Author Archives: Shlomo

Netanyahu Apologizes to Anti-Semitic Arab Muslims in Israel

Netanyahu is already back tracking and apologizing to the Arab Muslims in Israel who call for a holocaust against the Jewish people on a daily basis. After controversial comments about Arabs on election day, Netanyahu apologizes to Arab mayors, says he didn’t intend to hurt any citizens. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu offered a public apology Monday night to Israeli Arab […]

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Obama downplays Iran ‘death to America’ remarks

Giving Iran nuclear reactors when they promise to wipe Israel off the map and then destroy America is insane. Just absolutely insane – and deadly. The Obama administration toed a hard line Monday against Benjamin Netanyahu for his comments about Israeli Arab … statehood leading up to Israel’s election last week, but downplayed concerns over “death to America” remarks Iran’s […]

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Obama Chief Of Staff: Israel’s 50-Year ‘Occupation’ Must End

What’s the difference between this and what mass-murdering terrorist Arafat said? Answer: Nothing. “An occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end, and the [so-called] Palestinian people must have the right to live in and govern themselves in their own sovereign state,” Denis McDonough, President Obama’s chief of staff, said Monday at the annual conference of J Street, […]

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America’s Left-Wing Jews Ashamed of Israel’s Jews

American Jews on the left were beside themselves last week. Israel’s Jews did something that utterly infuriated these American Jews: Israel’s Jews overwhelmingly voted for a man of the right (or for other right-of-center parties). And not just any right-winger, but the only leader in the Western world to publicly differ from their hero, President Barack Obama. To understand their […]

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Broadband companies sue over new Net neutrality rules

Less than two weeks after the Federal Communications Commission unveiled new Net neutrality rules, US broadband providers have filed lawsuits to overturn the Internet traffic regulations. The USTelecom Association, a trade group that represents some of the nation’s largest Internet service providers, filed a complaint Monday in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that claims the […]

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PETERSON: Let’s Talk About Black Racism

Starbucks’ “Race Together” campaign was intended to kick-start a national conversation about race relations, but, ironically, the effort has exposed a deep-seated racism in the black community. The Seattle-based company announced last week that it would encourage its employees to foster a conversation about race by writing “Race Together” on customers’ cups, but Starbucks received an overwhelming amount of negative […]

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Obama Tries to Invent Whatever Excuse He Can to Break with Israel

The man who leapt to congratulate election winners such as Vladimir Putin has had a markedly different attitude toward Israel’s newly elected leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. After delaying a congratulatory phone call this past week, Obama then used the call to lecture Netanyahu and threaten a change in U.S.-Israel relations. First, the lecture. The New York Times reported yesterday that Obama […]

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Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

Obama’s role during the Israeli elections was larger than reported, according to a pollster for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party. “What was not well reported in the American media is that President Obama and his allies were playing in the election to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu,” John McLaughlin, a Republican strategist, said in an interview on John Catsimatidis’s […]

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Republicans to Obama: Get over Netanyahu, stop Iran and Islamic State

Republicans have a message for President Obama: Benjamin Netanyahu is not the problem. The Islamic State and Iran are. Several top Republicans voiced that criticism of Obama’s Middle East policy Sunday, following a week of acrimony between the White House and Netanyahu and terrorism in Yemen and elsewhere in the Middle East. Republicans dismissed Obama’s concerns over Netanyahu’s promise to […]

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Sickening: Israel’s ‘charitable’ left taking election loss out on poor

Reeling from its election loss last week, Israel’s ‘charitable’ Left has identified the enemy: Israel’s poor. The Left has decided that since the poor vote for the Likud anyway, the Left will no longer donate to charity. The latest trend among leftists who were shocked by their defeat at the polls Tuesday is an apparently spontaneous campaign called “Don’t Give,” […]

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Around 20 graves in Jewish cemetery vandalized in northeastern Hungary

BUDAPEST, Hungary –  The leader of a small Hungarian Jewish community says about 20 graves have been vandalized in a Jewish cemetery. Peter Weisz says the damage to the graves in the northeastern city of Gyongyos, including the scattering of human remains, was “unprecedented.” The office of Prime Minister Viktor Orban condemned the “barbaric deed” and vowed to launch a […]

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US/Israeli Relationship In ‘The Worst Shape I Have Ever Seen’

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan remarked on “Face The Nation” Sunday that the U.S./Israeli relationship is “in the worst shape I have ever seen them.” Noonan cited Netanyahu’s invitation by Speaker John Boehner without “the sign off” from the White House and Obama’s “abrasive” congratulatory call to the prime minister after his reelection victory as preeminent reasons for this […]

