General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Americanhero1 on January 14, 2009, 12:55:51 PM
HOLLAND TOWNSHIP, N.J. – Police say three New Jersey siblings whose names have Nazi connotations have been placed in the custody of the state.
Holland Township Police Sgt. John Harris says workers from the state Division of Youth and Family Services on Tuesday removed 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell and his younger sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell from their home Tuesday.
Harris says family services did not tell police the reason the children were removed. Agency spokeswoman Kate Bernyk says it does not comment on specific cases.
The children and their parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, received attention last month when a supermarket bakery refused to put Adolf Hitler Campbell's name on a birthday cake.
While I think the parents are braindead idiots, I can't imagine that their names are the ONLY reason why they were removed from their home.
Finally a sane decision from a state agency.
Finally a sane decision from a state agency.
While I think the parents decision to name their children after Adolf Hitler is disgusting, lets not forget this is the same government that promotes socialism and the continued destruction of Israel by forcing her to give away land, do you think this government would hesitate to take away Jewish kids because their parents may promote Kahanist ideals? We need to know more why the children were actually removed from the home.
to name your kids with those names shoudl be enough for it to be considered child abuse.
But then again so is being named Mohammed, Osama, Hussein, Ali, Malcom, etc etc etc....
I initially thought that they only named their one kid Adolf Hitler but then to name all of your kids with Nazi connotations. There is clearly something wrong with these people. They need to be jailed and removed from society.
I wonder if the children would have been removed if they had been named something normal. Technically if they were removed from their homes simply based on the perceived political affiliation of their parents then White Israelite has brought up an important point here. I hope CPS had evidence of real abuse for them to be removed otherwise as he said Kahanist's children could be removed from the home. What if you name your child Meir Kahane? It's insane to really compare the two but government agencies are insane and might do so.
If the parents are bad parents they should be removed.If the parents are just weird and name their children stupid names where will it stop.What about osama ot other terrorist names
If the parents are bad parents they should be removed.If the parents are just weird and name their children stupid names where will it stop.What about osama ot other terrorist names
If they have more kids they'll probably name them Osama bin Laden Campbell and Elizabeth Bathory Campbell.
The State of New Jersey if insane.
The State of New Jersey if insane.
The State of New Jersey if insane.
ITA. As someone who once had to face false charges from CPS, I can tell you that these people are nothing more than leftist socialists who believe the state knows better than parents what is good for children.
While I agree the parents were stupid to name their kids what they did, they do not deserve to have their children taken from them. Police reports even said that no abuse complaints were reported, so the names has to be the ONLY reason for this.
IT IS WRONG. If they can do it to them they can do it to US.
The State of New Jersey if insane.
ITA. As someone who once had to face false charges from CPS, I can tell you that these people are nothing more than leftist socialists who believe the state knows better than parents what is good for children.
While I agree the parents were stupid to name their kids what they did, they do not deserve to have their children taken from them. Police reports even said that no abuse complaints were reported, so the names has to be the ONLY reason for this.
IT IS WRONG. If they can do it to them they can do it to US.
Exactly, it's kind of like the Waco situation, yeah the guys were crazy but the ATF didn't have a right to kill those children and burn down the house, and we see how the government has screwed other people and just used those groups as a scapegoat.
I don't know what to say here. While I really would not want to deal with a person named Adolf Hitler I have to stop and wonder just where it is going to end when we start allowing government agencies to regulate what children should be named. Some of the child protection agencies already seem to be going past the point when dealing with some situations. I really don't think its governments business what a child is named. The only time agencies like this should step in is when they see that a child is in distress. By distress I mean lack of food or medical care, signs of strange injuries or strong evidence exists that a problem may exist in the home. In the past few years it seems that people can no longer do whats right for themselves unless government over see it. We have to be told what to eat how to drive what medical tests to take (needed or not) how warm or cold to keep your home the list goes on and on. I for one who has lived in a day where government minded its own business for the most part ( unless you were cheating on your taxes) finds this very distressing. Just where are we going to end up? Will we be like a bunch of children that has to clear every move we make with the so called government nanny? It just seems the more the crazy liberals take hold of power the more we the people are being regulated to death.
Shouldn't the morons in Wal Mart who made the birthday cake be arrested or beaten or something as well?
I found these pages interesting. It says you have to have an approved name if you live in Germany:
"Germans are used to being regulated in many areas of daily life that Americans might find rather repressive. Want to name your baby? Better pick a name that the local Standesamt (office of vital statistics) agrees with. If they don't agree to register the name you picked, you have to appeal the decision. By German law, a child's name has to meet two conditions: (1) it must reflect the sex of the child, and (2) it must not endanger the 'well-being of the child.' A German couple who wanted to honor their favorite actress, Whoopi Goldberg, by naming their child Whoopi had their application rejected because, among other thing, the name resembles the English expression 'making whoopee.' Another daughter from a mixed Chinese-German marriage was to receive the name Fae-Schüe. The Standesamt did not approve the name until it had first checked with the Chinese embassy to verify that the name was indeed a common Chinese name meaning 'snowflake.'
