Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: B0NG0ID on August 27, 2006, 11:53:32 AM

Title: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: B0NG0ID on August 27, 2006, 11:53:32 AM
 If I refuse to live in the environment described in the following link, am I a racist ?
If I do what has to be done to keep this out of my neighborhood, am I a bad person ?
If this is being a "Racist" I say lets make the most of it !
This is like another universe !

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 27, 2006, 09:53:00 PM
If I refuse to live in the environment described in the following link, am I a racist ?
If I do what has to be done to keep this out of my neighborhood, am I a bad person ?
This is like another universe !

   If you do not do what has to be done to keep this filth out because of their race, then you are a racist. I have a new neighbor that is a single mom(with a bald head style dressed like a prostitute) with six kids(living in a two bedroom apartment and probably agaisnt the terms of her lease) that she keeps outside to roam the parking lot unsupervised. There are now broken balls littering the parking lot and I almost hit one of these 4-6 year old beasts as he jumped in front of my car when I was parking. A few days ago there was a fire and guess who started it. I fear everything else that is going to come before these beasts get evicted for not paying the rent(thank hashem I live in a city where it is easy to evict bad tenants). I live in a nice and mostly orthodox community and even have a few good neighbors of this race. What should I do about my bad new neighbors whom I don't want to have set my apartment set on fire? I'm thinking about calling child protective services but I don't have much evidence and don't know how serious they would take me. Any thoughts?
   I would be racist not to do anything about them just because of their race. If I don't do anything, more might move in.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on August 29, 2006, 09:31:09 PM
If I refuse to live in the environment described in the following link, am I a racist ?

You flush that down the toilet!
I went to school with those creatures you saw on youtube.com.
Now you know why I'm illiterate.

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 30, 2006, 08:14:20 PM

Looks like "New York's Strongest"(the sanitation workers) must do a good job.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 31, 2006, 11:17:59 PM
   People tell me that without these third world monsters there would be noone to work the low wage jobs. I say without the third world monsters the low wage jobs would be done better and less people would be needed to get the jobs done. I've been noticing that in the supermarkets lately. Whenever there is a white or asian cashier, there are never any lines. For some reason the lines back up into the aisles when the cashiers are all black and arab. I know David always mentions this, but I find it to be too true.

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: WHITE PRIDE on September 03, 2006, 01:49:11 AM
it's ok to be racist, let's face facts the White race (obviously including Jews) is superior to every other race we build civilizations, and inferior races like the Blacks are parasites who must be exterminated.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: shimonchaim on September 03, 2006, 11:28:38 AM
New JTFer

it's ok to be racist, let's face facts the White race (obviously including Jews) is superior to every other race we build civilizations, and inferior races like the Blacks are parasites who must be exterminated.

that is a quote by white pride that is not what jtf stands for to me that siunds exactly like the kkk and the nazis shame on you white pride
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: B0NG0ID on September 03, 2006, 12:08:40 PM
it's ok to be racist, let's face facts the White race (obviously including Jews) is superior to every other race we build civilizations, and inferior races like the Blacks are parasites who must be exterminated.

I see you are a new jtfer. I prefer to think you will soon be an ex-jtfer ! Your position is WAY too extreme for me !
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Shlomo on September 03, 2006, 12:59:29 PM
it's ok to be racist, let's face facts the White race (obviously including Jews) is superior to every other race we build civilizations, and inferior races like the Blacks are parasites who must be exterminated.

Umm... what about black Jews or Jews with dark skin? They are still Jews and are command by G-d to be shown the same respect and treatment as other Jews. (I'm, of course, refering to religious Jews... self-hating Jews who run from Torah are a bit different).
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on September 03, 2006, 02:43:59 PM
It's more than possibly to be 'racially aware' without being a white supremacist or a Nazi.

In fact, just look how popular Nazism is with 'black' organizations in the U.S. today.  Nazis actually have a lot in common with extremist black organizations, i.e. they are sub-literate trash.

Is the 'white' race superior?  Just ask all the white women who are marrying, dating, and having babies by black men.  Do they think white men are superior?

Sorry, but if you are saying 'white' men are 'superior' you have got completely the wrong idea.

White people have the right to exist and to encourage intra-marriage and intra-dating, but the reason why they are in the situation they are today is precisely because many white males have a superiority complex and have committed atrocities against 'non-whites' including Jews.

