General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 23, 2013, 03:47:09 PM

Title: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 23, 2013, 03:47:09 PM
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on October 23, 2013, 03:57:34 PM
So freedom of religion applies to Muslims but not Christians?

Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 23, 2013, 09:42:33 PM
That's a joke to ask that question as so many people in our Military are now awake to TYRANNY by the Fuhrer in Chief now, only the brain dead Left wingers who serve would consider such an idea! I know many people here are not ALEX JONES fans but he has awoken the sleeping giant in our Military! Just because their are a foolish Jew hating few trolls that post on his INFO WARS page does not make all his members and fans anti-Semite's.  I can tell you first hand since I am a Retired Military man, myself and live near two Military Bases, both Air Force and Army, our Troops and airmen are wide awake and will not follow Unconstitutional Laws against American Citizens, I have spoken to so many over the past few years to know they will not OBEY!

They are mostly The Born Again Christian followers, most are TEA PARTY FANS and so many voted for RON PAUL I lost count and they reject anything that would be against the Judeo Christian belief! 
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: muman613 on October 23, 2013, 09:51:22 PM
Alex Jones is a crackpot and a Jew hater.

He blames Israel for 9/11 and that alone makes him my personal enemy.

I don't want to hear about this crazy person, let alone apologetics for his rants.



May he ROT IN HELL... The bastard!

Ron Paul is also a Jew hating bastard, may his bones rot!
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 23, 2013, 10:20:41 PM
That's a joke to ask that question as so many people in our Military are now awake to TYRANNY by the Fuhrer in Chief now, only the brain dead Left wingers who serve would consider such an idea! I know many people here are not ALEX JONES fans but he has awoken the sleeping giant in our Military! Just because their are a foolish Jew hating few trolls that post on his INFO WARS page does not make all his members and fans anti-Semite's.  I can tell you first hand since I am a Retired Military man, myself and live near two Military Bases, both Air Force and Army, our Troops and airmen are wide awake and will not follow Unconstitutional Laws against American Citizens, I have spoken to so many over the past few years to know they will not OBEY!

They are mostly The Born Again Christian followers, most are TEA PARTY FANS and so many voted for RON PAUL I lost count and they reject anything that would be against the Judeo Christian belief!
That was a cut and paste job I did while working...

I'm very pro military! My grandfather was an infantryman in WWII, my uncle was an infantryman in Vietnam, I enlisted in the airborne infantry, but ran into some trouble and couldn't go.

I don't think the military in general is against Christians, Jews, The Tea Party, ect. I think the orders are coming from the top...

P.s. I kind of wonder if you're legit...
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: muman613 on October 23, 2013, 10:25:46 PM
I think Alex Jones has sucked a lot of people into believing conspiracy BS... I don't know if REDNECK JEW believes that junk.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 23, 2013, 11:04:54 PM
I think Alex Jones has sucked a lot of people into believing conspiracy BS... I don't know if REDNECK JEW believes that junk.
Yeah, the Illuminati(America and Israel) are coming to get everyone. Stupid!
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 23, 2013, 11:05:33 PM
You know, don't bust my balls, your as pathetic as a damned Baptist, my way or the damned highway attitude! Ever here of FREE WILL??? Do not Judge me, I was just sharing some info, if you don't like Alex Jones show then fine  as the kids like to say WHATEVER! I was just trying to reply to a damned post, don't go all Yankee Obama loving Left wing Jew on us all! 

