The title pretty much says it all. It is my firm belief that peace can be achieved when the people and nations who cross the line (i.e. fight wars of aggression) are put out of power and defeated.
As the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt said during World War II, "We fight not for the lust of conquest: we fight to
end conquest."
So should be the same for us. We will be fighting to end fights started by a belligerent enemy bent on destroying us. We will fight defensive wars, and never offensive ones - except in the cast of preemptive strikes
We will also operate under the belief that the end justifies the means. For example, many of you would agree that the Israeli 2008-2009 attacks on Gaza were justified. They were justified because Hamas was a belligerent enemy that indiscriminately fired rockets at civilians.
If our goal is to gain dominion over the Arabs, consider me out. That would make us no better than the Muslims who parade the streets chanting "One day, we will conquer Rome" and "Bomb, Bomb USA!" If our goal is to protect Western civilization from threats, I'm with you all the way.
When this war is won, we can all dance.