Author Topic: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians  (Read 10985 times)

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #50 on: June 15, 2010, 10:18:30 PM »
CZ speaking about new agers have you got a load of Oprah Winfrey saying that she doesn't believe in the Jesus of the NT but promotes a "Christ consciousness"? I think this is how the New Agers are going to lead many weak Christians into their strange mystical belief system.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #51 on: June 15, 2010, 11:07:12 PM »
well the problem is that the missionary organisations are alloted millions of dollars of money in every country. Then there are Church clergy in every state who are forced to use this money in a way that is going to bring people to them. At the end of every year they have to report to the head of these Evagelical organisations, about how many people have got church membership. A very corporate style of functioning. And the results are this. Then you have people like Rev Pat Robertson. Who calls Hinduism "Demonic" along with "Satanic Islam". He will try to act as Anti-Islam, Anti-Palestine and Anti-Obama, yet he is no friend of Israel. I am glad several of his projects are banned in Israel. Plus the CBN which is funded by his institution is very well known to spew venom at Ultra-Orthodox Jews. But when there is a Kahanist government in Israel, men like these are going to run for cover. Robertson taken pride in promoting Christianity in Non-Christian countries, but what the hell is he offering the Europe, which is getting rapidly islamic. Even though Islamic overbreeding and immigration are to be blamed, yet the fact remains that White and Black Christians in Europe have stopped going to Churches, for reasons best known to them.

Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Hindus use yoga to propagate their religion.   In Israel also large number of Jews become followers of yoga.  At least Christians missionaries are open about it.  Hindus are stealth.     The VHP agenda clearly states the best way to promote Hinduism in the west is by yoga.  In America alone there are at least 70,000 new age missionaries.
Yoga is a form of exercise to most people, just like Chinese or Japanese martial arts are. There are new age cults who use Yoga as part of their practice but the stress should be that they are cults.

In our age and time, there are cults and silly new age religions of any variety, in fact most of them are a mixture of a multitude of old religions and new and made up stories. There is also the "Jewish" variety like those stupid Kabbalah study centers.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #52 on: June 15, 2010, 11:14:52 PM »

You do realize that is a neo-nazi antisemitic website?

The USA in 1999 is under that same degree of Jewish domination that Weimar Germany was under in 1929.

Sir Arthur Bryant, a respected historian of the 1920s, wrote that although Jews comprised only 1% of the German population, in 1924 in the Reichstag they constituted a 25% of the Social Democrats.
Jews controlled 57% of the metal trade, 22% of grain, and 39% of textiles. More than 50% of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce were Jewish, as were a spectacular 1,200 of the 1,474 members of the German Stock Exchange.

Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood than was spilled in Korea and Vietnam and would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III -- Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jews.
Most of the Jews swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia, and Patton found their personal habits shockingly uncivilized.
He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DP's) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. He observed with horror that "these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . . . They decline, where practicable, to use latrines, preferring to relieve themselves on the floor."
He described in his diary one DP camp,
"where, although room existed, the Jews were crowded together to an appalling extent, and in practically every room there was a pile of garbage in one corner which was also used as a latrine. The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Of course, I know the expression 'lost tribes of Israel' applied to the tribes which disappeared -- not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of deleted are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency."
Do Jews Control
The World?
By Henry Makow PhD

This question is the proverbial elephant in the room, the dysfunction that members of the human family dare not mention.
So when Richard Dawkins recently remarked that the Israel Lobby controls American foreign policy, Daniel Finkelstein, a Jewish editor of the London Times "Comments" section heard Nazi storm troopers banging on his door.
"So Dawkins, a liberal hero, believes, er, that Jews control world power." Finkelstein sighed. "And, judging from the Guardian, it is now a part of mainstream debate to say so. Perhaps you think I am over-reacting, but I am a little bit frightened. All I can manage is, Oh My G-d."
Finkelstein's outburst is ironic. Here is a Jewish opinion gatekeeper, employed by a Jewish press magnate (Rupert Murdoch), shocked at the mention of Jewish power, persuading the public that the very suggestion is in bad taste. He cannot be accused of objectivity.
The Times is not just any newspaper. It has been the voice of the British establishment for more than 100 years. Along with Chatham House (the RIIA) and Tavistock, it is a principal instrument of the cabal that governs England and most of the world. That cabal consists of Jewish central bankers and British (European and American) aristocracy united by money, marriage and a belief in the occult (Freemasonry.)
Symbolic Identifiers & Jewish Stereotypes
By Gilad Atzmon

