A defamatory cartoon portraying Jewish worshippers praying before the New York Stock Exchange has won first prize in Iran’s annual "International Wall Street Downfall Cartoon Festival" on Monday.
The festival was co-sponsored by Iran's semiofficial Fars news agency in an attempt to show solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement and "help people in the United States take their message out to the world," reported Radio Free Europe.
Entries from around the world, many of which espoused openly anti-Semitic and anti-American themes, were put on display in Tehran and can be viewed on a Fars website dedicated to the event.
The contest’s winner, Mahmod Mohammad Tabrizi, drew three ostensibly religious Jews praying towards Wall Street, which is depicted as Jerusalem’s Western Wall. Tabrizi was awarded five thousand Euros, the festival’s statue, and a letter of appreciation.
Second prize went to a Ukrainian cartoonist, Oleksiy Kustovsky, whose entry shows the image of a man being struck by falling rocks as two men try to scale bags of American money.
Third prize went to another Iranian artist, Farhad Gharamal, whose cartoon pictures dozens of penniless men with water dripping out of their empty pockets, forming a sea in which Wall Street is drowning.
I would support Occupy because it against greedy corporate whores, if the leftists didn't hijack it. They have to ruin everything good. Even Tea Party has a lot of "left-libertarians" in it. Such a shame.There is no left to the tea party! The occupy movement is funded by commies, and supported by liberal bawl baby's that think they should get a hand out for nothing!
How come everything starts at the right, but gets sucked to the left?
How come everything starts at the right, but gets sucked to the left?Occupy didn't. I remember when I first heard it on news. It was neither right left or center it didn't have any position.
Occupy didn't. I remember when I first heard it on news. It was neither right left or center it didn't have any position.
The left is just a Black Hole
Occupy has always been lefty out here in CA. Those smelly, sweaty, confused, drug addled, and lost souls are not a political movement. They are leftovers from the mental asylum.Or inner-city babymamas & babydaddys of (guess what race) whining about the lack of welfare checks.
Or inner-city babymamas & babydaddys of (guess what race) whining about the lack of welfare checks.
You posted on YouTube that you think I'm shoving something in you... I have nothing more to say to you... I held out the benefit of the doubt that you would be a good JTF member but now I really wonder.For goodness' sake I was joking, I'm sorry. I didn't know you thought i was serious, I was making fun of marbus and his stupid comments.
For goodness' sake I was joking, I'm sorry. I didn't know you thought i was serious, I was making fun of marbus and his stupid comments.How were you making fun of marbus with that statement? I'm getting real sick of you quick!
How were you making fun of marbus with that statement? I'm getting real sick of you quick!Calm down, please. I did not say anything rude so you have no reason to get upset. I was trying to imitate the stupid sh** that Marbus, EastEurope87, HussainDwayat, and others say to JTF members. I do admit it was a bit hard to see what "side" I actually on by that post, but if I know you couldnt tell I wouldn't have said it.
Calm down, please. I did not say anything rude so you have no reason to get upset. I was trying to imitate the stupid sh** that Marbus, EastEurope87, HussainDwayat, and others say to JTF members. I do admit it was a bit hard to see what "side" I actually on by that post, but if I know you couldnt tell I wouldn't have said it.
And I'm a Celt that would rather smash your skull in than listen to your [censored]!Talking and peaceful dialogue is much better thing. See conversation between myself and muman. Besides what if you do skull-smashing over mis-understanding? Besides, you have no reason for be more offended than marbus.
I do really want to believe that you meant it as a joke. But admit that what you wrote, when viewed by outsiders, looks like regular anti-JTF spouting. And because you injected me into it, it becomes evil speech against me, and evil speech is something which cannot easily be erased.
I hope you learn a little better understanding of respecting anothers reputation and realize that everything we say has effects which we cannot always perceive. For the time being I personally still give you the benefit of the doubt. Even though in the past I have been wrong for giving such benefit, I will not hold a grudge on you at this time.
