General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: WestCoastJTF on April 20, 2007, 03:52:34 PM
I have been a JTF listener for many years, and I've faithfully saved their shows each week. It occurred to me that I may one of the few people with a large archive of JTF shows. In order to help the cause, I've set up a new website where you can hear all JTF shows from 1/31/2001 to the present, plus a few older ones - over 7 years of JTF!
These are the RealAudio audio portions of the show which were downloadable from jtf.org, not the full video:
A couple notes:
- I am a gentile and do not speak Hebrew, so I only archived the English shows.
- Feel free to listen all you want - that's why I put the shows up. But don't setup a script to robotically download every show on the site. There is an overall bandwidth cap of 2TB a month. I don't think that's a big deal, because the shows are only a couple megabytes each and all the shows in total are only about 6GB. But if we have 400 people who write scripts to robotically download all the shows on the site, the site will shut down for that month due to lack of bandwidth. Unfortunately, this level of monthly bandwidth is the limit of what I can presently afford. So, please, download all you want - but listen to all you download!
- I am still transferring shows into this archive. At present, there are 319 shows on the site. Ultimately, I will have about 680. I expect all shows to be updated by this Sunday, April 22nd. After that, I'll be adding the 3 shows a week that Chaim produces.
- I am going to intentionally keep the site a week behind jtf.org, because I want people to go to jtf.org to get the fresh shows, not my site. It's important that JTF know how many people are listening to its shows every week, so I will not publish the current shows on my site. After a week has gone by and they are no longer available on jtf.org, I will publish them on jtfarchive.org.
Additional questions are answered at: http://www.jtfarchive.org/faq.html
I imagine some people will want to hear the post-911 JTF shows, out of curiosity and historical interest. Keep in mind that the 9/12/2001 show was actually produced before 9/11, which is why Chaim seems to know nothing about the attack in that show ;) The first show that was made post-911 was 9/26/2001. I remember on 9/11 being very curious to hear what Chaim would have to say and then having to wait two weeks to hear it!
If anyone out there has shows before 1/31/2001, please contact me so I can get copies and get the shows into the archive. Chaim has been on the air since 1986 when he did "The JDL Speaks" in Manhattan, so there is a lot of missing media over the last 21 years. This archive is only a small part of his amazing life and I'd love to add more to it.
"yet another JTF.org activist"
Thank you. Welcome to the forum. You are amazing! Chaim will absolutely be stunned!
Brilliant work, welcome to the JTF forum, I think you deserve to be an Honorable Winged Member for this.
Excellent! Thank you so much for all you've done. G-d bless you and welcome to the forum.
Hello WestCoastJTF, and good day to you.
I too had an extensive JTF archive that was unfortunately destroyed on my old computer. I'm glad to see someone has saved and compiled these for the rest of us to hear.
The shows with Yosef Ben Meir, in my humble opinion, were Chaim in his absolute prime. With Chaim doing so many shows per week it's hard for him to maintain the same vigor day in and day out like he did circa 1994-2003
A minor correction to your FAQ, WestCoastJTF. Chaim's legal first name is Victor, not Vincent.
A minor correction to your FAQ, WestCoastJTF. Chaim's legal first name is Victor, not Vincent.
I knew that, too...I guess my fingers were working faster than my brain last night. I've corrected both places where the erroneous name appeared.
amazing. thanks.
Wow! This is such a blessing!!!! ;D
A little Youtube plug with a link;
I am a new member to this wonderful community, and it's nice to see so many committed and honorable Gentiles. I've been immensely enjoying the JTF videos on youtube and now that there's an archive, I'll be doing alot more listening! Thank you very much for doing this for us, I very much appreciate it.
WestcoastJTF, great job!
Thank you for doing this wonderful job!
Did you save old JTF website articles too?
I wish they are available in pdf format especially articles like "the truth about black africa"
I've finished uploading shows and all shows I have are now in the archive. My count was slightly off, as I was counting all .rm files and I'd forgotten I had some non-JTF .rm files in my archives directory. There are 636 shows as of today (I'd estimated 680) - that should still be enough to keep you all busy for a little while ;)
"yet another JTF.org activist"
Did you save old JTF website articles too?
I have some, though at the moment the JTF.org site has a ton of the articles...I'm not sure that anything I have is not already on the site.
I don't understand what you're saying about the advantages of a PDF. Why would someone want a PDF instead of a web page? I think of Acrobat PDFs as useful for either forms (not applicable here) or printing. Other than flyers, do people really print out things from the JTF.org web site? I've saved and bookmarked things, but I've never printed anything.
Very nice! That is amazingly good work to create in less than a day. Thank you.
"yet another JTF.org activist"
Quite a few old jtf articles are still available on jtf.org, they just aren't openly displayed, but they are still there: http://www.jtf.org/israel/ all of the files beggining with the word israel are articles, the other files are pictures.