Jews are usually proud to define themselves as Jews. Some Jews may, for instance, proudly carry the Jewish banner (Jews for Peace, Jews for Justice, Jews for Jesus and so on) as if they believe that the 'J' word contains special righteous attributions. However, they also will be gravely offended if they are called a 'Jew' by others. Suggesting to a Jew that "he is a Jew" or "behaves like a Jew" can be regarded as a serious 'racist' offence.
It is linguistically noticeable that the symbolic identifier 'Jew' or 'Jewish' operates as both noun and as an adjective. As much as the term points to a 'thing' it is also descriptive. However, I assume that symbolic identifiers associated with ideological and identity politics tend to function in a dual grammatical mode. The words 'feminist', 'socialist', 'Nazi' and 'white supremacist' can point to a human subject but they can also be descriptive. I guess, for instance, that a feminist who proudly carries the feminist flag may also accept that being called 'a feminist' will also assign some particular characteristics and ideological beliefs. Crucially, we also accept that being a feminist, a socialist, a Nazi or a white supremacist are matters of political choice. People are not bornfeminists or as socialists. They adopt those ideologies or identities later in life.
From this perspective the 'Jew' signifier or symbolic identifier is slightly different for the Jews who are born into a collective identity. Almost like any case of biologically determined conditions such as 'women', 'men' or 'blacks', some people are born Jews However, here we are clearly setting ourselves into an interesting twist. First, European Jews can easily disappear into a white Western crowd by means of assimilation and integration and leave their Jewish identity behind, where as black people and women have to live their life accepting and enjoying who they are. Second, the duality between the noun and the adjective in the case of 'black' and 'women' is not necessarily realised as a gulf. Neither black people nor women are offended being called 'black' or 'women'.
To a certain extent the manner in which 'Jew' as a signifier, operates within the discourse may be similar to the case of the 'gay' symbolic identifier. While many gay people are proud to exhibit their gay identity, many gays are also offended when being labeled as 'gays' by others. In different cases of identity and marginal politics we can notice a parallel and simultaneous tendency to 'own' and 'disown', a clear inclination to 'identify' with a collective yet a refusal to be 'identified' as such by others.

I am reluctant to suggest to Julius that his attempt is in vain. The world out there is turning rapidly against Israel, Jewish nationalism and Jewish supremacy. Removing Fagin, Shylock and TS Eliot won't stop the word 'Jew' from being an adjective and a negative descriptive emblem. For that to change, or for Jews to be genuinely respected, self-reflection is of the essence. Instead of pointing out what is so wrong with the Goyim, Jews may want to consider looking in the mirror. I tried it once many years ago. I have never recovered. It transformed me into a profound self-hater.

A Personal Message
From Jeff Rense
1-10-7 and the Jeff Rense Program have always been steadfastly Pro-Jewish...and Anti-Zionist, and certainly anti-Neocon, most of whom are Zionists with dual loyalty and many with dual Israeli citizenship. The following video points out in searing detail the reasons for our position and our many years of fighting for the rights of Jews and all Americans.
In this stunning video, you will see honorable, loving people of the Jewish faith trying to exercise their G-d-given right to Freedom of Speech by which they seek to explain the monumental differences between True Judaism and ZIONISM.
You will then see the hideous face of the death-dealing philosophy and pathological control mania of the Zionist. This Zionist not only calls for the removal of Freedom of Speech for his fellow Jews but calls repeatedly for their MURDER...after which their "bones should be pissed upon." 

We certainly hope you will now more clearly understand how Jewish ZIONISM played the key role in the Holocaust of WWII as has been documented by numerous historians including the great Rabbi Michael Dov Weismandl who personally lived through the Zionist betrayal of the Jews of Europe.  See
Watch and listen...and learn. You will now see, clearly and without any augmentation, why and the Jeff Rense Program have always been pro-Jewish and anti-ZIONIST.

Jewish Defense League Declares
War On Torah True Jews
Jewish community decides to ruin lives of Neturei Karta

Jewish elements in New York have declared war on members of the Jewish Neturei Karta movement who participated in the Holocaust denial conference in Iran last month and were photographed hugging and kissing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The New York based Jewish Defense Organization, who has been active against the phenomenon of Neturei Karta, have launched a campaign dubbed "Operation Screwball" against the anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox movement calling for a full boycott of its members and a rally at the Neturei Karta "secret headquarters" in the town of Monsey north of New York City Sunday afternoon.
The website opened by the organizers of the operation reveals the photos, home addresses, and phone numbers of several top officials in the movement who recently visited Iran and participated in the Holocaust denial conference there. The website calls on all Jews to "keep them out of your shuls, do not hire them to do any work, and toss them out of any store they come to."
"Neturei Karta crackpots are traitors to the Jews for helping Iranian Hitler-imitator Ahmadinejad who is planning to wipe Israel off the map with nuclear weapons. Now in response, "Operation Screwball" has been initiated to help wreck & ruin these self-haters, and Jewish traitors out of Monsey. I am sure Iran will welcome them with open arms," the website says.

Jeff Rense and his website are disgusting and an abomination... Neonazis and antisemites all of them..

Show topics & previous guests

Two recurring themes on the Rense show are a general mistrust of the establishment (ranging from the right-wing to President Barack Obama), and a range of theories about who was behind the September 11 attacks on the New York World Trade Center in 2001. Regular guests include conspiracy theorists, geopolitical experts, ufologists, and have included Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Jordan Maxwell, and Devvy Kidd. One of Rense's favourite guests is paranormal expert Brad Steiger, who is also a personal friend of Rense. Rense has also interviewed controversial South African journalist Jani Allan[10] and ex-Zimbabwean Jan Lamprecht, who became a regular commentator.[citation needed]
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 11:26:02 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #53 on: June 15, 2010, 11:29:07 PM »
The list of vile postings on goes on and on...

