Author Topic: Oprah Winfrey:Every child in her school in South Africa is a Black. No whites  (Read 15268 times)

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Oprah is both anti male and anti white. Here is the article by Debbie Schlussel.

HOprah Watch: Does Oprah Practice Apartheid? It Appears She Does

By Debbie Schlussel

Does Oprah practice apartheid?

Today, on self-absorbed Oprah's XM radio station, HRHSBOtU (Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe) Oprah is broadcasting the opening ceremony of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, which took place today.

The broadcast, conceitedly entitled "My Tomorrow" by Oprah, should probably be subtitled, "The New Apartheid." You see, Oprah personally handpicked the 152 girls who will attend her new South African school.

And based on photos, it appears not a single one of the girls she picked is White. When I first heard about Oprah doing the admissions, herself, last spring, I contacted her Harpo Studios to find out whether Oprah chose any Whites for the school. An Oprah press person called me back and told me they'd get back to me with the racial make-up of the entering classes of Oprah's Academy. Now, months later, they never did.

And it appears there are no White students. Were none of the 3,500 applicants White? Were Whites told they need not apply? Are there no South African White female "teens and preteens from poor and troubled backgrounds"? Since Oprah calls the girls her "dreamgirls," would love to know the answers. But, alas, I didn't get any.

For someone who opposed apartheid and openly preaches harmony of the races, it appears HRHSBOtU doesn't practice what she preaches. Rape of young White girls is now at epidemic proportions in South Africa. You'd think that one of these victims would benefit from attending Oprah's posh new school--complete with yoga studio and beauty salon.

But apparently, there is not room on the posh, $40 million, 22-acre complex for any White young women. If there were, I'd think the Oprah people would get back to me with that information. But they haven't.

And based on her broadcast conversations with Friend Gayle King, Oprah apparently doesn't really like White people all that much.

Well, she can get away with it in South Africa. But if she refused all White candidates or didn't encourage them to apply to a school in the U.S., she'd be violating civil rights laws.


Yochanan Zev

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Debbie Schlussel is a racist sack of poo.  Oprah can do whatever she wants with her money.  If she doesn't like it then she should put up her own money.

Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller are rich white Jewish women who have never done anything for anyone except themselves, wasting tons and tons of money on awful plastic surgery and gawdy jewelry.   I'll bet neither one of them has given money to Israel.  Why isn't Ms. Schlussel up in arms about that?  Debbie Schlussel is fairly wealthy herself.  How many little goyish whites girls is she spending her hard earned money on to help?

Considering all the poor white trailer trash she's doled out loot on her show, as nasty as you white racists react to her I wouldn't blame her if she never gave another white person the time of day.   


Offline fjack

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This just public relations for that creature. I would be sickened if any white child was to be indoctrinated in that 'school'. Oprah is only trying to clean up her past. She is an admitted slut, a drug user and a self absorbed idiot. Hey maybe she and osama obama can exchange drug dealers phone numbers.

Offline David Ben-Ariel

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Oprah Winfrey: "I say to the critics, be damned. Be damned because you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Oprah can do as she pleases with her money, or the money her predominantly white audience sends her for her pet projects, even if it includes "keeping a promise" to open a school for girls only that she made to that smooth talking terrorist in a suit and tie, Nelson Mandela (who is on record, singing about killing white people, didn't Oprah know that?) who was released from prison on condition he didn't enter politics (even though he should have hanged as a gun smuggling traitor -- didn't Oprah know that?).

Oprah's school for girls feeds the feminist beast that bellows women are the future salvation of the world. Oprah has mainly taken black girls from poor South African neighborhoods, which is her prerogative, but she shows her inexcusable ignorance about apartheid when she blames it for their level of poverty (it's been over for years Oprah and blacks from the rest of Africa clamored to get into South Africa under apartheid for economic advantages!).

 Does Oprah blame apartheid for the poverty of those white girls turned away from her school because of their color?  Sounds like Miss Oprah is just exposing more of the double-standard blacks get away with too often and don't like it when called on it. Shame.

Aid for Africa?

Black to Africa (Facing the Crisis in Black America)

Black Mark on Toledo
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
A Warning For America From South Africa
Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?
Martin Luther King Day?
Race Matters
Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!

Offline Johnson Brown

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Don't blame okra Winfrey.
You don't have to go to south Africa to see white girls get turned away from schools you can see that right in this country, remember affirmative action in our schools.
Also Oprah knows that it is useless to open a school here because these monkeys are just too stupid to learn, so she figured to give new little monkeys a chance maybe the world would have better luck with this bunch.
The rest is politics and should have nothing to do with her opening a school, why blame the children.  So if Bush wants to open a new school what should we do?, he's murdering our service men and women in a useless war.