I think I may just start posting in Aramaic, Hebrew or Ladino all the time to weed out the Schmucks who don't take time to think before they post a simple reply!
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 23, 2013, 11:07:25 PM
You know, don't bust my balls, your as pathetic as a damned Baptist, my way or the damned highway attitude! Ever here of FREE WILL??? Do not Judge me, I was just sharing some info, if you don't like Alex Jones show then fine  as the kids like to say WHATEVER! I was just trying to reply to a damned post, don't go all Yankee Obama loving Left wing Jew on us all!
Who you talking to sir?
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 23, 2013, 11:11:04 PM
Too all above who are so quick to judge me on a simple reply, I so hate Jew infighting but it is just a fact of life sadly! I know Alex Jones has made some outrageous statements in the past but I have been all over his ass and even on his radio broadcast in recent times waking him up to what we as Jews would be insulted by and that he does injustice to his wife and children when he does say stupid crap!
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 23, 2013, 11:15:49 PM
Your one of them for sure!
You're so full of bullshiite! And you have been since day one. What about the new member from Texas?
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 23, 2013, 11:17:07 PM
Say What? You show me where I am full of crap Putz???

Heng dikh oyf a tsikershtrikl vestu hobn a zisn toyt.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 23, 2013, 11:28:55 PM
Say What? You show me where I am full of crap Putz???
Don't call me a putz! And I hope you are not a troll, but you say some really strange things... You say somethings that we are against, and that people that don't really like us say...
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 23, 2013, 11:48:57 PM
People like US? HMMMM Oh so your more a Jew then me I suppose?

You must be from Yankee land as Dixie Jews don't mince words!

You don't like my posts then don't reply, it's as simple as that!

I am no troll, I am what a real American Sephardi Jewish man is... FEARLESS...NEVER AGAIN means just that never give a inch ever again! 

Even if that insult is from our so called fellow Jews!

Plenty of traitorous Jewish people in America, WHOM WANT TO DISARM US ALL, just look at the Jewish Politicians in Washington DC for that fact!

I would rather be your Brother in Judea then your enemy, But their are many Socialist/Communist minded Jews in name only in America who are our enemies if you wish to believe that fact or not!
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 24, 2013, 12:09:56 AM
People like US? HMMMM Oh so your more a Jew then me I suppose?

You must be from Yankee land as Dixie Jews don't mince words!

You don't like my posts then don't reply, it's as simple as that!

I am no troll, I am what a real American Jewish man is... FEARLESS...NEVER AGAIN means just that never give a inch ever again! 

Even if that insult is from our so called fellow Jews!

Plenty of traitorous Jewish people in America, WHOM WANT TO DISARM US ALL, just look at the Jewish Politicians in Washington DC for that fact!

I would rather be your Brother in faith then your enemy, But their are many Jews in America who are our enemies if you wish to believe that fact or not!
You know how to remove posts, but not quote someone? I'm serious, if you want to help, that is great. But I find it very odd...

You can call me a Yank if you want, but my family were rebels during the Civil War! And my family fought on bought sides in Virginia. You're the one that seems to a have chip on his shoulder...
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 24, 2013, 12:25:32 AM
If you had read my post I offered a Olive Branch, but you instead decided to take insult for silly insult, we should be on the same page instead debating one another to be honest.

Nothing I hate more then being at odds with a fellow Jew, sadly I have to be when it comes to the likes of Bloomberg and Feinstein, but I have a feeling you oppose them just as much as I do, so let's have a truce, once again I offer the Olive Branch, it's your choice of course Shalom! if you had ancestors fight for the Confederacy as I did then you have some Dixie Sephardi in you somewhere...LOL
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on October 24, 2013, 12:34:23 AM

Yes, Christians and the Tea Party are a terror threat - to the communist left.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 24, 2013, 12:36:11 AM
LOL you are so damned funny...LOL I love your posts! You always break the ice dude!
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: muman613 on October 24, 2013, 12:38:37 AM

This is what happens in just a few hours...

I did not attack Redneck Jew, I attacked Alex Jones, who I will always consider an imbecile and a Jew hater. I don't care what Redneck Jew listens to, as long as he realizes that Alex Jones is not a reliable source of anything.

The only reason he gets attention is because of his antisemitism. Otherwise nobody would listen to him.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 24, 2013, 12:40:54 AM
I know one thing everyone here would have damned proud of me at the Alamo Open Carry event in San Antonio this past weekend!

I carried my M-14 rifle on my back and carried a sign that read " Gun Control is NOT Kosher" over 5,000 people showed up and I proudly displayed my JPFO t-shirt and NAGR hat!