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MUSLIMS ATTACK POLICE in Wood Green London District

This was crazy. Unfortunately for “some reason” this did not make the London news. Dozens of Muslim youths attacked police in Wood Green on Saturday. Members of the Kurdish community clashed with pro-ISIS demonstrators at an Islamic Roadshow stall in High Road, Wood Green, yesterday at around 5pm. Radical Muslim activist Anjem Choudary was among groups hosting the pro-ISIS Islamic […]

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Ted Cruz to Announce Presidential Bid

United States Senator and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz is expected Monday to confirm plans to run for president in 2016. The Texas Republican will announce his presidential bid as opposed to forming a preliminary exploratory committee at a convocation ceremony at Liberty University in Virginia, according to senior advisers speaking to the newspaper. United States Senator and Tea Party […]

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Obama rips on Netanyahu, says US will ‘evaluate’ options on Mid East talks

Obama, in his first extensive post-election comments, leveled “tough criticism” at Benjamin Netanyahu over comments the Israeli prime minister made in the run up to his election victory, underscoring the deepening tensions between the two men. [Obama has never liked Israel and has pressured tiny Israel to give up land (including Jerusalem) to Arab Muslim terrorists who promise another Jewish […]

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Iran: Khamenei Agrees with ‘Death to America’ Slogan

Iran’s Supreme Leader rejects Obama’s call to reach a nuclear agreement, says America is bullying Iran. Just two days after President Barack Obama urged the Iranian people to take advantage of an “historic opportunity” to resolve the nuclear issue, an Iranian crowd on Saturday chanted “Death to America” – and the country’s Supreme Leader agreed. According to Reuters, Ayatollah Ali […]

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Islamic State to ‘Brothers Residing in America’: Kill US Military Personnel

WASHINGTON – Islamic State has posted online what it says are the names, U.S. addresses and photos of 100 American military service members, and called upon its “brothers residing in America” to kill them. The Pentagon said after the information was posted on the Internet that it was investigating the matter. “I can’t confirm the validity of the information, but […]

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EU Planning Sanctions on Israel for ‘Polarizing Jerusalem’

Leaked EU report blames Israel’s “settlement activity” for the situation in Jerusalem, recommends sanctions. A new European Union (EU) report says that Jerusalem is at a “boiling point” and recommends sanctions against Israel over the “polarization” in the capital. The report, obtained by the British Guardian on Friday, says that Jerusalem has reached a dangerous boiling point of “polarization and […]

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Facial Recognition ‘Biometrics’ Coming to California School District… For Kindergarteners!

A California school district is about to launch a first-of-its-kind facial recognition pilot program for K-6 aged children. Select San Diego area elementary school children will log into their iPads through a biometric system that is being pitched as a time saver because youngsters will not have to learn or remember manual online passwords anymore. On March 15, the Encinitas Union […]

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Iran’s Ayatollah Rejects US ‘Bullying,’ Says ‘Death to America’

Iran’s top leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei repeated the words “death to America” during a speech on Saturday as he voiced mistrust of U.S. efforts to reach a nuclear deal, even as Washington and its allies spoke of real progress and urged Tehran to take “difficult decisions.” With just 10 days remaining until an end-of-March deadline for a framework agreement, Iran’s […]

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Time for Discusssion of Obama’s Anti-Semitism

Mark Levin was plain. And the question is now on the table for discussion. Both on his own eponymous radio show and in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s TV show, in discussing President Obama’s treatment of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Mark specifically and in detail accused the Obama administration of anti-Semitism and liberals in general of flat-out racism, all […]

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A Timeline of Obama’s Anti-Israel Hatred

On Thursday, the press announced that the Obama administration would fully consider abandoning Israel in international bodies like the United Nations. [Note: There is no such thing as a “Palestinian” people. It is a lie created to destroy Israel and “push the Jews into the sea”] According to reports, President Obama finally called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him […]

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Arab Muslims from Israel Running Underground Casino Busted in Texas Near Border

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — A raid at an underground casino allegedly operated by two [Muslim Arabs from Israel] located near the Texas border resulted in the arrest of the two managers as well as the seizure of 18 machines and over two thousand dollars in bulk cash. Breitbart Texas reporter Ildefonso Ortiz was embedded with the law enforcement officials during the […]

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Shadowy Chinese billionaire behind $2 million to Clinton Foundation

