General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: AsheDina on May 16, 2010, 09:50:31 AM
I received this in an email from one of my Neuterei Karta Left wing K*kes.
I FAIL to see what this EVIL witch having a "Bat Mitzvah" makes her good, since she collabrated with ENEMIES.
IMO, She is a FAIL, an Aider of ENEMIES. And ANY Jew here that would stand for this evil ERAV RAV hater of America-YOU are MY enemy, and a huge Enemy to Israel, since this SWINE takes up the ARAB MOSLEM NAZIS.
Kagan’s bat mitzvah was “watershed moment.”
Elena Kagan was Lincoln Square’s first bat mitzvah.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Stewart Ain
Staff Writer
Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, wanted a bat mitzvah when she turned 12. But that simply was not done in May 1973 at Lincoln Square Synagogue, the Orthodox congregation to which the Kagan family belonged.
“I remember she was very definite,” recalled Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, the congregation’s spiritual leader. “She came to me and very much wanted it; she was very strong about it. She wanted to recite a Haftorah like the boys, and she wanted her bat mitzvah on a Saturday morning.”
Never having officiated at a bat mitzvah before, Rabbi Riskin said he had to “figure out what to do for a bat mitzvah. ... I was playing it by ear.”
He said he “could not give her everything” she wanted. For instance, Rabbi Riskin said she could have her bat mitzvah on a Friday night, not a Saturday morning. And instead of reciting a Haftorah, she chanted, in Hebrew, selections from the Book of Ruth.
“I was very proud of her,” he said. “She did very well. After that, we did bat mitzvahs all the time. ... She was part of my education. This was for us a watershed moment.”
Not only was Kagan a trailblazer at Lincoln Square Synagogue, but she would go on to become the first woman dean of the Harvard Law School and the first woman U.S. Solicitor General, the country’s top litigator, a position she currently holds.
Sherwood Goffin, Lincoln Square’s cantor for the past 45 years, said the Kagans lived within walking distance of the synagogue on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. He was Elena’s bat mitzvah tutor and recalls that she was a “wonderful student — serious, sincere, motivated and very bright. She was a very good Hebrew student, even though classes were only twice a week. She was in the school for three or four years.”
At her bat mitzvah, he said, “she spoke about Ruth, gave an analysis of the book and said what being a Bat Torah meant to her. Back then we didn’t call it a bat mitzvah, we called it a Bat Torah ceremony.”
Cantor Goffin said the Kagans joined the synagogue when the congregation began an outreach to the unaffiliated in the community and began a Hebrew school.
“We were the first ones to do outreach, and the Kagans were among the first to get involved,” he said. “The outreach was to people of all backgrounds and many of them became ‘frum’ [observant] afterwards. ... The Kagans came to many different events.”
Sometime thereafter the Kagans, both the children of immigrants, left Lincoln Square Synagogue and joined the West End Synagogue, a Reconstructionist congregation across the street. Fran Hoffinger, a synagogue vice president, said Elena’s father, Robert, a lawyer, was soon elected to serve as a trustee. And she said he and his wife, Gloria, were regular attendees.
“They were lovely people and unfortunately both are now deceased,” she said.
By the time the Kagans joined West End Synagogue, Elena was pursuing her legal career after having attended Hunter College Elementary and High School. At her graduation from the high school in 1977, she received the Distinguished Alumni Award.
“In my family, it was better than getting the Nobel Prize,” she is quoted as saying on the Hunter College Web site.
Her mother taught at Hunter Elementary for many years until her retirement in 1991, and her brother, Irving, teaches constitutional law in the high school.
“Some of my favorite teachers were from the social studies department, and I credit them with introducing me to American history, which today is one of my passions,” Kagan said, according to the Hunter College Web site.
Hunter President Jennifer Raab, who attended Hunter High School and Harvard Law School with Kagan, said this week that the “entire Hunter College community take(s) great pride” in Kagan’s nomination.
Kagan earned degrees at Princeton University and Oxford University in England before graduating from Harvard Law School in 1986.
She worked as a clerk for U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Abner Mikva and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall before entering the practice of law for two years in 1989. She then taught law at the University of Chicago before joining the Clinton administration in 1995.
Asked to recall an incident that provides some insight into Elena Kagan’s personality, Rabbi Riskin said it happened at a dinner at the synagogue immediately after Kagan’s bat mitzvah.
The dinner was hosted by the boy whose bar mitzvah was the following morning.
“The bar mitzvah boy’s parents were divorced, but both sides got together for the meal in the shul,” Rabbi Riskin said.
While they dined in a ground-floor room, the rabbi said he and Cantor Goffin were in the third-floor social hall having dinner with congregants. At one point, both men decided to drop in on the bar mitzvah boy and his parents to extend their greetings.
“We went downstairs and the bar mitzvah boy wasn’t there,” Rabbi Riskin said. “While I was looking for him someone told me that he had been sitting next to his maternal grandmother when his paternal grandmother came over and said he should be at his father’s table. There was then a big tug of war and the boy was caught in the middle.”
Rabbi Riskin said he then decided to return to his dinner and was “walking upstairs when I heard sobs coming from the darkened sanctuary. It was the bar mitzvah boy crying. I spoke with him and brought him downstairs. I remember Elena Kagan walking over to him. She was his friend and had been invited to the dinner. She took over comforting him, and when I left them, he was sitting next to her at her table.”
Cantor Goffin said he remembers that incident a little differently, but vividly recalls Kagan’s reaction to seeing her friend upset.
“Elena went over and asked him to sit down,” Cantor Goffin said. “She comforted him and showed him a great deal of compassion and concern. This is the Elena Kagan people should think of when she is being considered for nomination to the Supreme Court.”
Rabbi Riskin said he has not been in touch with Kagan over the years but said he believes she would be a good addition to the court.
“She was a leader, she was smart and sensitive. I can’t think of greater attributes for the Supreme Court than being smart and sensitive.”
Seems to be, that Mrs. Kagan is a very egoistic and strong person. For her her own will is more important than the rules of her religion and she has the guts to get what she wants. For shure there is not nice tea drinking with her.
I am ashamed at some of her statements. I happen to have a very respected Chabad Rabbi with the name Kagan..
ok, so explain me this:
Your TOS reads:
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law.
So how does AsheDina get away with her comment, including of course calling someone with whom she disagrees a K*ke? Does that mean that I could do the same if I wanted to? Or that she has some special privilege that exempts her from the TOS?
Just interested
As for the rest of you who are either ignorant of or exempt from torah requirements against lashon hara, Ms. Kagan is respected by every expert judicial critic, including the Volokh group which is made up of a group who are at least as conservative and at least as intelligent as you.
And while you're at it, why don't you provide the name of ONE rabbi who approves of your lashon hara. I've challenged AsheDina and M ben D, but neither of them has yet done so.
I am ashamed at some of her statements. I happen to have a very respected Chabad Rabbi with the name Kagan..
Have you told your rabbi to read MadJewess? Did you notice that HaRav Shlomo Riskin gives his approval? Do you know what that means?
look, folks, I don't care what you believe as long as you aren't claiming to be good Jews at the same time as you're breaking the fundamental laws of Torah. If HaRav Riskin approves of Kagan's nomination, it is HALACHICALLY FORBIDDEN for any yid with lesser standing to publicly oppose it. So which of you claim to be Rav Riskin's equal?
There has been much disagreement concerning the use of the derogatory term 'K*ke'.. I personally am against using the word because it is offensive to all Jews... But there are some here at JTF who say it is OK to use the term against Self-Hating Jews. While it is not clear what Elena Kagan is it is appearing that her Jewish values are not important to her.
I do not know and I do not comment on things I do not know...
My Rabbis all know my political leaning is to the Right. Over Shabbat lunch yesterday most in my minyan appeared to agree with me concerning Israeli politics. Most in my minyan originally supported the evil Obama, but over this last year there is not a single Yid in my minyan who supports Mr. O any more...
Each individual is judged on his own merits... JTF has people from all walks of life... I myself am a Baal Teshuva and I am doing very well on my path towards full observance. There are many very righteous JTF members... While it may surprise you you may just discover that WE are right and you are wrong about what the Jewish people need to do to end this exile..
Yesterday I re-read my Chofetz Chaim and there are times when speaking against a person is REQUIRED... Especially in situations where life and death is concerned...
Here is a good link to the laws of Lashon Hara if you are interested...
hot Lashon Hara Review: Part 3
I. Circumstances Under Which Speaking Lashon Hara is Permitted
In "Chafetz Chaim: A Lesson a Day" p. 132, Rabbi Yitzchak Berkowitz lists the major categories of constructive purposes for which Lashon Hara may be spoken:
1. To influence the subject to improve by discussing his faults with someone who can help him.
2. To prevent someone from being harmed by the subject, or help someone who was already harmed by the subject.
3. To help end a dispute between individuals which could escalate to the community level.
4. To help others learn from the subject's mistakes.
II. The Seven Conditions
Before speaking Lashon Hara for a constructive purpose, the following seven conditions must be met:
1. The information spoken must be completely true and witnessed or verified by the speaker. If it is impossible to verify the information yet necessary that it be passed on, the speaker must preface his remarks with a warning that the information is only hearsay and not definitely true.
2. The issue must be a problem (e.g. transgression, relevant character flaw or bad behavior) from an objective viewpoint, not merely a preference or sensitivity. (For example, if a store openly encourages shoppers to sample the new grape shipment, and someone takes a few grapes rather than exactly one, it would be incorrect to consider him "greedy" or "a thief.")
3. The speaker must first rebuke the subject directly, in a kind and gentle way which is likely to have an influence. (If the subject will not listen to any rebuke, or if trying to rebuke him can make the Lashon Hara ineffective, refer to ch. 10 in Hilchot Lashon Hara and ch. 9 in Hilchot Rechilut for the Chafetz Chaim's treatment of the subject.)
4. The information cannot be exaggerated or embellished, even if it's the only way to get the listener to heed the information.
5. The intention of the speaker must be purely to help in the situation, not to degrade the subject or cause him shame.
6. If the constructive purpose intended by the speaker can be achieved in a way other than speaking Lashon Hara, the speaker should resort to that other method.
7. Any damage that is caused to the subject as a result of the Lashon Hara should not exceed that which would be decreed by a Beit Din (Jewish court) if the case were reviewed there. This is difficult to evaluate, so that situations that impact the livelihood or other areas of the subject should be referred to a Beit Din.
When someone either speaks or requests Lashon Hara for constructive purposes, they should state the constructive purpose. Otherwise, the other party in the conversation will think they are speaking Lashon Hara without any halachic justification.
Also, it would be foolish to include the subject's enemies in a constructive discussion. Not only would they be unlikely to have truly constructive intentions in handling the information, but hey might also add false or exaggerated information to the con versation due to their strong feelings against the subject.
Finally, it is important to think about the listener of the Lashon Hara. It is forbidden for the listener to believe or accept the information as true; they can only suspect the information in order to take proper precautions or to bring the issue to a Beit Din for resolution. Also, it would be forbidden for the listener to carelessly circulate the Lashon Hara out of anger or disgust, since that would violate condition (5) above. When possible, the speaker should preface his remarks with instructions reflecting these concerns; if the listener would not heed such instructions, the speaker should consult his Rabbinic authority before relating the Lashon Hara.
III. Additional Guidelines for Speaking Lashon Hara
When someone either speaks or requests Lashon Hara for constructive purposes, they should state the constructive purpose. Otherwise, the other party in the conversation will think they are speaking Lashon Hara without any halachic justification.
Also, it would be foolish to include the subject's enemies in a constructive discussion. Not only would they be unlikely to have truly constructive intentions in handling the information, but hey might also add false or exaggerated information to the con versation due to their strong feelings against the subject.
Finally, it is important to think about the listener of the Lashon Hara. It is forbidden for the listener to believe or accept the information as true; they can only suspect the information in order to take proper precautions or to bring the issue to a Beit Din for resolution. Also, it would be forbidden for the listener to carelessly circulate the Lashon Hara out of anger or disgust, since that would violate condition 5, to have purely constructive intent. When possible, the speaker should preface his remarks with instructions reflecting these concerns; if the listener would not heed such instructions, the speaker should consult a Rabbi.