This is awesome! A couple of minor corrections though: You uploaded duplicates of the August 2, 2006 shows under the date of August 4th. The Ask JTF shows or "c" shows are actually posted on Sunday, but that's a very minor issue. This is literally a treasure. Thank you a thousand-fold!!!
West coast JTF,
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Hi all,
A technical question: What will play .rm and .ram files besides RealPlayer itself? I hesitate to install RealSpyware on my PC, but I'd love to dive into this archive! It was Chaim's YouTube vids that got me acquainted with JTF in the first place. Thank you West Coast JTF, a lot of people will be happy about this archive of yours.
Take care,
Hi all,
A technical question: What will play .rm and .ram files besides RealPlayer itself? I hesitate to install RealSpyware on my PC, but I'd love to dive into this archive! It was Chaim's YouTube vids that got me acquainted with JTF in the first place. Thank you West Coast JTF, a lot of people will be happy about this archive of yours.
Take care,
You can make Realplayer files work through Windows Media Player, Winamp or whatever using this: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/codecs_and_filters/real_alternative.cfm
Thanks for the link to this patch, Fruit of thy Loins, it's working well!
This is awesome! A couple of minor corrections though: You uploaded duplicates of the August 2, 2006 shows under the date of August 4th. The Ask JTF shows or "c" shows are actually posted on Sunday, but that's a very minor issue. This is literally a treasure. Thank you a thousand-fold!!!
I cleaned up the August 2006 shows.
For some reason, a set of shows from March to July 2004 weren't uploaded and didn't appear in the archives. I've fixed that. We're at 675 shows!
I should change the Ask JTF dates. I had a script that was already fetching the "a" and "b" shows every Wednesday and it was easier to just add a "c" ;-) Now that they've been put up for everyone, I should fix the dates. Someday, when time permits...
Many, many thanks you westcoastjtf - I really enjoy listening to the old shows - I never had an opportunity to listen these shows when they aired.
This is wonderful, this brought back some great memories of a lot of classics.
Very well!
I can't agree with you more. The old QPTV audio files should be posted here on the forum with a link so that people can listen to these old shows.
What a goldmine! This is a great link.
I've been listening to them one by one for almost 3 months. I am now approximately in the middle of the year 2002. O0 I listen to a couple of programs every day, and I just love every minute.
By the way, anyone knows if there's any of these historic shows in a video format? I would be thrilled to see even one of them as a real TV show...
And remember! Always have a pen and paper ready for these shows!... And always take these shows on your VCR for the same reason (and if you did,- it would be great if you could upload any to the net... :)).
Is this the archives for the Ask JTF shows, the QPTV shows, or both? Please let me know.
I can`t remember about `a` and `b` but I think `c` is askjtf.
Are there any recent askjtf shows archived?
if not. What is going on?! Didn`t anybody realise.. we`ll have to start archiving, and there will be a gap in the archive. Ideally somebody that can write a script to do it automatically, like the guy doing it before!
Is this the archives for the Ask JTF shows, the QPTV shows, or both? Please let me know.
I like to listen to Chaims old Radioshows. I have learned so much there. Thank you :)!
Anybody know the month and year that the "bus incident" show aired?
Hi, I'm new and enjoy listening to Chaim and watching his videos on Youtube, he speaks the truth.
Good, That was my first reaction as well.
I can`t remember about `a` and `b` but I think `c` is askjtf.
Are there any recent askjtf shows archived?
if not. What is going on?! Didn`t anybody realise.. we`ll have to start archiving, and there will be a gap in the archive. Ideally somebody that can write a script to do it automatically, like the guy doing it before!
Hello, I'm the jtfarchive.org webmaster. I'm confused about your comment. There is no gap in the 'c' shows, except for the first AskJTF show...which I believe I have somewhere but haven't got to the site yet. All of the Ask JTF shows since are on the archive site.
The reason I left them labeled as "a", "b", and "c" is that the names have changed over the years. The "c" show has always been AskJTF, however.
Forgot to add...as explained in the FAQ, I keep the archive site a week behind jtf.org, so that people will get the fresh shows from jtf.org...helps them know how many people are downloading.
Alas, no, there is no QPTV video. None was ever shared on the net. JTF used to offer video tapes but I never bought any (they were expensive - $25 for 2 shows or something like that). Alas, I've never leaved in NYC, so I didn't have any opportunity to record. First time I saw Chaim's lovable mug was on YouTube ;-)
Yacov, those are good points. I should change it to grab the show on Sunday or Monday. It was convenient when there was a Wednesday audio update to do all three at once.
I've changed the script that was creating the blank "a" and "b" show links - shouldn't do that anymore.
These have all been fixed up. Thanks.
