Arab Terrorist From East Jerusalem Stabs 2 Border Police Officers in Old City

Arab terrorist shot dead; officers treated for moderate wounds.

[An Arab Muslim terrorist] was shot dead early Monday morning at a police checkpoint near the Old City’s Lion’s Gate after following two Border Police officers into a small security station and stabbing them.

According to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, the Muslim Quarter attack took place shortly after 4 a.m.

“What we know is the terrorist arrived in the area and parked his vehicle while police officers were stationed at that checkpoint as part of general security,” said Rosenfeld.

“He then took the opportunity to follow them when they entered the entrance to the police point and stabbed both of the officers, moderately wounding them. The officers responded to the life-threatening situation and opened fire, shooting and killing the terrorist.”

Both officers were treated at the scene by Magen David Adom paramedics and transferred to Hadassah-University Medical Center on Mount Scopus.

Rosenfeld said the suspect was identified as a 25-year-old resident of the volatile east Jerusalem Arab neighborhood of Jebl Mukaber. In January, a terrorist from the neighborhood ran down 21 IDF soldiers with a truck, killing four.

“The area around the Old City where the attack took place was closed off in order to search for other terrorists and prevent more attacks,” he said.

“After the area was cleared, police units went into Jebl Mukaber, searched the house that belonged to the suspect and arrested four of his relatives to determine if they had any knowledge of the attack.”

Hours later, police units prevented a mourner’s tent from being erected outside the terrorist’s home.

Rosenfeld said police units continue to maintain heightened security throughout the capital, with an emphasis on synagogues during the final day of Purim, to prevent other attacks.

“The investigation is continuing and security measures continue in Jerusalem throughout the day in public areas and synagogues, where readings of the megila are taking place throughout the morning,” he said.

The attack came as several thousand police officers from multiple units are actively patrolling the capital amid Purim festivities, which began in Jerusalem on Sunday night, to ensure revelers remain safe until celebrations conclude on Monday evening.

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