I attempt to follow these rules. Often I have personally rebuked groups {like NK} before I have spoken of them in a derogatory manner... I also do not believe stories I read here unless I have heard from others also.. And there are gossip stories which I ignore all together..
When Tale-Bearing is Allowed
There are a few exceptional circumstances when tale-bearing is allowed, or even required. Most notably, tale-bearing is required in a Jewish court of law, because it is a mitzvah to give testimony and that mitzvah overrides the general prohibition against tale-bearing. Thus, a person is required to reveal information, even if it is something that was explicitly told in confidence, even if it will harm a person, in a Jewish court of law.
A person is also required to reveal information to protect a person from immediate, serious harm. For example, if a person hears that others are plotting to kill someone, he is required to reveal this information. That is another reason why the commandment not to go about as a tale-bearer is juxtaposed with "you shall not stand aside while your fellow's blood is shed".
In limited circumstances, one is also permitted to reveal information if someone is entering into a relationship that he would not enter if he knew certain information. For example, it may be permissible to tell a person that his prospective business partner is untrustworthy, or that a prospective spouse has a disease. This exception is subject to significant and complex limitations; however, if those limitations are satisfied, the person with the information is required to reveal it.
In all of these exceptions, a person is not permitted to reveal information if the same objective could be fulfilled without revealing information. For example, if you could talk a person out of marrying for reasons other than the disease, you may not reveal the disease.
PS: Just because Rabbi Shlomo Riskin gives his approval doesn't mean everyone has to agree with his opinion. Even in matters of Halacha there are some Rabbis who say one way, and other Rabbis who say others. Just open up your Talmud {if you have one} and read about the great differences of opinions of the Rabbis. Today there is no single leading Rabbi who's word is universal in the Jewish world. Only when Moshiach comes will we witness such Jewish unity. Today there are many Great Rabbis with different opinions.
You say it is HALACHICALLY FORBIDDEN to disagree with a Rabbi... Please bring us the Halacha from Shulchan Oruch, or from any source... Thank you..
Let me also take this opportunity to rebuke you for your poor treatment of our friend AsheDina. While she may not be on the lofty level of Emmunah which you are and maybe she is not quite as Shomer Shabbat as you... But she is a woman who loves the Jewish people. She is frightened to death of the prospect of the Jewish people being stuck in exile much longer. I have had my disagreements with her on some topics but it doesn't stop me from loving her Pintele Yid...
I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Please apologize for the things which you have said which hurt our sister AsheDina. It will certainly be a step in making things better between us. As a Religious Zionist Jew I do long for Jewish Unity... Maybe you can be an example of how we can forgive each other..
It baffled Mark Twain in his time. “What is the secret of their immortality?” he asked, and if he knew the answer, he didn’t tell. However, according to Kabbalah, it is called Raza d’Mehimnusa—the Mystery of Faith, as in, the secret basis of Jewish faith. Most Jews are probably not even aware of it, or even sense it.
Some refer to it as the pintele yid, that tiny Jewish spark within each Jew that can’t be extinguished as long the person is alive. Indeed, it is responsible for bringing Jews back from the brink of spiritual extinction, often as the result of some of the most bizarre of circumstances that we call Hashgochah Pratis—Divine Providence.
Mumar, I have reason to believe that "frumyid" is not all he claims to be. I will say no more than that for the time being.
Incidentally, isn't Rabbi Riskin and Lincoln Square "Modern Orthodox", with all that that entails?
ok, so explain me this:
Your TOS reads:
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law.
So how does AsheDina get away with her comment, including of course calling someone with whom she disagrees a K*ke? Does that mean that I could do the same if I wanted to? Or that she has some special privilege that exempts her from the TOS?
Just interested
As for the rest of you who are either ignorant of or exempt from torah requirements against lashon hara, Ms. Kagan is respected by every expert judicial critic, including the Volokh group which is made up of a group who are at least as conservative and at least as intelligent as you.
And while you're at it, why don't you provide the name of ONE rabbi who approves of your lashon hara. I've challenged AsheDina and M ben D, but neither of them has yet done so.
I am ashamed at some of her statements. I happen to have a very respected Chabad Rabbi with the name Kagan..
Have you told your rabbi to read MadJewess? Did you notice that HaRav Shlomo Riskin gives his approval? Do you know what that means?
look, folks, I don't care what you believe as long as you aren't claiming to be good Jews at the same time as you're breaking the fundamental laws of Torah. If HaRav Riskin approves of Kagan's nomination, it is HALACHICALLY FORBIDDEN for any yid with lesser standing to publicly oppose it. So which of you claim to be Rav Riskin's equal?
Religious Jew, MY ASS.
Kagan is an AVOWED SOCIALIST- an ENEMY to the Jewish people.
GO AHEAD AND TOS ME, and keep the Frump here!!!!!!! >:(
He says he is SATMAR,
So...lets see... Is he Neuterei Karta?? Well, we know how people feel about them......among many of our constituents, inc MASADA.
He disrespects David Ben Moshe, he has disrestpected "Jewish American Patriot" He has disrespected my excellent sister and friend in Israel, Mama Mitzvah..who, BTW Has handed out our Jews Just Wanna Have Guns, and all of our other videos that I have made to encorage the people in Israel,. and this DREK is busy FIGHTING ME. ME.
IF THAT is the way he treats fellow Jews, then WE ARE DOOMED.
Jews holding office OUTSIDE of Israel. IT IS AGAINST Halacha, and this DREK is FOR her. This ANIMAL considers this CREEP and ENEMY Communist to be a Jew, this explains this sorry ass.
Also Explains why we will be ousted from America before even we MAKE Aliyah.
I agree with AsheDina. We cannot allow Jews to hold office outside of Israel especially in America!!!
Let me also take this opportunity to rebuke you for your poor treatment of our friend AsheDina. While she may not be on the lofty level of Emmunah which you are and maybe she is not quite as Shomer Shabbat as you... But she is a woman who loves the Jewish people. She is frightened to death of the prospect of the Jewish people being stuck in exile much longer. I have had my disagreements with her on some topics but it doesn't stop me from loving her Pintele Yid...
I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Please apologize for the things which you have said which hurt our sister AsheDina. It will certainly be a step in making things better between us. As a Religious Zionist Jew I do long for Jewish Unity... Maybe you can be an example of how we can forgive each other..
It baffled Mark Twain in his time. “What is the secret of their immortality?” he asked, and if he knew the answer, he didn’t tell. However, according to Kabbalah, it is called Raza d’Mehimnusa—the Mystery of Faith, as in, the secret basis of Jewish faith. Most Jews are probably not even aware of it, or even sense it.
Some refer to it as the pintele yid, that tiny Jewish spark within each Jew that can’t be extinguished as long the person is alive. Indeed, it is responsible for bringing Jews back from the brink of spiritual extinction, often as the result of some of the most bizarre of circumstances that we call Hashgochah Pratis—Divine Providence.
Thanks, I will forgive him, but all that he does is HARASS me and my friends---- ALL JEWS
I agree with AsheDina. We cannot allow Jews to hold office outside of Israel especially in America!!!
Well, YSTI: Look at what they are doing, so are we all supposed to line up to go to the ovens?
Or shall we be as the Macabees?
I choose to point out EVIL, it does NOT matter to me, if they are a Jew OR a gentile- evil is evil, Jews in office in America has been DISASTEROUS. As for my blog, the MORON here, frump, seems to NOT see that my blog is vehemently AGAINST ALL of these leaders, AND, he called me a "Right Wing Coward" Means that he is LEFT WING.
So, THATS OK, but NOT ok for ME to point out evil drek.
Religious Jew, MY donkey.
Kagan is an AVOWED SOCIALIST- an ENEMY to the Jewish people.
GO AHEAD AND TOS ME, and keep the Frump here!!!!!!! >:(
AsheDina you ain't going nowhere!! Your staying right here on JTF with us. If the shvartza President is nominating this witch she has to be a Socialist or at the very least a radical liberal. It's all well and fine that she is a Jew and the rabbi gave her his blessing so let him vote for her himself. People need to think on their own and not listen to clergy when it comes to political issues. If the rabbi was in Israel and advising on policy there it would be a different story... The only time I would ever listen to clergy on a political issue is if it were for a local election and even then I would not compromise my values for anyone.
There are Jews and then there are Kikes. Jews are conservative and patriotic, not only to Israel but to the host country they are residing in. Kikes are patriotic to neither. How can you trust anyone that is against their own, Israel and the nation that is hosting them?
David Ben Moshe
What does FRUMP say about Israel being a JEWISH state??
Come on frum, lemme see your true colors.....
I believe he is N.K. The NKs believe in the Holocaust...can you imagine.. YET, they are SO WILLING to hand their own people in Israel to the chopping block of the A-rabs who OUTNUMBER THEM.
:P Kagan was just named the Monsanto Carpet Poster Girl of 2010! :P
:P Kagan was just named the Monsanto Carpet Poster Girl of 2010! :P
Thx, Massuh, knew I could count on you to calm me down ;D
There are Jews and then there are Kikes. Jews are conservative and patriotic, not only to Israel but to the host country they are residing in. Kikes are patriotic to neither. How can you trust anyone that is against their own, Israel and the nation that is hosting them?
David Ben Moshe
That is completely correct, thank you!
Ashedina, this 'frumyid' claims to be Satmar? If he really is, then that is a chillul Hashem because every Satmar I know (no, they are not the same as Neturei Karta), believes in being loyal to the country they live in, as Yirmiyahu says Yidden are to be.
Neturei Karta is an offshoot group from Toleidos Aharon, Satmar and a few other anti-zionist Chasidic communities (note that all Chasidim are antizionist except for Breslov and Lubavitch, and possibly one or two others.)
However, Satmar does not believe in behaving as Neturei Karta does, and in fact Satmar has spoken out against the actions of Neturei Karta as endangering Jews. But note that most Chasidim do believe that the Jews cannot be returned to Eretz Yisrael until the coming of Moshiach. I respect that opinion, as long as they do not behave as NK does. (Actually that position was the majority view amongst Torah Jews until the Shoah took place....my zayde, Rav Avrohom ben-Sholom, zt"l, held that view in fact.)
If "frumyid" will attack people like you, Ashedina, and NOT attack the jews who are really out to harm Jews and America, then that shows where he is really coming from. He is most likely a leftist who is USING a possible frum past to try to influence people to believe that truly frum Yidden can be communists (chas ve'sholom!)
WAIT! I JUST REMEMBERED! Satmars do not use the internet! HAHA! Unless that has been changed, which I doubt.
look, folks, I don't care what you believe as long as you aren't claiming to be good Jews at the same time as you're breaking the fundamental laws of Torah. If HaRav Riskin approves of Kagan's nomination, it is HALACHICALLY FORBIDDEN for any yid with lesser standing to publicly oppose it. So which of you claim to be Rav Riskin's equal?
Unfortunately I don't know anything about the judge appointee or this issue to comment on it, but I assure you that here on this forum we do not take our hashkafa (or halacha for that matter) from Rabbi Riskin, with all due respect. Try again.
Let's leave aside the fact that I find it hilariously ironic that a supposedly "Satmar" guy is suddenly maskim to Rabbi Riskin's statements and suddenly holds him as an authority when his words can conveniently be used as a bully pulpit against the people this Satmar guy doesn't like (us)...
I don't understand the premise of the article. Having an "orthodox bat mitzvah" makes a person "saintly" ? What kind of logic is that based on? Does that mean because a person once davened in an Orthodox shul, he is "saintly" too? And all the people in that shul regularly are also "saintly?" This is cheap political promotion in the name of religion.
I don't understand the premise of the article. Having an "orthodox bat mitzvah" makes a person "saintly" ? What kind of logic is that based on? Does that mean because a person once davened in an Orthodox shul, he is "saintly" too? And all the people in that shul regularly are also "saintly?" This is cheap political promotion in the name of religion.
Yeah, right... It was meant in sarcasm, Kahane. I believe this is all a lie to get the left wing MORON Jews behind her.
