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  :usa+israel:                                                                                                                     :fist:                                                                                             

   Rav Tovia makes some in depth distinctions
   between these two “strains” of this particular
   faith including the lack of harmony between
   certain and other various adherents and the
   different versions they follow, etc. Well done
Torah and Jewish Idea / Re: Dig Deep Till You Hit Water
« Last post by Nachus on December 08, 2024, 10:29:05 PM »
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  In yet another great segment, Rav Schochet
  conveys, among other things, that at the beg-
  inning of and at the ‘end of the day,’ that not
  everything can be ‘dismissed’ as “water under
  the bridge” and that pretty much all is well that
  ends well! Puns intended. A commentary worth

Please join our live discussion with Chaim Ben Pesach and Rebecca Bar Sef on the historic JDL campaign to liberate over 2 million Soviet Jews. One discussion will be in Hebrew, the other one in English. Mark it on your calendar now and tell your friends!

In Hebrew:
This Tuesday, December 10, 12:00 noon (Eastern Standard Time)

In English:
This Tuesday, December 10, 1:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Promoted on Telegram and Reddit.
I'll bet that he will never be confirmed because of his stance on rebuilding the Temple.
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