Bristol Palin Decries ‘Slut-shaming’ Of Melania Through Lesbian Porn Pics She Openly Published

sarah-palin-bristol-palinYes, Bristol Palin is defending Melania Trump for posing in cheap lesbian porn.

Here’s another sign that the TrumpTrain is just people who pretend to be conservative while acting like left-wing agitators. Bristol Palin is decrying the “slut-shaming” of Melania because of the nudey lesbian pics that surfaced this last week.

And she’s demanding that celebrities jump on her cause:


Here’s what she writes:

Normally, feminists would be crying out the second a powerful woman was subjected to “slut-shaming.” But the loudest voices aren’t coming to the defense of Melania Trump, whose naked body is being plastered and mocked on the covers of newspapers and spread all over the Internet. Could it be because she is a Republican? (Quick, everyone act surprised!) The fact that Melania, quite possibly the next first lady of the United States, is receiving no support proves what we already know — feminists are not pro-woman, they are pro-Democratic woman. (Just ask my mom.)

The sexism Melania is currently experiencing for these photos from twenty years ago is the kind of slut-shaming other female celebrities have been fighting so hard against: being shamed online for what they’re wearing, or not wearing, and expressing sensuality. But there silence here is deafening!

Bristol’s writings don’t usually bother me but this one just doesn’t make any sense. How is it “slut-shaming” to publish pictures that Melania herself openly and publicly published? Like I’ve said over and over, words have no meaning in the age of Trump, and this is a good example. Normally “slut-shaming” is a term used by liberals to whine about conservatives who hold politicians and other public figures to a higher standard of modesty.

But in this case, people are just pointing out that the “First Lady” would be the first to have nude lesbian pictures that she herself published!! Does Bristol really think that’s perfectly decent and modest?

Does that meet up with the modesty she tries to endorse herself?


Listen, I don’t care what Bristol does or does not do when advocating for the cheeto-faced idiot, but isn’t this just brazenly hypocritical of her to push modesty while pretending that lesbian nude pics are fit for the office of “First Lady”? And why use the left-wing tactic of whining about “slut-shaming”? When did she become a yuge “social justice warrior”? Again, I don’t even care that she’s doing that either, but I’m sick of hearing from whiny Trumpeters that we use “left-wing tactics” against him when we simply make a joke at his expense.

Maybe it’s just me. I still think words have meaning. I’m the heretic in TrumpMerica.

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