Torah and Jewish Idea => Torah and Jewish Idea => Topic started by: wonga66 on December 12, 2010, 01:18:34 PM

Title: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 12, 2010, 01:18:34 PM
R.David Katz in his talk "5771 -The Geulah Rashi Ramban Zohar" http://www.torahanytime.com/Rabbi/David_Katz/ (http://www.torahanytime.com/Rabbi/David_Katz/)
claims from calculations that not only do the Zohar and Ramban indicate 5771-5774 as being likely Geulah years, but also Rashi on Daniel 7:25
http://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=14260&st=&pgnum=71&hilite (http://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=14260&st=&pgnum=71&hilite)=, particularly this year 2011, noch!
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 12, 2010, 01:48:32 PM
It would be wonderful if it was that soon. I have also seen Torah codes which also discuss the imminent geulah. It is difficult to put much faith in these calculations though, because many times they are incorrect.

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 12, 2010, 02:07:47 PM
Right, and Rabbi so-and-so predicted in 5750 that geulah was coming in 5751-5752 based on rashi and ramban, and shlomo so-and-so predicted in 5700 that 5710 was the year of redemption based on zohar, and when the US army invades Iraq, then when the British troops arrive on Bosrah, that was supposed to mean something and bring moshiach on a donkey, then this event, then that event, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc    And they don't come true, and then they make excuses and come up with new scenarios that supposedly predict later dates.

This craziness never ends.    It is forbidden to predict stupid things like this because when the predictions do not come true, the simple Jews with simple faith whom you have DECEIVED, will LOSE ALL THEIR FAITH, not just their faith in your childish lies.

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: edu on December 12, 2010, 02:32:11 PM
Historian A. Morgenstern stated that a large number of Jews had false messianic expectations in Jewish year 5600 {1840}. The sources "proving" that messiah would come in that year were more authoritative than the current sources being used to prove  5771-5774 as the geula years.
When the expected date of 5600 passed without messiah some rabbinical figures  were so disappointed that they converted to Christianity.
Many of the Jews in the land of Israel at the time reacted by abandoning attempts to bring messiah by natural means and instead adopted the  modern Charedi attitudes towards the land of Israel and the redemption.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 12, 2010, 03:15:09 PM
As the Malbim (who himself calculated that the Geulah would happen in 1928!) says, the golus has gone of for so long, and the populace become so inured to the concept of Moshiach, that there is no longer a prohibition for a talmid chochom to give a reasoned calculation based on Daniel's numbers 1290 and 1335 etc.

And if you actually bothered to listen carefully to Katz, he talks far from "childish lies".
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 12, 2010, 03:18:52 PM
As the Malbim (who himself predicted the Geulah would happen in 1928!) says, the golus has gone of for so long, and the populace become so inured to the concept of Moshiach, that there is no longer a prohibition for a talmid chochom to give a reasoned calculation based on Daniel's numbers 1290 and 1335 etc.

And if you actually bothered to listen to Katz, he talks far from "childish lies".

Regardless.. I do not put much faith in predictions like this. While it is wonderful to look for signs that it is imminent, I also agree that the faith of many average Jews is destroyed when such predicted dates pass without the appearance of redemption.

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 12, 2010, 03:24:16 PM
What lends extra weight is the Zohar's explicit reference to the years '72' and '73'.

Plus all the goyim yearning for something big in 2012.

Plus Ahmadinejad/N.Korea likely to use an atom bomb/be atom bombed soon.

Our faith today is so weak, that no one's will be 'destroyed' if nothing happens: we'll just reinterpret and await the next round, as we've always done!
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 12, 2010, 04:38:12 PM
As the Malbim (who himself calculated that the Geulah would happen in 1928!) says, the golus has gone of for so long, and the populace become so inured to the concept of Moshiach, that there is no longer a prohibition for a talmid chochom to give a reasoned calculation based on Daniel's numbers 1290 and 1335 etc.

And if you actually bothered to listen carefully to Katz, he talks far from "childish lies".

The Malbim is rationalizing his own desire to make predictions.

I have a hard time accepting an argument that the populace is "inured to the concept of Moshiach" given the Shabtai Tzvi catastrophe.   Is it possible Malbim was unaware of that history?  Highly doubtful.   So I'm more than puzzled by his statement.   Nonetheless, I stand by what I said.    Furthermore, you and Rabbi Katz are no Malbim.

Btw, where is your quote taken from?   Please cite it.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 12, 2010, 04:54:30 PM
In his 1971 book "Proof of the Accuracy of the Bible", Kahanist Rabbi Elihu Shatz gave his calculation on Daniel that the war of Gog & Magog would break out in 1973. One can imagine his excitement when the Yom Kippur war started on 6 October 1973. Rabbis at the time actually said that it was the start of Gog and Magog.

Rabbi Kahane, without any calculations, himself stated in the months before he was slain that Saddam's invasion of Kuwait was the beginning of Gog and Magog.
Ramabam in Iggeres l'Teiman gave his messianic year as 1210.

We don't say that rabbis of this calibre were "wrong" or "erred", jus' like we don't say that Beis Shammai was "wrong".

We say that either the generation wasn't worthy, or that Hashem had other plans.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on December 12, 2010, 04:56:34 PM

Rabbi Kahane, without any calculations, himself stated in the months before he was slain that Saddam's invasion of Kuwait was the beginning of Gog and Magog.

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 12, 2010, 06:31:14 PM
In his 1971 book "Proof of the Accuracy of the Bible", Kahanist Rabbi Elihu Shatz gave his calculation on Daniel that the war of Gog & Magog would break out in 1973. One can imagine his excitement when the Yom Kippur war started on 6 October 1973. Rabbis at the time actually said that it was the start of Gog and Magog.

Rabbi Kahane, without any calculations, himself stated in the months before he was slain that Saddam's invasion of Kuwait was the beginning of Gog and Magog.
Ramabam in Iggeres l'Teiman gave his messianic year as 1210.

We don't say that these rabbis were "wrong" or "erred".

We say that either the generation wasn't worthy, or that Hashem had other plans.

Yeah, 'without calculations' because that would be misguided and chazal warn strongly against doing that.   Yet, here you are, trying to count Rabbi Kahane in your 'camp' as you always do, as if he believed every single thing you believe, you simply recast him into a smarter better version of you.   But I don't believe he would waste his time with calculations like the ones you are promoting.

And as for saying they were wrong, yes we do say their prediction was wrong if it didn't come true!  We don't say it was correct or the right estimation!   Give me a break.   Whether anyone "erred" or not depends on the context, but I do think most people nowadays do err, especially websites that waste their time delving into these matters and trying to attach specific dates and specific significance to specific world events, telling people they received secret messages, they have inside information xyz, etc.   I have seen these sites, and I know this game.    

But it seems to me you fail to understand the Iggereth Teyman.   The Rambam in the same letter asserts that it is forbidden to make predictions like that.   I'll quote from it (I have added bold emphasis):

Rambam writes:

"In your letter you have adverted to the computations of the date of the Redemption and R. Saadia's opinion on the subject. First of all, it devolves upon you to know that no human being will ever be able to determine it precisely as Daniel has already intimated, "For the words are shut up and sealed." (Daniel 12:9). Indeed many hypotheses were advanced by scholars, who fancied that they have discovered the date, as was anticipated in Scripture, "Many will run to and fro, and opinions shall be increased." (Daniel 12:9). That is, there shall be numerous views concerning it. Furthermore we have a Divine communication through the medium of the prophets that many persons will calculate the time of the advent of the Messiah but will fail to ascertain its true date. We are cautioned against giving way to doubt and distrust because of these miscalculations. The longer the delay, the more fervently shall you hope, as it is written, "And it declareth of the end and doth not lie, though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:3)."  

After proceeding to cite and delve into the example of differing opinions on the dates of the Egyptian exile and exodus, Rambam then says the following, please pay close attention to the portion where I added bold emphasis:  

"Now, if so much uncertainty prevailed in regard to the date of the emancipation from Egyptian bondage, the term of which was fixed, how much more would it be the case in respect to the date of the final redemption, the prolonged and protracted duration of which appalled and dismayed our inspired seers, so that one of them was moved to exclaim, "Wilt Thou be angry with us forever? Wilt Thou draw out Thine anger to all generations?" (Psalms 85:6). Isaiah, too, alluding to the long drawn out exile, declared: "And they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the dungeon, and shall be shut up in prison, and after many days shall they be released" (24:22). Inasmuch as Daniel has proclaimed the matter a deep secret, our sages have interdicted the calculation of the time of the future redemption, or the reckoning of the period of the advent of the Messiah, because the masses might be mystified and bewildered should the Messiah fail to appear as forecast. The rabbis invoked G-d to frustrate and destroy those who seek to determine prescisely the advent of the Messiah, because the masses might be mystified and bewildered should the Messiah fail to appear as forecast. The rabbis invoked G-d to frustrate and destroy those who seek to determine precisely the advent ofthe Messianic era, because they are a stumbling block to the people, and that is why they uttered the imprecation "May the calculators of the final redemption come to grief" (Sanhedrin 97b)."    

"As for R. Saadia's Messianic calculations, there are extenuating circumstances for them though he knew they were disallowed. For the Jews of his time were perplexed and misguided. The Divine religion might well nigh have disappeared had he not encouraged the pusillanimous, and diffused, disseminated and propagated by word of mouth and pen a knowledge of its underlying principles. He believed, in all earnestness, that by means of the Messianic calculations, he would inspire the masses with hope for the truth. Verily all his deeds were for the sake of heaven. Consequently, in view of the probity of his motives, which we have disclosed, one must not decry him for his Messianic computations."

But this is of course quite different from our time.  Nobody is throwing away Judaism because moshiach didn't come yet or doesn't look like he's coming.   There are not masses of people saying 'look how powerful the church is, therefore it must be we have to give up the Shema and become catholic (G-d forbid).'  No one is saying look at Islam controlling many countries that proves Judaism is defeated (G-d forbid).   That argument doesn't even hold water or sound slightly realistic or logical.  If any are saying them, they are very few compared to all the Jews who go after false ideas.  People leave Judaism for a host of other reasons in this day and age, and one of the prominent reasons is being lied to by rabbinic figures and misled by people who should know better, only to figure out that things they were told were fraudulent.   THAT is the bigger danger.   We are not being beaten in the streets by the jackboot of xtian europe or forced to convert by the sword in arab countries.   It is a new situation in which we are strong, not downtrodden.   It is not time to expect a mystical savior to appear and solve all our problems or cry about why haven't we been allowed to return home yet and why haven't we been allowed to get out of the gentile nations, but it is time to focus on practical deeds that will bring about redemption and the messiah, the anointed King, because we have already been allowed and enabled to come home.

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 12, 2010, 06:33:41 PM
Btw, after all of what I quoted above and Rambam's stressing that such predictions cannot be made on the basis of astrology or other means, and even on basis of the prophets it cannot be known for sure, (btw, does R. Katz give such disclaimers?) he goes on to say: 
"The precise date of the messianic advent cannot be known. But I am in possession of an extraordinary tradition which I received from my father, who in turn received it from his father, going back to our early ancestors who were exiled from Jerusalem, and who were mentioned by the prophet in the verse, "And the exiles of Jerusalem that are in Spain" (Obadiah 20). According to this tradition there is a covert indication in the prediction of Balaam to the future restoration of prophecy in Israel...  the verse "After the lapse of time, one will tell Jacob and Israel what G-d hath wrought," (Numbers 23:23), contains a veiled allusion to the date of the restoration of prophecy to Israel. The statement means that after the lapse of an interval equal to the time that passed from the Six Days of Creation to Balaam's day, seers will again tell Israel what G-d hath wrought. Now Balaam uttered his prediction in the thirty-eighth year after the Exodus which corresponds to the year 2485 after the Creation of the World, for the Exodus took place in the beginning of the year 2448. According to the interpretation of this chronology, prophecy would be restored to Israel in the year 4970 after the creation of the world. It is doubtless true that the reappearance of prophecy in Israel is one of the signs betokening the approach of the Messianic era as is intimated in Scripture "And your sons and your daughters shall prophecy ... And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth ... Before the great and terrible day of the Lord come" (Joel 3:1, 3, 4). This is the most genuine tradition concerning the Messianic advent. We were admonished against, and strictly prohibited from blazening it abroad, lest some folk deem it unduly postponed. We have already apprised you concerning it, but G-d knows best what is true. 