Offline MarZutra

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I agree with you JB as well the other posters on the other side of the coin.  One too must think about the $40 million dollar "contrabution" will be worked by her Tax Lawyers and financial accountants toward her year end position on her billion.  She'll probably get a refund to boot.  Personally, I ask myself why she chose South Africa and not Senegal, Sierra Leone, Cameroon or Namibia but the wealthiest of all African States where there actually are Whites?  Perhaps, she did wish to throw it in the faces of ol-whitey with the Communist Shvartza heading South Africa?  If it was to really be for blacks the rest of the Black African nations are in much more need of aid, not AIDS, than South Africa.  Oprah is a fat bigot pig who only got to where she is today thanks to people like Stephen Speilberg and Ol-Whitey wishing for an Affirmitive Blaction Feminist host.  She's a pig, pure and simple although my sister had stated that Debbie Schlussel was wrong that there are a few white kids attending her school...although I don't know....
« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 08:24:54 PM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MarZutra

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Debbie Schlussel is a racist sack of poo.  Oprah can do whatever she wants with her money.  If she doesn't like it then she should put up her own money.

Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller are rich white Jewish women who have never done anything for anyone except themselves, wasting tons and tons of money on awful plastic surgery and gawdy jewelry.   I'll bet neither one of them has given money to Israel.  Why isn't Ms. Schlussel up in arms about that?  Debbie Schlussel is fairly wealthy herself.  How many little goyish whites girls is she spending her hard earned money on to help?

Considering all the poor white trailer trash she's doled out loot on her show, as nasty as you white racists react to her I wouldn't blame her if she never gave another white person the time of day.   
I happen to agree with your views on Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller although I have never researched it personally.  You could say the same about Stephen Speilberg or Noam Chomsky which doesn't offend me.  If you are going to label one a racist please make sure you use it in the proper context.  If those white trailer park trash lowers themselves to go to her show or watch it on television to hear hate Ol-Whitey, poke fun at uncle toms, black glorification, male bashing then Oprah deserves every penny for her work since all honest work is righteous no matter what color ones skin happens to be.  Good for her!  As for giving away that level do not do it out of pure kindness but out of a tax position.  I actually feel it very good that Oprah gave from her own money because it is better than the never ending "wealth transfer" we tax payers HAVE to pay for.  Good for her!  I'm 100% for private charity and belive that all foreign aid should be ended. 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Yochanan Zev

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What exactly is "black glorification"?  How is it any different from all of that flag-waving, red state, patriotic middle-American diarreaha we've been inundated with over the last six years or so?

Offline fjack

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Black glorification is much like be kind and say nice things about your pet day. You see liberal whites and some blacks who consider themselves an honoary white, such as hoprah and bill cosby, they love to point out the extraordinary members of the species. Say, for instance when they find a black male that can recite all the words to martin lucifer king's (hey, where be them ho's and don't forget the gin) 'I gots the dream' speech', or can keep his pants up and tie his 'sneaks', they consider this a major intellectural achievement. Liberal whites in the 1980s used to walk around with a roll of nickels to dispearse to little africanus  new yorkus who amused the liberals by break dancing on a piece of cardboard laid out on the sidewalk. This is negro glorification. You really see negro glorification in academia. Take for instance Bill (let me fell you up after I drug you) Cosby. Bill Cosby never finished high school but he paid 20 million dollars to the diploma mill known as temple university where they awarded him a BA, MA and a Ph.D for the cartoon he made called fat albert. Take also the crack pot , now dead, john henrick clark, everyone called him dr. clark when he never even received a ba. How many times have you heard the term rev. dr. By african glorification, these are word of mouth degrees that are given to the most illiterate of the species to make them feel good. If you need to know more about african glorification, ask the nearest black crack head you see, he call himself a pharmacist. Get the picture.

Yochanan Zev

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I think so.  That's sort like claiming Jessica Lynch and Pat Tilman are war Heros, NASCAR being a real sport, and that whites like Elvis have "Blue-Eyed Soul".  Our troops in Iraq are defending our freedom against Iraqi insurgents.  These things are all contrived for the edification of white self-esteem. 

On the other side of the coin is white victimhood. The fact still remains that there are a greater percentage of whites in this country who will still do absolutely nothing of any significance with their lives, since the very same victimized whites are quick to whine and dehumanize blacks with racist slander all the while boasting prilvilege and status that they themselves never had to exert any effort of their own to obtain.

