Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Yochanan Zev on March 29, 2007, 10:32:21 AM
WARNING: This article contains very sexually explicit and graphic content. If you are offended by such content please do not read any further.
"Meet the Mandingos
They're gentlemen in the street, thugs in the bedroom, and your wife's steamiest fantasy. Read the article and then post your comments below.
Jeff didn't always like black guys. He was prejudiced—he admits it. As one of the few white kids at his school in the southeast of Washington, D.C., he fought a lot with black kids and was occasionally beaten up. When he later ran a string of gas stations, he was robbed: A black guy held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger—but the gun didn't go off.
"Honestly, that experience helped me a lot," he says. "I used to be very conservative. I didn't spend much money. Now I enjoy life. I'm much more open. Especially sexually."
Dear kongo, do I really care what some liberal white piece of trash does? He is into your black 'culture' where anything goes. He is nothing more that a piece of garbage, much like malcom excrement, michael lucifer king, and all the rest of the phoney mail order reverends. As for me I would hope that this animal would contact aids and die. End of story.
He has an open relationship with his wife. What does that have to do with MLK or Malcolm X fjack? :D
It's not just overweight white women or middle aged white women who go with black men. Young attractive intelligent white women go with them too. Usually they don't need any 'permission' from white men first. They go off and do black men instead of white ones. If I had a wife I'd probably like to see her have sex with black men.
Fruit do you yearn for a beautifull black woman?
:-\ This isn't very nice.....
WARNING: This article contains very sexually explicit and graphic content. If you are offended by such content please do not read any further.
"Meet the Mandingos
They're gentlemen in the street, thugs in the bedroom, and your wife's steamiest fantasy. Read the article and then post your comments below.
Jeff didn't always like black guys. He was prejudiced—he admits it. As one of the few white kids at his school in the southeast of Washington, D.C., he fought a lot with black kids and was occasionally beaten up. When he later ran a string of gas stations, he was robbed: A black guy held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger—but the gun didn't go off.
"Honestly, that experience helped me a lot," he says. "I used to be very conservative. I didn't spend much money. Now I enjoy life. I'm much more open. Especially sexually."
Just what point is crap like this intended to prove. Kanga or what ever you call yourself you think your proving some point by posting trash like this here on the forum. If the story is true the white animals are just as bad as the black beasts they cavort with. You really are sickening posting trash like this. The subject matter of this post is offensive. The man who the story is about is mentally ill and it really doesn't say much about where you spend your time raking garbage like this up. It proves my point blacks for the most part have no decency and when whites of low morals get involved with them they go down to the level of animals with them.
It's not just overweight white women or middle aged white women who go with black men. Young attractive intelligent white women go with them too. Usually they don't need any 'permission' from white men first. They go off and do black men instead of white ones. If I had a wife I'd probably like to see her have sex with black men.
Fruit - you are really quite a character - what are people to make of you.
If I had a wife I'd probably like to see her have sex with black men.
That is quite a disturbing statement. Are you for real? I think not ???
If I had a wife I'd probably like to see her have sex with black men.
That is quite a disturbing statement. Are you for real? I think not ???
:-[ I got carried away. I didn't mean it.
But its not a matter of just taking, is it.
Just like Arabs who have never created anything and embrace the Koran to compensate for their worthlessness, so does the [censored], using money from selling drugs to pay some self-hating white to write such stories for him because he desperately needs to feel something, anything that elevates, in his warped understanding of things, his filthy visage. Thank G-d the reality is that he kills himself more effectively and with greater precision than anything all my hatred for him could imagine :)
Fruit you have a fetish for interracial couples. Just find a Caucasian woman. Not all White women like black men. Hell, why dont you take a Negro woman of they are taking all the White women. There are some good looking Black women out there. Just take one of them.
They even have many very pretty Jewish black women,but fruit would have to become Jewish first.
WARNING: This article contains very sexually explicit and graphic content. If you are offended by such content please do not read any further.
"Meet the Mandingos
They're gentlemen in the street, thugs in the bedroom, and your wife's steamiest fantasy. Read the article and then post your comments below.
Jeff didn't always like black guys. He was prejudiced—he admits it. As one of the few white kids at his school in the southeast of Washington, D.C., he fought a lot with black kids and was occasionally beaten up. When he later ran a string of gas stations, he was robbed: A black guy held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger—but the gun didn't go off.