I am looking at one which accuses Mossad of perpetrating the 9/11 attacks... I hope you also find that repugnant, cz... Don't you?
911 Was a Mossad False Flag Operation
By Sean McBride
(McBride is a discussant in newsgroups
investigating CIA drug-trade
I've been strongly resisting coming to the best guess that 911 was a classic Mossad false flag operation, conducted with the full complicity of a Zionist political network loyal to Israel at the highest levels of the U.S. government, but some recent events have made it almost impossible to ignore the obvious.
This is the theory that best fits the known facts. It's not enough that the U.S. has failed to capture a single planner behind or perpetrator of the 911 WTC and anthrax attacks. It's not enough that the U.S. is even failing to show any interest in capturing these "evildoers." But now we have George W. Bush urging Americans to pay no attention to Osama bin Laden and to forget he exists. What's that again? Forget about OBL? And forget about the anthrax attacks?
OBL has conveniently been demoted from Lord Satan to a pesky "parasite," someone beneath our notice. You can't afford to capture "evildoers" when knowledge of the real identity and purposes of said evildoers would turn the popular understanding of 911 upside down and create the biggest crisis in American politics since the Civil War.


The media is run by about 50 American and Non-American Jews. Sharon said that America is run by Israel. I believe it. Look at the Marc Rich (Expatriot Jewish American) pardon. We are going to war against Iraq and others to satisfy them, not for our own nation's security. It could lead to Nuclear war. That may be the idea. Over 2/3's of our population could be destroyed. Preparations to protect and sustain the "important people" underground are in place here, in Russia, in China and they WERE in place in Afganistan until we destroyed their caves.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 11:37:08 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #54 on: June 16, 2010, 12:27:54 AM »
well the problem is that the missionary organisations are alloted millions of dollars of money in every country. Then there are Church clergy in every state who are forced to use this money in a way that is going to bring people to them. At the end of every year they have to report to the head of these Evagelical organisations, about how many people have got church membership. A very corporate style of functioning. And the results are this. Then you have people like Rev Pat Robertson. Who calls Hinduism "Demonic" along with "Satanic Islam". He will try to act as Anti-Islam, Anti-Palestine and Anti-Obama, yet he is no friend of Israel. I am glad several of his projects are banned in Israel. Plus the CBN which is funded by his institution is very well known to spew venom at Ultra-Orthodox Jews. But when there is a Kahanist government in Israel, men like these are going to run for cover. Robertson taken pride in promoting Christianity in Non-Christian countries, but what the hell is he offering the Europe, which is getting rapidly islamic. Even though Islamic overbreeding and immigration are to be blamed, yet the fact remains that White and Black Christians in Europe have stopped going to Churches, for reasons best known to them.

Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Hindus use yoga to propagate their religion.   In Israel also large number of Jews become followers of yoga.  At least Christians missionaries are open about it.  Hindus are stealth.     The VHP agenda clearly states the best way to promote Hinduism in the west is by yoga.  In America alone there are at least 70,000 new age missionaries.
Hinduism is a more of a philosophy than religion, we dont have commandments or orders. I can choose to agree with Torahnical ideas without offending by own faith. And can also dennounce wrong rituals in Hinduism. But, Can you get over the Blood of jesus thing? I highly doubt. Also Jews never go around insulting/abusing other faiths. Their faith is more strong to be unshaken by other religons and they dont get intimidated by other religions.

About VHP agenda. VHP members themself dont know yoga and there is no VHP centers to teach yoga. Pls visit local VHP centers in every country, and you will find the truth. I have been member of VHP since many years, yet dont know Yoga. If we ourself dont know yoga, how can we convert others? ;D

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #55 on: June 16, 2010, 12:33:14 AM »

Both of you cut it out... We've been through this before and it usually degenerates to a level which we all regret saying what we said {for saying it}. Please be considerate of each other.

Each of our respective religions are different and we all probably feel that we are entitled to our beliefs. I just want to keep peace between good members here.

In this world we need to work together because our enemies will only succeed if we are divided.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #56 on: June 16, 2010, 12:44:35 AM »
and i probably dont like to go there, but you have made me to. Whats the thing with Blood of Jesus? They say G-d sacrifised his Son(by blood) for the Sin of people(who were following Torah).  That to me is also demonic like that of Kali instance you have pointed. I'm ready to accept that those few Hindus should dennounce Kali tantric practices.

I don't know how much I'm allowed to get into that on this forum considering that anything that could be misunderstood as missionizing I want to avoid.