So, first, you got it wrong - It wasn't a prediction of the redemption, but it was a prediction of the restoration of prophecy to the Jewish people.   Alas, it did not come true, but Rambam obviously was trying to reassure a community who very much WAS faced with dire prospects and the local apostate Jews who converted to Islam were trying to convert them on the basis of messianic predictions and the degraded state of the Jews as proofs, etc.  And there was also a local false messiah to deal with which this prediction came to contradict.  If you read on on page 16 of the document you will see Rambam calls this person a madman.   The emphasis on the restoration of prophecy as a need for a messiah figure came to directly discredit the local Yemenite false messiah figure that even the author of the letter had fallen for.   
Here's a snippet about that: 
"You mention that a certain man in one of the cities of Yemen pretends that he is the Messiah.17 As I live, I am not surprised at him or at his followers, for I have no doubt that he is mad and a sick person should not be rebuked or reproved for an illness brought on by no fault of his own. Neither am I surprised at his votaries, for they were persuaded by him because of their sorry plight, their ignorance of the importance and high rank of the Messiah, and their mistaken comparison of the Messiah with the son of the Mahdi [the belief in] whose rise they are witnessing. But I am astonished that you, a scholar who has studied carefully the doctrines of the rabbis, are inclined to repose faith in him."

   So this was appropriate that Rambam reassured them in this way and gave them hope that soon the tide will change, and they should keep to their beliefs in the face of Muslim oppression, but he also moderated sharing of his private "tradition" with them with all the necessary disclaimers and explanations that this is not something we can really rely on and cannot expect it to come true exactly on that date - and if this particular interpretation doesn't come true, that's ok too.
Oh, and it also came to contradict the claims of a fraud in Yemen who was posing himself as messiah.    I can really understand where Rambam was coming from. 

 I quite often cannot understand where you are coming from.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 12, 2010, 06:56:19 PM
Ugh. ???

It appears you refer to this article, right wonga?


It has the whole article there: 
On Iraq And The Gulf Crisis
Written by Rabbi Meir Kahane

Only problem is, Rabbi Kahane does NOT say it is the war of Gog and Magog as you claimed.    He says
That the startling and incredible events in the Middle East are yet one more giant leap in this, the era of “atchalta d'geula” and "ikvot d'mshicha", the beginning of the redemption and the footsteps of the Messiah, is too painfully clear for all but the most blinded to see. The gathering together of armies and nations to the doorstep of Israel, the terrible threat of awesome weapons, the raging and pandemonium of economies and politics and nations, all testify to the escalation by the Almighty of the final era, the inexorable progression toward the battle of Gog, coming up against the Land of Israel. 

And later on: 
And that is what Kuwait and Iraq and the entire incredible and stupefying spectacle of the nations of the world moving their armies but a stone's throw from the Land of Israel means. The final war of Gog and the nations going up against Israel moves a giant step forward - and we still see and understand nothing.

He says these events are the footsteps TOWARD the great battle of Gog and Magog!  Not that saddam's invasion of kuwait began that war.    You really need to stop distorting sources here to push your agendas.  It is sickening when you do this.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 12, 2010, 07:30:53 PM
Nevertheless, in the Iggeret, Rambam doesn't hesitate to give his opinion & tradition as to the restoration of nevuah coming in 4976 (2488x2), followed by the Moshiach

ועל העניין הזה קבלנו, שזה שאמר בלעם במדבר כ"ג כ"ג "כעת יאמר ליעקב ולישראל מה פעל אל", יש בו סוד, שמן העת ההיא יש לחשב כמנין שיש מששת ימי בראשית ועד אותה העת, ותחזור הנבואה לישראל. ואז יאמרו להם הנביאים "מה פעל אל". ונבואה זו נאמרה בשנת הארבעים לצאתם מארץ מצרים, ותמצא התחלת החשבון עד אותה העת אלפים ותפ"ח שנה, שהסימן "בתפ"ח גאולים". ולפי ההיקש הזה והפירוש הזה תחזור הנבואה לישראל בשנת ארבעת אלפים תתקע"ו  ליצירה. ואין ספק שחזרת הנבואה היא הקדמת המשיח, שנאמר יואל ג' א' "ונבאו בניכם ובנותיכם" וגומר. זהו יותר אמתי מכל חשבון שנאמר בשום קץ

And don't blame me. I'm not making any calculations. Take it up with R.Katz. The closer we get to 6000, the odds are rising that someone's gonna get it right!
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 12, 2010, 07:44:57 PM
But I already quoted that and I showed that you were wrong when you claimed that he predicted the date of the redemption.  He didn't.   Yes, he predicted the restoration of prophecy, but alas that prediction did not come true.    Most or all of them do not.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 12, 2010, 07:58:40 PM
Don't come down too hard on Rabbi David Katz!



"Making calculations is perfectly acceptable according to many great rabbis of the past, and many did exactly that. For example, according to the Abarbanel, it is only forbidden to make the calculation based upon astrology; however, it is permissible to calculate a date based upon Tanach (Ma’ayeni HaYeshuah 1:2). The Ramban held that the prohibition of the Talmud only applied to earlier generations; now that we are on the eve of redemption, there is no prohibition (Sefer HaGeulah, Ma’amer 4). The Malbim concurs, and provides the following analogy to explain his opinion: The situation is like that of a father and son traveling a long distance. As they start out, the son begins to ask when they will arrive, and of course the father does not answer. However, as they near the town, the son asks the same question, and this time the father readily answers that it is only a short while before they reach their destination. So too it is with us: now that the time is clearly approaching, we cannot help but notice and interpret the signs all around us that tell of the impending geulah ... As the time of the keitz grows nearer, the doubts will become smaller, and at the keitz, all doubts will be removed ... As the time grows closer, the uncertainty recedes in the wake of the increasingly “abounding wisdom” (Introduction to Daniel). The Maggid of Dubno used a similar analogy as well. The Zohar even states that it is not G-d’s will to reveal the arrival date of the Moshiach, but when the date draws near, even children will be able to make the calculation "
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 12, 2010, 08:42:21 PM
It is clear that Moshiach can arrive at any time. Hashems prophet Isaiah tells us that Moshiach will come in his time, or it can be hastened through our behavior. I heard this concept in Rabbi Richmans latest shuir on next weeks Parasha... I found this concept in a page from Sichos In English:


Date of Moshiachs Coming

The actual date of the Messianic redemption is a guarded mystery unknown to man.[69] It will happen "in its time" (Isaiah 60:22), predetermined from the beginning of creation. This ultimate ketz (time for the 'end') is unconditional: it does not depend on Israel's merit, as it is said, "For My own sake, for My own sake, I will do it.." (Isaiah 48:11); "I wrought for My Name's sake that it should not be profaned in the eyes of the nations." (Ezekiel 20:9)[70]

Even so, the wording of Isaiah 60:22 seems to display a contradiction by stating "in its time I will hasten it": "in its time" means a set date; "I will hasten it" means that it may occur earlier, before "its time." The contradiction is resolved as follows: "If they are worthy - 'I will hasten it;' if not - 'in its time.' "[71]

The implication is clear: Mashiach can come any day, even before the predetermined date: "This day - if you will listen to His voice!" (Psalms 95:7)[72] Every generation has a special ketz of its own, for, as stated, Mashiach is alive and present in every generation, albeit concealed.[73] He is ready to be revealed at a moment's notice.[74] In the course of history prior to "its time" there are especially auspicious times when it is easier to effect his coming. To take advantage of these, to hasten the redemption, that depends completely on us.[75]


  69. (Back to text) See above, note 29.

  70. (Back to text) Zohar Chadash, Tikunim, 95b. Cf. Shemot Rabba 25:12 (cited below, note 81).

  71. (Back to text) Sanhedrin 98a. Yerushalmi, Ta'anit 1:1.

  72. (Back to text) Cf. Zohar Chadash, Tikunim 95b, that every generation has its own special ketz, subject to Israel's merit (cf. Even Shelemah 11:9). Abarbanel notes that the history of the world is divisible into three periods of premature, contingent, and mature: the first stage is premature for the redemption; the second is one of continuous potential for the redemption, subject to Israel's merits; while the third and final stage is the one of the final ketz, the definite date of the actual redemption. Yeshu'ot Meshicho, Part I, p. 11b; and ibid., Iyun Harishon, ch. 1, end of p. 18b. Cf. Sanhedrin 97b, "Before that do not expect him; afterwards you may await him;" and cf. below, note 122. This serves also as one explanation why the redemption did not yet occur, in spite of the infinitely greater piety and saintliness of our ancestors; see Chida, Petach Einayim on Sanhedrin 98a; and below, ch. VIII.

  73. (Back to text) See above, ch. IV-B.

  74. (Back to text) See Sanhedrin 98a "he unties and rebandages each bandage separately, saying, 'Should I be wanted, I must not be delayed;' " Rashi: he does not treat two sores together, thinking 'if I need to go and redeem Israel, I will not delay because of bandaging two sores.'

  75. (Back to text) This may explain why many sages calculated specific dates for the Messianic redemption. They did so in spite of the Talmudic disapproval of such practice lest disillusionment lead to despair: people may say, "since the calculated time has arrived but Mashiach has not come, he will never come." (Sanhedrin 97b; and see Or Hatorah-Na"ch, vol. I, p. 183f.) Yet those who calculated dates for the ketz included the greatest sages and saints throughout the ages, like R. Saadiah Gaon, Rashi, Ba'alei Tossafot, Ramban, Abarbanel, R. Isaac Luria etc. (see Mayanei Hayeshu'ah I:ch. 1-2; and R. Reuven Margolius' glosses on Teshuvot Min Hashamayim, sect. 72, pp. 80-83). Rambam, after citing the Talmudic injunction in his code and elaborating on it in his Igeret Teyman, himself offers in the latter (ch. 3) a date passed on to him by his ancestors! Ramban confronts the problem by stating that the Talmudic prohibition was but for a limited time only and no longer applies to the present era of ikvot Meshicha. (See his Sefer Hage'ulah, ed. Chavel, p. 289f., and see there also pp. 262 and 263). Cf. below, note 122. Various sources explain that all these were in fact true predictions, reflecting especially auspicious times. Mystics state that these dates were in fact actualized, though so far, unfortunately, only in spiritual dimensions not perceived on the manifest level of our reality. (Kuntres Perush Hamilot, ch. 27 (p. 15b). See also Maamarei Admur Hazaken - Haketzarim, p. 212; Bnei Yisas'char, Sivan V:19; Ateret Tzvi on Zohar II:10a. Cf. Bet Elokim, Sha'ar Hatefilah, ch. 17.)