If only 'white' men had behaved more decently towards other human beings, perhaps we might not be being flooded by Third World trash today.  Perhaps the 'white' woman wouldn't find the 'white' man so repulsive that she prefers to sleep with negroes.

White or north-European people are worth preserving, but they must first learn humility and tolerance for other groups, including the Caucasians they arrogantly to this day still deem 'non-white'.

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: WHITE PRIDE on September 05, 2006, 01:01:33 AM
Actually it's the truth, the White race (including Jews)  has been superior throughout history, inferior races corrupt the DNA pool and must be extinct

I do not like the Nazis but they are different from Black racist groups in many ways, Black racists just hate Whites, Nazis have a mythology with the occult.

Overall  Ethiopian/other Black "Jews"  are simply Black inferior sub-humans who need to be extinct
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: NeverMore on September 05, 2006, 08:53:48 AM
Actually it's the truth, the White race (including Jews)  has been superior throughout history, inferior races corrupt the DNA pool and must be extinct

I do not like the Nazis but they are different from Black racist groups in many ways, Black racists just hate Whites, Nazis have a mythology with the occult.

Overall  Ethiopian/other Black "Jews"  are simply Black inferior sub-humans who need to be extinct

you are a shmock and nazi, your place isnt here. you can deny being a nazi but cant deny being a shmock.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Rhuan on September 05, 2006, 06:27:03 PM
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on September 05, 2006, 06:51:09 PM
My two best friends are black, both of them are hoping to be doctors, and on course to be such. Skin colour means nothing.

Hope they will go back to Africa when they are finished?

I for one would never trust a negro with my life.   ;D

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: cjd on September 05, 2006, 07:01:50 PM
My two best friends are black, both of them are hoping to be doctors, and on course to be such. Skin colour means nothing.

Hope they will go back to Africa when they are finished?

I for one would never trust a negro with my life.   ;D

Yes I would have to agree with you there. Besides Africa needs all the doctors they can get.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: NeverMore on September 06, 2006, 06:53:55 AM
i really believed this isnt a racist hatred forum...
what, you think there werent enough cases of Jewish doctors' malpractice? here, in Israel, there are thousands of cases.
guys, i think what you say really lower the class of this forum- and im sure JTF doesnt preach racism. plus its not "Jewish", to hate other races.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on September 06, 2006, 09:07:16 AM
i really believed this isnt a racist hatred forum...
what, you think there werent enough cases of Jewish doctors' malpractice? here, in Israel, there are thousands of cases.
guys, i think what you say really lower the class of this forum- and im sure JTF doesnt preach racism. plus its not "Jewish", to hate other races.

I don't hate anyone.

There are different kinds of black.  Now and then I see an urbane, wealthy young black couple, both of whom are very gorgeous and intelligent and make for great friends.  But by far the greater number of blacks swagger about the streets in baggy clothes, whistling at and hollering at white women and making life a misery for everyone.

It just so happens that 99% of all blacks are evil creatures.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: NeverMore on September 06, 2006, 09:40:46 AM
hey dude, are you Jewish or what are you?
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on September 06, 2006, 09:42:02 AM
Re:  "... its not "Jewish", to hate other races..."

This is true.
I attend the Indy 500 as well as the Talladega 500.
It's wrong to discriminate.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: NeverMore on September 06, 2006, 09:45:15 AM
It's wrong to discriminate
plus, it extremely lowers the level of our forum, and visitors could think that its a racist forum that encourages hatred.
mr. Satan, you cant deny hating blacks.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: yephora on September 06, 2006, 09:46:33 AM
Racist, no.
Behaviorist, Yes.

I despise badly behaving people, whatever the race.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: NeverMore on September 06, 2006, 09:49:10 AM
Racist, no.
Behaviorist, Yes.

I despise badly behaving people, whatever the race.

sure, Yephora, me too. but attributing misbehavior to skin color- thats wrong.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on September 06, 2006, 10:01:39 AM
Racist, no.
Behaviorist, Yes.

I despise badly behaving people, whatever the race.

sure, Yephora, me too. but attributing misbehavior to skin color- thats wrong.

I disagree.

I would bet good money that if, say, I was in town, and lots of blacks were about, these would be more likely to mug and commit violence than the white boys.

If there are groups of black males about, these are more likely to be the ones pestering white women than groups of white boys.

Black skin reveals to us the nature of the black man.  Now it may come to pass that a divine intervention has been made, and the black man may be civilized, but ceteris paribus, black skin is a sign that a) you should cross the road and b) you should hold your white girlfriend's hand before the negro stares at her and makes her feel uncomfortable.