Christians believe that Jesus conquered death and hell and rose again. No victim of pagan human sacrifice ever came back to life.
The concept that G-d sacrificed his son, also has pagan connotations. Dont get me wrong, but most Jews consider Christianity to be pagan also. Anyways i dont want  to digress from the topic. The topic was meant to expose missionaries and not to mock at any religion.
Hinduism has divided India into 4 different caste systems.  The low caste people are brutally oppressed by upper caste Hindus for centuries.  Many low caste Hindus want a change.  They are 4th rate citizens in their own country.  HZ, you talk about Pat Robertson but why didn't Hindus build India or Nepal like a Western nation.  Why do Hindus need to present the glorified version of Hinduism in the West?
Christianity has not divided White people into 4 different castes.   

For those who don't know about Hinduism in this forum:

In certain places in India low caste Hindus cannot even go into streets and places belonging to High caste Hindus.   Low caste people are given separate plates/tumblers/glasses in some restaurants belonging to Orthodox Hindus. 
Hindu Empire has been invaded many times by Greeks,Muslims and British. Give us time to build our own empire and we will build one. Bring aggressors to my country for 1000 yrs looting it, how can you expect to build? I take pride in the fact that not one Hindu king ever tried to invade other nations. They kept themself in India, to concentrate on Hindus. Hindus dont have to glorify themself in West. Our history and the conduct of people will eventually inform the people. If Jews appriciate Hindus that there has never been Anti-Semitism in India, while there has been every where. Why do westerners have to get upset?

Caste System in a complex issue. All Hindu Nationalist organisations have denounced it. I can provide you links if you want. But Caste system is followed in India by even Christians and Muslims in India, something people on this forum dont know.

Syrian Malabar Nasranis or Syrian Christians are considered forward caste. Christians in Kerala are divided into several communities, including Syrian Christians and the so-called "Latin" or "New Rite" Christians.
Syrian Christians tend to be endogamous, and tend not to intermarry with other Christian castes[69]. Also, very rarely are there intermarriages between Syrian Christians and Latin Rite Christians (converted in the 16th and 19th centuries) in Kerala; the latter were converted mainly from lower castes where fishing was the traditional occupation.

And whatever the cast system problem is, we hindu nationalists are there to sort it out. Many of our leaders belong to the alleged "low caste".

Btw in that link you will also find Nasranis were converted to Christianity from Judaism. It was done by Saint Thomas who Pat Robertson glorifies. I dont see how many JTF'r can support the people who has been murdering Jewish souls.

Anyways I dont understand by Pat Robertson is being defended here, Sure none of the Jewish members will.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #57 on: June 16, 2010, 12:49:29 AM »

Both of you cut it out... We've been through this before and it usually degenerates to a level which we all regret saying what we said {for saying it}. Please be considerate of each other.

Each of our respective religions are different and we all probably feel that we are entitled to our beliefs. I just want to keep peace between good members here.

In this world we need to work together because our enemies will only succeed if we are divided.
sorry muman. I was only trying to expose missionary methods, and people like Pat Robertson. Who is threat to jews,hindus and rigtheous christian members on JTF

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #58 on: June 16, 2010, 12:52:49 AM »

Both of you cut it out... We've been through this before and it usually degenerates to a level which we all regret saying what we said {for saying it}. Please be considerate of each other.

Each of our respective religions are different and we all probably feel that we are entitled to our beliefs. I just want to keep peace between good members here.

In this world we need to work together because our enemies will only succeed if we are divided.
sorry muman. I was only trying to expose missionary methods, and people like Pat Robertson. Who is threat to jews,hindus and rigtheous christian members on JTF

Certainly, I believe most JTF members know that missionaries are not thought of very well around these forums.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2010, 01:29:25 AM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.
Following an apostate Jew who renounced his religion, who encouraged other Jews to also commit spiritual suicide, who later was turned into a false deity by his followers...  who later physically murdered more Jews than any other ideology on the planet. --  Many still like Pat Robertson seek the spiritual murder of Jews around the world.  And these people stole our Torah and dishonestly translated it to suit their own desires.  And these people carry around little golden idols of their deity on a necklace. -- Torah is diametrically opposed to all of this.  While Judaism does not endorse Hinduism, Hindus have never persecuted Jews on any scale, nor have they sought them to commit spiritual suicide.
Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  God willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

A Hindu has every bit of right to complain when evil people lie about their own religion to try and trick people into following it.  India is one of the most, if not the most, pro-Israel country in the world, and this support comes from a Hindu base.  This Hindu base has no misconceptions or hopes of converting Jews and having them commit spiritual suicide.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #60 on: June 16, 2010, 03:43:45 AM »
I keep doing image searches for Chinese Buddhism/Budha and I keep getting the same images of Budha, the fat mongloid looking one.  I know quite a few chinese budhists, and they all have say the fat guy is Buddha.  I think we need a Chinese here to clear this up.  Chinese Kahanist!!!!  We need your help!!

That is the Maitreya Buddha, their concept of Buddha.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #61 on: June 16, 2010, 06:19:51 AM »
Re:  The Buddha

Buddha was not the pot bellied, oriental eyed 'Chinese' chap as portrayed in East Asian statuary & idols.

Gautama, known today as "The Buddha" [meaning: The Enlightened One] was a young princely nobleman from Northern INDIA.

He is one of the only two men in all of history to have walked the entire territory of ancient India on foot !