Rabbi Richman on Vayechi : http://koshertube.com/videos/index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=5&task=videodirectlink&id=1014
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 12, 2010, 08:49:20 PM
More directly here is a portion of the relevant Talmud Sanhedrin 97b:


R. Hanan b. Tahlifa sent [word] to R. Joseph: I once met a man who possessed a scroll written in Hebrew in Assyrian characters.7  I said to him: 'Whence has this come to thee?' He replied, 'I hired myself as a mercenary in the Roman army, and found it amongst the Roman archives. In it is stated that four thousand, two hundred and thirty8-one years after the creation the world will be orphaned.9  [As to the years following,] some of them will be spent in the war of the great sea monsters,10  and some in the war of Gog and Magog, and the remaining [period] will be the Messianic era, whilst the Holy One, blessed be He, will renew his world only after seven thousand years.' R. Abba the son of Raba said: The statement was after five thousand years.

It has been taught; R. Nathan said: This verse pierces and descends to the very abyss:11  For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though he tarry, wait for him; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.12  Not as our Masters, who interpreted the verse, until a time and times and the dividing of time;13  nor as R. Simlai who expounded, Thou feedest them with the bread of tears; and givest them tears to drink a third time;14  nor as R. Akiba who expounded, Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth:15  but the first dynasty [sc. the Hasmonean] shall last seventy years, the second [the Herodian], fifty two, and the reign of Bar Koziba16  two and a half years.17

What is meant by 'but at the end it shall speak [we-yafeah] and not lie?' — R. Samuel b. Nahmani said in the name of R. Jonathan: Blasted be18  the bones of those who calculate the end.19  For they would say, since the predetermined time has arrived, and yet he has not come, he will never come. But [even so], wait for him, as it is written, Though he tarry, wait for him. Should you say, We look forward [to his coming] but He does not: therefore Scripture saith, And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you.20  But since we look forward to it, and He does likewise, what delays [his coming]? — The Attribute of Justice delays it.21  But since the Attribute of Justice delays it, why do we await it? — To be rewarded [for hoping], as it is written, blessed are all they that wait for him.22

Abaye said: The world must contain not less than thirty-six righteous men in each generation who are vouchsafed [the sight of] the Shechinah's countenance, for it is written, Blessed are all they that wait lo23  [for him]; the numerical value of 'lo' is thirty-six. But that is not so, for did not Raba say: The row [of righteous men immediately] before the Holy One, blessed be He, consists of eighteen thousand,24  for it is written, it shall be eighteen thousand round about?25  — That is no difficulty: the former number [thirty-six] refers to those who see Him through a bright speculum, the latter to those who contemplate him through a dim one.26  But are there as many? Did not Hezekiah say in the name of R. Jeremiah on the authority of R. Simeon b. Yohai: I have seen the sons of heaven,27  and they are but few; if there are a thousand, I and my son are included; if a hundred, I and my son are included; and if only two, they are myself and my son? — There is no difficulty: the former number [thirty-six] refers to those who enter [within the barrier to contemplate the Shechinah] with permission; the latter [uncertain number] to those who may enter without permission.

Rab said: All the predestined dates [for redemption] have passed, and the matter [now] depends only on repentance and good deeds. But Samuel maintained: it is sufficient for a mourner to keep his [period of] mourning.28  This matter is disputed by Tannaim: R. Eliezer said: if Israel repent, they will be redeemed; if not, they will not be redeemed. R. Joshua said to him, if they do not repent, will they not be redeemed! But the Holy One, blessed be He, will set up a king over them, whose decrees shall be as cruel as Haman's, whereby Israel shall engage in repentance, and he will thus bring them back to the right path.29  Another [Baraitha] taught: R. Eliezer said: if Israel repent, they will be redeemed, as it is written, Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.30  R. Joshua said to him, But is it not written, ye have sold yourselves for naught; and ye shall be redeemed without money?31  Ye have sold yourselves for naught, for idolatry; and ye shall be redeemed without money — without repentance and good deeds. R. Eliezer retorted to R. Joshua, But is it not written, Return unto me, and I will return unto you?32  R. Joshua rejoined — But is it not written, For I am master over you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion?33  R. Eliezer replied, But it is written, in returning and rest shall ye be saved.34  R. Joshua replied, But is it not written, Thus saith the Lord, The Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nations abhorreth, to a servant of rulers,
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 12, 2010, 09:04:51 PM
And even more chilling is the Talmuds description of the generation prior to the coming of Moshiach, known as the 'Birthpangs of Moshiach'. I have learned about this before, but I find it interesting in light of this thread:

Raba said: I used to think at first that there is no truth in the world.21  Whereupon one of the Rabbis, by name of R. Tabuth — others say, by name of R. Tabyomi — who, even if he were given all the treasures of the world, would not lie, told me that he once came to a place called Kushta,22  in which no one ever told lies, and where no man ever died before his time. Now, he married one of their women, by whom he had two sons. One day his wife was sitting and washing her hair, when a neighbour came and knocked at the door. Thinking to himself that it would not be etiquette [to tell her that his wife was washing herself], he called out, 'She is not here.' [As a punishment for this] his two sons died. Then people of that town came to him and questioned him, 'What is the cause of this?' So he related to them what had happened. 'We pray thee,' they answered, 'quit this town, and do not incite Death against us.'23

It has been taught: R. Nehorai said: in the generation when Messiah comes, young men will insult the old, and old men will stand before the young [to give them honour]; daughters will rise up against their mothers, and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law. The people shall be dog-faced, and a son will not be abashed in his father's presence.

It has been taught, R. Nehemiah said: in the generation of Messiah's coming impudence will increase, esteem be perverted,24  the vine yield its fruit, yet shall wine be dear,25  and the Kingdom will be converted to heresy26  with none to rebuke them. This supports R. Isaac, who said: The son of David will not come until the whole world is converted to the belief of the heretics. Raba said: What verse [proves this]? it is all turned white: he is clean.27

Our Rabbis taught: For the Lord shall judge his people, and repent himself of his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left:28  the son of David will not come until denunciators are in abundance.29  Another interpretation [of their power is gone]: until scholars are few. Another interpretation: until the [last] perutah has gone from the purse. Yet another interpretation: until the redemption is despaired of, for it is written, there is none shut up or left, as — were it possible [to say so] — Israel had neither Supporter nor Helper. Even as R. Zera, who, whenever he chanced upon scholars engaged thereon [I.e., in calculating the time of the Messiah's coming], would say to them: I beg of you, do not postpone it, for it has been taught: Three come unawares:30  Messiah, a found article and a scorpion.31

R. Kattina said: Six thousand years shall the world exist, and one [thousand, the seventh], it shall be desolate, as it is written, And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.32  Abaye said: it will be desolate two [thousand], as it is said, After two days will he revive us: in the third day, he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.33

It has been taught in accordance with R. Kattina: Just as the seventh year is one year of release in seven, so is the world: one thousand years out of seven shall be fallow, as it is written, And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day,' and it is further said, A Psalm and song for the Sabbath day,34  meaning the day that is altogether Sabbath — 35 and it is also said, For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past.36

The Tanna debe Eliyyahu teaches: The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand there was desolation;37  two thousand years the Torah flourished;38  and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era,39
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 12, 2010, 10:33:15 PM
Don't come down too hard on Rabbi David Katz!



"Making calculations is perfectly acceptable according to many great rabbis of the past, and many did exactly that. For example, according to the Abarbanel, it is only forbidden to make the calculation based upon astrology; however, it is permissible to calculate a date based upon Tanach (Ma’ayeni HaYeshuah 1:2). The Ramban held that the prohibition of the Talmud only applied to earlier generations; now that we are on the eve of redemption, there is no prohibition (Sefer HaGeulah, Ma’amer 4). The Malbim concurs, and provides the following analogy to explain his opinion: The situation is like that of a father and son traveling a long distance. As they start out, the son begins to ask when they will arrive, and of course the father does not answer. However, as they near the town, the son asks the same question, and this time the father readily answers that it is only a short while before they reach their destination. So too it is with us: now that the time is clearly approaching, we cannot help but notice and interpret the signs all around us that tell of the impending geulah ... As the time of the keitz grows nearer, the doubts will become smaller, and at the keitz, all doubts will be removed ... As the time grows closer, the uncertainty recedes in the wake of the increasingly “abounding wisdom” (Introduction to Daniel). The Maggid of Dubno used a similar analogy as well. The Zohar even states that it is not G-d’s will to reveal the arrival date of the Moshiach, but when the date draws near, even children will be able to make the calculation "

Even so, there are still disclaimers involved aside from just the question of the permissibility of making a calculation or not.

But it is quite telling, IMO, that the RambaN, who lived in the years 1194-1270 said we were then in the "eve of the redemption" at that time/generation!   The time that has elapsed since his day until now is even more time than that which passed between the sealing of the Talmud (wherein hazal caution against this) until the Ramban's time!   It just goes to show we have no idea what G-d's plan is, and everyone always thinks redemption is right around the corner in their own time, and for this reason I think it is a mistake to predict dates.    It would also go to show that, while certainly rishonim at times disagree with chazal on certain matters of interpretation, in this case it would indicate that chazal were more correct in this particular matter perhaps than anyone realized.

I hope I was not overly antagonistic toward Rabbi Katz.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: british bulldog on December 13, 2010, 11:30:09 PM
eve of redemption means, that at the rambans time, 6pm on the paradigm clock was near, and the revelation of of the geula would not commence until 6 am on the clock, ie. near 1400 = 6 pm...and 5500 =  6 am..corresponding to the 6th day of creation.
if you notice, the alternative time of the ramban (3830 + 1290 + 400 = 5520 ) is the time of the revelation of the beginning of mashiach ben ephraim, ie. the vilna gaons kol hator, as it began essentially in 5520...this time period was forseen by the gra, and the ramban, as yet another interp. of time, times, and a half (4000, 1000, 500 = 5500) this is explained in kol hator, and the ramban, sefer geulah. this was a great year for many, as it was 1739, industrial revolution, the gra, baal shem tov, ramchal, sefardi masters, etc...also predicted in the zohar [wellsprings will be opened up from 5500 until 5600, which many believe were] thus the ramban saw, that as 6 pm, closed with him, he knew it would reawaken at 6 am ( the gra says 41 yrs 8 months is an hour) this was also said in the shiur...ie 5500, vs 5520. when one reads sefer geulah, and does the calculation reaching 5520, it is like the ramban describes the pratim of the sefer kol hator, in terms of moshiach ben ephraim...which i believe there was a kabbalistic mesorah, that 6 am would be significant in the geulah, and the gra realized that potential in himself, leading the way to what would be the light of moshiach ben ephraim, kol hator. in terms of in its time, i will hasten it. (5500- 6000, 250 [from 500] = 5750) then when you take the additional 20 years into mind, as the rambans cheshbon dictates, and corresponds to the year of kol hator, 5520, brings you to 5770. the point of the shiur, was to show continuity amongst the sources, and their predictions were and are still alive, and in unison. and when we add in, ad v ad v klal, and ad vlo ad vklal, to the cheshbon, it gives you a differential of almost 2 full years. thus the calculations, are shayach until 5774. based on what i see in the world, there is no reason to doubt this cheshbon...all the pieces are present, and even more so now than ever.. do i have any vested interest in "this year"...not really...it just seems logical, and the rishonim all point to this year...as i did the cheshbon on its simple calculation level, just to have it make sense..which was no less an accomplishment...to finally have a working "pshat" of their words. i encourage you, to listen to the shiur...and please offer your own interpretation of rashis words, the rambans words if you would like....or drop it if that makes you happy. my cavanah is to understand these rishonim...and i achieved that...if what i found is wrong..so be it...whether my understanding, or it be their cheshbonos...either way, i will patiently wait untill Hashem decides to bring the geulah, as we all will, whether we like it or not. it just gives me extra incentive, to anticipate (tzipia le yeshua, as it says in shabbos...to anticipate the geulah) with a little more cavanah and enthusiasm...especially thinking that many minds over the years were looking forward to the years we are in, as i see it, and at the very least, we will be one year closer to moshiach, when 5771 comes and goes, assuming he does not come. all the way until 5774. if in 5774, there is no moshiach, and the world still exists...the it is safe to say that these calculations are vadai wrong, and  a new approach should be taken, and the sources should be reviewed, as they were not intended for what they were used, on an apparent level. of course in 5870, these ideas will become rearroused, and rightly so..as this is the mashmaut of these sources. this story is long, and opinions are many...and in closing, enjoy 5771, for better or worse, but at least with a little bit of anticipation and enthusiasm, as it is chaval to say the movie is not worth watching, when it has only just started...it may get best picture...yet it may not, and we all know the ramifications either way...in my opinion, 5771-5774 will be exciting years....its an opinion...it was learned out, leshma...and so far it worked, and is working...no more no less.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 14, 2010, 12:10:24 AM
Shalom BB,

As I initially stated, it is very interesting to attempt to calculate these times. And I surely await Moshiach every day, and I look for signs that he is here. But I find it difficult to believe every calculation which a student or teacher of Torah brings. The best strategy is to try to bring Moshiach by hastening his coming, through deeds of kindness, observance of the mitzvot such as Tefillin, TzitTzits, Tzedakah and Tefilla, and of course keeping the Shabbat. By teaching others the Torah which we learn we also hasten the coming of Moshiach.