If frumyid lived down South, his bumper sticker would read:
Riskin said it, I believe it, 'Nuff said !
an excerpt from the song
HER KNEES SWELLED (Sung to the tune of "The Three Bells") --
All the shabbos goys were singing,
In the carpet milling town....
as a les-bi-an was dreaming,
of a Judgeship so renown.
An ap-pointment by some Moham,
means that Ugly's here to stay!
Rabbi Risky says she's kosher,
and looks like Leo Durocher,
therefore she you must obey!
lyrics by MassuhDGoodName
If frumyid lived down South, his bumper sticker would read:
Riskin said it, I believe it, 'Nuff said !
an excerpt from the song
HER KNEES SWELLED (Sung to the tune of "The Three Bells") --
All the shabbos goys were singing,
In the carpet milling town....
as a les-bi-an was dreaming,
of a Judgeship so renown.
An ap-pointment by some Moham,
means that Ugly's here to stay!
Rabbi Risky says she's kosher,
and looks like Leo Durocher,
therefore she you must obey!
lyrics by MassuhDGoodName
:laugh: ;D
please show me where I said I was Satmar.
Please give me the name of one LIVING Rabbi who approves of what is being written here by you. All I want is to ask the shyla.
I will not respond to any of your other comments unless and until you direct me to your rabbi.
Muman, please tell me what I have written about AsheDina that you believe I should apologize for. If I have said anything except that she is wrong to spread hatred for other jews in front of goyim, I certainly apologize. My only argument with her and the rest of you is your lashon hara, and nothing you quoted from the Chofetz Chaim allows you to make the kind of comments about Elana Kagan that you have made.
That is the only reason I comment here or anywhere. Now, how many of the rest of you are going to abide by the TOS that you want be to abide by?
please show me where I said I was Satmar.
and nothing you quoted from the Chofetz Chaim allows you to make the kind of comments about Elana Kagan that you have made.
I was told you were Satmar. It's also ok if you aren't. I was just going with what I was told.
I am too disinterested to find out who Elana Kagan is, and I have not said anything about her. But I'm sure there is a good explanation for whatever is being said.
You should also know that, I know you may find this shocking, but apparently not all rishonim agree with Chofetz Chaim's interpretation of lashon Hara, and in fact many disagree. That is neither here nor there, however, since I do not even know what is being said about Kagan nor whether she deserves it. Nor do I particularly care. I like how you attack our whole forum over what one of our great members said, though. Does the Chofetz Chaim say anything about accusing people of something they didn't do, or ascribing the actions of one person to other people? In any case, despite the fact that Ashe Dina may not know complicated halachic matters, I give her the benefit of the doubt until I am shown otherwise!
Our very own Rabbi Kahane ZT"L used to say Yimach Shemo to Yossi Sarid's name. So we go in that derech on this website with regards to national enemies. I am sure that this difference with you is quite relevant to this discussion. Then again, I do not know about the subject at hand (Kagan).
In all honesty, from what little I have seen, it may be that you two (Ashe Dina and frumyid) have had a misunderstanding.
Ashe Dina, he may not intend his comments to attack you, but rather to challenge your opinion or ask for clarification. If so, you should not be distraught over it.
And frumyid, it looks as if Ashe Dina has perceived your persistent commenting as an affront of sorts, so she has reacted to it as such. Maybe you need to reassure Ashe Dina of your good intentions and that you are not meaning to attack her or call her names but merely to warn her against mistake or at least challenge her opinion. However, questioning her "frumkeit" is no way to achieve this. It is important to be understanding of people who are not yet "frum yidden" or weren't always, or at least not as "frum" as where you define the ideal. It is easy to see how someone can perceive as an attack when their religiosity is called into question.
Chaim ben Pesach, who runs our forum, is very knowledgable both in Judaism and about the current events, so he will surely have something to say about judge Kagan (maybe he already did and I missed it). I would be interested to hear Chaim's take on this matter. I hope he will chime in to this thread.
please show me where I said I was Satmar.
Please give me the name of one LIVING Rabbi who approves of what is being written here by you. All I want is to ask the shyla.
I will not respond to any of your other comments unless and until you direct me to your rabbi.
Muman, please tell me what I have written about AsheDina that you believe I should apologize for. If I have said anything except that she is wrong to spread hatred for other jews in front of goyim, I certainly apologize. My only argument with her and the rest of you is your lashon hara, and nothing you quoted from the Chofetz Chaim allows you to make the kind of comments about Elana Kagan that you have made.
That is the only reason I comment here or anywhere. Now, how many of the rest of you are going to abide by the TOS that you want be to abide by?
This turkey brain lives in NY, and lied to me and David. He said he lives in Israel, now he wants my TOS? I have been an active member of this forum for over 3 years. My husband David, the second chair, this little PUTZ is crying his guts out because I called him a k+ke with the ASTERIX. No wonder people want us dead.
He also LIED to JAP, he is a LEFT WING pig.
He has THREATENED to turn me over to the "attny General" he has THREATENED to have me 'cut off' from HIS people- go ahead :laugh: He NEVER goes against ANY left wingers, just the Mad Jewess website, where 4 of us write, he is STALKING me and David and JAP.
please show me where I said I was Satmar.
Please give me the name of one LIVING Rabbi who approves of what is being written here by you. All I want is to ask the shyla.
I will not respond to any of your other comments unless and until you direct me to your rabbi.
Muman, please tell me what I have written about AsheDina that you believe I should apologize for. If I have said anything except that she is wrong to spread hatred for other jews in front of goyim, I certainly apologize. My only argument with her and the rest of you is your lashon hara, and nothing you quoted from the Chofetz Chaim allows you to make the kind of comments about Elana Kagan that you have made.
That is the only reason I comment here or anywhere. Now, how many of the rest of you are going to abide by the TOS that you want be to abide by?
This turkey brain lives in NY, and lied to me and David. He said he lives in Israel, now he wants my TOS? I have been an active member of this forum for over 3 years. My husband David, the second chair, this little PUTZ is crying his guts out because I called him a k+ke with the ASTERIX. No wonder people want us dead.
He also LIED to JAP, he is a LEFT WING pig.
He has THREATENED to turn me over to the "attny General" he has THREATENED to have me 'cut off' from HIS people- go ahead :laugh: He NEVER goes against ANY left wingers, just the Mad Jewess website, where 4 of us write, he is STALKING me and David and JAP.
This is the same guy that said you should be "cut off " from the Jewish people?! Good grief. And to think this guy comes in here lecturing us about lashon hara. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
Well, its a live wire, for sure. I am a Jewish POLITICAL ACTIVIST, I see a Jew OR Gentile drek-king all over this nation, and no matter WHAT they are, they are NOT exempt.
I do not criticize good Jews, they are linked up all over my blog, on the side bar. I have been linked up on articles all over the net. My fellow Jews that are not as religious as many of you, love me and I love them. We stick together.
Geller calls them the 5th column, not exempt from HER blog, BNI, a hard core against ISlam blog is the same, Yid With Lid, the JIDF- too many to count- but he targets ME- Yes, I will say FLAT OUT that this IS Lashon Hara against ME.
I am a SPIRITUAL Jew. I am not religious, nor have I ever been & probably wont ever be.
G-d knows that I LOVE him, fiercely. My prayers get answered, my life is Mitzvah oriented. TO THE MAX. I am a righteous person, I read the torah and Tanach on a daily basis.
Just because I am not religious, does not make me LESS of a Jew, AND I get TIRED of this. US Crypto/Marrano Jews get the SHAFT from fellow Jews. It is like everyday soul persecution from neo-Nazis, and then the Jewish people who act more like a bunch of damned 'missionaries' with their forced indoctrinations like the inquisition like FRUMP.
I would not close the possibility that you might do teshuva some day and come to full Jewish observance. That would be an ideal situation because Judaism, the religion, believes that in order to fully live as Hashem wishes us to live we should observe the mitzvot of the Torah. You claim you do mitzvot but it seems your definition is not clear. It is a violation of the commandments to eat pig meat and bacon. It is a violation of commandments to violate the Shabbat. Each transgression is weighed and you are judged for. It is not good to go around proudly claiming that you do not observe the commandments. You should say that you are trying to do them but that at this time you have not been able to fully observe the commandments.
To do otherwise makes you just as bad as the reform Jews...
Re: "Please give me the name of one LIVING Rabbi who approves of what is being written here by you."
That's easy.
Rabbi Schmendrik.
You must be late for the Michael Jackson Special, so run along! :P >:(
Re: "Please give me the name of one LIVING Rabbi who approves of what is being written here by you."
That's easy.
Rabbi Schmendrik.
You must be late for the Michael Jackson Special, so run along! :P >:(
I heard that Rabbi Moshe Schmedrik has passed on... But his brother Rabbi Chaim Schmendrik is a mohel in Brooklyn...
I would not close the possibility that you might do teshuva some day and come to full Jewish observance. That would be an ideal situation because Judaism, the religion, believes that in order to fully live as Hashem wishes us to live we should observe the mitzvot of the Torah. You claim you do mitzvot but it seems your definition is not clear. It is a violation of the commandments to eat pig meat and bacon. It is a violation of commandments to violate the Shabbat. Each transgression is weighed and you are judged for. It is not good to go around proudly claiming that you do not observe the commandments. You should say that you are trying to do them but that at this time you have not been able to fully observe the commandments.
To do otherwise makes you just as bad as the reform Jews...
TY Muman, talk to someone else about it. I am not ready.
I would not close the possibility that you might do teshuva some day and come to full Jewish observance. That would be an ideal situation because Judaism, the religion, believes that in order to fully live as Hashem wishes us to live we should observe the mitzvot of the Torah. You claim you do mitzvot but it seems your definition is not clear. It is a violation of the commandments to eat pig meat and bacon. It is a violation of commandments to violate the Shabbat. Each transgression is weighed and you are judged for. It is not good to go around proudly claiming that you do not observe the commandments. You should say that you are trying to do them but that at this time you have not been able to fully observe the commandments.
To do otherwise makes you just as bad as the reform Jews...
TY Muman, talk to someone else about it. I am not ready.
I am just saying that it is best to be open to the idea that maybe someday you will be fully observant... I am not here to force you to do it... But I also hope that someday you will be inspired to take on more observance...
Re: "But his brother Rabbi Chaim Schmendrik is a mohel in Brooklyn..."
That's so sad!
You'd think that other Jews would have already bought him a Greyhound Bus ticket to try and help the poor guy out ... you know -- like sending him to one of those trade schools down in Mississippi where they learn to cut up meat.
Oh!...and by the way --- you spelled 'more hell' wrong!
I just called Rabbi Pupik and he approves of these messages.
So there!
Are you some kind of nut? I usually dont follow what you say. In fact, I never follow what you write on here, but isnt someone who prays from their heart a far better person than someone who follows written rules to the letter but has no loyalty to their own? Why is it that Jews are almost never loyal, even to their own but Christians usually are?
David Ben Moshe
I would not close the possibility that you might do teshuva some day and come to full Jewish observance. That would be an ideal situation because Judaism, the religion, believes that in order to fully live as Hashem wishes us to live we should observe the mitzvot of the Torah. You claim you do mitzvot but it seems your definition is not clear. It is a violation of the commandments to eat pig meat and bacon. It is a violation of commandments to violate the Shabbat. Each transgression is weighed and you are judged for. It is not good to go around proudly claiming that you do not observe the commandments. You should say that you are trying to do them but that at this time you have not been able to fully observe the commandments.
To do otherwise makes you just as bad as the reform Jews...
The Lubavitcher Rebbe (zt"l) once said that we should never ridicule or dismiss any Jew who is not Torah observant, yet who keeps ONE mitzvah....because if he is stringent about keeping ONE, eventually he will be led to keep more, or even all.
I have been having dealings with "frumyid" elsewhere as well as here, and in what MJ has sent to me. It strongly appears that he is not a frum Yid, but may have been at one time, or was raised as such...and is now a leftist who is USING his knowledge of Torah Judaism to try to turn religious Jews into leftists.
Note that he attacks MJ but NEVER, not even ONCE, any leftist jews...even when he is clearly shown that they are violating Halacha.