As a result of this kind of control, most Germans end up with rather conventional first names such as Julia, Julian, Phillip, Maria, Maximilian, Lisa, or Christian..."
Well I guess that's one way to keep the blacks out, Ta'Marion, Demarkarion, and LaShaniquette might not get approved. Too bad it doesn't work on keeping the Muslims out.
Yes thats true a person i know told me that a few yrs ago
While I think the parents decision to name their children after Adolf Hitler is disgusting, lets not forget this is the same government that promotes socialism and the continued destruction of Israel by forcing her to give away land, do you think this government would hesitate to take away Jewish kids because their parents may promote Kahanist ideals? We need to know more why the children were actually removed from the home.
Let's not take this too far. Let's just see that in this one case, a state agency made a sane choice. Would they remove black children from the home of parents teaching them Farrakhan-worship and anti-white jihad? Probably not, but still, let's savor the victories we get. I don't think that the gov't would remove children from right-wing Jewish parents YET, because I think that American public opinion still wouldn't tolerate that quite yet (I do think Adolf Hitler yimach schmo is still hated more than militant Jews).
Exactly, it's kind of like the Waco situation, yeah the guys were crazy but the ATF didn't have a right to kill those children and burn down the house, and we see how the government has screwed other people and just used those groups as a scapegoat.
But nobody was killed here. Yes, Waco was a crime against humanity and Janet Reno (yimach schmo vezichro) should hang by his testicles for it, but this was nothing like that. These two sociopaths (the Campbell parents) should be locked away forever in a mental asylum--at minimum.
I don't know what to say here. While I really would not want to deal with a person named Adolf Hitler I have to stop and wonder just where it is going to end when we start allowing government agencies to regulate what children should be named. Some of the child protection agencies already seem to be going past the point when dealing with some situations. I really don't think its governments business what a child is named. The only time agencies like this should step in is when they see that a child is in distress. By distress I mean lack of food or medical care, signs of strange injuries or strong evidence exists that a problem may exist in the home. In the past few years it seems that people can no longer do whats right for themselves unless government over see it. We have to be told what to eat how to drive what medical tests to take (needed or not) how warm or cold to keep your home the list goes on and on. I for one who has lived in a day where government minded its own business for the most part ( unless you were cheating on your taxes) finds this very distressing. Just where are we going to end up? Will we be like a bunch of children that has to clear every move we make with the so called government nanny? It just seems the more the crazy liberals take hold of power the more we the people are being regulated to death.
:clap: :clap:
Well, as much as the name Adolf reminds us of Adolf.. it is still a normal German name. But naming the child Adolf Hitler is deliberate and sickening. Though I don't think the naming of the child is the sole reason why they were taken away.
Well, as much as the name Adolf reminds us of Adolf.. it is still a normal German name. But naming the child Adolf Hitler is deliberate and sickening. Though I don't think the naming of the child is the sole reason why they were taken away.
I think if someone's going to use the name Adolf it ought to be a middle name so kids don't get teased in school. Also I agree pairing those two names together is horrible. Nobody should name their kid Hitler.
Nope this is bad. The state has decided that they don't like the politics of the parents and how they're influencing their own children, and therefore the state raided the house and took the kids away? That is fascism. If that is the prescident, then they can take away your kids for you being Zionists. It is un-American.
The one very pogniant and ironic thing though, those Nazi lovers, have just gotten a small taste of what it is like to be victimized by Nazi's.
It's one thing if they name themselves with those connotations but, giving the children those names puts the children in danger so that alone should be enough for the kids to be taken into custody. I just hope that tax payers don't ultimately have to pay for a civil rights judgment in favor of the Campbell's.
It's one thing if they name themselves with those connotations but, giving the children those names puts the children in danger so that alone should be enough for the kids to be taken into custody. I just hope that tax payers don't ultimately have to pay for a civil rights judgment in favor of the Campbell's.
They've probably got a case. ::)
Adolph is a regular name nothing wrong with it.Many people Jews and Gentiles have that name,if i had a child i would'nt name him Adolph not because it was Hitlers name it's just because i don't care for it.
Nope this is bad. The state has decided that they don't like the politics of the parents and how they're influencing their own children, and therefore the state raided the house and took the kids away? That is fascism. If that is the prescident, then they can take away your kids for you being Zionists. It is un-American.
The one very pogniant and ironic thing though, those Nazi lovers, have just gotten a small taste of what it is like to be victimized by Nazi's.
It's not facism when we are removing nazis...Bottom line...Nazis should have done to them what they want to do to us...no ifs ands or buts! Dont' care the reason, those parents are insane...hopefully they recieve a just punishment and not be protected by freedom laws...they are stupid idiot nazis...and their point is moot!
