more days
Topic dismissed!!!
Ok everyone
I am just putting this topic to a screaching hault
The Infidel is on her time of the month!
Everyone please ignore her for 4 or 5 more days
Topic dismissed!!!
I disagree with her but that is just a plain sexist remark.
C'mon guys, let's stop this, it's crazy. Scriabin is a good guy, I don't think we should make labels on people without any kind of evidence whatsoever.
Scriabin is a great member of the forum! Always has been!
Also, if there are Jews who won't join a movement because there are pro-American, pro-West, pro-Israeli gentile members involved, I don't think we want them anyway. The only way that we can meet our goals is if Jews work along with gentiles , that's what JTF is all about!
If there are Jews who won't work with us because of that, frankly, we don't want them here!
Ze'ev, do you like my picture? ;D
I think it's fine, I honestly didn't even notice your beard until The Shadow pointed it out. If you can't really grow out a thicker beard and you would look like a teenager without one, I guess you just have to go with what you've got! If you purposefully styled it that way, I do think it would be better just to have a straight no-f'in around beard.
I don't think the pic is menacing, but I do think that you should give a nice warm smile in it. Not too much if you don't want to, but just something small might help.
Ok everyone
I am just putting this topic to a screaching hault
The Infidel is on her time of the month!
Everyone please ignore her for 4 or 5 more days
Topic dismissed!!!
Haha, if she sees this, it will go on for four or five more days!
Scriabin is not an anti-Semite - and I don't know why you're saying such stupid things, Infidel
Thanks, OdKahaneChai.
I support you too Scriabin, you mah n**gah
C'mon guys, let's stop this, it's crazy. Scriabin is a good guy, I don't think we should make labels on people without any kind of evidence whatsoever.
Scriabin is a great member of the forum! Always has been!
Also, if there are Jews who won't join a movement because there are pro-American, pro-West, pro-Israeli gentile members involved, I don't think we want them anyway. The only way that we can meet our goals is if Jews work along with gentiles , that's what JTF is all about!
If there are Jews who won't work with us because of that, frankly, we don't want them here!
Ze'ev, do you like my picture? ;D
I think it's fine, I honestly didn't even notice your beard until The Shadow pointed it out. If you can't really grow out a thicker beard and you would look like a teenager without one, I guess you just have to go with what you've got! If you purposefully styled it that way, I do think it would be better just to have a straight no-f'in around beard.
I don't think the pic is menacing, but I do think that you should give a nice warm smile in it. Not too much if you don't want to, but just something small might help.
I'm not trying to pull a Hasidic.. I just keep a groomed goa-tee, that's all. And it's not suppose to be thick, I purposely groom it thin. I'm not really comfortable smiling too much, but I'll try for the future!
Player its your choice
Just like its your choice whether you want mustard on your hamburger
This man will be the Bam Margera of politics!
Hey Vito
Since you will be the next big shot in new york
Every big shot needs a body guard
I got first call!
The Infidel, I'm appalled by what you're saying. I find it very disturbing that you're just casually throwing around the anti-Semite label at people who are the least deserving of such vicious slander. These are my brothers and sisters, and I will not sit back and say nothing as you accuse them of being what they're not. I find this to be very disgraceful. Shame on you! And just for clarification, Muslims are Gentiles. I despise them. All of them. They're Amalek.
Once again your opinion also means little, and I am not causally throwing it about is solely directed to one person. And that is that.
Ok everyone
I am just putting this topic to a screaching hault
The Infidel is on her time of the month!
Everyone please ignore her for 4 or 5 more days
Topic dismissed!!!
Once again shows how stupid and naive you are.
Woman's functions does not effect her ability to be right.
Ok everyone
I am just putting this topic to a screaching hault
The Infidel is on her time of the month!
Everyone please ignore her for 4 or 5 more days
Topic dismissed!!!
Haha, if she sees this, it will go on for four or five more days!
I go to work and return to this, quite what I expect from kids that spend their day sitting on their arse.
Yea but it affects her ability to shut up! lol
Actually i bet i am one of the most fit people in this forum Infidel
So therefore i can afford to sit on my arse!!!
Yea but it affects her ability to shut up! lol
Really and this is how you see women, tell me which side of Greece do you live? Because you not a nationalist side.
And then tell me how you threat Greek women. And how they threat their men.
And yes I know Greece like the back of my hand. no need to lie.
Actually i bet i am one of the most fit people in this forum Infidel
So therefore i can afford to sit on my arse!!!
Yes but I bet you still live with your mummy and daddy.
My father is from Greece
I dont live in Greece
I treat wemon great
I am pretty far away from politically correct but when i get pissed off i wont hesitate to be f--cked up and straight up offend someone!!!
I am about to join the Air Force here before too long
And Infidel i am not impressed with your behavior today you are misbehaving very badly!!!
Quit talking out of your arse lol
And also that comment i said jokingly has nothing to do with how i treat wemon!!!
I plan to marry a Greek woman : 8)
I plan to marry a Greek woman : 8)
My father is from Greece
I dont live in Greece
I treat wemon great
I am pretty far away from politically correct but when i get pissed off i wont hesitate to be f--cked up and straight up offend someone!!!