This lesbian Kagan woman started out life as a non-religious Jew. The ONLY reason she and her family went to Lincoln Square (Riskin's MO synagogue) was due to kiruv being done by his synagogue in the area. Not long after that, they left to join a reconstruction heretical house of worship. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall back then...I bet we would have heard Kagan and her parents having a good laugh over how "we really snowed that Orthodox fool....got him to violate his own rules with that bat mitzvah business!" Leftists get a KICK out of doing things like that! I recently had one hard time of it, with a non-frum family that came to my shul, and they insisted on their daughter having a bat mitzvah, etc too. It was almost the same thing.
And you know something? Some of the men of the shul were almost about to give in, but the WOMEN of the shul, myself included, made a big stink about it and it was CALLED OFF! The WOMEN did what the men were AFRAID to do!
Getting back to our resident leftist jew, I highly doubt frumyid cares if MJ is fully observant or not. He is USING what he sees as a vulnerability in her to bash her over the head and try to discredit her in the eyes of religious Jews. I have seen leftist jews do this before, offline, many times.
I saw emails from him in which he wanted to know why any Jews would care what Gentiles and Christians think. He used very insulting terms to refer to Christians, something I take offense at, since I have friends who are Christians and committed Americans, who love the Jewish people.
This man is a fake "frum yid", USING his background and/or knowledge of Torah to try to turn truly frum Yidden into leftists. As I said, I have seen leftists use religion for this purpose before. Obama's government is doing it as we speak, sending Nancy Piglosi into churches to try to convince them that they should follow Obama's agenda.
Are you some kind of nut? I usually dont follow what you say. In fact, I never follow what you write on here, but isnt someone who prays from their heart a far better person than someone who follows written rules to the letter but has no loyalty to their own? Why is it that Jews are almost never loyal, even to their own but Christians usually are?
David Ben Moshe
I dont know what you are talking about...
Judaism requires several things... Prayer is one of them... It is a mitzvah to daven to Hashem three times a day {the three times reflect the three major sacrifices which took place in the Holy Temple}. If you read the Torah, find a Rabbi to teach, and learn what Torah says you can understand what Hashem asks of a Jewish person. I have heard that you are not observant but wish to be... I recommend that you invest a little time in order to learn. If it is not in your heart to invest that time, then maybe you can pray that you can find the time.
I also don't know what you mean about Jews not being loyal... I exhibit Love of my fellow Jew in everything I do. This is not the place to go into detail but there are many things I do {including giving money and time to charities} in order to show my love for my fellow Jew. I also have stood up against those who malign AsheDina and other great JTF members.
Judaism is like a ladder, some people are ascending to higher levels while others are descending to lower levels. It is my hope that every Jew who reads JTF can elevate themselves to higher and higher levels. I have nothing but hope and desire to see both you and AsheDina rise to the highest highs of Jewish understanding.
PS: My comment has nothing to do with this frumyid character... My advice is the same to any Jew who wants to know his heritage and wants to work toward the mission which the Jewish people were placed here to do. We have a job of fixing the World known as Tikkun Olam. This Tikkun Olam is not the same as the vision which the lefties call Tikkun Olam, but it does involve helping raise the world up, to elevate the sparks of holiness which are contained in the vessels of the physical world. I hope that my words will help bring the reader to discover more...
The Reform movement attempts to take away the divinity of the Torah. They say a person can be a good Jew without mitzvah observance, without Torah learning, and without Kedusha... If we want to be able to preserve the Jewish people we need to be able to keep the Torah. Without the Torah the Jewish people are no different than any other people. The Religious Jew believes that we were CHOSEN to be Hashems people because we accepted the Torah at Sinai {which we remember this coming Wednesday on Shavuot}...
PS: Most Orthodox Jews are right wingers ... This is my experience...
By the way, I really don't place rabbis on the level of G-d. I have known of too many rabbis who were child molesters, goniffs, and criminals of various other kinds. I know they are human like everyone else, and can and do make many mistakes. So, I'm under no illusions on that.
I'm tired of all this "my rav is better than your rav", or this "who is your rabbi" crap. Its beginning to remind me of the Catholics who would place the word of their priest above all else, and who accept the word of their priest no matter what.
By the way, I really don't place rabbis on the level of G-d. I have known of too many rabbis who were child molesters, goniffs, and criminals of various other kinds. I know they are human like everyone else, and can and do make many mistakes. So, I'm under no illusions on that.
I'm tired of all this "my rav is better than your rav", or this "who is your rabbi" crap. Its beginning to remind me of the Catholics who would place the word of their priest above all else, and who accept the word of their priest no matter what.
And why are you saying this? Who said anything like "My rav is better than your rav"? I did not see that here at all. The only discussion of Rabbis was when frumyid said Rabbi Shlomo Riskin poskined that it is ok to support this Elena Kagan character... We basically replied that just because Rabbi Riskin poskined that way doesn't mean that everyone must accept that opinion.
Nowhere in the Torah does it say that Rabbis are on the level of Hashem. Rabbis are here to be teachers and to decide Halachic decisions. Prophets are the only ones who could talk with G-d, and the era of Prophets ended 2000+ years ago...
Also it is pretty sleazy to besmirch all Rabbis because of a few bad apples. I think that is a really low blow to the backbone of the Jewish people. All the Rabbis who I personally know are very excellent examples of kind and giving human beings.. I hope you have more respect for Rabbis than you indicate in this post..
For any Jews interested in the Orthodox vision of the Jewish mission to spread the light of Torah in the world please watch this video at Koshertube.com.
http://koshertube.com/videos/index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=4&task=videodirectlink&id=4984 (http://koshertube.com/videos/index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=4&task=videodirectlink&id=4984)
This is the same guy that said you should be "cut off " from the Jewish people?! Good grief. And to think this guy comes in here lecturing us about lashon hara. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
My understanding of the halacha is that it is not lashon hara if you are having a dialogue or an argument. I have never published anywhere my criticisms of AsheDina except in direct response to her comments.
And, if I remember correctly, I said that she "will" not "should" be cut off from her people if she continues to spread hate for her fellow Jews. I believe that is direct from Torah.
sorry, I'm still getting used to the quote command
My understanding of the halacha is that it is not lashon hara if you are having a dialogue or an argument. I have never published anywhere my criticisms of AsheDina except in direct response to her comments.
And, if I remember correctly, I said that she "will" not "should" be cut off from her people if she continues to spread hate for her fellow Jews. I believe that is direct from Torah.
Hag Semayach
By the way, I really don't place rabbis on the level of G-d. I have known of too many rabbis who were child molesters, goniffs, and criminals of various other kinds. I know they are human like everyone else, and can and do make many mistakes. So, I'm under no illusions on that.
I'm tired of all this "my rav is better than your rav", or this "who is your rabbi" crap. Its beginning to remind me of the Catholics who would place the word of their priest above all else, and who accept the word of their priest no matter what.
And why are you saying this? Who said anything like "My rav is better than your rav"? I did not see that here at all. The only discussion of Rabbis was when frumyid said Rabbi Shlomo Riskin poskined that it is ok to support this Elena Kagan character... We basically replied that just because Rabbi Riskin poskined that way doesn't mean that everyone must accept that opinion.
Nowhere in the Torah does it say that Rabbis are on the level of Hashem. Rabbis are here to be teachers and to decide Halachic decisions. Prophets are the only ones who could talk with G-d, and the era of Prophets ended 2000+ years ago...
Also it is pretty sleazy to besmirch all Rabbis because of a few bad apples. I think that is a really low blow to the backbone of the Jewish people. All the Rabbis who I personally know are very excellent examples of kind and giving human beings.. I hope you have more respect for Rabbis than you indicate in this post..
Muman, I did not say that everyone has to accept Rav Riskin's position, I said that his support means that opposition to his position should be moderated in deference to the respect he merits. You don't have to agree with him, but to be vicious in your opposition disrespects him as well as the candidate.
I have never made any comments about a person's political opinion. I have only reacted to the viciousness of opposition to Jews with whom some here disagree. I have to learn to be careful how I phrase my sentences, since others here have interpreted some of my comments as being directed toward everyone. I want to make it clear that I am simply trying to live within the TOS here and still don't understand how others can be so vicious.
YOU told me that you wanted ME to meet you in NY, (not Israel where you LIED and said you were from). We have your IP, you said "I will meet you in New Castle" (some place in NY) where you will have me "CUT OFF" from our people, my soul cut off... Let me tell you, G-D DECIDED who HE will CUT OFF, not you.
You cannot even tell the truth. You told ME that you were going to have ME 'CUT OFF' from my people, THAT is what you said.
These people KNOW me here, I am an HONORABLE person, they KNOW that I do NOT LIE like you.
You want me to "SHUT UP" because you ARE a LEFT WING LUNATIC, thats the bottom line.
Well, you can kiss my . I wont shut up, the only reason that you are lucky in your crusade to shut me up, is b/c I am going on vacation.
I have been here for YEARS, I am LOYAL, unlike YOU. I didnt get my little wings here for nothiung dummy. I work for ISRAEL all the time, I am LOYAL, I fight for OUR people, you are BUSY cutting them DOWN, oppressing them.
YOU SHOULD just keel over and croak for your hate of righteousness and LOVE for EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I guess that AsheDina has her way of looking at what I said and I have mine. She has my comments, let her publish them here so others can decide which of us is more correct in our interpretation. Until then, I see no point in argument. I will point out that she admits I called her to a Din Torah in New Square. That was the context in which my comment about her being cut off was made.
As for my "begging" for her TOS, I have to again disagree. I think the record here is clear. I simply asked whether the TOS was binding because she obviously violates it. I don't care what you do to her, I am concerned only that I not find myself being sanctioned for behavior she is permitted. I have the feeling that if I were to respond to her in the manner in which she responds to me, I would face immediate banishment. But this misinterpretation is consistent with her complaint about my coming here to "stalk" her after she sent me the link to this very thread in an email I could not reply to.
My objection stands. AsheDina obviously treats others in ways she would deem hateful if applied to her. Just as I suspect that the moderators here would throw me off the minute I spoke to anyone else the way she speaks to me.
The only question that none of us can answer is whether AsheDina and her allies enjoy the thought that their comments might be causing me pain. That would, of course, make them sadists.
I renew my guarantee that I shall post nothing except replies while she is on vacation. If the rest of you want to end this controversy, all you need to is remain as silent as I.
You need to GET something, we ALL have your emails. We ALL have your comments.
Now, LEADERS are not exempt, it has ZERO to do with Jew hate. ZERO.
We criticize left wing Jews here in office in America, we do so, because we belive we are SUPPOSED TO DO SO, because they are EVIL.
Go listen to:
Are you going to tell Chaim Ben Pesach that HE is a Jew hater b/c HE criticizes Kaga, PLUS PLUS? Yes or NO.
IF you wanted to dissent on my Blog, FRUM, you should have done so WITHOUT the threats of an attny general, without the constant harassment.
I have liberals on my website. They dont like most of the things I put up there. So? You need to be reminded that we live in a FREE country, with FREE speech laws.
I dont treat my fellow Jews that are patriotic badly, even moderates I do not treat badly, but I draw the line, when the threats, etc come at me.
IF you don't LIKE something, you may tell me so, and state your case, you can do this in a GENTLEMAN like manner. IF you can do that, and state your case, I will unban you, but if not, I cannot have you around acting ridicuolus.
I have MANY Lubuvitchers that come to my website, there have been things that I put up that they asked me KINDLY to take down, and I did. I DO NOT respond nicely to bullies, the way you BULLY.
Muman613: I was not dissing ALL Torah rabbis, but having grown up in a frum community, I know that there are bad as well as good, unfortunately. Call me cynical, but I'm not a baal teshuvah...sometimes they have a misty-eyed impression of the Torah world. I don't.
I have known rabbonim since my childhood who were wonderful, saintly men. Then again I have known others who were anything but.
I'm not one of these Jews who just blindly accepts what a rabbi says just because he has renown or fame. I look at behavior, not what men say about him. That's all I meant.