I don't hate blacks.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: yephora on September 06, 2006, 10:08:49 AM
There is no denying that the most badly behaving people in America today are blacks. Unbiased observation, prison population and FBI statistics all bear this out. Whether this is attributable to skin color, genetics, upbringing, or a combination of all is immaterial. Facts are facts. The most obvious way to categorize this subgroup, though, is by skin color; i.e. race.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: NeverMore on September 06, 2006, 10:24:40 AM
ya know, guys, come to to Israel to see the opposit thing. say you walk down the street in my neighbourhood (which is actually rather lower mid social class or high low class). you would absolutely prefer to walk by a group of blacks (Ethiopian Jews) and not morrocan group, which cause the most problems among Jews (there are no arabs in the Kerayot- where i live). actually, in Israel, most common "Jewish" group of people to end up in prison is morrocan jews. so i can start saying morrocans are beasts, because they harassed me and other good pupils (there were almost no good morrocan pupils in all the schools iv'e been at), or becaus they are the most probable drug user, or other bad things here in Israel. actually, in many ways, their behavior is just like what you say the black do in the US.

what im trying to say is every race or national group or other people belonging to other division- we can attribute a bad behavior to every one of them, in different fields of behavior.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: B0NG0ID on September 06, 2006, 11:03:32 AM
 :)"Yo" Satan;

  My Latin is a bit rusty.What does "ceteris paribus" mean ? 
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Shlomo on September 06, 2006, 12:12:18 PM
:)"Yo" Satan;

  My Latin is a bit rusty.What does "ceteris paribus" mean ? 

Ya... what on earth is "ceteris paribus"
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: yephora on September 06, 2006, 12:19:04 PM
Ceteris paribus is a Latin phrase, literally translated as "with other things [being] the same," and usually rendered in English as "all other things being equal."

Ain't Google grand?  :)
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: khaan on September 06, 2006, 03:04:03 PM
WHITE PRIDE: you're a fool for believing that. i think you need to be extinct if you start acting on that.

@ rhuan:if you're talking about me (in which case im flattered), i prefer the term "asian" to black or brown or whatever. i consider it less discriminatory.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on September 06, 2006, 03:42:09 PM
There are good and bad of all races - yes, oh yes.

But there is one thing that stands out, and it requires faith to hold true to.  It is the unique standing that black men have among women of the West.  They do not have such a fetish for any other kind of man.

I believe that Nimrod (a son of Kush), the first city-builder, who built the tower of Babel after the Flood, married a blonde woman. 

And therefore this thing is a mark of all religious deception, to wit, the entrancing nature of the negro (witness how the negro hypnotizes the youth via sports and entertainment), and the seduction of the blonde woman.

When these two evil forces are cojoined, Satan will rule supreme on this planet.

Blacks should stay in Africa, but I am still unsure as to where best to put blonde women.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Mecca on September 09, 2006, 08:19:18 AM
I'm going a little off the subject. I think it is horse hockey that Italians have Black in them.And that they don't like anybody that is dark. Utterly horse dung.

My ancestors come from Basilicata and Puglia. I see how Italian wiggers are almost equating the Irish ones.
Although my family is disfunctional I wish my Mom atleast was even more conservative with us, the way I would be with these ignoramous wigger and schwartze loving brats.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: B0NG0ID on September 09, 2006, 05:00:02 PM
I'm going a little off the subject. I think it is horse hockey that Italians have Black in them.And that they don't like anybody that is dark. Utterly horse dung.

My ancestors come from Basilicata and Puglia. I see how Italian wiggers are almost equating the Irish ones.
Although my family is disfunctional I wish my Mom atleast was even more conservative with us, the way I would be with these ignoramous wigger and schwartze loving brats.

                    :D  I do not call them "Wiggers". I call these whites who adopt the ghetto culture "C.J.'s" - Caucasian Junglebunnies.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on September 11, 2006, 03:47:33 PM
I believe that words, in and of themselves, have power.

Words such as "racist", "Nazi", "Fascist", are used to cause another with whom we disagree to be "prejudged as guilty" in the minds of others.

"All that is necessary to cause a Revolution is to change the meaning of words"...Vladimir Lenin

A racist is someone who is proud of, and believes in maintaining, their race.  Today, however, it has been twisted into a slur word wrongly used to accuse someone of hating any/all ethnic groups.