I am about to join the Air Force here before too long
And Infidel i am not impressed with your behavior today you are misbehaving very badly!!!
Quit talking out of your arse lol
And also that comment i said jokingly has nothing to do with how i treat wemon!!!
Yes great attitude you have, yes I can see how good you are lol :::D
What about your remark directed towards young people
That shows your real attitude you old B--ch
everyone i am now an official Full Jtfer
What about your remark directed towards young people
That shows your real attitude you old B--ch
Yes totally respectful you are. Mama will be proud. ::)
Most young people are stay at home parasites off their parents, instead of getting out and working, and making something of themselves.
They expect everything to be handed to them, lazy buggers god ever breathed life into.
You watch your damm mouth!!!!
and those comments need to be kept to youself or in another post
and how dare you say mama will be proud
Your man needs to beat you woman!!!!!!
I told you twice now you need the black eyes
You are bleeding from your mouth now go change your tampon
I really am a nice guy but you have seriously gotten out of hand!!!!!
Shut your mouth!
I am not like that i saved up and bought my own car
The Greeks are very intelligent people!!!
You watch your damm mouth!!!!
and those comments need to be kept to youself or in another post
and how dare you say mama will be proud
Your man needs to beat you woman!!!!!!
I told you twice now you need the black eyes
You are bleeding from your mouth now go change your tampon
I really am a nice guy but you have seriously gotten out of hand!!!!!
Shut your mouth!
Charming charming, anything else you cool calm and collected individual you.
Nice guy that beats women, yes I can see that. I pity the poor female that marries you, but we all now you are just full of hot air. Quite the coward aren't you threatening people on the net.
You can't handle a little of your own treatment back can you.
Boy, one day you might even be a man but I doubt it.
I am not like that i saved up and bought my own car
The Greeks are very intelligent people!!!
Very nice you have a car. What about a house, a job? anything else??
Vito, I still say you need a conventional full beard. That gotee makes you look like a young wigger who wears a baseball cap backwards, drives a Subaru WRX and listenens to rap music. The mom & pop voters will hate it.
If you can't grow a full one put grey in your temples to look older.
Vito, you may also want to consider this. As your campaign gets into full swing and you begin kissing more and more babies, you WILL make them cry if you have facial hair (they don't like that, you know). It just wouldn't look good to be the candidate that babies hate. ;D
He looks great have you seen N.Y. politicians he looks great compared to them
He looks great have you seen N.Y. politicians he looks great compared to them
I have to agree, the facial hair looks fine, besides with gorgeous blue eyes like that whos going to even notice the hair ^-^
What he has to say and what he stands for are far more important than anything else O0
C'mon guys, let's stop this, it's crazy. Scriabin is a good guy, I don't think we should make labels on people without any kind of evidence whatsoever.
Scriabin is a great member of the forum! Always has been!
Thanks, Ze'ev.
Wholly crap, look what happened to this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, I think we have enough feedback. Vito's facial hair stays. And he will try to crack a smile in the future.
Wholly crap, look what happened to this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, I think we have enough feedback. Vito's facial hair stays. And he will try to crack a smile in the future.
Well said. Done.
Vito, I still say you need a conventional full beard. That gotee makes you look like a young wigger who wears a baseball cap backwards, drives a Subaru WRX and listenens to rap music. The mom & pop voters will hate it.
If you can't grow a full one put grey in your temples to look older.
Newman, thank G-d you're not a fashion consultant.
Wiggers don't groom a goatee like mine.. a lot of normal white men have goatees. I've spoken to many mom&pop voters, no criticism from them - in fact some of the pops had goatees!
Grey in my temples? I always knew you were a nutcase..
He looks great have you seen N.Y. politicians he looks great compared to them
I have to agree, the facial hair looks fine, besides with gorgeous blue eyes like that whos going to even notice the hair ^-^
What he has to say and what he stands for are far more important than anything else O0
Newman - I take the blond bombshell's word over yours ^-^
He looks great have you seen N.Y. politicians he looks great compared to them
I have to agree, the facial hair looks fine, besides with gorgeous blue eyes like that whos going to even notice the hair ^-^
What he has to say and what he stands for are far more important than anything else O0
Newman - I take the blond bombshell's word over yours ^-^
Well, I'm sure that was a difficult decision to make. ::)
Wow, if Vito's picture stirred this much controversy, just wait until he starts speaking and campaigning and all the muzzies and illegals come after him.
He looks just fine. Just a look at some NY politicians and you will see there is no problem. Clean shaven and he looks to young, which unfortunetly will be used against him. Full beard not good either, maybe in the 1860's but not now. He looks just fine.
Hey, if Hillary can run for president I don't think looks are an issue. As long as he is neat and articulate facial hair is not really an issue.
As for smiling, there will be plenty of pictures of Vito coming out during the campaign, some will be smiling, some will not.
He looks great have you seen N.Y. politicians he looks great compared to them
I have to agree, the facial hair looks fine, besides with gorgeous blue eyes like that whos going to even notice the hair ^-^
What he has to say and what he stands for are far more important than anything else O0
Newman - I take the blond bombshell's word over yours ^-^
Well, I'm sure that was a difficult decision to make. ::)
Yep, I was sitting there for hours thinking about it ;D