Monthly Archives: August 2016

Former Fox CEO Disgraced By Sexually Harassment Now OFFICIALLY Working For The Trump Campaign

Roger Ailes has moved from his unofficial job as water-carrying campaign aide to official advisor for the Trump campaign, it has been revealed. Despite faked disputes cooked up by Trump and co. and swallowed whole cloth by his gullible base, Fox News has been blatantly in the tank for Donald Trump all along under the direction of former honcho Roger […]

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Trump Campaign Seeking Illegal Foreign Donations, Despite Warnings

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign appears to be sending emails seeking foreign donations, despite complaints being filed with the Federal Election Commission by watchdog groups. Terri Butler, a member of Australia’s parliament, sent an email to The Hill showing the latest fundraising solicitation she received from the Trump campaign on Aug. 14, which sought a contribution from her to “join the highest […]

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Ivanka Trump Vacationing With Vladimir Putin’s Girlfriend

Donald Trump’s deep ties to Russia extend to his own family members. Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter, shared a photo on Sunday with Wendi Deng Murdoch, ex-wife of Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch, who is reportedly dating Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two are vacationing in Dubrovnik, Croatia. “Sight seeing with @wendimurdoch in Dubrovnik,” Ivanka said, posting a photo on Instagram. […]

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Hillary: I Don’t Need White Men

Hillary Clinton’s campaign pointed to its success in polls among nonwhite voters, and isn’t  worried if the Democratic nominee can’t attract more support from white male voters who comprise a large part of GOP nominee Donald Trump’s base. “We’re in even better shape than we were before the convention with every Obama coalition demographic. The proof is in the poll […]

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Milwaukee Rioter Says The Reason Riots Happen Is Because Rich People Don’t Give Their Money To Black People

After the shooting of an armed suspect by police during a foot chase, Milwaukee residents took to the streets to protest. Things soon turned violent. Cars and businesses were set ablaze and burned to the ground. Rocks were thrown at officers, and according to Mayor Tom Barrett, four officers were injured. The destruction was extensive. But what started as a […]

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NYT Exposes Secret Illegal Payments of $12 Million to Trump’s Manager in Ukraine

More Russian ties to Trump’s manager Paul Manafort have been exposed by an anti-corruption investigation in Ukraine, where he used to advise the pro-Russian President. From the New York Times: On a leafy side street off Independence Square in Kiev is an office used for years by Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine’s ruling political […]

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Hillary scrubs sexual assault pledge after allegations against Bill resurface

The Clinton campaign has removed a pledge from its website stating that all survivors of sexual assault “have the right to be believed.” On a page dedicated to “Campus sexual assault” on, this passage from the Democratic presidential candidate used to be prominently featured last year: “I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault: Don’t […]

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Armed Black Criminal Whose Death Sparked Milwaukee Had Long Record, Including Witness Intimidation

The Milwaukee Police Department has reported that the armed man whose death sparked rioting over the weekend in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had a long police record and was even the subject of a case of witness intimidation. The man who allegedly ran from police after a traffic stop and was armed with a semi-automatic handgun has been identified as Milwaukee resident Sylville […]

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Trump in 2008: “I support Hillary. I think she’s fantastic”

A new interview was unearthed Monday that appeared to show Donald Trump endorsing Hillary Clinton for president in 2008. Buzzfeed News obtained the video, which featured the current Republican nominee chatting with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto about the 2008 presidential election, from the archives of Media Matters. When Cavuto initially asked Trump who he was supporting for president, he would […]

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Mother Fights Texas over Bathroom Access for 5-Year-Old Transgender Child

Five. Years. Old. Just how is this not child abuse? The mother of a 5-year-old transgender child is fighting the Pearland Independent School District in Texas to allow her child access to the girls’ bathroom. Kimberly Shappley — mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley — said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use […]

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7 Jews Arrested on 9 Av on Temple Mount – One for torn shirt

Jerusalem Police said it detained seven Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount on Sundaay, the 9th of Av, for “breaking the rules” set by the [Arab Muslim] Waqf, the Jordanian “charity” that runs the compound. According to legal aid society Honenu, three detainees said “Shema Israel” and “Hashem Hu Ha’Elohim.” Hear, oh Israel, G-d is the Lord — very similar […]