Nazi is defined by members and followers of the Nationalist German Workers' Party: made famous by Hitler...founded on a complete racial falsehood (the Aryan race), ruthless totaltarianism, socialist economy, rejection of Biblical values, and a declaration of complete genocide against the Jewish People.

Fascism:  founded by Benito Mussolini in Italy in the 1920's/1930's...simply a belief in a total and complete merger of Corporations with Government, the Government to be a "republic-styled dictatorship", the individual citizen existing solely for the benefit of, and at the discretion of, the State.  Originally it did not concern itself with "racialist" political platforms; doing so only later when Italy allied with Nazi Germany.

Socialist:  someone believing in State owenership of all vital means of production.

Communist:  believers in International Socialism (global dictatorship) under the leadership of one Communist Party.

In short; being proud of your race, and not wanting to breed your race with other races, does not necessarily make you someone who "hates" the other races.

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: davkakach on September 11, 2006, 04:51:26 PM
Actually it's the truth, the White race (including Jews)  has been superior throughout history, inferior races corrupt the DNA pool and must be extinct

I do not like the Nazis but they are different from Black racist groups in many ways, Black racists just hate Whites, Nazis have a mythology with the occult.

Overall  Ethiopian/other Black "Jews"  are simply Black inferior sub-humans who need to be extinct

Judaism condones the extinction of peoples based on their collective behavior,
not their ethnicity or race.  We are commanded by God to destroy evil.  What
did Ethiopian Jews ever do to make us regard them as evil?  I happened to
serve in the IDf with several Ethiopian Jews, and they were fine individuals,
innocent, blameless.  I haven't been in Israel for almost a decade, so I don't
what is the current breakdown of statistics of crime along racial lines, but I
would wager that if there are Ethiopian Jewish criminals, they are but a tiny

It is possible that there is a racial element to the fact that Black society in
the U.S. has remained largely a failed society.  But another possibility is that
it remained this way because the White majority allowed Black culture to
persist.  Black slaves in the South read the Bible, went to church, and rarely
committed any crimes.  Today's Black society can be reformed if the White
majority (which, taking into account Mexican birth rates and illegal immigration,
will not remain a majority for long) rids itself of political correctness, immediately
executes all current incarcerated murderers, rapists and drug dealers and
deports all violent criminals to some African nation (in effect "outsourcing"
all violent scum, in effect cleaning up our society of human filth regardless
of race (although obviously the majority of prisoners are Black and Latino),
this will benefit not only the White community but the Black communities
as well!  And it will give humanity a chance to find out once and for all if
Blacks are inherently criminal or just the unfortunate victims of an inferior,
destructive culture into which they are born.

Of course, this will never happen, so we'll never know.

In short; being proud of your race, and not wanting to breed your race with other races, does not necessarily make you someone who "hates" the other races.

Good point.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on September 11, 2006, 04:54:28 PM
Blacks are inferior according to G-D, which is NOT to say that the average white is better than the average black, because G-d is disdainful of the vast majority of gentiles who live in a state of licentiousness and abomination
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: NeverMore on September 11, 2006, 05:03:04 PM
Blacks are inferior according to G-D
could you please quote it from the bible?
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on September 11, 2006, 05:10:21 PM

18 The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.)

19 These were the three sons of Noah, and from them came the people who were scattered over the earth.

20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard.

21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent.

22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside.

23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father's nakedness. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father's nakedness.

24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him,

25 he said,
       "Cursed be Canaan!
       The lowest of slaves
       will he be to his brothers."

Genesis 9
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Rhuan on October 01, 2006, 05:50:31 PM
Canaan doesn't necessarily mean Blacks, and Noah is not the almighty.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Carlyle on October 01, 2006, 08:17:56 PM
Canaan doesn't necessarily mean Blacks, and Noah is not the almighty.
Book of Genesis 9:20-27:
20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. 23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. 24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. 26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. 27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 108b: "Our Rabbis taught: Three copulated in the ark, and they were all punished — the dog, the raven, and Ham. The dog was doomed to be tied, the raven expectorates [his seed into his mate's mouth]. and Ham was smitten in his skin."

The Negroes bear the curse of Ham.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Carlyle on October 02, 2006, 12:45:50 AM
There are good and bad of all races - yes, oh yes.

But there is one thing that stands out, and it requires faith to hold true to.  It is the unique standing that black men have among women of the West.  They do not have such a fetish for any other kind of man.