"Honestly, that experience helped me a lot," he says. "I used to be very conservative. I didn't spend much money. Now I enjoy life. I'm much more open. Especially sexually."
Just what point is crap like this intended to prove. Kanga or what ever you call yourself you think your proving some point by posting trash like this here on the forum. If the story is true the white animals are just as bad as the black beasts they cavort with. You really are sickening posting trash like this. The subject matter of this post is offensive. The man who the story is about is mentally ill and it really doesn't say much about where you spend your time raking garbage like this up. It proves my point blacks for the most part have no decency and when whites of low morals get involved with them they go down to the level of animals with them.
I got it the same place you and your racist buddies get their articles. What I find sickening is your hypocrisy, and this whole moral high horse your wanna put yourself on. The fact is you wouldn't have even had a problem with it whatsoever if there weren't any whites involved in the story. Even still you couldn't help yourself to ignore my disclaimer and read anyway. So take off the scarlet robe and lose that higher-than-thou attitude hoss. You're no different from those whites in the article. At least they're consistent.
You're just like moron who steals his brothers gun, shoots his wife, and then turns around and blames the brother for the crime for owning a gun in the first place. Just like you post here about blacks, latinos, and everyone else you can blame who isn't white for you own sad sorry life you refuse to take responsibility for.
Since you hate it here so much, why don't you LEAVE and move to another country. You have no greater claim on this country than anyone else.
WARNING: This article contains very sexually explicit and graphic content. If you are offended by such content please do not read any further.
"Meet the Mandingos
They're gentlemen in the street, thugs in the bedroom, and your wife's steamiest fantasy. Read the article and then post your comments below.
Jeff didn't always like black guys. He was prejudiced—he admits it. As one of the few white kids at his school in the southeast of Washington, D.C., he fought a lot with black kids and was occasionally beaten up. When he later ran a string of gas stations, he was robbed: A black guy held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger—but the gun didn't go off.
"Honestly, that experience helped me a lot," he says. "I used to be very conservative. I didn't spend much money. Now I enjoy life. I'm much more open. Especially sexually."
Just what point is crap like this intended to prove. Kanga or what ever you call yourself you think your proving some point by posting trash like this here on the forum. If the story is true the white animals are just as bad as the black beasts they cavort with. You really are sickening posting trash like this. The subject matter of this post is offensive. The man who the story is about is mentally ill and it really doesn't say much about where you spend your time raking garbage like this up. It proves my point blacks for the most part have no decency and when whites of low morals get involved with them they go down to the level of animals with them.
I got it the same place you and your racist buddies get their articles. What I find sickening is your hypocrisy, and this whole moral high horse your wanna put yourself on. The fact is you wouldn't have even had a problem with it whatsoever if there weren't any whites involved in the story. Even still you couldn't help yourself to ignore my disclaimer and read anyway. So take off the scarlet robe and lose that higher-than-thou attitude hoss. You're no different from those whites in the article. At least they're consistent.
You're just like moron who steals his brothers gun, shoots his wife, and then turns around and blames the brother for the crime for owning a gun in the first place. Just like you post here about blacks, latinos, and everyone else you can blame who isn't white for you own sad sorry life you refuse to take responsibility for.
Since you hate it here so much, why don't you LEAVE and move to another country. You have no greater claim on this country than anyone else.
Actually whites do have a greater claim because we,more than anybody else built the country, blacks have for the most part only contributed bull work, no brains. Africa is proof of this. However Kananga has a point here, Would anyone have protested this posting if only savage blacks were involved? Probably not, it would have been written off as TNB which justifies alot of our beliefs. Now, TNB does justify our beliefs, but that includes when white trash is involved as well. If anything we who try to be righteous should realise that we are in an even worse state than maybe we often realise, that many whites have gone the way of the jungle. Maybe this will motivate us to get more involved than we are to rid the planet of vermin of all shades.
(http://Actually whites do have a greater claim because we,more than anybody else built the country, blacks have for the most part only contributed bull work, no brains.)
Really?? What exactly is it that you've done T-Allen to build this country that gives you more a greater claim than blacks? Just being born a white doesn't count.