If you don't believe me, just ask the nearest white methhead you see.

Offline MarZutra

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I think so.  That's sort like claiming Jessica Lynch and Pat Tilman are war Heros, NASCAR being a real sport, and that whites like Elvis have "Blue-Eyed Soul".  Our troops in Iraq are defending our freedom against Iraqi insurgents.  These things are all contrived for the edification of white self-esteem. 

On the other side of the coin is white victimhood. The fact still remains that there are a greater percentage of whites in this country who will still do absolutely nothing of any significance with their lives, since the very same victimized whites are quick to whine and dehumanize blacks with racist slander all the while boasting prilvilege and status that they themselves never had to exert any effort of their own to obtain.

If you don't believe me, just ask the nearest white methhead you see.
I agree that Nascar isn't a sport.  As a matter of fact it is just as brainless as basketball or as enlightening as that rap-hip/hop degeneracy.  Whites fighting in Iraq is for "White self-esteem"?  Examples of "White self-esteem" are the billions of dollars spent in "foreign aid" to the empoverished Black African Turd World because they haven't been able to accomplish a single thing on their own for the past 2 million years.  I assume that this is somehow that is the fault of Ol-Whitey?  I wonder if Oprah could have accomplished all that she had or became as successful as she is in Namibia?  I doubt they'd of had the inginuity to invent fire if it wasn't for Sir Henry Stanley's quest to find explorer "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"  Your humane and civilized African brethren were still eating each other up until the last century.  ""White self-esteem" is the continual incomparable levels of white charity given to black schools, black neighborhoods and black social programs in hope they will continue the advancement for themselves...  Sadly, in most cases this is not so.  Chester, PA. is a great example of how a nice community DIED!  "White self-esteem" is the granting of masses of Affirmative Action, Quota systems and every conceivable "progressive" legislation to help the African-American community....might I add that all of these programs are discriminatory on solely race.  That sounds fair and non-racist.  "White self-esteem" is marching with blacks during the civil rights movements and getting every major city burned down as a thanks.  "White self-esteem" is the continual dumbing down of the entire educational system and catering to ebonics to "level" the playing field and "elevate" the blacks.  "White self-esteem" is the massive aid sent to New Orleans because George Bush and Ol-Whitey caused the flood so they have to open their pockets to feed your bitching and moaning with every conceivable handout there is to be used for sex changes, liquor, crack and abortions.  Come on dude, take your head out of your ass.  I might take this moment to mention my Mother's Dr. friends who VOLUNTEERED to go down and help "poor black folk" and who were MURDERED by these shvartza animals as a "Thank you for your kindness, time and medical assistance".  I noticed that there were no handouts, bitching, moaning, FEMA task forces, media nor ANY murders in Colorado last week?  I wonder why?  I won't lower myself to entertain your "white victimhood" remark.  That was just inept and unfounded to say the least.  I agree with my friend....who happens to be a black woman....2% are righteous the rest....SIHT!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 06:47:24 PM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline fjack

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One point of correction, the africans are still eating each other. If you read the reports from the congo and the other hell holes that black tribes fight it out, you will see reports of cannibalism. The BBC has reported it along with several observers. This is a quaint african custom that is also practiced in Borneo. I remember when Nelson Rockefeller's son was eating by these people. As a matter of fact, there is a large number of primitives in borneo that have suffered from 'mad cow disease' which is cause by eating brain particles. Cows get it due to the fact that when their feed is ground up so of the brain matter is mixed in by mistake. I do agree that nascar is dumb, it is nothing but amusement for the feeble minded. Madonna and the 'in crowd' are nothing but very low IQ whites with a tremendous amount of guilt. The 'educational' system has been so dumbed down that not even the whites with a borderline IQ have a chance to compete. I go to a city college, where I see the africans listen to their walkmen, i-pods etc in class. The teachers are so frightened of these primitives since they well understand the primitives genetic tendencies to resort to violence. This does not make them 'bad' per se, but this is what all lower forms of anthropoids resort to. It is their instinct. At City Colleges they have tried everything to try and make the blacks, especially males of the species, to succeed, but alas, it is a mission impossible. One thing they did do however, which shows progress is to institute a degree program in 'Entertainment Technology' which uses the inherent instinctive traits of the africans, such as dancing and rapping. They are able to attain a AAS degree. There are also whites in the program, marilyn masion wanna bes, it is said but it seems to be the only way that these poor genetic deficiantes can deal with.

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Kananga Bonanga, another ugly monkey hypocritical idiot.