Being a vegetarian and walking on foot every inch of ancient India would guarantee that he be a young and thin person.

The Buddha taught that there was no G-d, and that each individual could only achieve their own "enlightenment" through meditation and self-knowledge, which alone would free man from the endless cycle of reincarnation and suffering in the material world.

He taught non-violence, strict vegetarianism, and what we know in the West as "The Golden Rule".

Though born a Hindu, The Buddha considered as useless the Hindu pantheon of deities, idol worship, and the austere practice of yoga.

His teachings over time spread throughout Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, and across China, Korea, and Japan.

As they did so, they became distorted and adulterated with huge volumes of literature written hundreds of years after his death which were in fact nothing more than entirely new pagan religions claiming to quote him and claiming to be new 'sects' of Buddhism.

Each country which converted over to the new philosophy retained its native religious practices -- merely adopting them to resemble Buddhist teachings in the same way as the Indians of South America adulterated Catholicism.

With each new mutation of the faith, Buddhism became in essence a religion of idolatry, eventually concocting its own pantheon of messiah incarnations returning to Earth in order to 'save' mankind. [The Tibetan worship of their Dalai Lama as the latest incarnation of Buddha on Earth is a contemporary living example of just one of the most extreme doctrinal heresies.]

What resulted is the many versions of formalized temple worship we see today, with prayers directed to a stone idol of a Buddha deity portrayed with the various physical characteristics of the adherents from various countries where the religion is practiced.

"Buddhism" today is so far removed from the founder and his teachings as to be a huge conglomeration of idolatrous religions which are as alien to the teachings of The Buddha as is Santeria to the teachings of Jesus.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #62 on: June 16, 2010, 06:28:59 AM »
More races adapting the bible to meet their interpretations.   God does not like his word changed.   KJV is original scriptures from the Prophets.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #63 on: June 16, 2010, 07:05:48 AM »
Reading the OP, I don't think the text of the  Bible is being changed, but there will be a commentary alongside it to explain theolgical concepts and other elements to Indians in terms of their own cultural understanding.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #64 on: June 16, 2010, 09:10:39 AM »
More races adapting the bible to meet their interpretations.   G-d does not like his word changed.   KJV is original scriptures from the Prophets.

Ummm... Debbie... The Jewish people know that the KJV is not a good translation from the Hebrew of the Torah. I can point you several passages which are mistranslated in order to support the idea of the J-man... This is not something we should argue about, but the fact is that KJV IS NOT a Good translation for a Jew to use for the reason I stated previously...
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 09:17:54 AM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #65 on: June 16, 2010, 10:19:51 AM »
We Hindus do sometimes feel a dilemma. Our religion is considered a rainbow religion incorporating all the colors in it. It is also called an umbrella religion where all get the shelter.

The caste system is also some sort of embarrassment and thought to be rigid. But if we go in to the details of 4+36+11+1=52 variants of Chhatriyas (Warriors) castes and if we search the roots of various ancient dynasties, we understand that the castes were mobile both upwards and down wards, except for the priests and topmost warrior houses. To some Eurocommunists it may even smack of feudalism like the ancient European Serfs Vs Landlords and Priests.

Debate for and against Hinduism may be futile because their common umbrella covers all from the strict One G_d believers to many deities and even strong atheists. We do not try to convert each other for money or promise of 72 or anything. All castes except the priests had their own inherent Kings and courts that were eliminated by muslamics and erased by british empire. So now various castes became downtrodden and tools again in to the hands of Eurocommunism.

Again we Hindus may not believe in or follow the teachings of Jesus (Isa), but that also we need not to comment adversely against him in any way, because as per our scriptures he is an enlightened disciple of Buddha and was supposed to teach it to the Yavans (arab and greeks). 

I am very sorry, if I have given any pain to any hearts, Jewish or Christian or others. As I do not want to create another avalanche and in that case this of my post may please be considered non-existing.

However I am proud of one thing that the ancient Hindu scriptures call loudly only against Mahamad in no uncertain terms.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #66 on: June 16, 2010, 11:54:02 AM »
this is for knowledge purpose: Experience of Jews with Hindu caste system.

An Israeli King was appointed and a land donated to rule by Hindu king Bhaskara Ravi Varma in the 4th century.
`We have granted to Joseph Rabban the village of Anjuvannam together with the 72 proprietary rights, tolls on boats and carts, the revenue and title of Anjuvannam, the lamp of the day, a cloth spread in front to walk on, a palanquin, a parasol, a Vaduga (i.e. Teluge) drum, a trumpet, a gate way, a garland, decoration with festoons, and so forth.

``We have granted him the land tax and weight tax; moreover, we have sanctioned with these Copper plates that he need not pay the dues which the inhabitants of the other cities pay the Royal palace, and that he may enjoy the benefits which they enjoy. To Joseph Rabban the Prince of Anjuvannam and to his descendants sons and daughters and to his nephews, and to the sons-in-law who married his daughters in natural succession. So long as the world and moon exist, Anjuvannam shall be his hereditary possession. Hail''.
Which means they were allowed to rule through Jews descendants till eternity. Although it ended after Arab and Portugese came in.

so it is wrong to generalize that Hindus persecute people on the bases of castes.