Joined JTF!!
(http://Actually whites do have a greater claim because we,more than anybody else built the country, blacks have for the most part only contributed bull work, no brains.)
Really?? What exactly is it that you've done T-Allen to build this country that gives you more a greater claim than blacks? Just being born a white doesn't count.
The fact is that generations of white people slaved away to make a future for their children and great-grandchildren and they would not be so happy if they could see their kids throwing it all away and mating with the negro race to produce mixed abominations.
Let me ask you Kananga, was it right that the whites that made South Africa a great nation be expelled and their system dismantled? Just being black was Mandela's whole schtick. No sane person would claim SA is better off being run by ja-bloneys, as my dear grannie Viola called ya'll. Do you remember how often one heard about SA back in the 80's with knucklehead singers like Springsteen and that dude Tracey Chapman pissin' and moanin' about "I ain't gonna play Sun City"? How come you never hear about it anymore? Cause it's a sh&thole. If blacks had made that place into something there would be a Mandela street on every other corner here in America. But it's only gone to [censored] since darky took over. It's about who supports and sustains civilization against who through jealous fits tears everything down. Whitey invented your computer, your toaster, your lights, your stereo, your telephone, should I go on! Be absoultely certain if the chocolate faces take over America, it will go the route of SA. I have more right because I understand this and fight against it. ;D
You don't say..I always hear from my South African friends how wonderful Sun City is? :o
You don't say..I always hear from my South African friends how wonderful Sun City is? :o
here Kananga, Merry Christmas;
Chag Pesach Sameach Allen. I guess I should be flattered by all this attention. But please, just don't have another meltdown like last time.
Chag Pesach Sameach Allen. I guess I should be flattered by all this attention. But please, just don't have another meltdown like last time.
Articulate crackers just p&ss on the parade, don't we? If BS was music you'd be a brass band!
So what... some audio track of some "dem dang Duke Boyz" redneck having a racist meltdown. Yeah, I'm really impressed!
Just stick to your corn-crackin', snuff-suckin, billy goat bangin'', ragin Rebel music and leave those GOOD black good rhythms for the Mandingos to take care of.
So what... some audio track of some "dem dang Duke Boyz" redneck having a racist meltdown. Yeah, I'm really impressed!
Just stick to your corn-crackin', snuff-suckin, billy goat bangin'', ragin Rebel music and leave those GOOD black good rhythms for the Mandingos to take care of.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D WURD ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
So what... some audio track of some "dem dang Duke Boyz" redneck having a racist meltdown. Yeah, I'm really impressed!
Just stick to your corn-crackin', snuff-suckin, billy goat bangin'', ragin Rebel music and leave those GOOD black good rhythms for the Mandingos to take care of.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D WURD ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Let the [censored] get AIDS and die! I need you to tell me that?
This is very amusing. Its good to see an educated and written arguement/debate, once in a while. Rather then going crazy and jumping on each other. But i guess thats ruled out.
WARNING: This article contains very sexually explicit and graphic content. If you are offended by such content please do not read any further.
"Meet the Mandingos
They're gentlemen in the street, thugs in the bedroom, and your wife's steamiest fantasy. Read the article and then post your comments below.
Jeff didn't always like black guys. He was prejudiced—he admits it. As one of the few white kids at his school in the southeast of Washington, D.C., he fought a lot with black kids and was occasionally beaten up. When he later ran a string of gas stations, he was robbed: A black guy held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger—but the gun didn't go off.
"Honestly, that experience helped me a lot," he says. "I used to be very conservative. I didn't spend much money. Now I enjoy life. I'm much more open. Especially sexually."
Just what point is crap like this intended to prove. Kanga or what ever you call yourself you think your proving some point by posting trash like this here on the forum. If the story is true the white animals are just as bad as the black beasts they cavort with. You really are sickening posting trash like this. The subject matter of this post is offensive. The man who the story is about is mentally ill and it really doesn't say much about where you spend your time raking garbage like this up. It proves my point blacks for the most part have no decency and when whites of low morals get involved with them they go down to the level of animals with them.