I believe that Nimrod (a son of Kush), the first city-builder, who built the tower of Babel after the Flood, married a blonde woman. 

And therefore this thing is a mark of all religious deception, to wit, the entrancing nature of the negro (witness how the negro hypnotizes the youth via sports and entertainment), and the seduction of the blonde woman.

When these two evil forces are cojoined, Satan will rule supreme on this planet.

Blacks should stay in Africa, but I am still unsure as to where best to put blonde women.
My sister is blond-haired and I find your remarks about blondes highly offensive.  >:(
Women are weak and easily corrupted but NOT EVIL.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Raptorman on November 24, 2006, 10:01:07 AM

   If you do not do what has to be done to keep this filth out because of their race, then you are a racist. I have a new neighbor that is a single mom(with a bald head style dressed like a prostitute) with six kids(living in a two bedroom apartment and probably agaisnt the terms of her lease) that she keeps outside to roam the parking lot unsupervised. There are now broken balls littering the parking lot and I almost hit one of these 4-6 year old beasts as he jumped in front of my car when I was parking. A few days ago there was a fire and guess who started it. I fear everything else that is going to come before these beasts get evicted for not paying the rent(thank hashem I live in a city where it is easy to evict bad tenants). I live in a nice and mostly orthodox community and even have a few good neighbors of this race. What should I do about my bad new neighbors whom I don't want to have set my apartment set on fire? I'm thinking about calling child protective services but I don't have much evidence and don't know how serious they would take me. Any thoughts?
   I would be racist not to do anything about them just because of their race. If I don't do anything, more might move in.

Let's all chill out and celebrate [censored] culture with this rendition of Bling-Bling!

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: davkakach on November 24, 2006, 12:30:53 PM

   If you do not do what has to be done to keep this filth out because of their race, then you are a racist. I have a new neighbor that is a single mom(with a bald head style dressed like a prostitute) with six kids(living in a two bedroom apartment and probably agaisnt the terms of her lease) that she keeps outside to roam the parking lot unsupervised. There are now broken balls littering the parking lot and I almost hit one of these 4-6 year old beasts as he jumped in front of my car when I was parking. A few days ago there was a fire and guess who started it. I fear everything else that is going to come before these beasts get evicted for not paying the rent(thank hashem I live in a city where it is easy to evict bad tenants). I live in a nice and mostly orthodox community and even have a few good neighbors of this race. What should I do about my bad new neighbors whom I don't want to have set my apartment set on fire? I'm thinking about calling child protective services but I don't have much evidence and don't know how serious they would take me. Any thoughts?
   I would be racist not to do anything about them just because of their race. If I don't do anything, more might move in.

Let's all chill out and celebrate [censored] culture with this rendition of Bling-Bling!

That was horrific.  (http://www.maj.com/gallery/DanElHombre/smilies/puke2.gif)
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: JoshMan on November 27, 2006, 10:17:18 PM

 Oh boy all I got to say right now is, after watching that video  I,m freaking loathing with shame right now, I can believe this was shoot in my country America...and if this makes me feeling liking drinking myself to sleep I wounder how a sane  person who happens to be of black skin would feel after seeing this crap. >:(

 He would probably do the same then shoot him self.....who I,m I kidding I feel like doing it my self.... :P
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Raptorman on November 28, 2006, 08:26:20 AM
it's ok to be racist, let's face facts the White race (obviously including Jews) is superior to every other race we build civilizations, and inferior races like the Blacks are parasites who must be exterminated.

Very disturbing.

I don't hate negroes at all I just realize they can never be part of our civilized society with the only solution being to live apart. Living apart it is what we have now I just wish it would be farther apart then what we are.

I would be willing to yield up 15% of the best land in America for a "Black Homieland"; not giving blacks poor land like we did to the Sioux and Apache but the best land.  Their pick.

They can have California, Iowa, Florida or Mississippi along with other parts of surrounding states to make 15% (we're giving them an extra 2% seeing as how blacks make up only 13% of the population) we'll call "New Africa".

Blacks would need a passport and entry visa to gain entrance back to the 48 or whatever states and the reverse is true; whites would need a passport to gain entry to Ghettoland.

Blacks run every aspect of Ghettoland along with owning it all. Blacks have their own schools, hospitals, sewage treatment plants (just like they have in Afirca), penal system, court system along with all the trappings of a first class welfare state. But once they have it it is theirs.