But i know where this thing "That Dalits(who are said to have no castes or low castes) are persecuted by Orthodox Hindus(Brahmins)" comes from. THis theory is heavily propagated by Evangelists and Missionaries in India. To get Dalits to accept Christinatiy. I would say they are getting success. Pls Jews should make a note here that, the Dalits not only hate Hindus, but also Jews. Pls check this website:
Hitler being praised, Jews and Zionism being insulted. Go through the site more, and they also support iran and their idiot ruler.

Its anti-Brahmin rhetoric, frequently follows to further anti-Semitism with claims of Brahmins in India being descended from Jews and deriving their "fanaticism" and "arrogance" from "Jewish Zionist Racism".[9] [10]

Dalit Voice has also made various anti-Semitic accusations and touted "Jewish conspiracy theories"[11][12]. The editor V.T. Rajasekhar has treated the hoax text Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as legitimate [13] and has accused Indian Jews of a conspiracy to "join hands (with Hindus) to crush Muslims, Blacks and India's Dalits"[14]

Dalit Voice, in addition to publishing articles about "Zionist conspiracies" regarding Hitler and the Third Reich[15][16], have also supported the Iranian regime and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the holocaust[17].

It has also claimed that the September 11, 2001 attacks in USA were a "total falsehood manufactured by the zionists controlling the Bush Administration".[18]
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 12:16:12 PM by ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ »

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #67 on: June 16, 2010, 01:07:35 PM »
This is for CZ and Rubystars

Shocking silence on UP Dalit project : Zionist-Brahminist conspiracy
This refers to your shocking report about the zionist biological war to kill UP Dalits (DV May 1, 2010 p.8).

Newspapers in North carried reports of Melinda Gates visit and her meeting with Mayawati along with their support for an NGO called Saksham which has decreased the number of deaths in Rae Bareli district project (from thousands of children under 5 to just a few hundred). But her interview with the Hindu appeared only in the South.

I will call a meeting of doctors and discuss the DV report. I was also wondering why the rulers are secret about this? Why only the Hindu wrote about it? Saksham is not known here. Now that Gates have given money, they have become famous.

We agree that the lack of publicity to such a big project sounds suspicious and needs to be watched. Dr. Suresh is confident that Mayawati would not allow anything that would damage the Dalits of UP. We have some projects in Rae Bareli district and put the Saksham NGO under observation. Your suspicions may prove right. But we need time to see this and find some proof. The death of Dalit children under 5 is a major concern for us and we would be eager to find out what this foundation wants to do to reduce that. Our medical camps bring thousands of people for treatment and most of the children are malnourished. Our health workers have too much work on their hands. The article also does not explain the cultural change that Melinda Gates is suggesting.


Another proof of Jews joining “Jews of India”

When a staggering $ 55 million project was announced for UP, why no UP paper or even Delhi paper announced it? Why only India’s hard-core Brahmin daily headed by the arch enemy of Dalits/Muslims/Christians was given this exclusive interview by Melinda Gates? Why only this paper announced about such a project some 10 years back?

The “Jews of India” are in close collaboration with the Jews and admired the latter for their project of introducing AIDS to kill the African Blacks. DV has published over 100 reports on the AIDS which was a total zionist conspiracy against the Blacks.

Our people suffer from appalling ignorance, laziness, jealousy and lack of commitment. It is shocking that even highly placed medical doctors like Dr. Suresh Babu have not heard of such a gigantic scheme. Why the news was blacked out in UP papers? What is this mystery? Don’t you get suspicious?

You can take it from us that the zionist-Brahminist clique wants to repeat the African experiment in India. UP was chosen because of its BSP rule.

The problem is we are not an alert people. Even when Babasaheb was poisoned and killed by the Brahmin wife not a single Dalit follower raised any voice.

The Hindu is the country’s only Brahmin family media house which has not allowed any Dalit to enter. How did such a notorious anti-human media empire suddenly fall in love with Dalits? The answer can be found in the Mao’s “law of contradictions”. The Gates Foundation has played havoc in Africa — killing the Blacks by spreading AIDS. We have published many reports on this. We are sorry that even educated persons among us are not able to see through the Brahmin game. If this is the case how ordinary mortals, who form over 80% of the population, understand the Brahmin billiards game?

Why should the Brahmins approach the Gates and persuade them to come to India and select UP to conduct this experiment? Can’t you make out the deep designs? We are telling you with our vast experience in the line. Our predictions made in DV have never gone wrong


This guy Moses Parmar (uses the jewish prophets name) and writes against all Jews and Zionists.
He is a Jew hater, Zionism hater, Orthodox Hindu(Brahmin) hater, Hindu Nationalists hater.

Profile of his:
"Moses committed himself to Jesus at the age of 17 through an evangelical student group in Nadiad, Gujarat. "

Which is so outrageous.

