Canada: Ontario unanimously passes “anti-islamophobia” motion to make it against the law to criticize Islam

The Ontario legislature unanimously passed an anti-Islamophobia motion Thursday afternoon, a marked difference from the heated debate happening among Conservatives over a similar motion at the federal level….

…Des Rosiers introduced the motion Dec. 1 in response to incidents in her Ottawa-Vanier riding such as anti-Muslim graffiti, and young women wearing hijabs who were spat on, she said. It took on extra urgency after six men were shot to death at a mosque in Quebec, she said.

Also, “Ontario Attorney General Yasir Naqvi said the recent acts of hatred against Muslims are not representative of the country Canadians want.” True indeed, but it must be remembered amid all the hoopla about “Islamophobia” that other groups also suffer from acts of hatred, yet only “Islamophobia” is the subject of government motions. Antisemitism in Canada is reported to be skyrocketing. Just two days ago,  McGill University student board leader Igor Sadiko, who advocates for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, tweeted: “Punch a Zionist today.” It is intolerable that any group should be targeted for hate because of race or religion.

The Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs stated this about bigotry, intolerance, and the inappropriateness of the use of the word “Islamophobia”:

We believe the term “Islamophobia” should be replaced with a more precise phrase, such as “anti-Muslim bigotry”, which was suggested by, among others, former Justice Minister Irwin Cotler.

At her invitation, we offered MP Khalid thoughtful, constructive suggestions that we believe would have allowed the motion to gain significantly more support. You can read our letter to her here. Ms. Khalid did not respond to our suggestions……

Several other faith communities reached out to us with similar concerns. We relayed that to MP Khalid.

The paradox of this debate is that those who stand to lose the most by the normalization of the term Islamophobia are Muslims as they are the primary victims of Islamist extremism.

The Ontario legislature “anti-Islamophobia” motion was passed by a vote of 81-0; a particularly surprising development was that the Progressive Conservative caucus was urged by its leader, Patrick Brown, to support the motion two days prior to the vote. Brown stated:

 “Whether it’s hate against any faith, it’s wrong,” he said. “We always will condemn any form of hate. In terms of Islamophobia, it’s real.”

Brown needs to have more faith in Canadians, who widely share his condemnation of “any form of hate.” He is apparently determined to steer clear of making any political waves about the global “Islamophobia” scheme, despite documented evidence of its agenda. He also stated that “Islamophobia is real and we have to condemn it unreservedly.” He received much applause from the establishment media, which, of course, supports “anti-Islamophobia” motions, as well as from Amira Elghawaby, communications director for the National Council of Canadian Muslims (formerly CAIR-CAN). Elghawaby stated that the NCCM was “pleased that Brown will support the Ontario motion.” CAIR was deemed an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in the history of the United States — the Holy Land Foundation trial — during which the carefully calculated Muslim Brotherhood plan for North America was revealed.

It is no secret that conservatives tend overall to hold nationalistic views on issues of diversity and multiculturalism that liberals are often quick to label racist; but Ontario Progressive Conservatives seem to be ill-informed, or perhaps driven by political correctness, despite valid concerns voiced within their own constituencies about the divisive nature of the “anti-Islamophobia” motions.  Although motions are not bills and do not translate into laws, they do express unified and powerful attitudes and sentiments, so they inevitably guide legislative business from the inside.

The “Islamophobia” initiative is anti-democratic and supremacist at its core. It is not based on real concerns about discrimination, although it is presented as such. It was devised by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and is used as a “thought terminating cliché” to beat down critics. Normative Islam is immutable and proclaims that no law can be above the Sharia, which outlaws any criticism of Muhammad and/or Islam. Author and writer Paul Marshall stated ten years ago:

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), in conjunction with the United Nations Human Rights Council, is currently seeking to rewrite international human rights standards to curtail any freedom of expression that threatens their more authoritarian members. They are attempting to use charges of “Islamophobia” and purported Western “insults to Islam” to provide international legitimacy for their suppression of their critics in the name of respect for their religion. The European response to this has been contradictory and confused.

Jihad Watch has also been reporting some other worrying trends in Canada:

  1. The Liberal Party of Canada opted to support an “anti-Islamophobia” motion (M-103) in Parliament. M-103 was the second anti-Islamophobia motion tabled, and it stirred up opposition by some Conservative Members of Parliament. The first was unanimously approved in October and sneaked through with hardly any attention.
  2. Six Canadian cities signed a charter against “Islamophobia” this past summer, drafted by the National Council of Canadian Muslims.
  3. Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre has been pressing to have Montreal declared a “sanctuary city,” at a time when a surge of unvetted asylum seekers has been streaming into Canada from the United States. Coderre is also president of the World Association of Major Metropolises, an organization that has been doing a great deal of business with Iran over the past two decades. The World Association of Major Metropolises signed an agreement with Tehran last fall to “boost mutual cooperation in various fields”; the Association is described as “the largest association gathering the governments of major cities and metropolitan areas all over the world.”
  4. Fredericton, New Brunswick is also aiming to become a “sanctuary city.”

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