As for "frumyid", I have seen emails he sent to Ashedina and to others....he said some very disgusting things about Christians/Gentiles (yes I realize they are not always the same thing)....I am not one of those Jews who think we should love each and every Jew simply because they are Jews (without any other qualifiers), and dislike Christians. To be honest, I have had much better treatment over the course of my life from Christians than I have from those who are supposed to be my own people.
I don't look at birth status, I look at behavior. If a born Jew treats me like crap (esp. because I am a patriotic American), and a Christian treats me well even if I'm in a nasty mood toward people that day, who do you think I will have more respect for?
I don't look at birth status, I look at behavior. If a born Jew treats me like crap (esp. because I am a patriotic American), and a Christian treats me well even if I'm in a nasty mood toward people that day, who do you think I will have more respect for?
I really hope you would do the mitzvah of Ahavat Yisroel... It is one of the most important mitzvahs a religious Jew is supposed to perform. I have had minor issues with some of those in my minyan but I have held my tongue rather than express something which will hurt a fellow Jew.
The Christian world has a LONG LONG history of mistreating Jews. I am not saying that those who practice that religion today are as evil as those in the last century, but there is a long way to go in order to repair the damage the church and those calling themselve christians have done to the Jewish people. Of course there are righteous gentiles and I love them also {and have let them live free in my own home}.
I also do not think it is always wise to offend the 'reform' jew. As much as I disagree with their position on the Jewish religion... I would like to be able to push them away with the left hand and pull them close with the right hand...
# "Our Rabbis taught, 'A person should always push away the sinner with the left (generally, the weaker) hand, but hold him close with the right (generally, the stronger) hand. Not like Yehoshua ben Perachiah who pushed away his student with both hands." (Masechet Sotah 47a)
Comment: It is necessary to push away the "sinner," to some extent; that is, to let him know that he has gone off the path, but never to reject him entirely, as that would violate the entire spirit of the Jewish Religion's approach to Sin and the Acceptance of Repentance.
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Perachia was the teacher of Jesus and the Midrash describes the following fateful series of events which separated the latter from his Jewish origins.
# "Anyone who leads the People towards righteousness, will not sin; and someone who leads the People towards sin will not be allowed to do Teshuvah.
What is the justice of this?
The one who led the People towards righteousness will not sin because how would it look if the teacher was in Gehinnom (the Jewish expression for the "place of punishment" reserved for the wicked, after death - not very pleasant, but probably no "pitchforks." Also, the name of a valley outside of Jerusalem; actually, the valley is Gei-ben-Hinnom, undoubtedly related; perhaps the site of an ancient idol-worshipping cult), and the students in "Gan Eden" (the "Garden of Eden," the Jewish expression for "Paradise," the "place of reward" for the righteous)?! "
(Actually, with regard to these matters, the Jewish position is 100% Belief in "Reward and Punishment," but, as to the specifics, we say, with King David, "no eye has seen it, O L-rd, but Yours.")
Conversely, the one who led the People towards sin will not be permitted to repent because how would it look if the teacher was in "Gan Eden" and the students in Gehinnom?!" (Masechet Yoma 87a)
Comment: A leader of the Jewish People is held to a very high standard of responsibility. Not only must he be concerned about his own actions; he must lead his people in the right direction, as well, because his ultimate destiny becomes intertwined with theirs.
The Christian world also has a long history of dying alongside of the Jews, as well as hiding them and saving them.
Muman613: Sorry, to me the leftist jews are my enemy. Period. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. They actively want to destroy my country, and for that they get zero forgiveness.
I would stand together with a devout Christian who loves the Jewish people and America, before I would associate with the chozzers known as leftist jews (I use lower-case j for them because to me they are not truly Jewish in any way, shape or form.)
If there is another Shoah (chas vesholom), IT WILL BE BECAUSE OF THE LEFTISTS OF JEWISH ANCESTRY. They are given absolutely no quarter by me.
Muman613: Sorry, to me the leftist jews are my enemy. Period. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. They actively want to destroy my country, and for that they get zero forgiveness.
I would stand together with a devout Christian who loves the Jewish people and America, before I would associate with the chozzers known as leftist jews (I use lower-case j for them because to me they are not truly Jewish in any way, shape or form.)
If there is another Shoah (chas vesholom), IT WILL BE BECAUSE OF THE LEFTISTS OF JEWISH ANCESTRY. They are given absolutely no quarter by me.
Well my mother is a reform Jew... And my mother is not my enemy... It is wrong to cast all Reform as the enemy of the Jewish people. I will restate it again... Not all Reform Jews are my enemy... And I will protect my mother with my LIFE!!!
...before I would associate with the chozzers known as leftist jews (I use lower-case j for them because to me they are not truly Jewish in any way, shape or form.)
My mother is 100% Jewish, her parents were 100% Jewish, and my lineage through the last 300 years which I can trace is 100% Jewish... It is not in your power to declare who is a Jew and who is not MR. JEWISHAMERICANPATRIOT! Im sorry to tell you..
I have been able to influence my mother over the last seven years.. The Torah and the Talmud explain quite clearly that a Jew can make Teshuva up till the day he/she dies... I recommend that you pick up a copy of the Torah and begin reading, and a little Talmud study won't hurt you either..
PS: You are certainly entitled to have heretical views... But that is your decision, not mine...
Muman613: Sorry, to me the leftist jews are my enemy. Period. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. They actively want to destroy my country, and for that they get zero forgiveness.
I would stand together with a devout Christian who loves the Jewish people and America, before I would associate with the chozzers known as leftist jews (I use lower-case j for them because to me they are not truly Jewish in any way, shape or form.)
If there is another Shoah (chas vesholom), IT WILL BE BECAUSE OF THE LEFTISTS OF JEWISH ANCESTRY. They are given absolutely no quarter by me.
Well my mother is a reform Jew... And my mother is not my enemy... It is wrong to cast all Reform as the enemy of the Jewish people. I will restate it again... Not all Reform Jews are my enemy... And I will protect my mother with my LIFE!!!
My mother is 100% Jewish, her parents were 100% Jewish, and my lineage through the last 300 years which I can trace is 100% Jewish... It is not in your power to declare who is a Jew and who is not MR. JEWISHAMERICANPATRIOT! Im sorry to tell you..
She is your mother, and you have an obligation to practice kibud av v'em. I would also honor her to the best of my ability, if she were my mother, as long as she was not actively working to destroy Torah Judaism or America.
My late father (obm) was very conservative socially, yet he was a registered Democrat (back in the days when Democrats were not as bad as they are now.) He was also a labor union leader.
But there was one major thing about him: He LOVED America. He would never have done a single thing to harm this country, and he, like me, hated jews who did. Dad worked to root out the communists who were infiltrating his labor union, and he once told me that if I ever did anything anti-American, he would throw me out of the house with just the clothes on my back. And believe it or not my Dad was also a religious (as in "Orthodox") Jew. So was my mother (obm).
However, if I, chas ve'sholom, had had parents who were committed Communists (think: like the Rosenbergs, who were executed for spying on America), and if I loved America (as I do), I would not have hesitated to fully disown them in every sense of the word.
The late Rabbi Sholom Klass (editor of the Jewish Press in NY and a good friend of Rabbi Meir Kahane, HY"D) once told me that Torah tells us that the children are punished for the sins of their fathers when they persist in perpetuating the sins of their parents. I thank G-d I never had evil parents, but if I had, I would have disowned them fully.
(By the way I am not a "Mr.", but a "Mrs.")
The Christian world also has a long history of dying alongside of the Jews, as well as hiding them and saving them.
YES. This is very true. How often many of our fellow Jews forget this fact. As much as many believing Christians did for us, esp. during the Shoah, and for American liberal jews to turn around and try to destroy America, and wipe out any vestiges of the Christianity this country was founded on, is a hell of a way to show our gratitude.
My mother is not as religious as I am... I know more Torah than she ever will. Her entire lifetime she was a Jewish Liberal Democrat... But as I said before, after my brothers death on 9/11, she has been leaning more toward the right.... But she has a long way to go... I will not be involved in saying that Reform Jews should be exterminated, or should be destroyed, or any other thing which involves setting Jew against Jew.
The enemies of the Jewish people are the enemies of the Jewish people. Some left wing leaders, who are self-hating Jews, are part of the problem and may be considered enemies of the Jewish people. People like Chomsky and Finkelstein are enemies of the jewish people. But I will not make a generalization that all liberals, or all reform jews, are evil...
My own personal story of life is evidence that a person can change, can actually do teshuva. 10 years ago I was considered a Democrat Liberal and a Deadhead hippie... But because of the events of my life {after 9/11 and my divorce} I started my return to the right... I started as a Reagan Republican in 1984... But there is always hope, as long as a Jew is alive, that he may do Teshuva.
Do you know the story of Acher from the Talmud? If not I will relate it to you... It concerns the question of who can do teshuva...
See article I posted here @ http://jtf.org/forum_english/index.php/topic,45924.0.html
The Christian world also has a long history of dying alongside of the Jews, as well as hiding them and saving them.
YES. This is very true. How often many of our fellow Jews forget this fact. As much as many believing Christians did for us, esp. during the Shoah, and for American liberal jews to turn around and try to destroy America, and wipe out any vestiges of the Christianity this country was founded on, is a hell of a way to show our gratitude.
A Jew should not rely on a Christian for anything. If the Christian wants to help the Jew that is fine, but Jews should never rely on non-Jews... The reason I believe this is that we can only count on Hashem, not on the doings of any man. I also don't really believe that they want the Jews to control Jerusalem... It has something to do with vast differences in our faiths view of the end of days...
Of course Jews should respect the history of Christianity in this country. But I also believe what makes America great is that we are free to worship the way we want to worship, without dictates from the government. My father served in the US Army and he was very proud of his service. I am proud to be an American and am fully grateful for this great country...
The Christian world also has a long history of dying alongside of the Jews, as well as hiding them and saving them.
YES. This is very true. How often many of our fellow Jews forget this fact. As much as many believing Christians did for us, esp. during the Shoah, and for American liberal jews to turn around and try to destroy America, and wipe out any vestiges of the Christianity this country was founded on, is a hell of a way to show our gratitude.
A Jew should not rely on a Christian for anything. If the Christian wants to help the Jew that is fine, but Jews should never rely on non-Jews... The reason I believe this is that we can only count on Hashem, not on the doings of any man. I also don't really believe that they want the Jews to control Jerusalem... It has something to do with vast differences in our faiths view of the end of days...
Of course Jews should respect the history of Christianity in this country. But I also believe what makes America great is that we are free to worship the way we want to worship, without dictates from the government. My father served in the US Army and he was very proud of his service. I am proud to be an American and am fully grateful for this great country...
BUT, the FACTS are the facts, many Christians risked their lives regardless. I dont insiuate that Jews should rely on Christians any more than Christians should rely on Jews. People should have a trust in G-d, I have a total trust in G-d. I do not rely on mankind, but it is what it is.
My mother is not as religious as I am... I know more Torah than she ever will. Her entire lifetime she was a Jewish Liberal Democrat... But as I said before, after my brothers death on 9/11, she has been leaning more toward the right.... But she has a long way to go... I will not be involved in saying that Reform Jews should be exterminated, or should be destroyed, or any other thing which involves setting Jew against Jew.
The enemies of the Jewish people are the enemies of the Jewish people. Some left wing leaders, who are self-hating Jews, are part of the problem and may be considered enemies of the Jewish people. People like Chomsky and Finkelstein are enemies of the jewish people. But I will not make a generalization that all liberals, or all reform jews, are evil...
My own personal story of life is evidence that a person can change, can actually do teshuva. 10 years ago I was considered a Democrat Liberal and a Deadhead hippie... But because of the events of my life {after 9/11 and my divorce} I started my return to the right... I started as a Reagan Republican in 1984... But there is always hope, as long as a Jew is alive, that he may do Teshuva.
Do you know the story of Acher from the Talmud? If not I will relate it to you... It concerns the question of who can do teshuva...
See article I posted here @ http://jtf.org/forum_english/index.php/topic,45924.0.html
I am not saying leftist jews should be exterminated...I am only saying that for me, personally, I would not lift a finger to help them since their aim is to do away with me and Jews like me, as well as my country.