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Milwaukee Black Riots After Police Shoot Armed Black Suspect; Police Cars Burned, Officer Injured

Racist and violent “protesters” chanted “Black Power!” at least 30 times as a gas station burned. Yet another police shooting sparked riots on Saturday evening, this time in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “Protesters” caused mayhem in the city, burning businesses and reportedly even throwing a brick at a police officer’s head. Perhaps less known, however, is that horrible violence also […]

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Left blames “Israeli occupation” for Arab Muslim terrorist stabbing 13-year-old Jewish girl to death

The left is steeped in anti-Semitism, bigotry, and hatred of Jews. The real reason they want the Arab Muslims in Israel is to mass murder Jews. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. In an op-ed titled “It’s the […]

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Democrats Get Hacked By Russia… Again

Remember when Trump called on Russia to hack Hillary? They did it again. Yesterday, I told you about the rather toothless hit on Republicans by the same hacker (or hackers), Guccifer 2.0, that hit the Democrats before their convention. Now it seems that they’re taking another swipe at the Democrats. A hacker posted cellphone numbers and other personal information of […]

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96 Percent of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Charitable’ Donations Went to Her Own ‘Slush Fund’

One thing we’ve learned about the Clintons since the early 90’s — follow the money. Whether it’s the get rich scheme in which Hillary mysteriously turned $1,000 into $100,00 overnight in cattle futures, to Buddhist monks (who had taken vows of poverty) yet gave thousands in political contributions to the Clintons, from selling the Lincoln Bedroom to the highest bidder, […]

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Muslim Turkey Is Not Israel’s Friend: Says It’s Eager To Start Working On Creation Of A So-Called “Palestinian” State

Now that Turkey is on better terms with Russia and Israel, it says that it is eager to get involved in the Middle East peace process to support the Palestinian issue and create a Palestinian state: HURRIYET – Turkey is eager to contribute to the Palestinian issue and Middle East peace process, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said Aug. 11. Çavuşoğlu […]

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New Poll Shows Nearly Half Of Registered Voters Want Trump To Drop Out

Here’s a startling new Reuters/Ipsos poll that was released today: about one-fifth of registered Republicans want Donald Trump to drop out of the race, a figure which grows to 44 percent when all registered voters are included. Nearly one-fifth of registered Republicans want Donald Trump to drop out of the race for the White House, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll […]

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After Saying He Literally Meant Obama Founded Islamic State, Trump Now Calls it ‘Sarcasm,’ Blames CNN

Yesterday Hugh Hewitt and Trump went back and forth on his calling Obama the Founder of ISIS. Hewitt explained that he knew what Trump was trying to say, but questioned him on calling Obama the founder of ISIS. But Trump doubled down, saying he meant that Obama was the founder of ISIS. Well that was yesterday. This is today: Sarcasm? […]

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Head of Mid-East Think Tank Suing Obama over Aid to Nuclear Israel

Israel would be so much better off if they did not rely on foreign U.S. aid. Grant Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle East Policy (IRMEP), has filed a lawsuit against the entire US government, including President Obama, Secretary Kerry, CIA Director Brennan and Defense Secretary Carter, seeking declaratory and injunctive relief for the $234 billion the US […]

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More Than One Hundred Democrat Party Officials And Groups Were Hacked By Russians!

There are even more details coming out about the Russian hackery of Democrat party officials, and it’s yuger than we thought was it was. From the New York Times: A Russian cyberattack that targeted Democratic politicians was bigger than it first appeared and breached the private email accounts of more than 100 party officials and groups, officials with knowledge of […]

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Trump: Obama “Is the Founder of Islamic State”

The real founder of Islamic State is Muhammad and the Koran. Trump is a conspiracy mental case. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday accused President Barack Obama of founding the Islamic State (IS) group. Addressing supporters at a rally in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, the real estate tycoon said the jihadist group is “honoring President Obama.” “He is the founder […]

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Black Lives Matter Promotes Another Bogus Narrative by Accusing Israel of Genocide

In the summer of 2014, the Black Lives Matter movement was born after a young man named Michael Brown robbed a convenience store and got into a physical altercation with Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. During the altercation, which took place inside Wilson’s police cruiser, Brown attempted to take Wilson’s gun and was shot and killed. These are the facts, […]

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Oh, By the Way… We Have Ground Forces in Libya

