American detained at border over ‘gay’ beliefs

An American activist scheduled for trial in Canada this week on charges of “mischief” for providing information about homosexuality has been detained at the border on the way to his court appearance.

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, said on his website Tuesday he was stopped while entering the country late Monday. The trial is set to begin Thursday, but now he must show up for another hearing Tuesday in Regina, Saskatchewan, for “further examination” of his “admissibility” into Canada.

He said Calgary Border Services agents confiscated a DVD copy of a new Russian documentary called “Sodom” as potential “hate propaganda” in violation of a Canadian law.

“Despite my two-and-a-half hour detainment in Calgary, agents ordered me to attend another hearing (Tuesday) with immigration officials,” he said. “Nevertheless, Border Services agents told me that I would be able to attend my ‘mischief’ trial in Regina on Thursday and that I am ‘innocent until proven guilty’ under Canadian law.”

LaBarbera said that as an American, “it is remarkable how far official political correctness – enforced and encouraged by sometimes fanatical left-wing activists and abetted by an anti-conservative media – has not only shut down conservative speech in Canada but succeeded in punishing people who run afoul of various liberal ideologies – not limited to pro-homosexualism.”

He noted a conservative website, Free Dominion, was forced to shut down after 13 years of operation in January after its owners lost a defamation lawsuit to “human rights” legal activist Richard Warman. They were fined $107,000 and ordered not to publish anything negative about Warman, LaBarbera said, “effectively censoring them as a public forum.”

WND reported in April Canadian immigration agents wanted to turn LaBarbera away because of his beliefs about homosexuality.

LaBarbera, who had been invited to Canada to speak at a pro-life event, eventually was allowed in the country.

He had been targeted by a group called Intolerance Free Weyburn, which apparently complained to the government that he carried an agenda of “hate” with him.

The customs paperwork prepared for LaBarbera at that time said he was “a foreign national who has not been authorized to enter Canada and who, in my opinion, is inadmissible pursuant to: Paragraph 37(2)(c) … on grounds of criminality for committing an act outside Canada that is an offence in the place where it was committed and that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an indictable offence under an act of parliament.”

The paperwork cited the crime of “public incitement of hatred.”

The entire issue, LaBarbera said, rests on the fact that homosexual activists are unwilling to tolerate other views.

The “mischief” charge, WND reported, arose from his April visit to the University of Regina when he held up someone’s sign that said “Sodomy is a Sin” and a large placard showing an unborn baby.

He explained,”Some Americans have asked me: Why are you even returning to Canada after all that you went through there?” But he said, “I simply don’t like to concede ground and basic freedoms to the Pro-’Gay’ Thought Police – at a time when U.S.-based homosexual militants are encouraging fellow LGBT activists abroad to shut down ‘anti-gay’ speech.”

In LaBarbera’s posting Tuesday, he said his telephone, laptop, books, tracts and other papers were searched.

He said a border agent asked him about the infamous Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, known for its “God Hates Fags” message.

“I told him that AFTAH has always condemned Westboro, as has every other pro-family group I have worked with,” he said.” I told them that AFTAH has long condemned violence and genuine hatred against homosexuals or anyone, for that matter.”

He said that at one point in the search, the border agent, Shane, asked him if he children, “and then I asked him if he had children.”

“He asked me as if offended: ‘Why do you ask that?’ and then said, ‘I’m gay.’ I told him I [meant] nothing by it and that I ask a lot of people that question. I told him my five children are a tremendous blessing and he said he may want to adopt children some day,” LaBarbera wrote.

“Once Shane’s gayness was out in the open, it was almost easier to have a conversation about my work and the larger homosexual issue,” he said. “I told him that disagreement with homosexuality does not equal ‘hate,’ despite the best efforts of LGBT activists to conflate the two.”

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