I would like to make the following suggestion : from a political point of view, I think it's not a good idea to say that the world should support Israel because it's G-d's commandment. The reason why I am saying this is because it's a fact that : 1) Many people do not believe in G-d; 2) Many people do not believe in the Bible. In the West and, more importantly, in Israel, secular minds will resent this argument. We cannot afford to alienate the support of non-religious people, because they make up the majority of the citizens of Western societies, including in Israel itself, and they may support us for many other reasons if we don't scare them away by giving them the impression that we stand for religious dogmatism. There's plenty of arguments we can use other than religious ones to win them over to our political agenda. And we all know that Rabbi Meir Kahane loved the Jewish people as a whole, and wanted to save all Jews, religious or not, with the hope, of course, that they would turn back to the Torah later.
I hope you understand that I'm not criticizing the belief expressed by Chaim (which I share), I'm only talking from the point of view of political communication, which we cannot ignore if we want to take power and save Israel.