Consider my advice that you examine everything you say and write, and make sure it represents the truth you wish to express.
PS: When you first arrived here your name inspired me to look into Khan Krum and I learned a great bit about Bulgarian history. I was not aware how incredible that history was. My boss is Romanian and I have great respect for Romanian people.
Saying you are against corporate greed is something that 'sounds' good to the youth... but it essentially means... you don't like a corporation's goal of profit first and foremost.... hence... you support the someone else... it the genius politicians to handle the goals of a company.
This is exactly the kind of crap that started this recession.
The genius politicians listened to civli rights nazis like Rev. Jackson and sharpton... who said that the evil 'jew owned' banks were being evil and not 'fair' enough to inner-city poverty stricken souls, so in came the brilliance of the CRA (Community Reivestment Act) revision of 94 which said both forced and incentivized lending and the creation of lending instruments to the 'victims' with bad credit.
Talking and peaceful dialogue is much better thing. See conversation between myself and muman. Besides what if you do skull-smashing over mis-understanding? Besides, you have no reason for be more offended than marbus.I was only joking, don't take it so serious.
Talking and peaceful dialogue is much better thing. See conversation between myself and muman. Besides what if you do skull-smashing over mis-understanding? Besides, you have no reason for be more offended than marbus.Khan, I was glad you were not banned, because I actually thought you were coming our way. I guess I was wrong, beings your attacking us again on youtube. Why should marbus be offended? All he does is insult us.
Khan, I was glad you were not banned, because I actually thought you were coming our way. I guess I was wrong, beings your attacking us again on youtube. Why should marbus be offended? All he does is insult us.Marbus should be offended because someone is making fun of his problem which is sitting behind computer all day on YouTube, and then I made comment on his channel about how he needs help. So to him I'm very offensive. Truth is offensive to Marbus. And same for the stupid Arab caveman HussainDwayat.
Marbus should be offended because someone is making fun of his problem which is sitting behind computer all day on YouTube, and then I made comment on his channel about how he needs help. So to him I'm very offensive. Truth is offensive to Marbus. And same for the stupid Arab caveman HussainDwayat.So why are you attacking us?
You can rant and rave about corporate greed but then when you need a job who is going to hire you if the corporations are gone? I've always had some mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, very large corporations tend to support leftist causes (Like Google and AT&T being prime examples). On the other hand they employ a lot of people and provide services to the public. I don't think corporations themselves are evil but they can be used for evil purposes if the leadership is evil.Have you seen oil companies and the Arabs?
So why are you attacking us?Other than that thing previously discussed, what else did I say? I didn't say anything else I'm aware of. Maybe someone else know something I don't (who said it)? Maybe you're confusing my comments as a reply to someone? is it current or something from the past, because since then I've not commented on those video at all. i swear if it was anything like the previous comment that was offensive, it was sarcastic/joking and from earlier and I apologize. I just want to know about what is it you're refering.
They are from an hour ago, right after you logged off JTF! Are you with us or not?Yes! Yes! Ofcourse i'm with jtf! But where are the comment you mentioned? I don't remember posting any at the time so I need to see what you're talking about. Maybe it isn't actually me posting that?
Yes! Yes! Ofcourse i'm with jtf! But where are the comment you mentioned? I don't remember posting any at the time so I need to see what you're talking about. Maybe it isn't actually me posting that?Same person as before!
Same person as before!Well can you show me? I'm begin to get suspicious. I doubt I posted anything else of the type. I would like to see so can tell if it's really me.
Well can you show me? I'm begin to get suspicious. I doubt I posted anything else of the type. I would like to see so can tell if it's really me.Why do I need to show you? Go to the video you commented on the other day!
Why do I need to show you? Go to the video you commented on the other day!I can't find any where the comment of the type you said exists. My YouTube channel is KrumTheBulgar.
I can't find any where the comment of the type you said exists. My YouTube channel is KrumTheBulgar.
I can't find any where the comment of the type you said exists. My YouTube channel is KrumTheBulgar.You already admitted to the previous comments!Krum, why do you hate us?