I got it the same place you and your racist buddies get their articles. What I find sickening is your hypocrisy, and this whole moral high horse your wanna put yourself on. The fact is you wouldn't have even had a problem with it whatsoever if there weren't any whites involved in the story. Even still you couldn't help yourself to ignore my disclaimer and read anyway. So take off the scarlet robe and lose that higher-than-thou attitude hoss. You're no different from those whites in the article. At least they're consistent.
You're just like moron who steals his brothers gun, shoots his wife, and then turns around and blames the brother for the crime for owning a gun in the first place. Just like you post here about blacks, latinos, and everyone else you can blame who isn't white for you own sad sorry life you refuse to take responsibility for.
Since you hate it here so much, why don't you LEAVE and move to another country. You have no greater claim on this country than anyone else.
Kanga the thing that bothers most blacks is that when they look in the mirror they see a black face looking back at them. This is why they try and I must admit with some success to drag whitey into the sewer with them. This white boy isn't going along with it. Face it whatever Blacks touch whereever they gain the majority things go steadily down the tubes. Why is it no matter how hard white people try to get away from Blacks Blacks always find a way to infiltrate white neighborhoods. How many White folks try to move into even the best Black neighborhoods. Not many. Blacks left on their own would revert back to the jungle as we well see in South Africa and Rwanda and some of the other once great African nations. All that brothers gun stuff is a black thing so don't try to put that situation on white folks. Unlike it being a everyday thing for blacks you might see it once in a great while with whites. Like it or not Kanga Whites built America. Blacks picked some cotton under direct supervision and did some domestic work under direct supervision but everything has to always be under direct supervision of old Whitey Even any heritage blacks have here in America is now being given to them by you guessed it old Whitey. Should I go on I think you know the rest of the story. If not just look in the mirror.
The problem started when white kids were forced to be in school with these black creatures. They were told by liberal commie white teachers that these darkies represented true civilization and that the whites should become as dumb and primitive as these creatures. There is no education that goes on in school at all, it is all liberal propaganda. These kids are bombarded by lies on tv of giant black intellects, the blacks are the greatest detectives, doctors etc, while the whites are stupid criminals. In real life it is the other way around. I see absolutely no purpose in sending blacks to school. They don't want to be there and the 1 percent of blacks that do want to go a succeed are teased unrelently.
Just like Arabs who have never created anything and embrace the Koran to compensate for their worthlessness, so does the schvartza, using money from selling drugs to pay some self-hating white to write such stories for him because he desperately needs to feel something, anything that elevates, in his warped understanding of things, his filthy visage. Thank G-d the reality is that he kills himself more effectively and with greater precision than anything all my hatred for him could imagine :)
Arabs actually have created a splendid civilization. Read about Moorish Spain, then talk, iam Jew but not prejudice on other peoples. The Arabs at times give us refuege when your people were slaughtering us its a fact its not lie. Alot of Spanish Jews settled in North Africa because they were exepelled from Spain and Portugal. I don't hate Arabs, a lot of Arabs converted to Jaudism, what i hate is their ideology. Comparing [censored] to arabs is not good comparsion.
Arabs actually have created a splendid civilization. Read about Moorish Spain, then talk, iam Jew but not prejudice on other peoples. The Arabs at times give us refuege when your people were slaughtering us its a fact its not lie. Alot of Spanish Jews settled in North Africa because they were exepelled from Spain and Portugal. I don't hate Arabs, a lot of Arabs converted to Jaudism, what i hate is their ideology. Comparing schvartzas to arabs is not good comparsion.
"From 711 until 1492 southern Spain was under Muslim rulers"... how about a more recent example... like in the last 500 years or so.
I suppose they might have created a "splendid civilization" recently but it's really hard to notice since it doesn't have electricity or roads or cameras.
And I'm missing the refuge they supposedly give us... OH! Like in Gaza? Geez... what was I thinking?
Arabs actually have created a splendid civilization. Read about Moorish Spain, then talk, iam Jew but not prejudice on other peoples. The Arabs at times give us refuege when your people were slaughtering us its a fact its not lie. Alot of Spanish Jews settled in North Africa because they were exepelled from Spain and Portugal. I don't hate Arabs, a lot of Arabs converted to Jaudism, what i hate is their ideology. Comparing schvartzas to arabs is not good comparsion.
