There is a debate that Creation Scientists and Evolutionist / or usually Atheistic Scientists are engaging in about the age of the earth. One of the quickest ways to dispel the age of the earth as billions of years old is to realize that, like the hockey Stick manipulation of data at Penn State to create a false conclusion of irreversible global warming, so too is the regular propaganda multi-generationally ingrained propaganda that Bible haters regularly promote in defying the data and the laws of Science just to give them and humanity an excuse to disregard the Bible and G-D Almighty.
The 18 January 749 A.D. earthquake of the Dead Sea area (mentioned in places like )
damaged certain strata by enduring "boulder bearing flash floods" as well as an earthquake...and such damage often alters reconstructive geologic timelines of erosions of many tens of thousands of years into a single week, but are never attributed or given the proper chronological error adjustment. The only reason that any mention of this earthquake is given, is because the only differences between the more ancient buildings and those built since the late 700s in the Dead Sea area appears to be simply alluvium and lake deposits...something that is never considered into the projections of a simple strata hillside or trench dating projection. Hence, a town on the same lakeside or hill or mountain elevation but a mile away, can be projected as thousands of years old...while the same strata examined at the same elevation where no town is built, can be projected as tens of thousands or millions of years old, even though both were likely silted up and covered at the same time, by the same storms or natural means.
Let us take how that secularists of "Science" intentionally mislead the general public about the age of the earth as 1.5 to as high as 6 billion years. I am enclosing a pdf. link to an abstract on Helium diffusion, by which when you read it, you may conclude also that evolutionists have altered the laws of nature to create a non-existent condition in nature to get a false ancient age of the Earth they can never have gotten honestly; for they then must make up a number that could be any multiple billions of years subjective number that they want the Earth to be, even as high as 50 billion years if they wished to use that number. using the same experiment and under similar conditions, Creationists duplicated the experiment and found that the rate of nuclear decay, whether it is helium or lead diffusing out of zircons, puts the age of the Earth at a maximum of 8,000 years or so, using and being faithful to the laws of science, which especially require that this experiment can be duplicated over and over and over to the same results and same consistent conclusions, which the Evolutionist manipulations cannot accomplish.
SCIENCE magazine, 1983, Article: Keith and Anderson's 'Radiocarbon dating: Fictitious results with Mollusk Shells' (August 16, vol. 141, No. 3581, pp. 634-636) showed that Mollusks could generate fictitious results of Carbon-14 dating by up to 3000 years, depending on what muddy river bottom they were feeding off of. And if river mud can alter mollusk Carbon-14 what other living creatures or once living organisms could they affect? Could deer or other animal antler growth, for example, reflect this in C-14 data? Strangely enough, this very example done in 1957 is often used in debates between young and old earth advocates, even though 3 stages of the same antler growth reflects a difference of some 5,000 years in C-14.
Carbon 14 dates after a calculable rate of how much ultra-violet radiation the earth is NOW receiving. It is a radio-active compound that is generated in the upper atmosphere and drops down to Earth.
Carbon 14, is a by-product of 12 and 13 when the sun hits it, and is created in the upper atmosphere. In effect, all relevant dative testing of antiquity, for the evolutionist, is using radioactive nuclei.
When Carbon 14 decays, it becomes nitrogen-14.
Adjust the Carbon 14 from the population explosion in the late 1800s A.D. and the ensuing atmospheric pollutants generated, (because of the Industrial revolution), and you decrease the graphing accuracy.
If you have a lot of volcanic activity, and the atmosphere produces high concentrations of Carbon 14. Think Krakatoa and Mount St. Helen's, for example.
Again, throwing every smooth chart of calculation out of whack. The further back you go with carbon 14 dating, the less accurate it becomes.
At 5700 years, Carbon 14 it is at said to be at 50%, or now naturally dissipating! The general margin of error is said to be calculable and correctable to no greater than 2300 years, and then it -- Carbon 14 dating -- is unreliable. But the fact is, even ignoring our altering the atmosphere of the Earth in the last 150 plus years, Carbon 14 appears to have only a best case scenario of a 26% failure rate for testing...a success rate of 74% for Carbon 14 at its best? No certainty about that low of a "success" rate.
Or what of Potassium-argon?
The Potassium-argon method was most famously used to date human bones to push forth the theory of evolution. Potassium-40 has a half life that is alleged to be in the area of 1.25 - 1.33 billion years, or something like that, and will decay into Argon. But there was some kind of backlash back around the mid - late 1980s when the scandal broke out that all potassium-argon dating was ruled unreliable, and all conclusions relating to it were to be discarded.
However, no evolutionist has a list of failed rulings to dismiss...all past theories, broken or not are accepted as if perfect and relevant, no matter how unethical or unscientific... because "evolution" has no ethics in science.
Carbon-14 dating often is used to exceed the life of its own analysis of no more than 5700 years, and clearly conflicts with a correct use of Helium/Zircon dating, which gives the Earth a life of a number we may generally accept shows as that of around 6,000 to 8,000 years.
Then there’s also an equal life isotope to Potassium-40 in Rubidium-87 that decays into Strontium-87, and the radioactivity descends into an unchartable life (as in billions of years) except through subjectivism (whatever bias one wishes to insert based on any rationale they wish to use, to get whatever number they wish to achieve). .
There are many other examples that can be used to dismiss an Earth older than 80,000 years in Science, let alone older than 8,000 years, but I wish to stay on point about Sodom and Gomorrah and the Dead Sea area. But it is an alternative, that if you have a desire to, you might wish to look into, because it forces us to re-evaluate if what we know is really what we know, or if it is what we presumed on a misplaced trust upon human beings seeking their own agenda rather than fidelity to facts and truth as they really are.
Thanks for the reply and the reasons you gave to why you thought what you wrote.