You already admitted to the previous comments!Krum, why do you hate us?I said that but not what you're accusing me of.
Give it up already.... Do you think we are stupid? Obviously you do think that otherwise you would not be playing these stupid games of yours.
You have been exposed. You posted again on that same video and you are not joking. The things you say are slander against me and against JTF. You don't know me, you don't have the right to make things up about me. I was a fool for giving you the benefit of the doubt.
You are now an enemy and I will ask for you to be banned...
Enough troll..
I have no idea what you're talking about. I did not post anything else. If you could show me what I posted then I would take a look but I swear I did not post that myself. Someone else must have.
Ask for me to be banned if you will. But please show everyone some form of evidence.
Or maybe are you playing a game with me. I did not write any other comments. Period. Show me. If you haven't proof, then you can fool no one.
if you think I'm someone else, or confuse me with another account, then you made a mistake.
For the last time I have no idea what comments you're talking about. I don't have any enemies of anyone online, fool. I'm too mature. You're too unsignificant in my life to be an enemy. I did not post on any JTF videos yesterday or the day before. Either you are lying or confuse me with someone else.
The only thing I did wrong was grant you the benefit of the doubt. I surely will never make that mistake again loser.
planetmuman in reply to Krum Klum (Show the comment) 3 hours ago
For instance? What are you talking about. You make accusations with no factual basis. Time to take your meds stoner.
planetmuman in reply to Krum Klum (Show the comment) 3 hours ago
planetmuman 3 hours ago
You are a fake, and you have been exposed. Give it up troll...
planetmuman in reply to Krum Klum (Show the comment) 3 hours ago
He's one of you? That's one too many.
Krum Klum in reply to 2211199MLA (Show the comment) 7 hours ago
A fake jew is a jew that has done everything under the sun wrong throughout their lives and still does wrong but goes on preaching about religion. Muman on JTF is one of them and his fake buddy is the other.
Krum Klum in reply to 2211199MLA (Show the comment) 7 hours ago
How come so many anti-Christian and anti-Catholic things are allowed to be written?
Chaim lets those people keep writing so what does that tell you?
Krum Klum in reply to planetmuman (Show the comment) 7 hours ago
Muman shove all the jew religious crap up your ass the people don't want to see that on the forum you and that other fake jew are driving people away.
Krum Klum 2 days ago
The JTF is The Jewish Task Force, its first responsibility is to take care of the Jewish people. What is your purpose reading JTF if you do not care about Judaism. Do you think JTF is some kind of hate site where you can spout about everyone you hate? That is not what JTF is for, and Chaim can tell you so. I think you should reconsider your attitude
planetmuman in reply to Krum Klum 1 day ago
Yes! Yes! Ofcourse i'm with jtf! But where are the comment you mentioned? I don't remember posting any at the time so I need to see what you're talking about. Maybe it isn't actually me posting that?Don't you remember what you post? You condemn yourself with the I have to see and at the times... This is what happens when people post to much hot air.
Khan,In case I had said anything offensive. I did remember once making fun of Marbus on a video about JTF, and I thought that was comment you were referring to. I had no idea. Klum Krum or whoever I had no idea about. I don't even know if he is Bulgarian. Dumb chimp can't even type.
Remember last night? You said you were joking by posting these posts on Rubys video @
Here are the comments... I really hope there is a reason for this:
If this is not you then why last night did you apologize?
I do admit it fully. What I wrote does look like anti-JTF spouting and it was very mis-leading and confusing, and I'm not happy that it cause so much conflict and confusion.
Yes. I am sorry about Klum Krum the croat troll and any confusion with my YouTube (KrumTheBulgar). I left him warning about impersonating a Bulgarian. We don't tolerate these stuff.
Wow.... Really? ..... ??
Evil JTF! Marbus is right! How dare they insult the noble pedophiles priests! They are horrible anti-Catholic racists.or something like that, to make fun of marbus.