Monthly Archives: September 2017

Whole Foods owner profits from sales of Antifa terrorism symbols and left-wing “murder books” on

Remember the Confederate flag hysteria of 2016, when Amazon banned all products that carried the Confederate flag, including children’s toys? The monopolist online retailer — founded and largely owned by Jeff Bezos, the anti-American globalist who also owns the fake news Washington Post — insisted the Confederate flag was a “symbol of hate” and explained it would not be ethical to profit from […]

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Trump on Illegal Amnesty: “We love the Dreamers, we love everybody…”

Kris Kobach says Trump needs to end DACA now or face political consequences. Trump just announced that his decision on whether or not to terminate DACA will come either this afternoon or this weekend. #BreakingNews: @POTUS: #DACA decision to come sometime today or over the weekend. — FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) September 1, 2017 When asked if the Dreamers should be worried, Trump responded “We […]

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Netanyahu Legalizing Work on Shabbat

Bibi thinks he’s more important than the Torah. In 2015, the Movement for a Democratic Jewish State petitioned the High Court of Justice, on behalf of hundreds of observant Jewish soccer players, to prevent soccer matches on Shabbat because this contravenes Israel’s Hours of Work and Rest Law. Normally, an Israeli employer is not allowed by law to force employees […]

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BOMBSHELL: FBI, DHS Warned About Antifa In Early 2016; Obama Said Nothing

In a bombshell, Politico reported on Friday that the federal government has been worrying about the rise of Antifa since “early 2016,” and even labeled their activities “domestic terrorist violence” — yet the Obama administration said nothing publicly about Antifa despite ample opportunity to do so. According to Politico: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary […]

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HOW LOW CAN IT GO? Congress job approval at 8%!

A new poll by The Economist finds Trump with a 39 percent “favorable” rating, with 23 percent holding a “very favorable” view of the president, and 16 percent “somewhat favorable.” Forty-five percent say they have a “very unfavorable” view of Trump. While Democrats and some Congressional Republicans may be reassured by Trump’s relatively low numbers, leaders of both parties fair significantly worse in the […]

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Texas Liberal Activist Judge Blocks Law Banning Horrific Abortion Practice

In a horrible affront to the sanctity of life, and just common decency, a liberal Texas judge has blocked a Texas law that would ban abortion by dismemberment. Life News had the breaking news this morning: U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel blocked Texas Senate Bill 8 one day before it would have gone into effect, according to the Tribune News Service. Signed […]

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Islamic terror and nuclear Iran doing OK under Trump

A few days ago, I wrote a piece about how the Trump administration has taken a leftist approach in its dealings with Islam. I wrote about how there are those within Trump’s inner circle who have adopted Barack Obama’s policies concerning Israel and Islamic terrorism–promoting the two-state solution in favor of the [so-called] Palestinians, and refusing to use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” […]

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Google Issues Ultimatum Towards Over 400 Conservative Sites to Censor Content Or Lose All Ad Revenue

The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent/conservative media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling […]

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College Professors Discover New Way To Get Offended: “Invisibility Microaggressions”

Some race-consumed college professors just discovered a new way to get offended called “invisibility microagressions” that are invisible, and “published their findings in the NASPA Journal About Women In Higher Education.” Unfortunately, they are more concerned with the invisible racist boogie man than education (literally). From the Daily Caller: The two professors interviewed 13 non-white [that means black] women at “predominantly white […]

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