Offline MarZutra

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fjack.....thank you again for making me laugh.  It is very much appreciated.  To tell you the truth I have total contempt for sub-human, white, arab, asian and even....sadly....Marxist Judenrot.  What you say about shvartza's is...sad...but very true.  The only people who do not see this are the dumbed down rationalizing liberal and the hate filled stupified shvartzas themselves.  The post about Rockefeller's son....that was fabulous....   
« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 10:19:17 PM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Yochanan Zev

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I agree that Nascar isn't a sport.  As a matter of fact it is just as brainless as basketball or as enlightening as that rap-hip/hop degeneracy.  Whites fighting in Iraq is for "White self-esteem"?

No, believing that OUR TROOPS are fighting in Iraq to DEFEND AMERICAN FREEDOM is a myth perpetuated by O'Whitey Bush and his amen chorus to pacify the angst of all the conservatives who have been supporters, and provide cover for all the right wingnuts who just want to spill Arab blood.

You like to ramble on and on about the affairs of blacks as if their actions have some direct impact on the way you live.  I don't believe that anyone is trying to eat you Marzutra.   I personally do not know any cannibals, black or white, and I don't think you do either.   You make it seem as if every black person who has made something of themselves is because of a handout or some guilt-ridden white person wanting a black pet or AA decoration.  It's these over-exaggerated notions that exist soley for the purpose of white self-esteem. 

I can honestly say that I've never benefitted or have been hindered by Affirmative Action no more than any of my white male peers.   I've never been scared to compete with anyone for anything.  If I can't make the cut then I'll go to the end of the line and wait my turn again.  I won't make excuses.  But if I do make the cut then I'll take my rightful place in front, rejecting any excuse made to the contrary.  So how convenient is it for you or some other white person to discredit me by attributing these beliefs just by virtue of my race?

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I think so.  That's sort like claiming Jessica Lynch and Pat Tilman are war Heros, NASCAR being a real sport, and that whites like Elvis have "Blue-Eyed Soul".  Our troops in Iraq are defending our freedom against Iraqi insurgents.  (These things are all contrived for the edification of white self-esteem.) 

On the other side of the coin is white victimhood. The fact still remains that there are a greater percentage of whites in this country who will still do absolutely nothing of any significance with their lives, since the very same victimized whites are quick to whine and dehumanize blacks with racist slander all the while boasting prilvilege and status that they themselves never had to exert any effort of their own to obtain.

If you don't believe me, just ask the nearest white methhead you see.

 No you made it sound like the war is a way for whites to feel better about them selfs....some how.
 You have a point with the rest of what you said, but what gets me is the out look you have your self on white privilege, and what is that?
 The privilege to be seen as a power hungry,corporate owning,child molesting(only "white" men do this),woman ruling,woman raping,slave owning,war mongering,nature destroying,crusader,native killing,land stealing,worlds most hated monster?
 You, can not deny the fact that when "white male" pops into anybody head who is not said person that not one of thouse stereotype dose not pop into there head?

 The stereotyping gos both ways, but I'm sure you already know that...what ever keeping the topic balanced.

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Re:  "...If you don't believe me, just ask the nearest white methhead you see..."

I just did exactly that.
I stopped this wired-out white guy with rotted teeth.
He said that everything white people did, including meth lab construction far out in the woods, was an act of high technological achievement; beyond the abilities of lesser races.
As for the Iraqi engagement, the meth-head stated that it is an act of divine love to help exterminate the insect races, because they love death and killing so much that American forces are showing them the best way to go about having a hobby.  The good white soldiers are usually upset afterwards and feel bad about themselves, because of the lower than expected insect body counts.
So...the original poster has clearly missed the point!

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 What for real?
 You went out and found a meth head and ask him this stuff?!?! :o
  Were the heck do you live!?

Yochanan Zev

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The sorry gas-huffing evil SOB is from some podunk town in Western Kentucky.

"Several soldiers allegedly planned the attack over drinks after noticing the woman near the traffic checkpoint they manned in Mahmudiyah, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky. The soldiers allegedly worked out an elaborate plan to carry out the crime and then cover it up, wearing dark clothes to the home, using an AK-47 assault rifle from the house to kill the family, and allowing authorities to believe that the attack was carried out by insurgents, investigators said.