I understand there are liberal and leftist jews out there who may be genuinely ignorant of the facts....but the ones I had more in mind are the ones who knowingly and actively work against Torah and against all that is conservative and good. You know which ones I mean, like the ones on MASADA's sh*t list!
THOSE are the jews who will be responsible for the next Shoah which will take place (chas ve'sholom, but I know it is coming.)
The Christian world also has a long history of dying alongside of the Jews, as well as hiding them and saving them.
YES. This is very true. How often many of our fellow Jews forget this fact. As much as many believing Christians did for us, esp. during the Shoah, and for American liberal jews to turn around and try to destroy America, and wipe out any vestiges of the Christianity this country was founded on, is a hell of a way to show our gratitude.
A Jew should not rely on a Christian for anything. If the Christian wants to help the Jew that is fine, but Jews should never rely on non-Jews... The reason I believe this is that we can only count on Hashem, not on the doings of any man. I also don't really believe that they want the Jews to control Jerusalem... It has something to do with vast differences in our faiths view of the end of days...
Of course Jews should respect the history of Christianity in this country. But I also believe what makes America great is that we are free to worship the way we want to worship, without dictates from the government. My father served in the US Army and he was very proud of his service. I am proud to be an American and am fully grateful for this great country...
You know, Muman, I have lived on this earth for 50 years so far (baruch Hashem), and I have been betrayed and stabbed in the back in those years far more by fellow Jews than by Christians. A Christian, in fact, once saved my life, did you know that? I was in high school and a shvartsa tried to rape me and G-d knows what else. I would be dead right now if not for a Christian man who risked his life to save mine. I have never had a Jew do that.
I have been robbed and cheated by a fellow Jew. I have had a few fellow Jews take advantage of my generosity when I tried to help them out....I've never had a single Christian do that.
For some reason, and I don't know why this is, most practicing Christians I know (and even some non-practicing ones) seem to have more honor and principle than most Jews I have known.
My late aunt Yehudis (obm) was a very lonely lady; she lived in a neighborhood of both Jews and nonJews. We visited her a lot, but she was largely ignored (as many older ppl are) by her husband and 4 sons.
One day she called me up in tears....some Catholic school girls in her neighborhood knocked on her door, asking if there was anything she needed. They offered to clean her house and go get her groceries for her, for free. They said in Catholic school, they were told that they should find an elderly person in their neighborhood and do that for them regularly, because in their religion it is a "work of mercy" (I don't know if I'm remembering the term right). This was not the first time; many of her nonJewish neighbors would offer her help as well. None of her Jewish neighbors ever did.
She was IN TEARS...and she said to me, "Why is it that I get more love and respect from goyim than from my own people?!"
But there is always hope, as long as a Jew is alive, that he may do Teshuva.
Ever hear of the term reprobate?
Def: a person rejected by G-d and beyond hope of salvation.
The Jews in Obamas administration, who were called out from among all people have utterly rejected G-D. The 'only hope' at this point for THEIR Teshuva WILL be genocide. Sorry, this is the "CHANGE" THEY have brought to US. G-d will in turn, smite THEM.
I don't think that people realize the severity of the situation. I dont think people see the Jew hatred. Or maybe they think "Its only the internet...."
Smart and G-d fearing Jews have sat SILENT while their fellow REPROBATE Jews have done wickedness against HaShem, abominations that are so evil.
Other Jews that KNEW they have been in wickedness and treason GAVE THEM A PASS, just because they are JEWISH. THAT is just as guilty. G-d keep a count- People BETTER REPENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G-d is none to happy with this, G-d is none to happy with the aiding of the abomination and wickedness.
************G-d wants people with a HEART, heart---HEART for him- a HEART. You can follow every law, but if you do not have the HEART- what good is ANYTHING you do?********************
Ezekiel Chapter 33 יְחֶזְקֵאל
א וַיְהִי דְבַר-יְהוָה, אֵלַי לֵאמֹר. 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying:
ב בֶּן-אָדָם, דַּבֵּר אֶל-בְּנֵי-עַמְּךָ וְאָמַרְתָּ אֲלֵיהֶם, אֶרֶץ, כִּי-אָבִיא עָלֶיהָ חָרֶב; וְלָקְחוּ עַם-הָאָרֶץ אִישׁ אֶחָד, מִקְצֵיהֶם, וְנָתְנוּ אֹתוֹ לָהֶם, לְצֹפֶה. 2
'Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them: When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man from among them, and set him for their watchman;
ג וְרָאָה אֶת-הַחֶרֶב, בָּאָה עַל-הָאָרֶץ; וְתָקַע בַּשּׁוֹפָר, וְהִזְהִיר אֶת-הָעָם. 3 if, when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the horn, and warn the people;
ד וְשָׁמַע הַשֹּׁמֵעַ אֶת-קוֹל הַשּׁוֹפָר, וְלֹא נִזְהָר, וַתָּבוֹא חֶרֶב, וַתִּקָּחֵהוּ--דָּמוֹ, בְּרֹאשׁוֹ יִהְיֶה. 4 then whosoever heareth the sound of the horn, and taketh not warning, if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head;
ה אֵת קוֹל הַשּׁוֹפָר שָׁמַע וְלֹא נִזְהָר, דָּמוֹ בּוֹ יִהְיֶה: וְהוּא נִזְהָר, נַפְשׁוֹ מִלֵּט. 5
he heard the sound of the horn, and took not warning, his blood shall be upon him; whereas if he had taken warning, he would have delivered his soul.
ו וְהַצֹּפֶה כִּי-יִרְאֶה אֶת-הַחֶרֶב בָּאָה, וְלֹא-תָקַע בַּשּׁוֹפָר וְהָעָם לֹא-נִזְהָר, וַתָּבוֹא חֶרֶב, וַתִּקַּח מֵהֶם נָפֶשׁ--הוּא בַּעֲוֹנוֹ נִלְקָח, וְדָמוֹ מִיַּד-הַצֹּפֶה אֶדְרֹשׁ. {פ} 6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. {P}
ז וְאַתָּה בֶן-אָדָם, צֹפֶה נְתַתִּיךָ לְבֵית יִשְׂרָאֵל; וְשָׁמַעְתָּ מִפִּי דָּבָר, וְהִזְהַרְתָּ אֹתָם מִמֶּנִּי. 7
So thou, son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore, when thou shalt hear the word at My mouth, warn them from Me.
ח בְּאָמְרִי לָרָשָׁע, רָשָׁע מוֹת תָּמוּת, וְלֹא דִבַּרְתָּ, לְהַזְהִיר רָשָׁע מִדַּרְכּוֹ--הוּא רָשָׁע בַעֲוֹנוֹ יָמוּת, וְדָמוֹ מִיָּדְךָ אֲבַקֵּשׁ. 8 When I say unto the wicked: O wicked man, thou shalt surely die, and thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way; that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thy hand.
ט וְאַתָּה כִּי-הִזְהַרְתָּ רָשָׁע מִדַּרְכּוֹ, לָשׁוּב מִמֶּנָּה, וְלֹא-שָׁב, מִדַּרְכּוֹ--הוּא בַּעֲוֹנוֹ יָמוּת, וְאַתָּה נַפְשְׁךָ הִצַּלְתָּ. {פ} 9 Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it, and he turn not from his way; he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul. {P}
י וְאַתָּה בֶן-אָדָם, אֱמֹר אֶל-בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל, כֵּן אֲמַרְתֶּם לֵאמֹר, כִּי-פְשָׁעֵינוּ וְחַטֹּאתֵינוּ עָלֵינוּ; וּבָם אֲנַחְנוּ נְמַקִּים, וְאֵיךְ נִחְיֶה. 10 Therefore, O thou son of man, say unto the house of Israel: Thus ye speak, saying: Our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we pine away in them; how then can we live?
יא אֱמֹר אֲלֵיהֶם חַי-אָנִי נְאֻם אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה, אִם-אֶחְפֹּץ בְּמוֹת הָרָשָׁע, כִּי אִם-בְּשׁוּב רָשָׁע מִדַּרְכּוֹ, וְחָיָה: שׁוּבוּ שׁוּבוּ מִדַּרְכֵיכֶם הָרָעִים, וְלָמָּה תָמוּתוּ--בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל. {פ} 11
Say unto them: As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Ashedina, Your post was very much to my own point too, about leftist jews (I do not mean the uneducated Jews who just happen to be liberal because that is how they were raised). I'm talking about the same ones you are. People like Arlen Specter, who was defeated in the PA Democratic primary yesterday (Baruch Hashem!)
Did you know that when Specter was stil just an attorney in Philly, he not only negotiated a lowball bail for murderer Ira Einhorn, but got another liberal jew to pay the bail, which Einhorn jumped?
More info: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2009/04/29/specter-switches-ira-einhorn-saga-deserves-wider-mention
When Americans see this kind of thing (leftist jews covering up for/supporting other leftist jews), they blame ALL JEWS. Even US. They don't see the difference!
And its not only leftist jews. Recently I was distressed to get an email from someone in Chabad, begging me to get involved with a campaign to help free Aaron Rubashkin, who was convicted of FRAUD and many other crimes related to his kosher meat business in Iowa.
Why should I work to get him off just because he is a Jew? Didn't he commit a crime? If a Jew or anyone commits a crime according to the laws of the US, they should pay the price. The sob stories about his wife and children, etc etc....do you have ANY idea how this looks to the nonJews who run this country and who may someday decide what to do with US?
That sort of behavior is no different from what the shvartsas do when they play the race card, or work to free one of their own SOLELY because they are one of their own.
I will never forget my father (obm) telling me how leftist jews in the 1950s (before I was born) picketed outside the judicial chambers of Justice Kaufman (the judge who heard the Rosenberg espionage case, and who sentenced them to death for it), claiming the US government was going after the Rosenbergs because of "antisemitism".
I want to mention something else, indirectly related to the whole subject of leftist jews (as opposed to respectable Jews.)
Its the leftist and liberal jewish organizations that are helping support the flood of Mexican illegals into this country. They think if they can bring more and more non-whites into America, they will outnumber the native white Europeans who founded this country, and then (they think) they will be "safe" from any future uprising among white European-Americans who might finally wake up to what they (leftist jews) are up to.
What they forget (if they ever knew) is that Mexicans and other South Americans are very antisemitic. Its partly because of their fanatic devotion to their Catholicism (almost all Catholic ethnic groups except Italians for some reason, have a long history of being antisemitic).
The leftist jews think they're so smart in trying to reduce the number of white European-Americans in the USA, but it will turn around to bite them in the tuchis once we have many more Mexicans, most of whom hate (and I do mean, HATE) Jews.
AsheDina, you are a woman of insight and wisdom.
I remember from my research into the events leading up to the Third Reich, that there was a young and well known Jewish female journalist [her name eludes me at this time], who was constantly writing op-ed opinion articles in which she was warning the Jews of Germany that their continued refusal to recognize the precariousness of their position would inevitably result in a collapse of the Weimar Republic, and the subsequent annihilation of the Germany Jewish Community.
The prominent "Jewish leaders" all denounced her and ridiculed her.
As her foresight of world events was (sadly) proven correct, she was eventually arrested by the Gestapo, sent to a camp, and executed for the crime of being a Jew.
Upon being informed of her death, Hitler, who had long followed her journalistic career, remarked, "That was one smart Jewess!" [implying that she was the only one among her people that knew the truth all along]
We are living in an almost exact replay of the events leading up to 1938.
Hussein O froths at the mouth to get rid of Israel, while the new axis of Brazil, Cuba, N. Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and Bolivia are arming to the teeth with Russian and Chinese arms and training to use them; awaiting the moment they will move on us in a huge sudden blitzkrieg.
Those who feel we are too strong and too technologically advanced to fear the likes of Brazil and Cuba had better explain to the rest of us exactly how 9/11 could have taken place in downtown NY City on an absolutely beautiful day.
In an age of Electromagnetic Pulse Weaponry, cruise missiles with stealth technology and invisibility technology, nanotechnology, and cyberwarfare, it is the arrogant and overconfident nation which will be caught off guard. In my opinion we are little more than a sitting duck.