So pls think twice before you come defending for Dalits or Outcastes of Hindu system, and claiming that Evangelicals are uplifting them. These people are Anti-Semites, but the international funding gets power to them. It is Hindu nationalists that are fighting them, while people like Pat Robertson support them.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #68 on: June 16, 2010, 07:15:20 PM »
It's interesting to me how some of the anti-Semites sometimes have Biblical first names that they go by. It's almost as if they are doing it to shove it in the face of Jews.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #69 on: June 16, 2010, 09:56:13 PM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  G-d willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

So what do you want Pat Robertson and other Christians do?    Do you want them to hate Israel and denounce it?

Regarding your comment about Hindus never persecuted Jews in India -  Indian welcomed all religions.  Do you know Jews and Muslims shared common graveyards at one time in India.  Does that mean Islam is beautiful?  Even Saddam Hussein ordered his soldiers to protect Jewish synagogues in Iraq.  Did that make Saddam Hussein better than Pat Robertson?

« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 10:04:02 PM by Christian Zionist »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #70 on: June 16, 2010, 11:45:01 PM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  G-d willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

So what do you want Pat Robertson and other Christians do?    Do you want them to hate Israel and denounce it?

Regarding your comment about Hindus never persecuted Jews in India -  Indian welcomed all religions.  Do you know Jews and Muslims shared common graveyards at one time in India.  Does that mean Islam is beautiful?  Even Saddam Hussein ordered his soldiers to protect Jewish synagogues in Iraq.  Did that make Saddam Hussein better than Pat Robertson?

Pat Robertson's support of Israel is not needed.  Any Christian who supports Pat Robertson's way of thinking is not needed.  Anyone who wishes to missionize against Jewish souls is an enemy of the Jewish people and should openly be treated as such.  The Pat Robertson's of this world do not "bless" Israel with political support, they "curse" it by wanting Jews to abandon their birthright [which murders a Jewish soul, a death far worse than physical death].  I would pass the task of handling those who missionize against the Jews to the Maccabee family; Happy Chanukah. -- If that's not you, mazel tov.

In addition to this, Robertson is a "santitzed antisemite".;col1
[this is the 4th page, a most relevant page, the whole article is valid]

I never said Hinduism is beautiful.  I said Torah does not promote Christianity, with obvious reasons, any more than it promotes Hinduism.  You attempted to prop your beliefs up with Torah, that was fallacious logic.  But it is true that Hindus have a far less ugly history with Jews than Christians do.

Christians who are honest enough to look at the past and repudiate themselves from the horrors other Christians have put the Jewish people through, and who also repudiate themselves from Christian missionaries who seek to murder Jewish souls, and also seek to "bless" Israel... these are the Christians I am happy to work with.  May G-d bless them as well.  "Blessing" the Jewish people, with no strings attached, is one of the ways a gentile can gain authentic favor in the eyes of HaShem, I am happy to help a person in this way.  However, no where in Torah does it say that Jews are dependent on the blessings of anyone but HaShem, so if help comes with strings I am only too happy to pass.

If Saddam Hussein did not seek to covert Jewish souls, he is a better person than Pat Robertson.

Muslims and Jews sharing grave sites is an abomination.  Jews are to be buried with Jews, and no one else.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #71 on: June 17, 2010, 02:49:27 AM »
As far as I know, the muslamics when in power encroached upon the Jewish burial site as they had done with many sacred sites in Israel and India.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #72 on: June 17, 2010, 06:56:06 AM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  G-d willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

So what do you want Pat Robertson and other Christians do?    Do you want them to hate Israel and denounce it?

Regarding your comment about Hindus never persecuted Jews in India -  Indian welcomed all religions.  Do you know Jews and Muslims shared common graveyards at one time in India.  Does that mean Islam is beautiful?  Even Saddam Hussein ordered his soldiers to protect Jewish synagogues in Iraq.  Did that make Saddam Hussein better than Pat Robertson?

Pat Robertson's support of Israel is not needed.  Any Christian who supports Pat Robertson's way of thinking is not needed.  Anyone who wishes to missionize against Jewish souls is an enemy of the Jewish people and should openly be treated as such.  The Pat Robertson's of this world do not "bless" Israel with political support, they "curse" it by wanting Jews to abandon their birthright [which murders a Jewish soul, a death far worse than physical death].  I would pass the task of handling those who missionize against the Jews to the Maccabee family; Happy Chanukah. -- If that's not you, mazel tov.

In addition to this, Robertson is a "santitzed antisemite".;col1
[this is the 4th page, a most relevant page, the whole article is valid]

I never said Hinduism is beautiful.  I said Torah does not promote Christianity, with obvious reasons, any more than it promotes Hinduism.  You attempted to prop your beliefs up with Torah, that was fallacious logic.  But it is true that Hindus have a far less ugly history with Jews than Christians do.

Christians who are honest enough to look at the past and repudiate themselves from the horrors other Christians have put the Jewish people through, and who also repudiate themselves from Christian missionaries who seek to murder Jewish souls, and also seek to "bless" Israel... these are the Christians I am happy to work with.  May G-d bless them as well.  "Blessing" the Jewish people, with no strings attached, is one of the ways a gentile can gain authentic favor in the eyes of HaShem, I am happy to help a person in this way.  However, no where in Torah does it say that Jews are dependent on the blessings of anyone but HaShem, so if help comes with strings I am only too happy to pass.