I don't know what to say here. While I really would not want to deal with a person named Adolf Hitler I have to stop and wonder just where it is going to end when we start allowing government agencies to regulate what children should be named. Some of the child protection agencies already seem to be going past the point when dealing with some situations. I really don't think its governments business what a child is named. The only time agencies like this should step in is when they see that a child is in distress. By distress I mean lack of food or medical care, signs of strange injuries or strong evidence exists that a problem may exist in the home. In the past few years it seems that people can no longer do whats right for themselves unless government over see it. We have to be told what to eat how to drive what medical tests to take (needed or not) how warm or cold to keep your home the list goes on and on. I for one who has lived in a day where government minded its own business for the most part ( unless you were cheating on your taxes) finds this very distressing. Just where are we going to end up? Will we be like a bunch of children that has to clear every move we make with the so called government nanny? It just seems the more the crazy liberals take hold of power the more we the people are being regulated to death.
:clap: :clap:
I agree wit you cjd. But I think were missing the bigger picture. A state agency would not simply take children away from their parents just over a name, there probably had to be a long-term history of abuse, neglect or potential threats to the welfare of the children.
I don't know what to say here. While I really would not want to deal with a person named Adolf Hitler I have to stop and wonder just where it is going to end when we start allowing government agencies to regulate what children should be named. Some of the child protection agencies already seem to be going past the point when dealing with some situations. I really don't think its governments business what a child is named. The only time agencies like this should step in is when they see that a child is in distress. By distress I mean lack of food or medical care, signs of strange injuries or strong evidence exists that a problem may exist in the home. In the past few years it seems that people can no longer do whats right for themselves unless government over see it. We have to be told what to eat how to drive what medical tests to take (needed or not) how warm or cold to keep your home the list goes on and on. I for one who has lived in a day where government minded its own business for the most part ( unless you were cheating on your taxes) finds this very distressing. Just where are we going to end up? Will we be like a bunch of children that has to clear every move we make with the so called government nanny? It just seems the more the crazy liberals take hold of power the more we the people are being regulated to death.
:clap: :clap:
I agree wit you cjd. But I think were missing the bigger picture. A state agency would not simply take children away from their parents just over a name, there probably had to be a long-term history of abuse, neglect or potential threats to the welfare of the children.
Yet a police officer interviewed said that he knew the family well and that there was NO history of abuse or neglect.
I am personaly repulsed that anyone would name thier child Hitler. that being said, I have to argree with the stance of those who are aganst the removal of the children with no abuse issues. It is too slipery a slope to start down.
Adolph is a regular name nothing wrong with it.Many people Jews and Gentiles have that name,if i had a child i would'nt name him Adolph not because it was Hitlers name it's just because i don't care for it.
It was a regular name, but people have to be mindful of the controversy. If it has been part of a righteous German families heritage for generations I can understand them wanting to honor loved ones, but at the same time they need to be mindful to the world. With that said, these Nazis did not name their child Adolf to honor family traditions. They were not living in Germany as patriotic citizens there. They did this completely out of hate.
What would be interesting is how Hitler would really treat the tattoo drug addicts that belong to the kkk and worship him.
I thought Hitlers real name was Heidler and he changed it later on?
Anyways, Adolf is not a uncommon name especially in Germany but I have heard some have changed to "Dolf" instead of "Adolf".
I guess I am in the minority here. What those two devil-worshipping beast "parents" did to their kids by naming them those horrific Nazi names is beyond unconscionable. It was ghastly. Even if this is the ONLY reason those children were taken away, I am for it. And I am quite sure Chaim would agree. This isn't the time to raise an alarm about slippery slopes, but to be glad that for once, sanity prevailed in the PC, postmodernist, ultra-leftist social services.
And no, I don't think that a child named Meir David Kahane would be removed from his home anytime soon. First of all--almost nobody knows who the Rav is, and secondly, a militant Jewish patriot, as despised as he is, still does not provoke the visceral outrage of Adolf Hitler.
I guess I am in the minority here. What those two devil-worshipping beast "parents" did to their kids by naming them those horrific Nazi names is beyond unconscionable. It was ghastly.
No. You are not in the minority. We all know these devil-worshipping beast "parents" did something horrific to their kids and I'm willing to bet the names aren't even the worst things that were done to them.
As for Rav Kahane, I can name any of my future children after him because was brother already was and I hope my brother lives a long life. I can still name one of them Benyamin.
I don't think any of us here justify naming a child after Adolf Hitler nor do we condone it.
I think most of the posts are against the state intervening because it's the first step of removing freedom of speech by testing the waters and seeing how much the government can get away with. Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.
I don't agree with naming any child Adolf Hitler, but the fact the governments involved is a serious problem.
They were talking about this last week on CNN.They said that the names that they gave to there children did cause red flags to come up.
The Child services then had a reason to watch the family more closely.
So I doubt they were taken away for there names.Child services must have noticed other red flags in which they needed to act upon promptly
They were talking about this last week on CNN.They said that the names that they gave to there children did cause red flags to come up.
The Child services then had a reason to watch the family more closely.
So I doubt they were taken away for there names.Child services must have noticed other red flags in which they needed to act upon promptly
I have to agree with you. It does make sense that those kids would be removed for other reasons, I have never heard of people getting in trouble for naming their kids after evil people.
Shalom - Dox