Cruz Unveils His National Security Team for 2016 Campaign

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) unveiled his campaign’s national security coalition Thursday, a group of men and women who will advise him on foreign policy issues.

The coalition includes former Missouri Republican Sen. Jim Talent, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams, retired Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin and Frank Gaffney Jr., president and CEO of the Center for Security Policy.

“I am honored and humbled to have a range of respected voices willing to offer their best advice,” Cruz said in a statement. “These are trusted friends who will form a core of our broader national security team. After two terms of a failed Obama-Clinton foreign policy, our allies are confused and frightened, and our enemies are looking for opportunities. This is the moment for all those who believe in a strong America that is secure at home and respected abroad to come together and craft a new path forward.”

Talent is currently a senior fellow specializing in military preparedness at the American Enterprise Institute. Abrams served in the State Department during the Reagan administration and was a deputy national security adviser to President George W. Bush. Boykin is a retired U.S. Army Delta Force and Green Beret commander, and he is currently serves as executive vice president of the Family Research Council. Gaffney also worked in the Reagan administration.

During a recent interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Cruz’s rival Donald Trump was asked who he is consulting on foreign policy. He replied, “I’m speaking with myself. I have a very good brain.”

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