I find what you wrote very interesting, although difficult to read due to lack of formatting. It would be good to use paragraphs and capitalization in such a discussion.

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 14, 2010, 12:16:46 AM

Shiur #02: Geula and Tefila

By Rav Moshe Taragin



            The gemara in Berakhot (4b) asserts the value of juxtaposing tefilla - the recitation of the shemone esrei - with a recollection of redemption.  The ideal of "someich geula le-tefilla," of twining a mention of past geula with actual tefilla - if executed properly, merits entry into the next world (muvtach lo she-hu ben olam ha-ba).  The exact benefit and purpose of this juxtaposition remains unclear.


            In his commentary to the gemara in Berakhot (4b), Rashi cites a Yerushalmi in Berakhot as the source of this rule.  The Yerushalmi identifies a "superior" form of prayer and contrasts it with an "inferior" one.  A prayer offered without introduction is an inferior prayer, as it is not predicated on any prior relationship and is therefore less dependable or even valuable.  However, when we first build a relationship with Hashem by mentioning geula and only subsequently lodge our requests, the tefilla is "superior." According to Rashi, geula and tefilla are juxtaposed in order to HEIGHTEN the quality of prayer.  Employing geula as a preamble to prayer enhances prayer's caliber.


            Rashi reinforces this notion in a comment on the gemara in Berakhot 31, which urges entering tefilla in a state of "happiness."  Though the literal reading of the gemara addresses the mentality that should frame prayer, Rashi attempts to concretize the gemara's point by suggesting certain experiences which can enable a proper state of mind prior to tefilla.  He cites two examples of texts whose recital would ease anxiety and facilitate a superior tefilla.  One example is describing geula, while a second example is the recitation of ashrei.  The mentioning of geula, then, is functionally parallel to ashrei, as they both serve as a preface to tefilla.  There is a subtle difference between the function of geula as a relationship builder, as Rashi notes on Berakhot 4b, and the role that Rashi attributes to it as a comforting pretext to tefilla (31a).  Either way, geula serves as a preface, enabling and enhancing the tefilla.


            By contrast, the Talmidei Rabbenu Yonah articulate the fusion of geula and tefilla quite differently.  The sections of geula texts recall our liberation from Mitzrayim and the ensuing submission to the Divine will; immediate prayer – itself a form of worship – REINFORCES that submission to Hashem's will.  Alternatively, an immediate tefilla corroborates the FAITH we place in Hashem as the Answerer of our prayers.  This is a fitting conclusion to the discussion of geula and our enduring faith in His interest in and ability to redeem us.  Unlike Rashi, who viewed geula as a preface to tefilla, the Talmidei Rabbenu Yonah viewed tefilla as an EPILOGUE to geula.  Tefilla recited immediately after describing geula reinforces some of the fundamental motifs of the redemptive experience.  That we pray every morning is a mitzva in and of itself (either Biblical or Rabbinic).  The scheduling of tefilla immediately subsequent to geula, however, incidentally highlights some of the basic motifs of geula.  In this respect, prayer is drafted in the "service" of geula.

             There is an interesting dispute, the premise of which may strengthen the position of the Talmidei Rabbenu Yonah.  The gemara in Berakhot (4b) records a machloket between Rabbi Yochanan, who requires this twinning even at Ma'ariv, and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, who waives this requirement for Ma'ariv.  Explaining the machloket, the gemara first suggests that the argument revolves around the history of the event commemorated in "geula": did the redemption from Egypt begin at night or only occur at daybreak?  Rabbi Yochanan believes that the geula began at night, and therefore he requires the juxtaposition at night during Ma'ariv, while Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi disagrees. Alternatively, the debate may not be historical but nominal; each agrees that the geula began at night and came in full force during the day.  They argue as to whether the preliminary stages at night were sufficient to deem this miracle as having begun at night.


Either way, one must wonder about the RELEVANCE of this issue if geula is merely a convenient "lead-in" for prayer.  If Rashi is correct and geula functions as an introduction to our tefilla, we should insert geula as a preface independent of the timing of the actual redemption. If we assume, on the other hand, that the pairing of geula and tefilla is for the sake of our discussion of geula, perhaps we can argue that this association is only mandated during the primary moment of reliving geula.  Since, at least according to Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, we relive geula exclusively during the day, the geula-tefilla twinning is unnecessary at night.


            Tosafot in Berakhot (4b) mention an interesting position of Rav Amram Ga'on that may indicate – as Rashi suggested – that this twinning actually serves tefilla's interest.  Rav Amram Ga'on comments on our custom of reciting kaddish between the evening discussion of geula and shemoneh esrei, severing the juxtaposition. Since Ma'ariv is voluntary (reshut), we are excused from connecting geula and tefilla, and we intentionally insert kaddish to break the continuity and demonstrate the lesser status of Ma'ariv.  Rabbi Yochanan's aforementioned debate with Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi regarding the need for this association at night revolved around the timing of the original geula and had little to do with the halakhic status of tefillat Ma'ariv.  Rav Amram Gaon introduces a new variable to help determine the requirement of the twinning between geula and tefilla at night: only OBLIGATORY tefillot require this twinning, while voluntary ones do not.


            According to the Talmidei Rabbenu Yonah, the juxtaposition of geula and tefilla has little to do with actual tefilla.  Whenever we study the lessons of geula and target certain ideological truths, we underscore those truths with a consequent tefilla.  The fact that the prayer being recited is voluntary should not exonerate us form reinforcing the lessons of geula through a tefilla.  Rav Amram Ga'on's position seems to be predicated upon the view of Rashi - geula aids us in preparing for tefilla, but this preamble was only instituted during a tefilla of obligation and not a voluntary one.


            The ensuing shiur will iy'H address a related issue: may geula and tefilla be disassociated to serve alternate purposes? 
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: british bulldog on December 14, 2010, 01:40:51 AM
should one not attempt to understand rashi, ramban, gra, and zohar? should we write them off because we dont so to speak understand them? should we then not be surprised to understand them and realize that they all agree? should we equally not be enthusiastic to see that we are in the year that they proclaim? no one invented this concept of calculation...it was given to daniel, and since then people have tried to understand it. who said the sugia is dead? and as i see it, we are in the sugia now...and if the calculations are wrong, then the sugia still continues...mind you, all i have done was plug in the numbers brought down by the rishonim...did you listen to the shiur to see that is what it is about? or is this discussion theoretical? because if you have listened to it, i would love to  hear how you differ with my pshat of the pratim given in the respective sources. this has nothing to do with bringing moshiach. this has to do with tzipia leyeshua, as i understand it. and i see nothing wrong with doing that mitzva, leshma, and b'simcha...and making it lamysa...which i assure i will do until moshiach comes or 120, which ever comes first..and as you said...every generation has signs..therefore what is the harm with noting an apparent sign? certainly signs are good when based on truth, ie. rishonim, chazal, psukim, etc.  as for bringing moshiach, well that seems to be the task at hand does it not? how about fullfilling the torah, that would be a start. of course we all disagree about what the torah wants from us. in that case, to each his own. and hatzlacha raba. may one of us figure it out soon, spread the word, and bring moshiach...and if you think the status quo is working, and has been working, but that it just takes time, no chiddushim necessary, then hatzlacha raba to you too. we all have an emunah, and the torah summarized is tzaddik bemunaso yichyeh...my emunah tells me to understand rishonim. i did that. my emunah is to share that knowledge b simcha, in the knowledge that an age old machlokes and source of doubt, is in fact not a machlokes and can be viewed as chizuk and strengthening our emunah, and in our sages...at the very least, rashi saying 5771/2010, as opposed to 1405, as well as other rishonim mentioned, makes me smile a little brighter...and maybe they knew a little more than we give them credit for. torah and her sages are meant to be understood, and not to ridicule those who attempt and for the time being have succeeded in understanding...if you would like to pussul this shiur in 5775, you wont be able to, for i will already have done so, happily. yet that means moshiach didnt come, sadily...then as i said...reconfigure, put the pieces together, in an even stronger fashion...and i am sure Hashem will provide the kelim, to make the klals emunah even stronger than before...so we can greet moshiach, and or have the capacity to get to 6000. and at erev 6000, no moshiach what will the am say? they will say, lets try to configure and understand what is going on..as calculations are just part of the briah, as we all subscribe to the 6000 years  notion, as moshe coming in the midst of the 6th hour notion at sinai, etc. calcualtion is part of torah, it was given to daniel for a reason, and it is torah. mind you, daniel himself, the calculator...calculated, errored, and reconfigured, ie. 70 years of galus bavel. in closing, the goal is to understand, torah in general...when we can begin to go down that alley, maybe then we can understand what Hashem wants from us, whatever it is that hasnt been done, and that we are not doing. there are no answers until the trial is over. but to not participate out of complexity and difficulty, i do not believe is the answer. nor is it appropriate to proclaim "the answer" when it is mere speculation. but there is the sharing of emunah, and the torah we percieve and on some level believe we understand. my emunah, and understanding is that we are in the process of geulah, and that it is very near, most likely by 5774, as predicted/believed/forseen/or even guessed by sages, or misinterpreted "students" of torah...which if the later is true, then rashi and ramban said the geulah was many many years ago unfullfilled...and to me that is depressing, of katnei emanah, and a lessening of the gadlus of rishonim and their messorah. this has nothing to do with being right. it has to do with what my eyes have seen and are seeing. and my emunah is to believe that we are in it now. and as of date, nothing has led me to believe otherwise. so i will continue down this path...my emunah, between me and God, which i have chosen to share with those interested in listening to a simple torah shiur, about rishonim, and their agreed stance on when they perceived through tradition going back to daniel about when the geulah would come. i hope to those who listened to the shiur, that it gave you simcha, chizuk, and a desire to understand what Hashem wants from us, in that we can bring the geulah, not only "in its own time", but in the fashion of "i will hasten it", producing the Kiddush Hashem, that we are all after: to Understand Hashem, His Torah, and His People....sof mysa, machshava techila...may it be soon.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 14, 2010, 02:36:02 PM
Katz's calculation based on a close reading of Rashi appears to be 3830+1335+600+6 = 5771

(http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/4876/rashi.th.jpg) (http://img707.imageshack.us/i/rashi.jpg/)

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 14, 2010, 02:36:38 PM
I find that post extremely difficult to read... Im sorry...

