Author Archives: Shlomo

Open Letter To Homosexual Parents: ‘Your Kids are Hurting’

Homosexual “marriage” doesn’t just redefine marriage, but also parenting. Heather Barwick was raised by her mother who was in a same-sex partnership. Although she felt loved and cared for dearly, she is speaking out against same-sex marriage and championing the importance of children growing up in a traditional family. In an open letter to the homosexual community published to The […]

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Obama Whitewashes Iranian Terrorism

Iran threatens to “wipe Israel off the map” and gives money and weapons to the terror group Hamas. The Obama administration is shamelessly whitewashing the Iranian regime’s state sponsorship of global terrorism, no doubt to help soften Iran’s image in preparation for trying to foist a bad nuclear deal on the American people. It also did the same thing for […]

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Rape Survivor Goes Off on Lawmakers Over Anti-Gun Law: ‘Why Can’t I Have a Firearm to Protect Myself?!’

A rape survivor made a compelling case in favor of reforming Maryland’s “may issue” concealed carry laws during a Senate committee hearing last week, explaining to lawmakers why women need to be able to defend themselves. “I need you to know this is so incredibly difficult for me, but I feel like if I don’t humanize this, if I don’t […]

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Pathetic: OBAMA WHITE HOUSE Avoids Congratulating Netanyahu – Won’t Mention His Name

White House aide went on CNN this morning to congratulate the people of Israel. He wouldn’t congratulate PM Benjamin Netanyahu and avoided mentioning his name. Pathetic The Weekly Standard reported: “We want to congratulate the Israeli people for the democratic process for the election that they just engaged in with all the parties that engaged in that election. As you […]

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Sen. Dick Durbin: GOP Are All Racists Making Loretta Lynch ‘Sit in the Back of the Bus’

From the same jerk who wants to tax the internet and who played a role in the IRS targeting of conservatives… Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) took to the floor on Wednesday and upped the rhetoric against a Republican Party that has continued to block a confirmation vote for Loretta Lynch, who President Barack Obama nominated to succeed Attorney […]

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State Dept. Finally Admits: No Record Hillary Clinton Signed Standard Exit Form

Another piece of the puzzle fell into place in Hillary Clinton’s ever-deepening email scandal, as the State Department – following days of absolutely absurd foot-dragging – finally admitted it can’t seem to find any record of her signed Form OF-109. This is a crucial document signed by departing State Department employees, testifying that all official records have been turned over, including […]

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Swastikas Painted On Jewish Frat House At Vanderbilt

Two swastikas were spray-painted on a Jewish fraternity house at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. The vandalism occurred early Saturday morning at Alpha Epsilon Pi and was discovered after a party there, the Vanderbilt Hustler student newspaper reported. The swastikas were drawn in the elevator and on a basement door. The university provost, Susan Wente, sent an email to the student […]

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EU calls for tracking computers in all vehicles to monitor, regulate travel

The controlling surveillance state is deepening, prying further into people’s lives like a chisel carving its way through skin and bone. Governments have become opportunistic control freaks, centralizing their micromanagement powers whenever possible. Now the European Union is rolling out plans to monitor travel on all European roads, tracking drivers’ mileages and time traveled per vehicle. This controlling scheme is […]

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United Airlines flight returns to International Airport after man shouts “Jihad, Jihad!”, rushes cockpit, tackled by passengers

A United Airlines jet returned to a Washington airport Monday night after passengers pounced on a [Muslim] man who rushed toward the cockpit yelling “Jihad! Jihad!” officials and witnesses said. United Flight 1074 returned to Dulles International Airport around 10:40 p.m. following a “disturbance onboard,” an airport spokeswoman said. Authorities took a passenger off the Denver-bound plane and took him […]

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FCC inspector general to probe Obama’s influence on “net neutrality” rules

The Federal Communication Commission’s inspector general will probe whether the White House improperly interfered with the agency as it developed net neutrality rules for the Internet. News of the investigation came from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, who grilled FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler at a Tuesday hearing about his relationship with the White House. Wheeler, […]

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IT Workers Replaced by Foreign Workers Regret Voting for Obama

Several information-technology workers provided anonymous testimony for today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the immigration reforms needed to protect skilled workers. One former IT worker at multi-billion dollar utilities provider Southern California Edison, who chose to remain anonymous because of a non-disparagement agreement he signed with his former employer, wrote that he was recently replaced by a foreign worker with […]

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Estimated Lifetime Retirement Costs Of Illegals Granted Executive Amnesty At $1.3 Trillion

The lifetime costs of Social Security and Medicare benefits of illegal immigrant beneficiaries of President Obama’s executive amnesty would be well over a trillion dollars, according to Heritage Foundation expert Robert Rector’s prepared testimony for a House panel obtained in advance by Breitbart News. Rector, a senior research fellow at Heritage, is slated to speak on the costs of Obama’s […]

