Israeli woman among wounded in London stabbing attack

stabbing_attackIsraeli woman lightly wounded in stabbing attack in Russel Square.

Among those wounded in the deadly stabbing attack in London’s Russel Square in London last night (Wednesday) was an Israeli woman. She is in light condition.

The attack resulted in the death of one woman, an American citizen, and several more wounded, among them citizens of Spain, Australia, and Britain.

Local police reported that a man armed with a knife arrived at Russel Square and started stabbing passersby. The attacker was then neutralized when police tasered him.

One comment

  • Ironically, before even releasing his name, the PC press informs us that the Somali muslim who conducted the attack was a crazy “Norwegian” with no links to “radical islam” who acted without premeditation.

    Right, he just happened to walk out with a knife into a crowd of westerners and randomly started stabbing.

    Next, they’ll say it was the westerners’ fault for openly displaying ‘white privilege’ and ‘islamophobia’.

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