I am beginning to suspect that you are Rabbi Katz... Are you?

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 14, 2010, 02:44:29 PM
Here is a basic discussion of where we get the idea of a 6000 year timeline...


Basics of Judaism

The Messiah
The Messiah and 6000 years
Listen to this article. Powered by Odiogo.com

How do we know that the world will end in the year 6,000? There are many differing contexts of the coming of the Messiah has anyone sorted out the contexts so that we can gauge a clear view?

Here are some sources for the world lasting six thousand years:

Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin [97a]: “Rav Kattina said: ‘The world will exist for 6000 years and one (thousand) of destruction’ ... We have a teaching which is in agreement with Rav Kattina, as the seventh is the sabbatical year – one in seven years. Likewise the world will rest 1,000 in 7000 … ‘a thousand years in Your eyes are like yesterday which has passed …’ [Psalms 90:4].”

Talmud, Tractate Avodah Zarah [9a]: “The world will exist for six thousand years: two millennia of void (‘tohu’); Two millennia of Torah; and then two millennia of the age of Moshiach.”

Nachmanides, Commentary on the Torah (Genesis 2:3), quoting Kabbalistic sources: “Each of the Six Days of Creation corresponds to a 1,000 year period of future history.”

As for a clearer view of what it will be like when Moshiach comes, the basic answer is: a lot better than this.

From the Prophets, Talmud and Midrashim, we know what universal changes Moshiach will bring about. Among them: the whole world will return to G-d and His teachings; the entire Jewish People will be gathered back to the Land of Israel; the royal dynasty of King David will be restored; Jerusalem and the Third Temple will be rebuilt; the Temple service will be restored, along with the keeping of the Sabbatical Year (Shmitah) and the Jubilee Year (Yovel); the Sanhedrin, the religious supreme court of the Jewish people, will be reestablished.

No big deal, right?

In what order and in exactly what manner these events will occur, we do not know. G-d did not reveal the future that clearly to us. We do know certain ways that it cannot happen in any way which contradicts the Torah.

There are sources that do an excellent job of laying out clearly everything we do know about Moshiach. In English, the two best sources are The Handbook of Jewish Thought, Volume II, by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan and The Way of G-d (Derech Hashem) by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: british bulldog on December 14, 2010, 03:32:16 PM
i am rabbi katz
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 14, 2010, 04:08:16 PM
i am rabbi katz

Shalom Rabbi,

I hope that we will learn something from you. I have listened to some of your shuirs. I hope that you find JTF a good place to discuss these topics. Although we do not really spend a great deal of time concerned with these kinds of calculcation it is always very interesting to ponder when geula will come. Whether these calculations do actually increase our emmunah is debatable.

If such thoughts actually do cause some of our brothers and sisters to pick up and return to Eretz Yisroel it will be a blessing for you. The more righteous souls which make aliyah the better. I do not want to lengthen the exile, as I said I wish to hasten it. But I am still cautious about placing trust in calculations.

It is excellent to make your acquaintance. Baruch Hashem...
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 14, 2010, 05:30:45 PM
i am rabbi katz


I always liked the British Bulldog.  Good name choice.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: edu on December 15, 2010, 12:27:13 AM
Dear Rabbi Katz a.k.a. British Bulldog
I didn't hear your entire lecture. I just heard excerpts.
But first a technical comment.
Are you aware, that in what the goyim call the middle ages, we had a minor change in our calendar.
That originally we or at least many counted year 1, from the creation of Adam on Rosh Hashana, but in the middle ages we started to count year 1 from the day of the creation of light on day 1 and the creation of Adam was already in year 2.
I believe you can find a background explanation in Artscroll to Ezra quoting an earlier source. You can also read a bit about it in
 לוח ששת אלפים שנה, עמוד 649
 מוסד הרב קוק, ירושלים, הוצאת תשלו
Secondly, I am uncomfortable with your heavy reliance on the Zohar. 1] given the heavy reliance on the zohar of false messianic groups such as Shabtei Zvi 2] The Zohar, was not released to the public and probably didn't exist, until the time of the Ramban or a little after and therefore should not be a reliable source to use, since the time of the end should have been accessable to those that were worthy, even before the advent of the Zohar.
1.Sefer Yochasin of MHR"A Zechut in the name of R"Y Dmin Acco the student of Ramban brought firsthand testimony that the book of the Zohar was written by means of one of the secret names of G-d {Shaim Hamiforash}and is not the work of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. We are dealing with a witness who saw firsthand!
2.Rabbi Yaacov Emdeen in his book Mitpachat Sofrim brings many proofs to contradict the claim of the antiquity of the Zohar beyond all doubt and so too did he write in his comments to Sefer Yochasin, see there.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: british bulldog on December 15, 2010, 01:35:59 AM
i have no interest in defending the zohar, and i am sorry for your discomfort in this matter...
however, i am of the school of thought that the zohar is purely authentic, as is rov bnei torah...and it is the yesod of kabalah by sefardim, arizal, gaon of vilna, ramchal, etc....i base my torah on them...so if the zohar is invalid...i sink with them...as for the ramban, he be shita keeps sod as sod...as he says in his hakduma to bereishis...he reveals nothing of his sod. ther notion that the zohar is fraud is propoganda by mislead misnagdim in my opinion, and by those that have never bothered to learn it with intention of understanding it, it is documented even as a source of halacha in some instances, as it is even quoted by the mishna brura. the last time i checked, the mishna brura, ie chofetz chaim, and the other meforshim, were talmidei chachamim, and quite reliable, and knowledgeable in terms of authenticity of mesora issues...we have a mesora...and it is a true mesora...such goes for the torah sh baal peh, which people like to say we dont have a mesora for that as well...and since we are on this train of thought, why dont we just question the authenticity of the chumash...i mean did moshe really write it from dictation from Hashem? these questions are juvenile and of katnei amana from a lack of understanding...to be blunt. yet you are entitled to your opinion, to what you have heard, most likely second hand at best. and as for messianic perversion...should i no longer walk into a chabad house for that matter? due to moshiachist messianic perversion? the zohar suffered absolutely no ill effects from messianic movements..and it flourishes today, and can be found in countless batei midrashim in the world, which is not true for shabtai tzvi divrei torah. i no longer wish to discuss this topic, as it is pointless and fruitless to do so.
as for the calendar issues...many questions have come up on this topic, and to me they shall remain just that questions. we have a mesora and i trust the mesora. klal yisrael is not lost nor have we ever been lost nor will we ever be lost. our mesora is authentic and authoritative. the advent of the skeptic and rationalist does not own the right of passage to skew matters of emunah peshuta, that make up the basic fabric of yiddishkite...ie, the zohar issue. i narrow mind is not always a bad thing, it is a discipline in the science of thought, and thought development, to have a mutual understanding on a given point...and as i have stated, i am with classic daas torah on these matters, which make up the rov of yeshivish torah study. if these points of interest bother you, or contend with you...i advise you to disregard my chiddushim and divrei torah...i am narrow minded, and it will only bother you...much like geocentrisism bothers people of the modern world. if you would like to discuss matters on a mutual understanding level, as agreed upon facts, and i mean facts, i would to do so. but controversial skepticism and debate is not my forte nor my interest. my interest and motivation is to understand yeshivish torah, in the classic sense, and a very particular penimius hashkafa, derived from the gra, arizal, ramchal...which point  to the zohar...as they all have a common denominator in their torahs that i prescribe to. 
in closing there is debate, and answering challenges of debate...and there is pursuit of knowledge through challenges in understanding...somehow i dont view your post as the latter, rather the former...and i have no interest in convincing you otherwise from what you have heard. but if you would like, i can offer you insight why i conclude and think the way i do, as a sharing of mindset and perspective. maybe then we can converse on common ground and interest.
please excuse me if i was off topic in interpreting your response. in my opinion, it didnt seem relevent in understanding my shiur. or it could be i just didnt understand your questions based on the nusach that i perceived through cyberspace. are you interested in the knowledge of the claim of the validity and usage of the zohar? would you like to believe that it is possible to be authentic? would you like to believe that the year is 5771, but just dont see how it could be? in that context, the situation has changed, and i would be glad to share with you.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on December 15, 2010, 04:35:03 AM
Yeranen Yaakov's opinion of Katz's 5771 prediction:

New 5771 Geula Predictions

Hat tip to Shirat Devorah, who referred me to this shiur.  Rabbi David Katz has a shiur on TorahAnytime (listen here) where he takes the Zohar, Rashi, and the Ramban - and uses their wording to show how they all predict a 5771 Geula.  I hope I understood the shiur correctly - if anyone understood it differently than I present it here, please let me know.  Note that much of what he says is not the literal meaning of their words, but he claims that this could be an intended meaning of their words, al derech drush.

Before he does that, he notes 2 Gematrias:

1) Daniel 12:12 אשרי המחכה ויגיע - the word המחכה ("he that waits") can be reconstructed as 5770 in the following way:

•ה - stands for 5000
•כה - the 25th letter of the alef bet is ן with a gematria of 700
•מח - in א"ת ב"ש is יס, which = 70
2) The word הכרמל (the Carmel) can also have the gematria of 5770 as follows:

•ה - stands for 5000
•כ - really is ך, which = 500
•רמל - which = 270

He further notes that being off by a year is OK in year calculations, so any calculations for 5770 can also mean 5771.

Back to his dealing with the sources.  He says that the Hurban of the second Beit Hamikdash occurred in 3830 (unlike many Jewish sources which say it occurred in 3828, but he is taking the secular date of 70 CE).

•First, he takes the Ramban in Sefer HaGeula:

ודע, כי חכמי המשנה מעידים בביאור, כי רומה תפסה מלכות על [אנשי] בית שני, בנצחם את היונים, מזמן
 מאתים ושש שנה קודם החרבן, וכשתוסיף המספר הזה על
 אלף של״ה, שהוא קץ גאלתנו השלמה, נמצא שעמדנו תחת
 יד רומה ושכניה, אשר מכרה אותנו להם, אלף תק״מ שנה
 כי שנת אלף של״ה בה תהיה גאלתנו שלמה. אשרי המחכה
 ויגיע אליה.

So you add 3830 + 1335 (years in Daniel 12:12) + 206 (years Rome ruled before the Hurban) = 5371

 Then, he takes the Ramban in the end of Sefer HaGeula:

 ואולי הרמז אשר יעדנו לו בתחלת
דברינו מפרשת
כי תוליד בנים, הוא מפסוק: בצר לך
 ומצאוך כל הדברים האלה באחרית הימים ושבת עד ה׳
,אלהיך וגו׳
 כי אם תספור לך ומצאוך כל הדברים האלה
,באחרית הימים יעלה בידך לחשבון הגימטריא, אלף רצ״א
 כמספר, אשר מן החרבן השני הנרמז בפרשה
עד ביאת
 הגואל הראשון משיח בן אפרים
 where he takes the word כמספר which itself has the gematria of 400.  So, 5371 + 400 = 5771.