Don't laugh at me there are plenty of good examples where black people have come forward to successfully run many black urban areas.  We have Detroit, East Saint Louis, Compton, New Orleans and Trenton, New Jersey as examples of what black pride in the community can do.

We could call this country New Zimbabwe or Congoland.

However they want to live is their bidness I just know I wouldn't want to live there.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on November 28, 2006, 10:18:16 AM
If you had a separate homeland for negroes, you'd find that your number one source of emigration would be desperate blonde women.   :o
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Na Na on November 28, 2006, 06:24:42 PM
If you had a separate homeland for negroes, you'd find that your number one source of emigration would be desperate blonde women.   :o

Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: moral_rhuan on November 28, 2006, 06:31:22 PM
uh huh. I hate all of you racist pigs.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: moral_rhuan on November 28, 2006, 06:34:31 PM
i bet you're all french, aren't you?
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Scriabin on November 28, 2006, 06:38:06 PM
i bet you're all french, aren't you?

I'll bet you're in England, aren't you?
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: davkakach on November 29, 2006, 10:50:39 AM
If you had a separate homeland for negroes, you'd find that your number one source of emigration would be desperate blonde women.   :o

Get thee hence Satan has some issues with blondes.  I wouldn't take him too seriously...   ;)
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: sat_chit_anand on November 29, 2006, 11:09:15 AM
If you had a separate homeland for negroes, you'd find that your number one source of emigration would be desperate blonde women.   :o

Yes, Getthee has an issue, but, lol, so true.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: sat_chit_anand on November 29, 2006, 11:14:11 AM
i bet you're all french, aren't you?

That is a racist assumption. You need 'diversity training'.


Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: jdl4ever on November 29, 2006, 12:54:46 PM
I just don't like people who are evil, regardless of race.  I don't like evil whites or evil blacks. It just so happens that the majority of blacks living here are evil.  I don't hate anyone because of race though. Not all blacks are evil since there are some richeous black people.  I go to medical school, and the blacks in my class are far superior to the ghetto blacks you commonly see since they want to make something of themselves.  And I have found the rare richeous gentile black.  There are also richeous Jewish blacks.  I've seen a richeous Jewish black person in my synagague.  I treat richeous blacks the same that I would treat richeous whites and richeous jewish blacks the same way I would treat white jews, since race does not make any difference and this race superiority stuff is not found anywhere in the bible but was invented by evil racists.    Also, I would not mind a richeous black moving into my neighborhood but I would not like an evil black moving there.   Some of the people that have posted here are bringing down this forum since they are racists.  And if doing what must be done to throw them out means what I think it means then you are racist. 
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on November 29, 2006, 01:57:49 PM

Why do you have so much hatred for your fellow-man?  Hate isn't good for you.   :'(
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: sat_chit_anand on November 29, 2006, 02:02:43 PM
If you had a separate homeland for negroes, you'd find that your number one source of emigration would be desperate blonde women.   :o


Ha Ha. Good. Enjoy yourself. :)
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Na Na on November 29, 2006, 05:47:24 PM

Why do you have so much hatred for your fellow-man?  Hate isn't good for you.   :'(

you and black men?
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: wonderfulgoy on November 30, 2006, 05:29:14 AM
you and black men?

How about it?  I'm not that way inclined.  Maybe you have a soft spot for black men?   :-*
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Na Na on December 11, 2006, 03:22:13 PM
you and black men?

How about it?  I'm not that way inclined.  Maybe you have a soft spot for black men?   :-*

No, being white and heterosexual, white girls are great...
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: MarZutra on December 11, 2006, 04:52:26 PM
Dear fellows: Racism: As defined by Cambridge Dictionary is; The belief that one/your race is superior to anothers.    This has nothing to do with hatred of a race.  The molestations of and changing the meaning of "racism" is a purely LEFT WING political agenda to push their garbage.  Another good example is the definition of marriage now meaning two fags or two dykes or a dyke and a turkey baster...is today's "progressive" dumbed down World.  A bigot maybe but a "racist" probably not. 

The fact of the matter is, thanks to "politically correct" dumbing down of the benighted masses, the VAST majority use the term "Racism" and "Racist" WAY out of context and have actually made it into something that it clearly, by dictionary definition, is not.

I'd ask, knowing the factual definition of "racism", if one who knows that the vast majority of advancements in the entire civilized world were made by White Christian Males and subsequently all of the advancements in the un-civilized world would that then classify all Whites as "racists"?