"From 711 until 1492 southern Spain was under Muslim rulers"... how about a more recent example... like in the last 500 years or so.
I suppose they might have created a "splendid civilization" recently but it's really hard to notice since it doesn't have electricity or roads or cameras.
And I'm missing the refuge they supposedly give us... OH! Like in Gaza? Geez... what was I thinking?
jeff we should be honest with our slaves. During 1492 many Shepardic Jews took refuege in North Africa, and at time in Moorish Spain we gained more power, than the Christians themselves. Arabs have always perefered Jews over Christians, read about the Jewish golden age in Moorish Spain. Today Arab anti-Semitism is a legacy of European anti-Semitism and foundation of Israel. 500 years the Arab civilization became crouppt because of the Turks and European colonialism.
jeff we should be honest with our slaves. During 1492 many Shepardic Jews took refuege in North Africa, and at time in Moorish Spain we gained more power, than the Christians themselves. Arabs have always perefered Jews over Christians, read about the Jewish golden age in Moorish Spain. Today Arab anti-Semitism is a legacy of European anti-Semitism and foundation of Israel. 500 years the Arab civilization became crouppt because of the Turks and European colonialism.
Gosh, man... arab hatred goes back towards Ishmael. I will look into some of this... History is interesting to me.
Rabbi Kahane said that there are no such things as allies... only interests.
jeff we should be honest with our slaves. During 1492 many Shepardic Jews took refuege in North Africa, and at time in Moorish Spain we gained more power, than the Christians themselves. Arabs have always perefered Jews over Christians, read about the Jewish golden age in Moorish Spain. Today Arab anti-Semitism is a legacy of European anti-Semitism and foundation of Israel. 500 years the Arab civilization became crouppt because of the Turks and European colonialism.
Gosh, man... arab hatred goes back towards Ishmael. I will look into some of this... History is interesting to me.
Rabbi Kahane said that there are no such things as allies... only interests.
It's not just overweight white women or middle aged white women who go with black men. Young attractive intelligent white women go with them too. Usually they don't need any 'permission' from white men first. They go off and do black men instead of white ones. If I had a wife I'd probably like to see her have sex with black men.
I picked up on that quote, too, Raptorman. It annoyed the hell out of me.
It was also one of the things which Fruit "retracted" the next day, saying that he'd gotten "carried away."
Dear kongo, do I really care what some liberal white piece of trash does? He is into your black 'culture' where anything goes. He is nothing more that a piece of garbage, much like malcom excrement, michael lucifer king, and all the rest of the phoney mail order reverends. As for me I would hope that this animal would contact aids and die. End of story.
Um, fjack. There is a lot of anger in your post and I don't know why. First off, Feel the way you want about Malcom X. But Martin Luther King, Jr.'s name is what it has always been, MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. His father's name was Martin Luther King, Sr. Why in the world would they name him Michael if he's his father's namesake?
Second, while the article is chop full of TMI (too much information)..I don't think it warranted your response.
Martin Luther King Sr. was born Michael King. He changed his name and his son's name to Martin Luther King.
Okay. If Martin Luther King SR. (Father of the REAL civil rights leader) changed his own name from Michael to Martin, then named his son after his changed name, how in the world is it that Martin Luther King, Jr. is supposedly a fake? He had no control over what his name would be.
Speaking of Martin Luther.....his sister just passed away.
Speaking of Martin Luther.....his sister just passed away.
Yolanda Denise King is his daughter. She passed away a couple of days ago...she was 51 years old. Sad.
WARNING: This article contains very sexually explicit and graphic content. If you are offended by such content please do not read any further.
"Meet the Mandingos
They're gentlemen in the street, thugs in the bedroom, and your wife's steamiest fantasy. Read the article and then post your comments below.
Jeff didn't always like black guys. He was prejudiced—he admits it. As one of the few white kids at his school in the southeast of Washington, D.C., he fought a lot with black kids and was occasionally beaten up. When he later ran a string of gas stations, he was robbed: A black guy held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger—but the gun didn't go off.
"Honestly, that experience helped me a lot," he says. "I used to be very conservative. I didn't spend much money. Now I enjoy life. I'm much more open. Especially sexually."
