Ted Cruz: Media Would Report Differently if Illegals Were Taking Their Jobs

“Invasion” is the title of the new campaign ad for Sen. Ted Cruz and it hits at the economic impact of illegal immigration. More specifically, it calls out how the politics would change if alien bankers, lawyers, or better, journalists were invading America and driving down salaries. The media would play a different tune then, Cruz’s ad suggests.

“I understand that when the mainstream media covers immigration, it often doesn’t see it as an economic issue,” Cruz says, as images of well-dressed business people run into the country. “But I can tell you, it’s a very personal economic issue.”

The media largely ignores the impact illegal immigration has on workers in America, but would suddenly take notice if it was their well-paying jobs that were threatened, as Cruz points out:

And I will say, the politics of it would be very, very different if a bunch of lawyers or bankers were crossing the Rio Grande. Or if a bunch of people with journalism degrees were coming over and driving down the wages in the press. Then we would see stories of the economic calamity that is befalling our nation.

… Cruz promises in his ad to “build a wall that works” and triple the border patrol to secure the border.


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