Personally, I feel this entire concept of "racism" to be a farse.  Like people feel better with like people: Muslims with Muslims...is that "racism" or if one prefers such a "racist"? 
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: cjd on December 11, 2006, 07:08:55 PM
As for me I don't really care what the definition of racism is. I have my opinions and I stick to them. I try to treat all people fairly however if something is wrong I will make my opinion known. I will not be put off by being called racist or bigot.  If people don't like my opinions they don't have to deal with me. This has now become a tool for the PC bunch. Everything is racist. Its become a tactic to get white folks to back down to all the PC garbage.  My advice is stick to your principals the h_ll what the PC bunch and minorities think.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: MarZutra on December 11, 2006, 07:11:49 PM
As for me I don't really care what the definition of racism is. I have my opinions and I stick to them. I try to treat all people fairly however if something is wrong I will make my opinion known. I will not be put off by being called racist or bigot.  If people don't like my opinions they don't have to deal with me. This has now become a tool for the PC bunch. Everything is racist. Its become a tactic to get white folks to back down to all the PC garbage.  My advice is stick to your principals the h_ll what the PC bunch and minorities think.
100% Agree with every word you say...   ;)
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: yephora on December 14, 2006, 03:10:15 PM
Well said, cjd 8) The more white people push back at the PC stormtroopers the more these fools will retreat, at least on a local level.
The real problem for us sane people is the courts. Most judges are liberals. It's their liberal decisions about what's normal in society that becomes law. Not majority rule but judicial rule is what is greasing the skids of America's slide toward dissolution.
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Raptorman on December 15, 2006, 07:28:43 AM
  My advice is stick to your principals the h_ll what the PC bunch and minorities think.

PC has run amok they are the new Bolsheviks.

It is the home of the new communist party and is giving life to the new nazi's of today.

Let me explain.

I watched David Duke (I am no fan of his) on a CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer while Duke was attending the holocaust thing in Iran.

It was a constant stream of nazibabble how Israel ruled the world and the only reason we are in Iraq is because Israel wanted the US to fight their battles.

Duke kept bringing up how the writer David Irving is doing time in an Austrian jail for denying the holocaust.  This is crazy, any idiot knows the holocaust happened there's hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pages about the holocaust written by the perpetrators in their own hands.  See what I mean? I am being politically correct right here. In fear of running contrary to the beliefs of my host on JTF I am going out of my way to make sure everyone knows I don't subscribe to the holocaust deniers.

Four million, five million, six million murdered souls.... it doesn't make a difference millions were murdered and all you need to do is visit the Treblinka site, dig around a bit and come up with tons of identifiable human ashes so why are the PC elite making denying the holocaust a crime in Austria?

Why is the left so bent on making holocaust denial a crime when we have film showing nazi's shooting thousands of men, women and children in tranches?  Let them have their free speech then show the film so everyone knows they are idiots.  Don't give them a platform.

Every time Duke mentioned Irving and prison a chill went down my spine as I envisioned millions of people watching wondering "why are some so afraid of free speech they will imprison a man for simply speaking?" Irving will eventually be released and have more of a bully pulpit then ever before.  Why are the PC police making a martyr out of a liar, crook and thief?

I've never purchased any of Irving's works but why is he in prison? If some are willing to prison someone for simply speaking what are they hiding?  This is what we expected out of Soviet Russia and Communist China but in the west?

Many of you know I help run a somewhat politically incorrect website  ;D and what amazes me is how hard I have to work keeping it online.  It would be fairly easy for me to find a host that would tolerate a site having sex with barnyard animals but try to put something up being critical about race and hold on for the big boot.  Thousands of hosts available for something like barnyard sex but maybe 3 or 4 that would tolerate politically incorrect speech about race. 

I guess I don't get it.

Can someone here, perhaps someone living in the EU, give me a reason holocaust denial is considered a crime and not just the babblings of an idiot?
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: Shlomo on December 18, 2006, 02:35:22 AM
You know... what would happen if they had a group of Martin Luther King or black slave deniers?
Title: Re: Am I a racist ? I am taking a poll please respond
Post by: MarZutra on December 18, 2006, 11:27:47 AM
You know... what would happen if they had a group of Martin Luther King or black slave deniers?
Thats a good idea... say it is a Leftwing conspiracy that never happened....  see what the Bolsheviks do with that... ;)