Just what point is crap like this intended to prove. Kanga or what ever you call yourself you think your proving some point by posting trash like this here on the forum. If the story is true the white animals are just as bad as the black beasts they cavort with. You really are sickening posting trash like this. The subject matter of this post is offensive. The man who the story is about is mentally ill and it really doesn't say much about where you spend your time raking garbage like this up. It proves my point blacks for the most part have no decency and when whites of low morals get involved with them they go down to the level of animals with them.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
I am ready to vomit.
Addressed to the troll that started this river of feces.
I know you think you're clever, but you're not. In your little pea-sized brain you're probably thinking "I'll bet nobody in the entire history of the web has ever been clever enough to post the following troll topics!"
Well, [censored] and whiggers, we've seen it all before. All of your trite little brainfarts invariably match the following five classifications:
1) The "I'm tired of white women dating/having sex/having babies with [censored]" troll.
Definitely the most common, and a sure crowd pleaser among the interracial porn surfing spearchuckers, little whigger manlets who get weepy and inspired when listening to Bob Marley or Martin Lucifer Coon's "I have a dream" speech, and other assorted netgeek jerkoffs.
2) The "not all [censored] are bad, and some whites are evil" troll.
You don't belong here. You need to find the "idiots who think anecdotes make good evidence" message board.
3) The "some [censored] women, not many, but some look good" troll.
Oh sure, with some hair-straightening chemicals and pancake makeup, we'd all be proud to take Halle Berry to McDonalds. I'd even help her fill out a job application.
4) The "stupid, trashy, meth-smoking, criminal white racists are an embarrassment to all of us" troll.
Face the facts, [censored], those 150 million "respectable" whites who claim to love you didn't white flight to the suburbs because they enjoy long stressful drives into the city. It provides us with a never ending source of amusement when you claim your entire pathetic race of failures is held down by stupid trashy whites who smoke methamphetamine (or whatever the hell it's called).
5) The "I'm conflicted - one parent/grandparent is partially black and I hate [censored] and love my white side, but feel like I'm hating myself" troll.
I'm truly sorry that one of your ancestors practised bestiality, but that's your own personal tragedy. Don't come here and splash it on us.
Halle berry is a mulatto, her mammie was a white slut who hopefully will die of aids.
Halle berry is a mulatto, her mammie was a white slut who hopefully will die of aids.
That was uncalled for. It really was. She's bi-racial. Mulatto sounds so... generic. Her mom was never a slut and for you to wish that she'd die of aids says a lot about you.
I like Halle Berry. At least shes done something with her life and isn't having kids when shes 16 years old.
I like Halle Berry. At least shes done something with her life and isn't having kids when shes 16 years old.
Sarah.. nevermind. You do know that there are black women who have chose to wait to have children right?
I didn't have my first child until I was 21. However I am the daughter of a teenaged mom. My mom was 16 when she became pregnant with me and 17 when I was born. There is irony there to your statement. But my point is that just because there are 16 year old moms , it doesn't mean that their daughters are doomed to repeat those actions. Its a choice you make.
Choice isn't available when you are destined in the same community and to a rather culturalised lifestyle. It becomes sadly, almost second nature and is influenced by peers etc. Education is one of the elements that does fend off this doing and if actually promoted by a lot of black cultures maybe things would change. Parents want for their kids to get a good education yes, but do the children want for it themselves? A lot of girls who have great boyfriends see nothing else but a future of love which turns into havoc.
Choice isn't available when you are destined in the same community and to a rather culturalised lifestyle. It becomes sadly, almost second nature and is influenced by peers etc. Education is one of the elements that does fend off this doing and if actually promoted by a lot of black cultures maybe things would change. Parents want for their kids to get a good education yes, but do the children want for it themselves? A lot of girls who have great boyfriends see nothing else but a future of love which turns into havoc.
Someone has to break that train of thought right? I'm helping my teenagers with that at this very moment. Just because your parents did it dosen't mean you're destined to repeat it.
I'm sure you'll bring up your daughters to be very good and respectful people. I wasn't even generalizing about blacks just directing towards Halle Berry. There are many white women who are in the same situation.....
If your parents did it, they would or might approve or tolerate it, thus almost encouraging it if such a thing happened.
You are more likely to follow in your parents footsteps even whilst being an individual. When the road ahead does not branch off, then you have no choice.