NEW YORK – The figure behind the $2 million contribution the Chinese construction company Rilin Enterprises made in 2013 to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation is secretive Chinese billionaire Wang Wenliang. On Feb. 7, the New York Times identified Wang as the secret buyer behind a shell corporation that bought three pricey condos in the exclusive Times Warner building […]

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MSNBC Leftist Jew Haters: GOP Supports Israel Because They’re ‘Xenophobic, Nativist,’ And ‘Racist’

Executive director of the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Youssef Munayyer said on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that the Republican Party supports Israel because its base is “xenophobic, nativist, and at many times racist.” GUEST HOST THOMAS ROBERTS: Speaker John Boehner saying he will be heading to Israel later this month. What is your take on the back and forth between […]

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Jeb Bush Condemned Over Speech at Anti-Israel Conference: Selects Anti-Semite as Foreign Policy Advisor

Jeb adviser James Baker to keynote J Street conference. Leading talk show host and best-selling author Mark Levin assailed Jeb Bush last night over the revelation that one of his top foreign policy advisers, James Baker, will keynote an anti-Israel conference this weekend. The annual conference of the activist group J Street features an array of anti-Israel speakers, including proponents […]

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Netanyahu already backtracks on “two-state solution”

Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu Tells NBC He Wants a ‘Peaceful Two-State Solution’ On the eve of the Israeli election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there would never be a so-called “Palestinian” state while he was in office. But now, only days later, he’s brushing off his comments as campaign rhetoric. [NBC] — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, in his first […]

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MSNBC: Even Hillary’s most loyal supporters have ‘intense concerns’ about the email scandal

When scandal engulfs a Democrat, the [leftwing] press doesn’t like to spend too much time on it. If they report it at all, it tends to be presented as below-the-fold stuff that vanishes when reporters lose interest or decide to spare the subject.  The Clintons have spent a lifetime counting on this. Usually, it works. With rare exceptions – a […]

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Barack Obama to ‘reassess’ relationship with the Zionist Enti… right, too soon: ‘Israel.’

This is, like, the lifelong dream of the New Left, you know: “President Barack Obama told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the United States would “reassess” aspects of its relationship with Israel after Netanyahu’s provocative statements leading up to Tuesday’s Israeli election.” …’Provocative.’ Ostensibly, this is all about Netanyahu’s supposed rejection of a two-state solution, but let’s be honest. This […]

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Obama Rolls Out Plan to Use UN to Circumvent Congress on Israel, Iran

In the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s big electoral win on Tuesday, the Obama administration reportedly seeks to use the United Nations as a club with which to beat those recalcitrant Jews into line. According to Foreign Policy, the Obama administration may stop blocking United Nations efforts to “call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a […]

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Islamic State claims responsibility for deadly Tunisia museum terror attack

The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility Thursday for an attack on a popular museum in Tunisia that left 23 people dead a day earlier, according to an audio recording posted online. Thursday’s statement described the attack as a “blessed invasion of one of the dens of infidels and vice in Muslim Tunisia,” and appeared on a forum that carries messages […]

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Europe Anti-Semitism Triggers Record Jewish Exodus

BRUSSELS and PARIS — Terrorist attacks and rising anti-Semitism have convinced more European Jews there is no future for them or their children in Europe. That’s leading to an exodus of the Jews unprecedented since the creation of Israel. European governments seem unable to prevent rising terrorist attacks against Jews, and that’s made Jews as fearful as they’ve been since […]

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Student group demands California university rename building after convicted cop killer

A black student organization at the University of California at Berkeley is demanding the university rename a building on campus after Assata Shakur, a former Black Panther, convicted cop killer and the first woman named to the FBI’s Most-Wanted Terrorist List. A jury convicted Shakur of killing a New Jersey State Trooper in 1979. She escaped prison and fled to […]

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Hillary: We Need ‘Camps for Adults’

Solving the “fun deficit.” Speaking to a group of camp counselors in Atlantic City today, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that America suffered from a “fun deficit.” Her proposed solution? “Adult camps,” where people from red and blue cabins would be forced to talk to one another about politics: As I have gotten older, I have decided we […]

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CBS Congratulates Itself For Its ‘Bold’ Transgender Soap Opera

The homosexual propaganda is being shoved down our throats. Thursday’s CBS This Morning celebrated the introduction of a transgender character to its network’s long-running soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful. Jeff Glor trumpeted the “‘bold’ move for daytime drama,” and hyped how “the fictional plot twist on a CBS soap that is starting a real conversation about tolerance.” The […]

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