•Next, he discusses the Vilna Gaon, who many wrongly predicted a 5750 Geula from his words.  Rabbi Katz says that the Vilna Gaon wrote it in 5520 - not in 5500 - so when the Vilna Gaon divided the last 500 years of history in half, he claims it should be pushed off by 20 years, bringing us to 5770.
•Next, the Zohar in Parshat Pinhas 249b:
ואי תימא דלע׳ תחיל ולב׳ שנין אולידת, בתר אלף ומאתן
 בחושבן רע״ב

Partially based on the Sulam, Rabbi Katz explains that 3830 + 1200 = 5030.  Add another 200 as the Sulam says = 5230.  Add another 200 (I don't know where Rabbi Katz gets this from) = 5430.  Add 70 = 5500.  Add the 272 = 5772, but since we're in the 272nd year, we can say this equates to 5771.
•Next, he takes the Zohar Vayera 119a and Zohar Pinhas 252a and the Haza"l that 2 years were subtracted to ונושנתם, which means that 2 years will be subtracted from the final Geula too.  He then does a calculation based on the word שש equaling 600 to come to 5771.  (Too technical to get into the calculation.)
•Next, he takes the Rashi on Daniel 7:25, where he says:

עד עידן ועידנין ופלג עידן - קץ סתום הוא זה כאשר נאמר לדנייאל סתום הדברים וחתום ודרשוהו הראשונים איש לפי דעתו וכלו הקצים ויש לנו לפותרו עוד כאשר ראיתי כתוב בשם רב סעדיה הם אלף וג' מאות ול"ה שנים האמור בסוף הספר אשרי המחכה וגו' ופי' המועד עד עת שני עתים וחצי עת ואמר שהעתים הם ד' מאות ופ' שמיום צאתם ממצרים עד שנבנה הבית, וד' מאות ועשר ימי מקדש ראשון הרי תת"ץ ועוד חצי העת הזה תמ"ה הרי אל"ף של"ה את אלה חשוב מעת הוסר התמיד עד שוב זבח התמיד אל מקומו והוא הוסר שש שנים לפני החורבן ויש קצת ראיה בספר זה, ועוד יש מביאין ראיה לחשבון זה הסתר אסתיר פני הסתר אסתיר בגי' אלף ושל"ה

Rabbi Katz says that לפני החורבן means at the Hurban, you are looking ahead of you.  He also says that בספר should be read Bisfar (i.e. in the number).  He further says that the underlined word שש equals 600 in gematria  + ויש קצת means take the literal word שש which is smaller to mean 6.  So, 3830 + 1335 + 606 = 5771.


Now, all this is a stretch as I said - it is definitely not the literal meaning of these sefarim.  Rabbi Katz will likely say that the words were purposely coded to not allow their meaning to be revealed until it is close to the Geula.  Whatever it is, it is a nice Drush on their holy words.  Whether it is Emet or not, time will tell.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 15, 2010, 02:22:26 PM
I have not listened to the shiur.

I have no interest in listening to the shiur (no offense).

But I would like to ask the Rabbi this very important question:

What is the point of all this?   Why bother with this kind of speculation?      Does it help people?   Does it help G-d?   Does it please G-d?     

And what will happen if the year 5771 comes and passes without a complete redemption?   What will you say then?   I am very interested to know what you will say then, hypothetically speaking.    And in that hypothetical scenario, after you say it (whatever you plan to say) how did all of this help anyone?
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: british bulldog on December 15, 2010, 04:16:51 PM
I have no interest in listening to the shiur (no offense). = listening would be an obvious choice based on trhe fact we are discussing it, and would answer obvious questions due to obvious missing information.

What is the point of all this? to show depth to rishonim, chazal, and that they can be shown is agreement, in a scenario, that we havent even finished yet, showing maybe , maybe they knew more than we give them credit for..and there ability to give over sodot amongst the divrei pushut...maybe they actually had ruach ha kodesh like we are told to believe....and maybe we can actually see their gadlus....through learning b'iyun, even the words of rashi, ramban.
Why bother with this kind of speculation? i dont, they did...we are in that tekufa, its interesting how it all comes together..so many pieces of the puzzle, and now chazal could be right on cue...God Willing.
 Does it help people? depends on who you are...if you want to love the rishonim, the mesora, the torah, Gods wisdom and sages...then yes...and if they were wrong, to me 5771 sounds better than 1405 and certainly fits what we know to be true much better. its divrei torah, not a crystal ball of buy instant faith. its the same help to people that rashi speaks of the sugia in shas, when you didnt realize that he even was...i thought rashi was simple they say, then you realize and learn he was the greatest rishon with ruach hakodesh...that helps people to see divinity, yes.
Does it help G-d? no, but but if God was with his words, it pleases God to find it and share it, so that we can find God in all words of inspired torah, kol shacen in psukim, which we know are latent...then to find it is kiddush Hashem.
Does it please G-d?    if you are leshma, with no agenda, and just want to show emes...then yes. bonus points if it is emes...which some things are eaiser to prove as emes than others. and if its not emes, as most pshatim take work and chozara even for daniel..then you will come to the emes...then for sure God is happy.
And what will happen if the year 5771 comes and passes without a complete redemption? listen to the shiur and wait for 5772, no difference..years are inclusive and non inclusive, with 2 year leeway.
What will you say then? well, at least we still have 5772.
how did all of this help anyone? if i was accurate, then its obvious, otherwise...i hope then i showed you how to darshen, realize torahs depth...and maybe you can start to learn a little deeper, and bring more light to the world. emes lemito is not easy to come by...does anyone ever really know pshat in something? torah is endless and infinite...a sugia in bava metzia is endless, ive been working on pshat of the first mishna there for 4 years...every day i claim to have it, and i find the support in the sources and shas etc....i to this day, have no clue what that mishna is about...in tachlis...its infinite...but i can show you tons of torah from my journeys through it...this is much the same, only its lamysa, and theoretical about 2 guys holding a talis saying its mine, no its mine. i dont know whos talis it is...not do i know when moshiach comes. but i can give you a great pshat showing depth of torah in both cases...in truth id rather show you my chidushim on bava metzia...but i have yet to find someone willing to tackle 4 years worth of daas torah on one mishna that i havent been able to even finish yet....yet i could write 30 books on what i know from it...here i decided to give a 40 min shiur, much the same derech, only with this people are talking and listening. shall we discus somchos and the mishna and how rashi reveals the secrets of creation in the first rashi in bava metzia? i didnt think so...yet i am able and willing if youd like to. and i can show you how the ramban agrees with rashi there too. if only people cared about shas as much as moshiach, maybe the world would be a better place and moshiach would come...maybe thats why Hashem held the mt. over our heads at sinai to accept the oral torah. maybe its the oral torah's richness that allows us to understand rashis like this and delve into them...and remove the locking mechanism to the torah that people claim isnt there out of ignorance. ill stop here.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: edu on December 15, 2010, 05:03:26 PM
Rabbi Katz aka british bulldog wrote in defense of the Zohar that it is a:
source of halacha in some instances, as it is even quoted by the mishna brura. the last time i checked, the mishna brura, ie chofetz chaim, and the other meforshim, were talmidei chachamim, and quite reliable, and knowledgeable in terms of authenticity of mesora issues
The Mishna Brura ruled, siman 25 comment 42: "the Knesset Hagdola wrote as a principle of the Poskim that whenever the Kabbalists and the Zohar argue against the Gemara and the Poskim go after the Gemara and the Poskim", {end of quote}.
It's true that when the Zohar doesn't clearly contradict Gemara and Poskim he does take Zohar into account. But that doesn't necessarily elevate it to the status you give it.
It's not all or nothing.
There are other big achronim that don't give the Zohar any halachic weight at all.
On the calendar issue. I brought you clear sources that we don't have a mesora of using the day of the creation of light as year 1 of the calendar. Check the sources!
One final question for you Rabbi Katz. Do you support the ruling of the rebbe of Chabad not to sleep in a succa  on succot based on his understanding of Kabbalistic sources?
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: british bulldog on December 15, 2010, 07:50:59 PM
i give the zohar the status as valid text, just like the rabbanim you quoted in the mishna brura...if it is a messianic cult text of shabtai tzvi, would there be a have mina of even arguing with the gemara? thats like saying berg disagrees with chazal.
achronim bigger than the gra and chofetz chaim etc pussel the zohar? and we werent speaking halachic, that was just a bonus, we said valid...ie to learn it and take it seriously and not as fiction.
the calendar issue is a non issue...did you buy a calendar this year? what did it say on it? mine said 5771...if you disagree with that, would you buy a chumash that says, "the 5 books of moses, manuscript writen by rabbi lisa helm. i wouldnt, but thats what you are doing..walking around with a calendar, but saying..nah i dont believe it though, its really 5865...i just bought it because its on sale, and perpetuating shekker doesnt bother me...thats you. there are no sources that say the year is not 5771 and are valid...name one. God gave dates to daniel knowing that they were useless, and going to be extinct and a non issue..and rashi and others fell for it? rashi is that fallable? there is no good reason to change history and chazal over some skeptic rationalists fears and doubts...what else should i start to question?
rabbi ginzburg says to not sleep in the sukkah because of his understanding of kabbalistic sources...is that what you mean? btw its a devar pushut the sukkah inyan, as it is muter to not sleep in the sukkah already lechatchila..so a kabbalistic enhancement it is irrelevent and a chassidic nuance.

Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 15, 2010, 08:21:42 PM
I have no interest in listening to the shiur (no offense). = listening would be an obvious choice based on trhe fact we are discussing it, and would answer obvious questions due to obvious missing information.

What is the point of all this? to show depth to rishonim, chazal, and that they can be shown is agreement, in a scenario, that we havent even finished yet, showing maybe , maybe they knew more than we give them credit for..and there ability to give over sodot amongst the divrei pushut...maybe they actually had ruach ha kodesh like we are told to believe....and maybe we can actually see their gadlus....through learning b'iyun, even the words of rashi, ramban. 

I don't understand what the heck you are saying.  All of that can be seen just by learning some Talmud.  The greatness of Chazal is reflected in their deep understanding of the pesukim (verses) and their complex discussions.  This can also be appreciated greatly in divrei aggada (words of homily).

Why would showing a prediction of the redemption and the coming of moshiach in the year _____  reflect any of that?    You are actually desecrating chazal.  Because you are making their greatness contingent on some event coming true, which hasn't happened yet.   

And then if it doesn't happen in 5771 (or 5772 or 3), chazal don't have gadluth (greatness) and can't teach sodoth -deep secrets -  (Chas ve Shalom, God forbid)?   Please don't tell me you believe that. 

Why bother with this kind of speculation? i dont, they did... 

With all due respect, this is ridiculous.   They did not say explicitly what you are saying.  You are reading something into their words, making a calculation, and making discussion about it.   If it wasn't for you and your creative explanation, no one would know the thing you said - and that's precisely why you made it into a shiur.   You cannot abdicate responsibility for highlighting this particular subject and focusing on it.  Because you did.

Does it help people? depends on who you are...if you want to love the rishonim, the mesora, the torah, Gods wisdom and sages...then yes 
I can't love the rishonim unless they predict the redemption for the very year I am currently living in?   That's a very empty and meaningless kind of "love" and very selfish.   People are going to 'love' chazal for making them feel good and nothing else?

...and if they were wrong, to me 5771 sounds better than 1405 and certainly fits what we know to be true much better.   

That makes no sense.   Predicting 1405 is no problem because no one can know when the redemption will happen.   That is why CHAZAL IN THE TALMUD WARNED AGAINST MAKING SUCH PREDICTIONS BECAUSE NO ONE CAN KNOW FOR SURE.  The Rambam indeed cites this warning of chazal.   So if someone thought 1405 and was incorrect, there's nothing wrong with that.   If a rishon predicted the redemption for 1405, that does not take away ONE BIT from his greatness unless one has a very childish view of that rishon.  They can be wrong, especially about a matter like this that no one can predict!
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 15, 2010, 08:34:25 PM
its the same help to people that rashi speaks of the sugia in shas, when you didnt realize that he even was...i thought rashi was simple they say, then you realize and learn he was the greatest rishon with ruach hakodesh...that helps people to see divinity, yes. 