The Pentagon admitted that a “small number” of U.S. ground forces are going in and out of Libya in support of anti-ISIS operations. On August 1, the Pentagon denied that ground troops were involved in the air operations against the terrorists in Libya. The Hill: “As with any military operation supporting another force, coordination and synchronization of effort is essential. To […]

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Homosexual Pedophile, Disgraced Former Congressman Mark Foley in ‘Reserved’ Section at Trump Rally

Trump says he knows everybody behind him at this rally. Can he retract this? On Wednesday, Donald Trump appropriately slammed Hillary Clinton for having the son of the Orlando Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen sitting behind her, prominently, this week in eye’s view of the camera at a campaign rally this week. She had it coming and while she denounced Mateen,it […]

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Ex-CIA Chief: Trump’s Suggestion that His Supporters Shoot Hillary Clinton Would Land Anybody Else in Jail

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s apparent “joke” about the “Second Amendment people” assassinating Hillary Clinton suggested “either a very bad-taste reference to political assassination and an attempt at humor, or an incredible insensitivity.” “It may be the latter,” Hayden, a retired Air Force general who also directed the National Security Agency, told Jake Tapper on […]

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Trump: I want ‘not nice people’ in my future administration

Donald Trump said on Tuesday he will hire “not nice people” to work in his administration when he becomes president of the United States. Trump sidestepped the controversy surrounding his earlier remarks regarding whether the Second Amendment could help thwart judges that Hillary Clinton would select as president. Instead, he used his time onstage in Fayetteville to list people who […]

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Google employees have enjoyed revolving door during Obama administration

More than 250 people have moved from Google and related firms to the federal government or vice versa since President Barack Obama took office. The Google Transparency Project, the work of Campaign for Accountability, poured over reams of data to find 258 instances of “revolving door activity” between Google or its associated companies and the federal government, national political campaigns […]

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Trump Will Not Defend the Constitution

Like shipwrecked mariners clinging to a floating mast, many Republicans rationalize supporting Donald Trump because of “the court.” This two-word incantation means: Because we care so much for the Constitution, it is supremely important to entrust to Trump the making of Supreme Court nominations. Well. In a Republican candidates debate, Trump complained that Ted Cruz had criticized Trump’s sister, a […]

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Schools Push Disturbing Pro-Gay “Gender Unicorn” On Your Kids

The radical, anti-values sexual revolution is accelerating at break-neck speed. Just last week, the Charlotte Mecklenburg School Board acted on Obama’s high-pressured, open bathroom initiative by taking it to a whole “nutha” level. CMS introduced “The Gender Unicorn.” This little guy is the Charlotte school system’s new teacher’s assistant. He’s going to help our children explore and discover who they […]

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Third-Party Candidate With GOP Backing, Money Joining Race

Evan McMullin was a “Mormon missionary in Amman, Jordan, for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.” A newcomer to elective politics is jumping into the White House race. Evan McMullin, chief Republican policy director of the House Republican conference and an alumnus of the CIA, confirmed Monday he will launch a third-party presidential race later in the day. “In a […]

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Former CIA Agent Evan McMullin Worked for the UN as a Volunteer “Refugee Resettlement Officer” in Muslim Jordan

Evan McMullin is a former CIA agent and currently the Chief Policy Director for the HouseRepublican Conference. BuzzFeed and MSNBCs Joe Scarborough have reported that he plans on launching a third-party presidential bid as an independent. He has made his stance against Donald Trump clear and has also been critical of the Obama Administration‘s foreign policy. The move also comes […]

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Trump tax plan scrubbed from website – hours before scheduled speech on economic policy

Donald Trump’s plan for reforming federal taxes has apparently been scrubbed from his campaign website just hours before the Republican presidential candidate is scheduled to deliver a speech on economic policy. Trump’s position page on taxes, which previously spelled out his ambitious proposal for lowering tax rates and moving millions of households off the federal tax rolls, on Monday displayed […]

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Oh My: Executed Iranian Nuclear Scientist Was Named in Hillary’s Emails

Did Hillary just murder one of our spies for Iran’s nuclear program with her emails? And then Trump has the nerve to call on Russia to hack her server. Over the weekend the Iranian regime executed Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist convicted of spying on behalf of the United States. Iran executed a nuclear scientist convicted of spying for the United […]

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