The sheer number of Moslem Fifth Columnist Sleeper Terrorists inside our borders guarantees our defeat if and when an attack comes.
And its not only leftist jews. Recently I was distressed to get an email from someone in Chabad, begging me to get involved with a campaign to help free Aaron Rubashkin, who was convicted of FRAUD and many other crimes related to his kosher meat business in Iowa.
Why should I work to get him off just because he is a Jew? Didn't he commit a crime? If a Jew or anyone commits a crime according to the laws of the US, they should pay the price. The sob stories about his wife and children, etc etc....do you have ANY idea how this looks to the nonJews who run this country and who may someday decide what to do with US?
You obviously did not study any Torah and know very little about Jewish mitzvot... You must not be aware that there is a commandment in the Torah that it is the responsibility of a Jew to redeem Jewish captives. Regarding Rubashkin there are circumstances which you must not be aware of. I will try to shed some light on these issues:
NEW YORK - American Jewish leaders are expressing shock and outrage at the federal government's recommendation that Sholom Rubashkin be sentenced to life in prison for his role as an executive with the Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa. It is the latest example of a prosecution that has repeatedly targeted Rubashkin for unfair treatment compared to others who have been accused of employing illegal immigrants or compromising the security of a bank loan.
Jewish rabbinic leaders have signed a proclamation, urging their Jewish brethren to contact the Justice Department on Rubashkin's behalf, calling it a "sacred obligation of every individual to participate in this mitzvah."
Supporters of Sholom Rubashkin are being urged to sign an online petition at the "Justice for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin" Web page at http://justiceforsholom.org and call or e-mail Department of Justice Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison (202-514-3465 ; [email protected] and cc [email protected]), to protest the recommendations of life in prison for Sholom Rubashkin.
Those interested in assisting the "Equal Justice for Sholom Rubashkin" campaign, or in receiving call to action alerts can join the campaign at http://justiceforsholom.org, or text message ICARE to 347-948-JUST (5878).
We need to bring this travesty of justice to the Department of Justice.
We are mobilizing a list of emails/cell numbers so we can send out CALL TO ACTION ALERTS - Please join the ACTION ALERT phone chain by sending the message ICARE to 347-948-JUST (5878).
Enter your email address to our consolidated ACTION ALERT email list at http://justiceforsholom.org
Please send this information out to your contacts ASAP, with the instructions to sign up for ACTION ALERTS at http://justiceforsholom.org, and to sign up for phone text alerts.
Thank you for signing the petition and for your letters.
Justice for Sholom
> Why are prosecutors seeking life in prison?
The jury found in a special interrogatory that Rubashkin did not profit personally from false invoices presented to the lending bank. Evidence of his very modest lifestyle and his extraordinary charity was proffered at his trial but objected to by the Iowa prosecutors and excluded by the District Judge. He is the father of 10 children, including an autistic teenage boy who depends on him. Nonetheless, the Iowa prosecutors are recommending life in prison. Why? Full story
> Lawyers request light sentence for Rubashkin
Lawyers for former eastern Iowa slaughterhouse executive Sholom Rubashkin asked a judge Friday to sentence their client to no more than six years in prison.
Rubashkin's legal team argued in court papers that the former Postville meat plant officer "lost his way" and did not personally profit from a fraud scheme and use of illegal immigrant workers at Agriprocessors Inc. Full story
> Memorandum regarding gross disparity in prosecutorial treatment
This Memorandum describes the gross disparity between usual procedures in federal criminal prosecutions under the immigration and bank-fraud laws and how Iowa federal prosecutors treated the case of Sholom Rubashkin, the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic businessman who was arrested on immigration-law violations relating to the Agriprocessors plant in Iowa and was found guilty after a jury trial of bank fraud and failure to pay cattle owners promptly.
The enormous disparity between the treatment of Mr. Rubashkin and others who committed similar offenses began with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) raid on Agriprocessors (“Agri”) on May 12, 2008, and has continued to this day, and has culminated in prosecutors seeking a life sentence for Rubashkin. Full story
> 10 more ways to help:
1. Daven for Sholom Mordechai ben Rivkah and his family
2. Email a link to this page to your friends (click below on Share/Save)
3. Join the Friends of Sholom Rubashkin page on Facebook
4. Contribute by mail:
Pidyon Shvuyim Fund
53 Olympia Lane
Monsey NY 10952
5. Read and comment on this shocking story in the Des Moines Register: http://bit.ly/bIWxgu
6. Show your support for Sholom Rubashkin by reacting to the important comments made today by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in The Huffington Post. Read it here: http://huff.to/aswPxY
7. Send the above articles to U.S. Attorney Stephanie Rose ([email protected]) and the Department of Justice Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison ([email protected]).
8. Send the articles to the Jewish newspaper in your community.
9. Consider volunteering for the JusticeforSholom campaign - Efforts are underway to reach out to every law professor, retired judge, and former prosecutors. Please consider dedicating one hour (or more) a day for the next week. The following volunteer positions are critically needed: callers, data entry, spokespersons, receiving phone calls and research. If you have ANY time and capabilities for volunteering for one or more of the above positions, please respond by email to:
[email protected]
or [email protected]
(Note! please state VOLUNTEER, and the position that you are volunteering for, in the Subject field of your email response). Provide the following information:
Your name & contact information (cell/email - please specify best way and time to contact)
What are your skills? What would you like to do?
What are the exact times that you are available (EST)? How much time can you give?
10. Post a link to this page on your Facebook page or to your followers on Twitter
Together, we can show the judge, prosecutors and the legal community that concerned citizens are watching the case of Sholom Rubashkin, and that he deserves “equal and fair administration of justice under the law.” http://justiceforsholom.org
It is completely WRONG to sentence Rubashkin to LIFE IN PRISON for the charges which are leveled against him. It is obviously a case of an antisemitic prosectution seeking to imprison this JEW for immigration violations.... What CHUTZPAH..How many corporations and companies are employing illegal aliens? And the JEWBOY is the one who gets set up with the LIFE PRISON sentence!?!?!
What kind of fairness is this? And Jonathan Pollard who sits today rotting in a prison cell with a life sentence for a crime which others served only 5-10 years.... Is this Justice for the Jew?
I am sorry you feel no compassion for Jews or for Judaism... I have to remember that about you... It is not the Jewish way to have 0 compassion for your fellow Jew... Truly unrighteous behavior..
RE: Redeeming Jewish Captives:
Sarah's Inner Connection to the Red Heifer
A beautiful story illustrates Sarah's inner connection to the red heifer. One of the great tzaddikim who lived approximately 250 years ago was Rabbi Nachum of Chernobyl, the author of the book "Maor Einayim." Rabbi Nachum was the disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov and of his successor, the Magid of Mezeritch. The Lubavitcher Rebbe quotes Rabbi Nachum, who wrote in his book that every Jew has a spark of Mashiach -- a spark of eternal life.
Rabbi Nachum dedicated much of his life's work to redeeming imprisoned Jews. In those days, if a Jew could not pay his debts to the local landlord, he was often thrown mercilessly into a dungeon or pit, sometimes with his entire family. Rabbi Nachum raised money to redeem these unfortunate Jews, saving them from sure death. Our sages say that there are two commandments that are called "great mitzvot." The first is the commandment to procreate, and the second is the commandment to redeem imprisoned Jews. When one redeems a Jew, thereby saving his life, it is as if he given birth to his soul.
It came to pass that Rabbi Nachum was also imprisoned. Daily he would bribe the prison warden to let him out of the pit for a short time to pray and to immerse in the mikveh. One day, Rabbi Nachum did not bribe the warden. He explained that he did not need to do so, for he would be released from prison on that very day. When asked how he knew that he would be released, he related that on that night Sarah had come to him in a dream. Rabbi Nachum asked Sarah what he did to deserve being thrown into a pit. Sarah answered that because Rabbi Nachum had devoted his life to redeeming captives, it was necessary for him to experience a taste of captivity so that he could consummately understand the situation and subsequently devote himself to this mitzvah ("commandment") in an even more rectified manner. When a person understands why God has involved him in a certain situation, this releases him from the situation. Thus, as soon as Rabbi Nachum understood the reason for his imprisonment, he knew that he would be released on that very day.
It was Sarah, specifically, who appeared to Rabbi Nachum in his dream. She is essentially related to the important lesson that she wished to impart to Rabbi Nachum: In order to do something consummately, one must taste it. This is the secret of why there is death in the world and why the mother figure of the red heifer comes to purify its touch.
The purpose of the Jewish People is to rectify the primordial sin, thus redeeming all humanity from death. Sarah teaches us that in order to rectify death, we must first taste it. Sarah herself is the first Jewish person to taste death. As she rectifies Eve, Sarah's purpose in life is to purify and rectify death and transform it to eternal life. Had the Jewish People not sinned with the golden calf, they would have merited eternal life. Sarah, who symbolizes consummate life, the red of the heifer, rectifies that sin with the consummate 1000 of her name with temimah. Just as Moses received the consummate 1000 lights of the Torah at Mount Sinai, so Sarah, through the secret of rectifying the touch of death, endows her children with eternal life.
Of course I don't condone the activity which he is accused of... I just want any punishment meted out to fit the crime. It seems the prosecution came out attempting to put him away for life...
Massuh.. What gets me, is that some nutty people that are fellow Jews think this is not serious, they think I am being 'mean' I am anti-semitic, I have even been called a NAZI for scolding and rebuking these impossible destroyers that call themselves "Jews" that are in power.
These same people seem to forget that if we do not, then it WILL be left up to gentiles. Do people NEED reminding that gentiles can be very cruel? It seems that these crazy, Jew-icidal liberal Jews cry and whine about the Holocaust, yet, their actions invoke ANOTHER one. Sometimes I wonder..
But, I have conversed with you about this before; You listen to the TV and OMG- it is ANOTHER Jew that is defaming and blaspheming the name of G-D! Pro gay, pro Abortion, pro-illegal-- Sunstein, Axelrod, KAGAN, Specter, Emmanuel, Feinstein, Boxer, Waxman, Marilyn Katz- too many to count.
Every time I see another Jew I want to go cry and at the same time, stangle them myself. My heart breaks for good Jews that love G-d like I do, my heart is torn into pieces as patriotic Jews like me get called such horrible names, psychological misery that is totally unbelievable. People have NO idea how, in my heart, I am anguished beyond all reasoning for the people of G-d, that I sit and weep to the point that my heart is killing me and I cannot swallow.
I must cont' in what I do, I am always facing opposition; me AND "JewishAmericanPatriot" & "MamaMitzvah" Our Israeli-Jewess blogger. I MUST cont' to warn, to be who I am. I will keep warning the people I love, AND I will NOT stop rebuking these TERRIBLE Jews that REFUSE to repent for this evil in the sight of G-d. They are bringing us into persecution, that I pray hard for all of us, and soon, may G-d deliver us.
J.A.P. studied under Rabbi Kahane. If I am who I am today and closer to my G-d, I thank my friend J.A.P. FOR it.
J.A.P. is a Torah loving Jew- to the MAX. Eats Kosher, Follows Halacha as much as able. Children under Lubuvitchers teachings. JAP brought up the grandmother issue, and you have nothing to say about that??
When a person is REPROBATE, there is very little hope, they will not listen. It is the HEART that G-d is concerned about and the ACTIONS. The JEW gets it worse, because we are SUPPOSED to be the light of the world, are we not?
J.A.P. studied under Rabbi Kahane. If I am who I am today and closer to my G-d, I thank my friend J.A.P. FOR it.
J.A.P. is a Torah loving Jew- to the MAX. Eats Kosher, Follows Halacha as much as able. Children under Lubuvitchers teachings. JAP brought up the grandmother issue, and you have nothing to say about that??
When a person is REPROBATE, there is very little hope, they will not listen. It is the HEART that G-d is concerned about and the ACTIONS. The JEW gets it worse, because we are SUPPOSED to be the light of the world, are we not?
