Ad To Air In Swing States Calls On Trump To Quit

Trump keep a promise? Yeah, right.

Anti-Trump Republicans have put together an ad campaign calling on Donald Trump to keep his promise and quit the campaign. The promise they’re referring to? One from the primaries, in which Trump himself said that if he saw his poll numbers decline, he’d quit the race.

According to Politico, the ad buy is in key swing states – ones where Trump is already fighting for the life of his candidacy for president.

The 30-second spot is marked for a limited run on broadcast networks in suburban Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Michigan, according to Regina Thomson, a Colorado Republican activist and leader of Free the Delegates, the organization that failed to stop Trump’s nomination at last month’s national convention. All four states are central to Trump’s path to the White House, though he’s trailing in most polls of those states.

The ad is backed by a five-figure buy, according to Thomson, but the group is hopeful to eventually expand its run to Fox News Channel. It’s initially set to air on broadcast news channels beginning on Tuesday. It’s marked for the four states’ suburban media markets, according to Free the Delegates, because they’re areas that typically lean Republican but appear to be tilting in Hillary Clinton’s favor this year.

The Free the Delegates movement, despite what both the RNC and the Trump campaign told us, seems to still be alive. There are no more delegates to free, but it looks like they have not given up the fight.

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