Disarm this...OBAMA...LOL
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: REDNECK JEW on October 24, 2013, 12:51:10 AM
Muman, my Brother no hard feelings, I listen to Alex Jones every day, he defends Israel all the time and he is right their are some Jews in Israel who are NEW WORLD ORDER Lovers and it is the ultimate sin against the Torah and Israel. You see if you hear one broadcast and are insulted you don't return instead of hearing it every day as I do, Alex Jones is in no way a anti-Semite  he defends Israel all the time, I have met Alex Jones face to face and had a great conversation with him, this man, yes all though Christian is not against Jews in any way, and neither is Rand Paul another wonderful man I have met in person, Ron Paul is not a Jew hater either as I have also met him five times!

Don't be fooled by the media as they try to promote lies to confuse everyone into thinking, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ron Paul hate Jewish people and it's not true!
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on October 24, 2013, 01:10:31 AM
So you think he's a Non-Jewish version of Barry Chamish who believes that everything in Israel is related to Freemasonry and conspiracy theories?

Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: muman613 on October 24, 2013, 01:37:08 AM
Muman, my Brother no hard feelings, I listen to Alex Jones every day, he defends Israel all the time and he is right their are some Jews in Israel who are NEW WORLD ORDER Lovers and it is the ultimate sin against the Torah and Israel. You see if you hear one broadcast and are insulted you don't return instead of hearing it every day as I do, Alex Jones is in no way a anti-Semite  he defends Israel all the time, I have met Alex Jones face to face and had a great conversation with him, this man, yes all though Christian is not against Jews in any way, and neither is Rand Paul another wonderful man I have met in person, Ron Paul is not a Jew hater either as I have also met him five times!

Don't be fooled by the media as they try to promote lies to confuse everyone into thinking, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ron Paul hate Jewish people and it's not true!

Was that a 'plant' who made those videos about Israel being behind 9/11?

Has he made a video apologizing for those statements? If not, I will not listen to your explanation.

If so, please point me in the direction to hear from his mouth that he does not promote '9/11 truth' BS...

Regarding being fooled by the media. Don't worry.... I am not fooled because I only read conservative leaning publications. I don't think Ted Cruz hates Jews... Never heard that one...

But Rand Paul and Ron Paul, they have proven their support for anti-Israel causes. And you should know Chaim Ben Pesach very strongly opposes their candidacy. I agree that they should not be considered for high office...

I am sorry if this does not support your position.

Here are some of Chaims anti-Paul videos:



Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Israel Chai on October 24, 2013, 01:54:46 AM
99% of people that watch Alex Jones hate Israel. Show me proof that he defended Israel once, usually, when someone says "all the time", no offense, they don't have any proof at all, and they just think that all the time.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: muman613 on October 24, 2013, 01:55:22 AM

Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Israel Chai on October 24, 2013, 02:09:13 AM
Oh and RN Jew, ignore it when Ephraim barks troll.

Ephraim, you've been here for years, and can't fault someone personally for not being on the level. As the expression goes, "don't raise your voice, improve your argument". There are some people that genuinely believe false things, and aren't on a rampage to destroy the forum. If you make it look like we're fighting to keep members out, people reading will think everyone here is low class, and will either be afraid to post for the risk of being put down, or just think that the movement is so weak, that we would rather keep anyone out than take the risk of educating someone, because we aren't right. That is not what JTF is about, and it is the opposite of what Kahanism is. It's better to make friends than destroy enemies, and it's insane to turn neutral people that are interested into enemies because you are suspicious.

Either way, as the saying goes, "give an idiot enough rope, and he'll hang himself". If someone is wrong, give them the opportunity to expand on their stupidity, and it'll be obvious to everyone what they're saying is stupid.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 24, 2013, 02:45:27 PM
Oh and RN Jew, ignore it when Ephraim barks troll.

