Terrorist Iran building nukes tells Muslims to conquer Jerusalem, says Israel will NOT EXIST soon

And it’s not just Israel in danger.
The Iran deal must be completely dismantled and not renegotiated.
Iran is now publicly threatening Israel, saying the “Zionist regime” will not exist in 25 years:
INDEPENDENT – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, called on Muslims to “resist and fight” to gain control of Jerusalem, which is claimed as a capital by both Israelis and Palestinians.
“Any other solution is fruitless and infertile,” he wrote on Twitter, adding that Iran considers Palestinians a “priority of the Muslim world”.
Repeating comments made in 2015, he wrote: “As I‘ve said before, if Muslims & Palestinians unite & all fight, the Zionist regime will not be in existence in 25 years.”
It’s threats like these that remind us of just how contemptible it was for Obama to sign the nuke deal with Iran that led this Israel-hating terrorist nation to getting billions in cash!