Small bug was still creating blank 'a' and 'b' links. This has been fixed.
I'll work on changing the dates for the 'c' shows...that'll take a little longer.
Does your website download the shows automatically?
Yes. Every Wednesday, it moves last week's show from a staging area to the main download area and regenerates the front page (web page with the list of shows). Then it fetches the current week's show and puts it in the staging area.
The staging area is used so the web site is one week behind the main JTF site, so people keep going to JTF.org for the fresh shows.
The job is written in perl and runs automatically out of cron on my web hosting provider's server. I use DreamHost and they've been good.
The October 11, 2006 shows ("a" and "b") are both repeats of the October 4th show. I think the October 11th "b" show (Take Back America) is the hilarious bus accident story. Do you have these shows WestCoastJTF? I lost them when my external hard drive crashed.
I just looked and you're right...same thing in my home archive. Either JTF didn't have a new show that week, rebroadcast, or they weren't archived properly.
If someone has a different show for 10/11/2006 (a, b), let me know and I'll replace 'em.
great job he has so many shows on the jtfarchive.org O0
For over 2000 years we have been persecuted by these "Gentiles"
now all of a sudden we are all friends....
I'm talking about Christians - Not just Nazis but all the Europeans....
Every European country {except Danmark} had their own form of persecution against Jews
The Ukrainians and the Romanians in most cases were worse than the Nazi's
I lost most of my family in the Halocaust
I fought in three Israeli wars
It is said NEVER FORGET....
for 2000 years we have been persecuted
for the next 2000 years let someone else be persecuted.....
Thank God for letting these Muslims keep killing each other.....
Each Dead Muslim is one less enemy of Israel.....
The Internatioal Press is a wonderfull thing...
Benazir Bhutto gets assassinated and overnight she has become a Saint
The world has a short memory.....
This person was thrown out of office twice because of Mass Corruption as was her father
I don't give a Rat's Ass about anything except My family and fellow Jews
magna: "...I AM HAVING THIS PROBLEM TRYING TO UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU'RE GOING...For over 2000 years we have been persecuted by these "Gentiles"
now all of a sudden we are all friends...."
We are natural allies; Christianity developed as a result of Judaism and its Scriptures (unlike those of Islam) are deeply rooted in the Land and traditions of Eretz Yisrael.
Together we make up Western civilization, and together we are all facing a common threat to our very existence; the Muzzies care not if the throats they cut are Christian throats or Jewish throats.
The majority of Jews won't even defend their own interests; even the government of Israel won't defend Jewish interests.
As for me, I suggest you take your allies where you can get them, as time grows ever shorter.
Yes, we Jews have suffered greatly in Exile, but we were duly warned directly from G-d through Moses what would be our common fate were we to reject Torah and rebel.
We have also been promised a Final Redemption and a Moshiach who is going to set things straight permanently, so I suggest we fight for what's right while looking ahead and not backwards.
magna: "...I AM HAVING THIS PROBLEM TRYING TO UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU'RE GOING...For over 2000 years we have been persecuted by these "Gentiles"
now all of a sudden we are all friends...."
We are natural allies; Christianity developed as a result of Judaism and its Scriptures (unlike those of Islam) are deeply rooted in the Land and traditions of Eretz Yisrael.
Together we make up Western civilization, and together we are all facing a common threat to our very existence; the Muzzies care not if the throats they cut are Christian throats or Jewish throats.
The majority of Jews won't even defend their own interests; even the government of Israel won't defend Jewish interests.
As for me, I suggest you take your allies where you can get them, as time grows ever shorter.
Yes, we Jews have suffered greatly in Exile, but we were duly warned directly from G-d through Moses what would be our common fate were we to reject Torah and rebel.
We have also been promised a Final Redemption and a Moshiach who is going to set things straight permanently, so I suggest we fight for what's right while looking ahead and not backwards.
I do not criticise any of the points of MassuhDGoodname, or magna.
From my point of view (I am Belgian) this is most important:
-fight Islam, turd world invaders
-combat current decadency in West-Europe&Western World.
What Jews are concerned :
If I were a Jew, I wouldn't trust anybody except fellow right-wing Jews.
the fact that you have allies, is not something you can totally count on.
To be honest, we should all help each-other, but how much times you learn your "friends"
are not real friends.
It is better to fight to get power in Israel, and make your country less dependant on "friends".
Every European country {except Danmark} had their own form of persecution against Jews
What about Serbia? They did not persecute the Jews.
Wow, great great website, thx a lot, now I can downlad all the shows I have missed, me too, I'm a collector of all Chaim's speeches, so thanks for completing my collection, we don't hear men of wisedom speaking so often these days.
WestCoastJTF, tremendous job putting this site together. Invaluable info. Thank You!
Thank you, West Coast.
great resource, thanks :D