Former Pfc. Steven D. Green, 21, and other members of 1st Platoon, B Company, 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, allegedly carried out the crimes on March 12. Several soldiers told authorities that Green killed all four people and that he and another soldier raped the young woman"
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 04:55:53 PM by Kananga »

Offline fjack

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These GIs are in a combat position. The USA government is a politically correct piece of garbage. When we used to fight wars, if one of our people were killed we would go out and kill every single man, woman and child in that filthy sub human turd world slum. Our politicians are so traitorous that they do not want to fight a total war. As far as I am concerned these soldiers are heros. When the riots broke out in LA the cops should have started shooting every single africanus californiaus in sight. It is time that this political correctness has ended. Round up all muslims and give them 24 hours to leave the country or else, round up the illegals turd world wonders and give them 24 hours to leave town. This is a start, now we go to the africans, after the africans pay us our reparations for the trillions and trillions of dollars that we have given them through welfare, food stamps, aid to their low IQ crack beasts, the money we have given them for AIDS, the special ed for their idiot moron bipeds, the amount of affrimative action programs that we have given them. After the africans have paid us back, then they are free to go to the motherland where they can make that a better place to live. Africa has not contributed anything to western civilization, or any civilization for that matter. Every where you are turns into a filthy hell hole. The sad fact is that you and your kind are too ignorant to comprehend it. Look at Detroit, philly, New orleans, the ravages of black savagery. You belong in a place where you are airdropped malt liquor, crack, DVDs of louie farafarrt, a massive collection of rap videos, mac and cheese, do rags and a velvet portrait of martin lucifer king asking for a ho and another bottle of gin. I am sure that is your dream.

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 Well that fits the sterotype!
 This soilder like him should have there wilkins cut off and should never see the light of day. >:(
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 05:17:55 PM by JoshMan »

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 Fjack "turd world wonders" :D
   Oh that was a good one, now I,m angry and laughing at the same time!

Yochanan Zev

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You belong in a place where you are airdropped malt liquor, crack, DVDs of louie farafarrt, a massive collection of rap videos, mac and cheese, do rags and a velvet portrait of martin lucifer king asking for a ho and another bottle of gin. I am sure that is your dream.

And don't forget da' white wimmons! lol!  Send that phony journalist skank Debbie Schlussel, along with her bigoted blogs, Oprah obsession, and twenty tons of clown makeup caked on her face.  She could stand having a few soul brother turned loose on her funky ass.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 05:21:50 PM by Kananga »

Offline fjack

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Dear kangaroo, you are so clever. I have seen the white hos that go after the africans. You can have them. They are no use to anyone but you and your kind. Talk about pigs, take a look at that hoprah. She is admitted whore, and admittted crack head, and she will not allow any one of her staff talk about her. She is a typical black cow. If it weren't for guilt ridden white trash, she would be walking the streets and givin' it up for 2 dollars since she is such an ugly dumb sow. You seem to get upset with the truth. Why is that? Have the posters here rang a bell? Have you looked in the mirror lately and asked, "what is wrong with my people?", "why do they do the things they do, destroy neighborhoods, destroy their families, and blame everyone else but themselves". I do feel for your people. I want to establish high tech reservations where you can all be collected and be dropped all the crack, smack, grass, malt liquor, cheap wine, and mac and cheese you want free of charge. The white man will build tremoundous tv screens that wil blast the vilest gansta videos 24 hours a day free of charge, we will make you a faux white village, where, when the urge strikes you, you can raid and pillage. It will be supplied with fully stocked liquor stores, cd stores and stores loaded with the biggerst speakers in the world, state of the art. You will all receive the directors cuts of screwy louie farafrats speeches, the DVD of 'don't snithc', every single plagarised speech of 'i done be lovin' my gin and wimmenzz', marty lucifer king. We will even build a cadillac shape youth center along with an unguarded chichen coup for you southerners. Don't you think that will satify your need for reparations.

Yochanan Zev

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I want to establish high tech reservations where you can all be collected and be dropped all the crack, smack, grass, malt liquor, cheap wine, and mac and cheese you want free of charge. The white man will build tremoundous tv screens that wil blast the vilest gansta videos 24 hours a day free of charge, we will make you a faux white village, where, when the urge strikes you, you can raid and pillage. It will be supplied with fully stocked liquor stores, cd stores and stores loaded with the biggerst speakers in the world, state of the art. You will all receive the directors cuts of screwy louie farafrats speeches, the DVD of 'don't snithc', every single plagarised speech of 'i done be lovin' my gin and wimmenzz', marty lucifer king. We will even build a cadillac shape youth center along with an unguarded chichen coup for you southerners. Don't you think that will satify your need for reparations.

Sure.  Call it "New Zimbabwe".  I'll be the Robert Mugabe to your Cecil Rhodes.  Just remember to drop of Schlussel and enough white wimmins along with the rest of the party favors.  You know the Shona like to do it "Black on Blondes" style!  :P