If Saddam Hussein did not seek to covert Jewish souls, he is a better person than Pat Robertson.

Muslims and Jews sharing grave sites is an abomination.  Jews are to be buried with Jews, and no one else.

you come across as a horrible discusting poster. You are obviouly very anti christian, and i am not one to judge but what you are spewing and preaching here is hate. You already said the cross/crucifix  that people wear is evil. Perhaps you should keep that to yourself. Seriouly i think some of these moedrators need to get their act togather. This flid should be banned for crap like this.

There seems a real anti christian vibe in this forum. i would never bring up the talmud or hinduism.

I have a cross tattoed on my forearm. I woud love to see you muttering and tuttering to my face how evil i am for having it.

Why hindu zionist brought this i do not know, i can show you loads of evil hindu's and what they have done to christians. In fact christians are the most persecuted religion AT THE MOMENT. That is fact. In place slike pakistan and the middleast, its a nightmoare to be christian.

Not one christian on here is trying to preach the religion so why is this an issue that needs to be raised once again. Perhaps the other christians on here can take this onslaught like lemmings but i dont.

I dont mind them bashing organised christianity, but if i catch anyone bashing jesus on here you will know about it. Because i will slate you for it.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #73 on: June 17, 2010, 07:01:47 AM »
I dont mind them bashing organised christianity, but if i catch anyone bashing jesus on here you will know about it. Because i will slate you for it.

You know Jesus the fruit was a child of a Roman soldier named Pantera?

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #74 on: June 17, 2010, 07:09:46 AM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  G-d willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

So what do you want Pat Robertson and other Christians do?    Do you want them to hate Israel and denounce it?

Regarding your comment about Hindus never persecuted Jews in India -  Indian welcomed all religions.  Do you know Jews and Muslims shared common graveyards at one time in India.  Does that mean Islam is beautiful?  Even Saddam Hussein ordered his soldiers to protect Jewish synagogues in Iraq.  Did that make Saddam Hussein better than Pat Robertson?

Pat Robertson's support of Israel is not needed.  Any Christian who supports Pat Robertson's way of thinking is not needed.  Anyone who wishes to missionize against Jewish souls is an enemy of the Jewish people and should openly be treated as such.  The Pat Robertson's of this world do not "bless" Israel with political support, they "curse" it by wanting Jews to abandon their birthright [which murders a Jewish soul, a death far worse than physical death].  I would pass the task of handling those who missionize against the Jews to the Maccabee family; Happy Chanukah. -- If that's not you, mazel tov.

In addition to this, Robertson is a "santitzed antisemite".;col1
[this is the 4th page, a most relevant page, the whole article is valid]

I never said Hinduism is beautiful.  I said Torah does not promote Christianity, with obvious reasons, any more than it promotes Hinduism.  You attempted to prop your beliefs up with Torah, that was fallacious logic.  But it is true that Hindus have a far less ugly history with Jews than Christians do.

Christians who are honest enough to look at the past and repudiate themselves from the horrors other Christians have put the Jewish people through, and who also repudiate themselves from Christian missionaries who seek to murder Jewish souls, and also seek to "bless" Israel... these are the Christians I am happy to work with.  May G-d bless them as well.  "Blessing" the Jewish people, with no strings attached, is one of the ways a gentile can gain authentic favor in the eyes of HaShem, I am happy to help a person in this way.  However, no where in Torah does it say that Jews are dependent on the blessings of anyone but HaShem, so if help comes with strings I am only too happy to pass.

If Saddam Hussein did not seek to covert Jewish souls, he is a better person than Pat Robertson.

Muslims and Jews sharing grave sites is an abomination.  Jews are to be buried with Jews, and no one else.

you come across as a horrible discusting poster. You are obviouly very anti christian, and i am not one to judge but what you are spewing and preaching here is hate. You already said the cross/crucifix  that people wear is evil. Perhaps you should keep that to yourself. Seriouly i think some of these moedrators need to get their act togather. This flid should be banned for crap like this.

There seems a real anti christian vibe in this forum. i would never bring up the talmud or hinduism.

I have a cross tattoed on my forearm. I woud love to see you muttering and tuttering to my face how evil i am for having it.

Why hindu zionist brought this i do not know, i can show you loads of evil hindu's and what they have done to christians. In fact christians are the most persecuted religion AT THE MOMENT. That is fact. In place slike pakistan and the middleast, its a nightmoare to be christian.

Not one christian on here is trying to preach the religion so why is this an issue that needs to be raised once again. Perhaps the other christians on here can take this onslaught like lemmings but i dont.

I dont mind them bashing organised christianity, but if i catch anyone bashing jesus on here you will know about it. Because i will slate you for it.

I am not sure why Ariel's post aggravated you C4J. If Par Robertson is missionizing Jews than obviously we should not accept his "help". The same way we would reject any other other missionary it really makes not difference if it is Christian or Harri Krishna for that matter.