I dont want to argue with you but Reprobate is not a Jewish idea... Please show me where this is mentioned in the Torah... Meanwhile I refer you to what I posted regarding the story of Acher from the Talmud... This will pretty much clear up your misunderstanding... Please read it..
If you can find me a reference to such an idea in Torah please send me a link... I have never seen any mention by any Rabbi ever which refers to a Jew being unable to do Teshuva.
And you shall return to the Almighty your G-d, and shall obey His voice according to all that I command you this day, you and your children, with all your heart, and with all your soul. (Devarim 30:2)
One of the axioms of Judaism is the belief in the possibility of spiritual rehabilitation. No matter how mired in sin, man can lift himself up and return to G-d.
The Talmud tells of one man who believed that he could not return; he felt that he had forfeited that option, that the opportunity was lost. His name was Elisha, and his father's name was Avuya - but don't go looking for him in the Talmud; he is not easily found.1 His name has been removed, consciously and purposefully expunged. He is known only as Acher - the "other", and his tale begins with a mystical journey gone awry.
PS: Obviously we are judged by our current actions... It is important to do Teshuva while there is still a chance to do so.. This is why we should Repent the Day before we die, we don't know when we will die..
"They (each of the five students of R. Yochanan listed earlier) said three things. R. Eliezer said: May the honor of your fellow be as dear to you as your own. Do not anger easily. Repent one day before you die. Warm yourself before the fire of the Sages. But be wary with their coals that you not get burnt, for their bite is the bite of a fox, their sting is the sting of a scorpion, their hiss is the hiss of a serpent, and all their words are like fiery coals."
Last week we discussed R. Eliezer's second statement -- that we repent before our deaths. We made the obvious observation (as do most of the commentators): Nobody knows exactly when his day of death will be. Therefore, our mishna's advice must be taken to mean that we live our entire lives with the realization that our days are numbered. Death is a reality we may never ignore. And so we must live out our days with a sense of our mortality -- and a drive to earn our immortality.
I believe there is an additional nuance contained in R. Eliezer's words. He does not simply state that we live in a constant state of penitence. He focuses more directly on death itself. We must repent because we know our deaths are pending. Death is a fact of life(?), one we cannot ignore. And we must live our lives with this in mind -- not in a macabre sense, but with an understanding of the significance of our accomplishments while we are here. Speak and act today as if you will not be here tomorrow -- and that today's acts may very well be your final legacy.
For the past two weeks, we have been discussing R. Eliezer's third statement -- that we repent one day before we die. As we saw, not only should we live our lives prepared at any moment to stand before our Creator, but we must consider that today's words and actions may very well be our last -- and the manner in which we will best be remembered by friends and family.
IT mostr certainly is NOT a "Jewish Idea"
Reprobate: a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person
What ever gave you some indication that it is some 'idea' anyway? It is a word that describes a person beyond any hope b/c they have totally forsaken G-d.
WHAT have you to say about JAPs grandmother??
Muman613: You evidently don't know me well, if at all. I don't know how old you are, but if you are very much under 50, then I can inform you that when you were young (or maybe not even born yet), I was sitting under the teachings of Rav Meir Kahane, HY"D....I volunteered for the JDL in NY in the 1970s and answered phones for Rav Kahane when he was in NY. My 18 year old son, in fact, is named after him (he was born the year after Rav Kahane was martyred).
My younger children are in a Chabad school...and the reason I did that was because I remember Rav Kahane telling us that they were the best place to get a good Jewish education. I keep glatt kosher, and am shomer Shabbos as well as shomer mitzvot in general. My zayde Rabbi Avraham ben-Sholom, zt"l on my father's side was a Torah Rav. I am WELL aware of the mitzvah of ahavat Yisrael as well as pidyon shevuyim (ransoming captives). Unlike you, I did in fact grow up in a Torah family and a Torah environment.
I misunderstood what was being asked of the Jewish community: I thought they were asking us to try to get Rubashkin totally exonerated and set free. I did not understand that the life sentence was the real issue (and I agree; a life sentence is way too severe for what he did.)
My complaint is when anyone is asked to work to totally set someone free who has committed a crime, just because they are Jewish.
Davids son Absolom, did he make Teshuva?
Who said that repentence is not open to all? I didnt. But there ARE people that will never repent. They are reprobate. Many of the Kings did evil in the sight of the L-rd, they brought Israel into desturction. MANY. They were reprobates.
I had 'tough love' in my life. All that touchy-feely junk will not help a person that is a reprobate. They need toughness.
IT mostr certainly is NOT a "Jewish Idea"
Reprobate: a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person
What ever gave you some indication that it is some 'idea' anyway? It is a word that describes a person beyond any hope b/c they have totally forsaken G-d.
WHAT have you to say about JAPs grandmother??
Im sorry AsheDinah, I don't know about JAPs grandmother. Could you point me in the direction to learn about her so I can make a comment..
Maybe you are referring to her aunt which she wrote about in a post above... I don't know what to say but it sounds like her aunt did not live in a very good Jewish neighborhood. I can't comment on that because I don't know... But the Jewish law is that we must give honor to our elders, we must stand before them, we must support them when they are in need. I don't think Christianity has anywhere near as many mitzvahs concerning caring for the elderly and especially parents.
I have witnessed great Chesed in the Jewish community for elders... Im just sorry that JAP and her aunt got such a bad impression of Jewish Chesed. The Jewish people are known for their Kindness and Mercy, they are basic character traits of the Jewish people.
It is important for the Jewish community to take care of all Jews, no matter what their background, politics, and religious observance.
Muman613: You evidently don't know me well, if at all. I don't know how old you are, but if you are under 50, then I can inform you that when you were young (or maybe not even born yet), I was sitting under the teachings of Rav Meir Kahane, HY"D....I volunteered for the JDL in NY in the 1970s and answered phones for Rav Kahane when he was in NY. My 18 year old son, in fact, is named after him (he was born the year after Rav Kahane was martyred).
My younger children are in a Chabad school...and the reason I did that was because I remember Rav Kahane telling us that they were the best place to get a good Jewish education. I keep glatt kosher, and am shomer Shabbos as well as shomer mitzvot in general. My zayde Rabbi Avraham ben-Sholom, zt"l on my father's side was a Torah Rav. I am WELL aware of the mitzvah of ahavat Yisrael as well as pidyon shevuyim (ransoming captives). Unlike you, I did in fact grow up in a Torah family and a Torah environment.
I misunderstood what was being asked of the Jewish community: I thought they were asking us to try to get Rubashkin totally exonerated and set free. I did not understand that the life sentence was the real issue (and I agree; a life sentence is way too severe for what he did.)
My complaint is when anyone is asked to work to totally set someone free who has committed a crime, just because they are Jewish.
Yes, when I received the mailing from Chabad I too had concerns that it would be seen as Jews trying to get away with crime... But the issue is that we must stand up against un-reasonable sentences... I hope that justice is served in this case...
I am sorry if I made some assumptions about you. I do not intend to have any disagreement with you... I am 45 years old and I missed Rabbi Kahane but I believe he was one of the wisest Rabbis of our time. You are very fortunate to have studied with him.
Davids son Absolom, did he make Teshuva?
Who said that repentence is not open to all? I didnt. But there ARE people that will never repent. They are reprobate. Many of the Kings did evil in the sight of the L-rd, they brought Israel into desturction. MANY. They were reprobates.
I had 'tough love' in my life. All that touchy-feely junk will not help a person that is a reprobate. They need toughness.
I think you are referring to Rebuke... There are ways to rebuke a fellow Jew and there are ways to mess up the rebuke. I have studied many writings on the ideas of rebuking others. I have posted many links in the past concerning this...
Free will is the cornerstone of Hashems creation. People must choose Good over Evil.. But in this world there will always be some who choose evil. This is part of Hashems plan because nothing can happen in the world against Hashems will. Hashems will is what we observe and what we experience in our lifetime.
I believe that Evil is here so that we can know what is good. But we must view those who engage in evil as seperate from the evil they commit. Just ask any Baal Teshuva who was off the path for many years... A person is capable of learning and changing his ways. We cannot shut off people just because they have sinned in their past. But we must set good examples so that those who are not sure about Holiness and Goodness can see the benefit of following Hashems commands.
I don't think we disagree... But I am one who believes that everyone really wants to do the right thing. Often they are confused and often they are angry at Hashem and push all things Jewish and Holy away. It is important to try to pull these people back into the religion..
IT mostr certainly is NOT a "Jewish Idea"
Reprobate: a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person
What ever gave you some indication that it is some 'idea' anyway? It is a word that describes a person beyond any hope b/c they have totally forsaken G-d.
WHAT have you to say about JAPs grandmother??
Im sorry AsheDinah, I don't know about JAPs grandmother. Could you point me in the direction to learn about her so I can make a comment..
Maybe you are referring to her aunt which she wrote about in a post above... I don't know what to say but it sounds like her aunt did not live in a very good Jewish neighborhood. I can't comment on that because I don't know... But the Jewish law is that we must give honor to our elders, we must stand before them, we must support them when they are in need. I don't think Christianity has anywhere near as many mitzvahs concerning caring for the elderly and especially parents.
I have witnessed great Chesed in the Jewish community for elders... Im just sorry that JAP and her aunt got such a bad impression of Jewish Chesed. The Jewish people are known for their Kindness and Mercy, they are basic character traits of the Jewish people.
It is important for the Jewish community to take care of all Jews, no matter what their background, politics, and religious observance.
Yes, I think she meant my aunt, Yehudis (obm). Aunt Yehudis lived in a Jewish neighborhood that was 'changing', but even before that, most of the Jews who lived there were not religious (they were reform, conservative, etc....but "old school" reform and conservative).
I feel very frustrated apart from that, however....once a month my husband and I deliver food parcels for a local Chabad relief organization, and the nastiness of many of the recipients is astounding. My husband is not a physically well man, and it is a lot for him to lift those cases of food...only to be told by many recipients, "Oh, we don't want those anymore...take it back!" They are supposed to call the agency if they don't want the parcels anymore, yet they never do. Some of the recipients even had the chutzpah to say to me and my husband a few times, "YOU WERE LATE! I waited since 11AM for my package!" (even though the agency informs the recipients that the deliverers are all volunteers and due to traffic and other issues, cannot always be there right between the delivery times.)
I told him that is what happens when you give things free to people without any strings, or any requests of them to help out...they take you and the tzadakah for granted. I feel the agency should request of recipients that they volunteer to deliver parcels, too, or something like that, even if they cannot donate anything for the parcels.
The ONLY Jews who have been grateful, kind and friendly to our deliverers of food are the newly-arrived Russian Jews.
OK, good discussion, but I have to get, but-many thoughtful things. Thanks everyone for this, losts of discussion, and it was filled with heart filled thoughts.
I hope Rahm Emmanuel and his brother die.
Yes, I think she meant my aunt, Yehudis (obm). Aunt Yehudis lived in a Jewish neighborhood that was 'changing', but even before that, most of the Jews who lived there were not religious (they were reform, conservative, etc....but "old school" reform and conservative).
I feel very frustrated apart from that, however....once a month my husband and I deliver food parcels for a local Chabad relief organization, and the nastiness of many of the recipients is astounding. My husband is not a physically well man, and it is a lot for him to lift those cases of food...only to be told by many recipients, "Oh, we don't want those anymore...take it back!" They are supposed to call the agency if they don't want the parcels anymore, yet they never do.
I told him that is what happens when you give things free to people without any strings, or any requests of them to help out...they take you and the tzadakah for granted. I feel the agency should request of recipients that they volunteer to deliver parcels, too, or something like that, even if they cannot donate anything for the parcels.
The ONLY Jews who have been grateful, kind and friendly to our deliverers of food are the newly-arrived Russian Jews.
I don't know what to suggest to rectify this... Maybe the Rabbi can talk to the members of the community so that your husband doesn't have to schlep packages to people who don't appreciate the effort. That must be really difficult.
I just know that I always seek to see the good in my fellow Jews, even while acknowledging their faults. Those who do wrong should be told what they are doing wrong. In most cases I believe Jewish laws are good for keeping the Jews working together.
PS: Yes, I understand we are way-off-topic now..