I have been a JTF listener for many years, and I've faithfully saved their shows each week. It occurred to me that I may one of the few people with a large archive of JTF shows. In order to help the cause, I've set up a new website where you can hear all JTF shows from 1/31/2001 to the present, plus a few older ones - over 7 years of JTF!
These are the RealAudio audio portions of the show which were downloadable from jtf.org, not the full video:
http://www.jtfarchive.org/A couple notes:
- I am a gentile and do not speak Hebrew, so I only archived the English shows.
- Feel free to listen all you want - that's why I put the shows up. But don't setup a script to robotically download every show on the site. There is an overall bandwidth cap of 2TB a month. I don't think that's a big deal, because the shows are only a couple megabytes each and all the shows in total are only about 6GB. But if we have 400 people who write scripts to robotically download all the shows on the site, the site will shut down for that month due to lack of bandwidth. Unfortunately, this level of monthly bandwidth is the limit of what I can presently afford. So, please, download all you want - but listen to all you download!
- I am still transferring shows into this archive. At present, there are 319 shows on the site. Ultimately, I will have about 680. I expect all shows to be updated by this Sunday, April 22nd. After that, I'll be adding the 3 shows a week that Chaim produces.
- I am going to intentionally keep the site a week behind jtf.org, because I want people to go to jtf.org to get the fresh shows, not my site. It's important that JTF know how many people are listening to its shows every week, so I will not publish the current shows on my site. After a week has gone by and they are no longer available on jtf.org, I will publish them on jtfarchive.org.
Additional questions are answered at:
http://www.jtfarchive.org/faq.htmlI imagine some people will want to hear the post-911 JTF shows, out of curiosity and historical interest. Keep in mind that the 9/12/2001 show was actually produced before 9/11, which is why Chaim seems to know nothing about the attack in that show

The first show that was made post-911 was 9/26/2001. I remember on 9/11 being very curious to hear what Chaim would have to say and then having to wait two weeks to hear it!
If anyone out there has shows before 1/31/2001, please contact me so I can get copies and get the shows into the archive. Chaim has been on the air since 1986 when he did "The JDL Speaks" in Manhattan, so there is a lot of missing media over the last 21 years. This archive is only a small part of his amazing life and I'd love to add more to it.
"yet another JTF.org activist"