Abbas demands “incentives” to stem Arab terror wave

abbas_arafatPLO/Fatah chairman calls for Israel to release terrorists and resumed so-called “negotiations”.

Mahmoud Abbas has demanded that Israel provide him political incentives in exchange for his efforts to stem the latest wave of Arab terror, Channel 10 reported Saturday night.

Israel, however, is reportedly reluctant to agree to Abbas’ demands and has only offered the [Arabs] technical solutions.

Abbas attended a series of meetings on Saturday with both US Secretary of State John Kerry and Jordan’s King Abdullah on calming tensions in the region.

According to Channel 10‘s report, Abbas made clear in the meetings his expectation that Israel release the fourth round of [terrorists] – a condition for talks during US-sponsored negotiations a year and a half ago.

He also demanded an official statement from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announcing the resumption of negotiations under these agreed upon conditions.

Ignoring Abbas’ terms, Israel has focused its attention on economic issues regarding the [Muslim] Arab population.

Israeli representatives have instead proposed enlarging the number of work permits for [Arabs] as well as planning for villages in [Arab controlled] areas.

All efforts to calm tensions may be stymied, however, by Hamas plans to torpedo talks in the region… Hamas has plans to increase the level of incitement as well perpetrate [more terrorist] attacks in Jerusalem and other areas.

One comment

  • “Israeli representatives have instead proposed enlarging the number of work permits for [Arabs] as well as planning for villages in [Arab controlled] areas.”

    You want to pay them for killing Jews. Give less work permits, they may learn to behave.

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