It can only even APPROACH this kind of help if your prediction comes true.   But there is no guarantee.

Does it help G-d? no, but but if G-d was with his words, it pleases G-d to find it and share it, so that we can find G-d in all words of inspired torah, kol shacen in psukim, which we know are latent...then to find it is kiddush Hashem. 

"inspired Torah?"    Rashi did not believe himself to be a prophet so I don't know where you're getting this from.

And what will happen if the year 5771 comes and passes without a complete redemption? listen to the shiur and wait for 5772, no difference..years are inclusive and non inclusive, with 2 year leeway.   
What will you say then? well, at least we still have 5772.   

Well, it seems maybe I didn't get my point across.  So I'll have to ask a more pointed question.

What will happen if the year 5771 (or 5772 and 5773) all come and pass without a complete redemption. 
What will you say then?

how did all of this help anyone? if i was accurate, then its obvious, otherwise...i hope then i showed you how to darshen, realize torahs depth   ...and maybe you can start to learn a little deeper, and bring more light to the world.   

But can't that be done without getting people's hopes up for something that might shatter their emunah if it doesn't come true?!

emes lemito is not easy to come by...does anyone ever really know pshat in something? torah is endless and infinite...a sugia in bava metzia is endless, ive been working on pshat of the first mishna there for 4 years...every day i claim to have it, and i find the support in the sources and shas etc....i to this day, have no clue what that mishna is about
  I don't believe that claim, you do not have "no idea" if you've been learning it 4 years - Don't be so modest, rabbi.

...in tachlis...its infinite...but i can show you tons of torah from my journeys through it...this is much the same, only its lamysa, and theoretical about 2 guys holding a talis saying its mine, no its mine. i dont know whos talis it is...not do i know when moshiach comes. but i can give you a great pshat showing depth of torah in both cases...in truth id rather show you my chidushim on bava metzia...

I'd prefer that you do.  It just so happens I have learned that mishna and its associated Talmudic discussion.  But why shouldn't every Jew benefit from the traditional Jewish learning?   I think you should share that rather than predict the date of redemption, personally.

but i have yet to find someone willing to tackle 4 years worth of daas torah on one mishna that i havent been able to even finish yet....yet i could write 30 books on what i know from it...here i decided to give a 40 min shiur, much the same derech, only with this people are talking and listening. shall we discus somchos and the mishna and how rashi reveals the secrets of creation in the first rashi in bava metzia? i didnt think so... 
  Why not?   I think that beats predicting the date of moshiach any day.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 15, 2010, 08:37:03 PM
Well, I'll say one thing, it's great to have a rabbi here in the Torah section!
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: british bulldog on December 15, 2010, 11:04:15 PM
lamysa, hjere is the answer to your question now that you have elaborated a bit.
rashis words contain the mesora of the geulah...through his ruach hakodesh combined with daas loshon hakodesh, being kadosh himself (not a navi) and daas torah. Meaning: Hashem is with him...and there are many sodot of rashi, his ktav is holy, but not as nevuah, inspired, to pass the mesora, in katnus and in gadlus at the same time. most see katnus..a nice pshat in rashi, move on. but then there is to seek the ultimate gadlus in rashi. every year we get closer in this inyan, rashi will become more and more potent...just like figuring out a gemara, until the whole thing clicks. we are in 5771. the rishonim can be senm to express the same year in unison. it is not a prediction. it is a checkpoint, one that at the same time can show a beauty of torah to see it in the words...again much like a gemara. then someone tears down your gemara, a kasha you can get out of...do you quit learning the gemara? is the gemara wrong? did it destroy your emunah? were you predicting a new halacha with your pshat? no. you were trying to understand...even daniel tried to understand this very thing, and fell before getting it right, and the rashis say you will fail. so what do you do? 5771 comes and goes...keep trying, can it be this year...tzipia leyeshua....ad 120. or when he actually comes...you shoudl look and wait and seek to hear him every day says the gemara. thats what im doing. in the world, i see it. so i checked the sources out of curiosity...and i saw it there too. i promise you...when moshiach does in fact come...rashis words will be on the money...with a fantastic pshat...one that blinds will greatness, and his greatness...they werent wrong...but you can only take it one year at a time...some times are a greater es ratzon than others...we seem to be in a prety big es ratzon...should i not check to see how the rashi and ramban would work out? they worked out, and will work out for the next few years...once again, not a prediction...kind of like checking an equation/work...to which the gra refers to this system as mysa v cheshbon. like i said when moshiach comes, you will look at that rashi, see gadlus, and see rashi had it there the whole time...and it wasnt a prediction...it was just there...with him...with his torah...within his words...as Hashem is with him...in gemara, rashis words contain every deah, if you look..and you apply the same penimius methodolgy to find these gems..and every time...its there with rashi...he is a face of torah, lefi peshuto he says...and that face has 70 faces. rashi is not wrong, he just may temporarily misunderstood or underestimated...but he pulls through time and time again, in daniel, in gemara, in chumash..everywhere....and you can learn a rashi, not just read and translate a rashi. you can darshen a rashi...Hashem put the deas there..and rashi was the kli that made it possible. thats why i love rashi...he is alive, torah as tefilah...torah sh baal peh mamash, poetically...not only technically...katnus for the layman, gadlus for the gadol..a kli for even eternal torah. the cheshek to torah on this level, doesnt destroy emunah, quite the contrary, it compells you to learn and investigate more. as for this rashi, its just another flavor of rashi...as you said, there is halacha, agadata, sugia, and one topic is moshiach..which rashi gets into quite a bit, also of which he is a majaor yesod, and is trying to be understood, and conveying those secrets. rashi itself, is a lumdus...even if on lumdus. there is nothing greater to me than learning a sugia, very iyun and putting it ands seeing it clearly in rashi...ive studied mashiach alot, as i am a student of the gra...kol hator. and i cant wait to see pshat in rashi and ramban. and i have the chutzpah to say...this year could be the geulah, from what i see feel and hear...and if it is...i will say  "rashi had it" and i was zoche to see it in rashi...and if 5774 comes and goes...the next time i get the itch that this is it, in my expectation/longing/waiting/hoping...you better believe im looking up rashi..as the sugia goes on...rashi goes on...we all go on...and just as i can see rashi on que in the sugia i love the most in shas, shnayim ochzin..which i can show you even tangibly...bezrat Hashem me, or someone will show me in my lifetime...rashi on que...so far im alive...and i will strive until moshiach comes, or 120. but nobody will tell me, that at least my hava minas in rashi werent beautiful..sometimes a hava mina can be worth the sugia itself...just read the first mishna in bava metzia and rashi there...there is no ramai in the mishna? nice hava mina rashi...you just gave me the entire sugia.  and i think you are right. the mishna is helech.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 16, 2010, 12:07:04 AM
Shalom Rabbi,

I still have my reservations concerning the entire topic of calculation of the date of Geulah. I believe the Chazal whom considered it detrimental for calculations to be made due to the loss of bitachon and emmunah as a result of incorrectly calculated dates. This is similar to the phenomenon of false messiahs because we all are commanded to have Emunah Shlema that Moshiach will be sent, as it is one of the Thirteen Principles of Rambam. As we are commanded to believe in this, we wish for his coming every day, and how does one keep faith when dates come and go, and the redemption is not happening? Can't this be compared to the times of the Roman Revolt when it looked like Bar Kochba was the moshiach, and the people NEEDED someone to believe in? In these times we similarly feel that we NEED moshiach NOW.

How many Jews have been lost because they have given up on Hashem and his promise? How many have become so discouraged because we are SOOOO close to the 6000 year mark and yet we don't see that the changes that the prophets foresaw happening? I know that some of those prophecies indeed have come true... But on the grand scale we have not seen the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash, nor a real ingathering of the exiles.

Aren't we better served by concentrating on bringing back our Jewish brothers and sisters, and urging gentiles to become Noachides, so that we can merit the geulah? Isn't it better to have a geulah which we merit rather than having it happen because Hashem has to before the Jewish people are lost?

PS: By the way, I do consider the Zohar to be an authentic source... I have heard many Torah topics discussed in light of the Zohar.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: edu on December 16, 2010, 12:34:18 AM
Dear Rabbi Katz
Rashi Holds that the destruction of the 2nd temple was in 3828 see hebrew source below.
Ramban says it was one year later, since the year of destruction in his view is not counted as part of the 420 that the 2nd temple existed.
If you accept my sources than the Ramban's year for the destruction of the Temple 3829 becomes 3830.
Otherwise, you will have a situation where neither Ramban or Rashi have the date of the 2nd Temple destruction at 3830 [which also agrees with the date given by the gentiles]
Now our last shmita year was in 5768 in our calendar . This number is divisible by 7 with no remainder.
3829 is also divisible by 7 with no remainder. Rabbi Yosi in tractate Archin/Erchin 11b states that the Temple was destroyed, the year following the shmitta year. This again would fit in with Ramban.
I heard that there might be another girsa/textual reading of the churban/destruction year to fit Rashi's views with Rabbi Yosi.

רש"י מסכת עבודה זרה דף ט עמוד א

כי מעיינת מואת הנפש אשר עשו עד מתן תורה - הכי הוו הוסף אותן על מנין מתן תורה ונמצא אלפים מכוונין מואת הנפש אשר עשו וגו' עד גמר ד' אלפים לבריאת עולם והוא קע"ב שנים לאחר חורבן כיצד הרי מנית עד יציאת מצרים תמ"ח על עודף אלפים וכתיב (מ"א ו) ויהי בשמנים שנה וארבע מאות שנה לצאת בני ישראל עד ויבן שלמה את הבית הרי תתקכ"ח על אלפים כשנבנה הבית וימי בית ראשון ד' מאות ועשר הרי שלשה אלפים ושל"ח שנים וגלות בבל ע' שנים הרי ת"ח וימי בית שני ת"ך הרי תתכ"ח
British bulldog aka Rabbi Katz you wrote
rabbi ginzburg says to not sleep in the sukkah because of his understanding of kabbalistic sources...is that what you mean? btw its a devar pushut the sukkah inyan, as it is muter to not sleep in the sukkah already lechatchila..so a kabbalistic enhancement it is irrelevent and a chassidic nuance.
This is not a true statement. None of the poskim hold that lechatchila that is to say ideally one is allowed to sleep outside a succa on succot. They only give leniencies, to avoid the ideal situation, when sleeping in the succa would conflict with other ideals.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 16, 2010, 01:04:02 AM
Regarding the question about sleeping in the sukkah I think that the intention is that we should sleep in the sukkah, but that there are leniencies concerning weather...

Here is what Aish.com says on the topic:

10. Is one obligated to sleep in the Sukkah?

During the week of Sukkot, the Sukkah is to be considered as a person's home. Since the primary activities of the home are eating and sleeping, a man is obligated to sleep in the Sukkah. According to some opinions, sleeping in the Sukkah is even more important than eating there.

Some are lenient and sleep in the house because:

    *      In many countries, the weather is cold at this time of year, and sleeping in the Sukkah would cause much discomfort. (However, it is praiseworthy to organize a way to heat the Sukkah at night in order to be able to perform this important mitzvah.)
    *      Women do not usually sleep in the Sukkah, and if a married man would sleep in the Sukkah leaving his wife alone in the house, this may cause him distress.

Whoever is meticulous to sleep in the Sukkah and fulfill the mitzvah properly will merit seeing the Divine Presence.

Chabad has a very interesting site on the topic @ http://www.chabad.org/holidays/JewishNewYear/template_cdo/aid/749894/jewish/Do-I-have-to-sleep-in-the-sukkah.htm

Do I have to sleep in the sukkah?