Ephraim, you've been here for years, and can't fault someone personally for not being on the level. As the expression goes, "don't raise your voice, improve your argument". There are some people that genuinely believe false things, and aren't on a rampage to destroy the forum. If you make it look like we're fighting to keep members out, people reading will think everyone here is low class, and will either be afraid to post for the risk of being put down, or just think that the movement is so weak, that we would rather keep anyone out than take the risk of educating someone, because we aren't right. That is not what JTF is about, and it is the opposite of what Kahanism is. It's better to make friends than destroy enemies, and it's insane to turn neutral people that are interested into enemies because you are suspicious.

Either way, as the saying goes, "give an idiot enough rope, and he'll hang himself". If someone is wrong, give them the opportunity to expand on their stupidity, and it'll be obvious to everyone what they're saying is stupid.
Very good point LKZ. And I apologize REDNECK JEW if I came off as a jerk, I just don't like the Paul's and Alex Jones. I just thought it was odd that you were promoting them, when the Paul's are such a threat to Israel. Also, the JPFO is pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 24, 2013, 02:47:59 PM
And I'm Noachide, not a Jew.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 24, 2013, 03:05:54 PM
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: serbian army on October 24, 2013, 07:42:23 PM
Alex Jones is a crackpot and a Jew hater.

He blames Israel for 9/11 and that alone makes him my personal enemy.

I don't want to hear about this crazy person, let alone apologetics for his rants.



May he ROT IN HELL... The bastard!

Ron Paul is also a Jew hating bastard, may his bones rot!
Have you even listened to this second video :o This man said so much to defend Jews in this video...He even says how he loves many Jews he is friends with..
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on October 24, 2013, 08:38:37 PM
Have you even listened to this second video :o This man said so much to defend Jews in this video...He even says how he loves many Jews he is friends with..
What second video?
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: muman613 on October 24, 2013, 10:26:25 PM

I listened to about five minutes of the second video... If you think that is a defense of Jews and Israel then I don't know what to say. He continues to say that Israel is a country which engages in corruption and aggression. He mentions the Liberty event which, in my opinion, was justified from the Israeli perspective (America was lying and playing two sides of the game during that period). He is not defending Jews, not defending Israel, he is trying to avoid the label of being a Jew hater by saying Jews are not the only ones who do evil.... But he still thinks Israel is evil, and by extension Zionist Jews are evil. Israel is oppressing Christians?

This doesn't change my opinion of him.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Israel Chai on October 25, 2013, 03:20:42 PM
Have you even listened to this second video :o This man said so much to defend Jews in this video...He even says how he loves many Jews he is friends with..

Serbian army, it's the new anti-semetism, and the same thing Achmedinejad of Iran would say before. He says he loves a couple Jews who hates other Jews, but everything is Israel's fault, and all those Jews should die.

Analysis; tell me your anger at this: I have many good Serbian freinds here in America who love America and Albanians, but the Serbs in Serbia are trying to cause a genocide against Kosovo, and they are a bunch of racist liars.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 25, 2013, 05:11:53 PM
Muman, my Brother no hard feelings, I listen to Alex Jones every day, he defends Israel all the time and he is right their are some Jews in Israel who are NEW WORLD ORDER Lovers and it is the ultimate sin against the Torah and Israel. You see if you hear one broadcast and are insulted you don't return instead of hearing it every day as I do, Alex Jones is in no way a anti-Semite  he defends Israel all the time, I have met Alex Jones face to face and had a great conversation with him, this man, yes all though Christian is not against Jews in any way, and neither is Rand Paul another wonderful man I have met in person, Ron Paul is not a Jew hater either as I have also met him five times!

Don't be fooled by the media as they try to promote lies to confuse everyone into thinking, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ron Paul hate Jewish people and it's not true!
You need a reality check. Alex Jones is a Nazi who blames Israel for 9/11.
Title: Re: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
Post by: Debbie Shafer on October 27, 2013, 12:55:40 PM
The persecution is coming be sure of it...the Conservatives and Teaparties stand in the way of their agenda.