Trump and Ivanka launch Women’s Health Week promoting Hillary Clinton’s policies

Sunday was Mother’s Day, a celebration of Mom . . . unless you live in certain parts of Canada. It was also the beginning of Women’s Health Week, “a national effort by an alliance by government organizations designed to raise awareness about and improve the health of women everywhere”—except women still in the womb whose Moms patronize Planned Parenthood because of the “very good work” they do.

In a statement recognizing the occasion, Donald Trump promoted a list of big government priorities to be included in his 2018 Presidential Budget. This list could have come straight from the desk of the woman he once said he’d be hitting on if she wasn’t his daughter, Ivanka, the woman who has made her feminist agenda a top priority of her father’s administration.

One of the priorities included in Ivanka’s laundry list is more spending on women’s health care. Even though the House of Representatives recently passed Obamacare 2.0—a bill supported by Trump—he complained about how the health care system was “failing our citizens, our families, and, in particular, our women.”

Translation: Trumpcare will eventually embrace and expand Obamacare’s list of women’s so-called health services at taxpayer expense.

Ivanka’s other priority should be considered the coup de grâce of new entitlement spending—government guaranteed paid family leave for mothers and fathers—which is an expansion of Trump’s campaign promise to provide paid leave only to new moms. This entitlement alone is projected to cost up to $2.5 billion per year, which means it will probably be at least double that by the time it gets here.

By the way, for the “not Hillary” Trump chorus line out there, Ivanka’s socialist feminism agenda in these areas are policies promoted by Hillary during the election.

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