By Menachem Posner

The Talmud tells us that during sukkot a man is obligated to sleep in the sukkah.1 This is quoted as binding in the latter Halachic works as well.2

However, it appears that that at least since the 13th century the common practice is to sleep indoors. There are a number of different suggestions why this is so. All of them are based on the fact that the obligation to dwell in the sukkah does not apply if it makes a person at all uncomfortable.3

The thirteenth-century sage, Rabbi Mordechai ben Hillel Ashkenazi, writes that most people of his time did not sleep in the sukkah and suggests that this is because the cold weather made it uncomfortable—and therefore unnecessary.4

Rabbeinu Manoach ben Yaakov (13th-14th centuries) adds the additional concern that sleeping in the sukkah puts the person and his belongings in danger of being robbed.5

Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe (1530-1612) writes that even if a person would be able to keep warm in the sukkah, if it is inconvenient to shlep bedding to and from the sukkah every night, he does not need to sleep in the sukkah.6

Rabbi Moshe Isserles (1520-1572) feels that the dispensation not to sleep in the sukkah has nothing to do with weather and writes that it is because the sukkah is not private enough for a man to sleep there with his wife.7

Rabbi David HaLevi Segal (c. 1586-1667) takes this one step further by writing that sleeping alone is not a very festive way to celebrate the holiday. Celebrating the holiday with one's wife is a mitzvah which trumps the obligation to sleep in the sukkah.8

Nevertheless, in modern times and particularly in warmer climates, it has become more common in some communities to make the effort to sleep in a sukkah.

Interestingly, the Chabad custom—which is quite stringent with regards to the other sukkah-related obligations—is to not sleep in the sukkah. Read The Sukkah and Sleeplessness to find out why this is so.

1.    Mishna, Sukkah 20b
2.    Code of Jewish Law 639
3.    Code of Jewish Law 640:4
4.    Mordechai Sukkah 741
5.    Rabbeinu Manoach Commentary to Rambam 3:6
6.    Levush 640:4
7.    Ramo 639:2
8.    Taz 639:9
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: edu on December 19, 2010, 01:05:12 AM
For those that understand Hebrew I thought I would quote a well respected source, Baal Hamaor, to Rosh Hashana, where he spells out that there were 2 dating systems in use in the Jewish world.
One, which starts on the year of creation of light
Two, A second one that starts a year later with the creation of man on Rosh Hashana.
I saw someone speculate (not Baal Hamaor) in an internet article that one of the reasons that the first method, eventually spread to be the universal custom, was that in this system, one could easily determine which is the Shmitta (Sabbatical) year, by just checking if the year is divisible by 7 with no remainder.
He did however, give additional reasons, which I won't go into.
A careful examination however of Ramban to tractate Avoda Zara page 9 will show that he was using the second method, for counting the years. That is why the Shmitta year, as determined by the Gaonim, in his commentary is not divisible by 7 with a remainder of 0.
In any case here is the words of Baal Hamaor
בעל המאור מסכת עבודה זרה דף ב עמוד ב: "דע כי במנהגי הראשונים שתי חשבונות מבריאת עולם שאחת מוסיף על השני שנה אחת וזה נמצא מפורש בתשובת הגאונים בהרבה מקומות כי יש מי שחושב מתשרי שמולדו וי"ד וזה הוא החשבון הנכון יותר אע"פ שלא פשט מנהגו כי הוא מתחיל ממציאת העולם ויש מי שחושב מתשרי שמולדו בהר"ד וחושב את שלא נמצא כנמצא וזה מוסיף על הראשון בחשבונו שנה אחת וזהו שפשט עכשיו בכל המקומות הידועין לנו והוי יודע כי בית שני חרב במוצאי שביעית כמו שמפורש בערכין והוא חרב בשנת תכ"א לבנינו אלא שנת החרבן אינה נמנית בכלל שנות הבנין אלא בכלל שנות החרבן ואפשר שהיה זה מפני שנתפרסמה שטיפת החרבן מתחלת השנה והיא שנת ג' אלפים תתכ"ט לבריאת עולם לחושבין מן תשרי של וי"ד ומשנה זו ושנה זו בכלל אנו חושבין קע"ב שנה אחר חורבן הבית להשלמת ד' אלפים גם זה לחושבים מתשרי של וי"ד אבל לחשבוננו הפשוט מתשרי של בהר"ד שנת החרבן היא שנת ג' אלפים תת"ל לבריאת עולם וכשתטול שתי שנים מכל מאה ותוסיף לה על הפרט תבא לך שנת החרבן במוצאי שביעית שהיא ראשונה לשמטה והחושבים מתשרי שמולדו וי"ד צריכין להוסיף בחשבונם שנה אחת כדי שתתכוין להם ע"ד החשבון הזה שנת החורבן במוצאי שביעית.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: muman613 on December 19, 2010, 01:53:43 AM
Your post incited my interest in the author Baal Hamaor, and I found a bit of info about him:


Rabbi Zerachya Ha Levy, who was known for his great work, the Baal Ha Maor, was a Spanish Jew who came to Provence as a young man and achieved a reputation there for his genius and scholarship. In the great Jewish tradition of give-and-take intellectual debate, he and his contemporary, the Ravid III, wrote numerous books critiquing each other on many issues in Jewish Law and philosophy. Though he remained somewhat of an outsider among the rabbis of Provence, he brought the Spanish flavor of Torah study to the community and had a distinct and powerful influence.

Here is some discussion of his decisions concerning calculation of dates:


Location of the Halachic Date Line
The Halachic Date Line is possibly different than the International Date Line.  The reason for this, is that the current International Date Line was rather arbitrarily drawn in 1921 by the British Admiralty [1], while certain Gedolim such as the Baal Hamaor who lived in the 12th century refer to the Halachic Date Line.  So, on the topic as to the location of the Kav Hataarich there is much debate amongst twentieth century Poskim, including the Chazon Ish, Rav Yechiel Michel Tukatzinsky, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, Rav Yonassan Shteif, the Sefer Haibur, Rav Dovid Shapiro, and Rav Yonah Merzbach [3].

The earliest authority to address this issue is the Baal Hamaor.  He brings up the topic based on a Gemara (Rosh Hashanah 20b) regarding the topic of Kiddush Hachodesh, the sanctification of the new month.  The Baal Hamaor explains that Bait Din has until noon on the day that they see the molad, new moon, to declare Rosh Chodesh on that same day.  However, if it is after noon, then Rosh Chodesh is on the next day.  This explanation would only make sense if the Halachic Date Line was at the Kitze Hamizrach which is 90° east of Jerusalem.  This is so because the reason why the Baal Hamaor said noon is because that is the last time in Israel that somewhere else in the world that the day is just starting.  In order for Rosh Chodesh to be on that day, it must be possible for Rosh Chodesh to last 24 hours somewhere in the world.  Since noon is 18 hours into the day (starting from sunset on the night before), the place where the day is just starting is 18 hours to the west of Israel which is 270° west of Israel because every time zone is made up of 15°.  So, the place where the new day starts, or the Halachic Date Line, must be six hours to the east of Jerusalem which is also 90° east of Jerusalem.  This Line is on the 125E meridian [4].
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on October 23, 2011, 04:05:08 PM
Well, I'll say one thing, it's great to have a rabbi here in the Torah section!

 This guy is not a legit "Rabbi". Sorry, what he says is kookooo. (And I'm not the type to bash rabbis, or people in general) but I just listened to his "shiur" on Gillad Shalit and he is insane (And says giving 1,000 terrorists for 1 is "Halacha Lemiseh") (besides all these calculations he makes on the "Geulah" and Moshiah.)
 The most painful thing and battle in the future for the Jewish people would have to be cleaning up our own leaders. This is a war, not just with the Arabs any longer, not just with the internationals, but for the hearts and minds of (our) people. And people like Katz, is in the way and is a mental impediment to our future redemption.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on October 25, 2011, 01:13:16 PM
This guy is not a legit "Rabbi". Sorry, what he says is kookooo. (And I'm not the type to bash rabbis, or people in general) but I just listened to his "shiur" on Gillad Shalit and he is insane (And says giving 1,000 terrorists for 1 is "Halacha Lemiseh") (besides all these calculations he makes on the "Geulah" and Moshiah.)
 The most painful thing and battle in the future for the Jewish people would have to be cleaning up our own leaders. This is a war, not just with the Arabs any longer, not just with the internationals, but for the hearts and minds of (our) people. And people like Katz, is in the way and is a mental impediment to our future redemption.

Lol I was trying to be nice.  I agree that what he says is not serious, however.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on October 25, 2011, 02:03:19 PM
Lol I was trying to be nice.  I agree that what he says is not serious, however.

 The problem isn't that its not serious, sometimes it IS SERIOUS, when and if others take it and follow it. I personally emailed him stating my disgust with his positions and that he's teaching non-sense. He asked me if their is something specific I want him to talk about (make a shiur) I didn't get back to him, but personally I wont tell him anything because the less of him the better for all of Am Yisrael.
 Im just stating this here for some of the people here not to take him seriously becuase his positions are out of line with the REAL Torah.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Daniel Michael ben Avraham on October 25, 2011, 02:14:15 PM
We all know that after our Temple was destroyed nevuah was given over to children and fools.  No one but Hashem knows when things will happen.  It depends largely on what we do and what we merit.
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: israeli kahanist on October 25, 2011, 02:18:23 PM
we must belive that the moshiach can come every day
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on October 25, 2011, 02:48:25 PM
we must belive that the moshiach can come every day

 Not sure if I agree or disagree, but what is that supposed to mean?
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on October 25, 2011, 02:50:09 PM
We all know that after our Temple was destroyed nevuah was given over to children and fools.  No one but Hashem knows when things will happen.  It depends largely on what we do and what we merit.

 But what they say is not nevuah or anything close to it (in fact the opposite, and most of these "predictions" dont come true at all) Maybe you mean Nevuah is given to SOME fools, yett not others?
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: israeli kahanist on October 25, 2011, 03:46:41 PM
Not sure if I agree or disagree, but what is that supposed to mean?
we dont need to wait to some specific day we think there is a potential that the messiach can come we need to wait every moment. 
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: israeli kahanist on October 25, 2011, 03:51:41 PM
some people take date and say in this date the messiach will come we must belive he can come every moment maybe there is a potential the messiach can come specific in this day
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on October 25, 2011, 05:22:41 PM
some people take date and say in this date the messiach will come we must belive he can come every moment maybe there is a potential the messiach can come specific in this day

 I understand, but what is the source? (I think their is a song that Askenasim sing, Ani- Mami) Maybe your derive it from there. But I hope you understand what I'm asking. Please provide your source(s) for saying that we need to wait for the Moshiah every day (or the similar statements you and others said in this regard.)
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: wonga66 on October 25, 2011, 05:41:55 PM

This fellow Katz has semachos from Haredi rabbis in Jerusalem and Tiberias, and has an unusual haskomo on his blog http://soulmazal.blogspot.com/ from right-wing author Rabbi Matisyahu Glazerson, so his rabbonus qualifications cannot not be "legit".
Title: Re: Rashi on Daniel 7:25: Moshiach in 2011?!
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on October 25, 2011, 07:55:22 PM
This fellow Katz has semachos from Haredi rabbis in Jerusalem and Tiberias, and has an unusual haskomo on his blog http://soulmazal.blogspot.com/ from right-wing author Rabbi Matisyahu Glazerson, so his rabbonus qualifications cannot not be "legit".

 I dont know what someone has or doesn't. But in todays crazy world, we see (and I have seen this personally) letters being "signed" by people who don't really sign them. And all sorts of crazy things. Now I'm skeptical with almost everything.