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Hillary Didn’t Want Congress ‘Rifling Through Her Emails’

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” long-time Clinton ally James Carville admitted Hillary’s private email system being designed to intentionally frustrate congressional oversight. “At the end of the day, the Republicans can’t pass a budget, we have another investigation,” Carville said. “Just like we had the Whitewater. Just like you go through File-gate. You go through Travel-gate. You go through […]

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White House acknowledges Petraeus advising on Islamic State, despite guilty plea

Former CIA Director David Petraeus is advising the Obama administration on Islamic State issues — even after he pleaded guilty two weeks earlier to giving classified material to his mistress. The White House appeared to confirm Monday that former CIA Director David Petraeus is advising the Obama administration on Islamic State issues — even after he pleaded guilty two weeks […]

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Tide turns against Obama’s Loretta Lynch

Loretta Lynch’s bid to become the next attorney general appears to be in big trouble, as a well-placed source on Capitol Hill told WND there are now rumblings that even some Democratic Party senators may oppose her nomination. The source also said WND’s revelations about Lynch’s ties to terrorists and drug lords are playing a part in the growing opposition […]

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Federal Agencies Made $125 Billion in Improper Payments Last Year

Federal agencies made $125 billion in improper payments last year, including tax credits to people who didn’t qualify, Medicare payments for treatments that might not be necessary, and unemployment benefits for people who were actually working, says a government report released Monday. The level of improper payments was a new high after several years of declines. In addition to fraud, […]

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House of Representatives to Investigate Hillary Clinton E-Mails

Nick Merrill, a spokesman for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, revised the explanation of how Clinton’s emails were handled, claiming, “Every email was reviewed.” “What was in the fact sheet were examples of techniques used by the reviewers to double and triple check they were capturing everything,” he explained. “This was NOT in lieu of reading them all, was in […]

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In The Middle of Nuclear “Negotiations”, NSA Removes Iran and Hezbollah from Terrorist List

If this isn’t dangerous appeasement, I don’t know what is. According to a report in The Times of Israel, the National Intelligence Agency delivered a report to Congress that scraps Iran and Hezbollah from the terrorism list, citing the country’s work against ISIS as one of the reasons why. An annual report delivered recently to the US Senate by James […]

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Facebook Plans to Crack Down on ‘Hate Speech’ Directed at Unspecified ‘Protected Groups’

When they say ‘protected groups’, they mean homosexuals and Muslims. We already know someone who mentioned they did not support “gay marriage” and had their site removed for “hate speech”. It means they get to pick what is hateful… and it’s not including hateful liberals with their constant bullying and name calling of racist, biggot, extremist, Islamiphobe, or homophobe. Social-media […]

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Americans Don’t Care Enough About NSA Spying To Protect Themselves Says Survey

As we inch up on the two-year anniversary of the Snowden leaks, it’s important to think about how the Earth-shattering revelations about America’s intelligence-gathering have affected Americans. We’re all using Tor and DuckDuckGo and PGP and protecting ourselves against surveillance now, right? LOL, no. Not even close actually. A new Pew study reveals that the vast majority of Americans haven’t […]

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Jon Voight: Obama Does Not Love Israel

Veteran actor Jon Voight released a video Sunday saying that President Barack Obama does not love Israel. “I love Israel. I want to see Israel survive and not be overtaken by the madmen of this world,” Voight says in the one-minute video, released exclusively to the website Just Jared. “President Obama does not love Israel. His whole agenda is to […]

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Hillary Clinton Lies… A Lot

Hillary Clinton says that she is the most transparent woman in American politics. There’s just one problem – Hillary Clinton lies… a lot. Ben Shapiro takes a trip in the way back machine to look at a few of the more egregious examples. See the video and transcript below. TRANSCRIPT: Hillary Clinton is the most transparent woman she knows. She […]

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ISIS executes nine ‘spies’ for ‘betraying the religion of Allah’ in second gruesome video

More mass murder from the “religion of peace”. They are escorted onto a bridge in unknown location before being killed Forced to give interviews and admit to spying – presumably under duress ‘Sentenced to death for betraying the religion of Allah’ Another video showing ISIS shooting captives The footage from Thursday showed eight killed in similar way ISIS has executed […]

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Obama jokes about Hillary emails

President Obama late Saturday joked about the controversy surrounding former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s use of a private email account during a white-tie dinner in Washington, D.C. According to a White House pool report, Obama told guests at the Gridiron Club dinner that he was once known as the young, tech-savvy candidate. But now, “Hillary has a server in […]

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American poor does math, realizes that Obamacare tax is still cheaper than Obamacare

From the I told you so section of the news comes a report that the Obama administration is having trouble convincing people to buy insurance, or pay a fine – despite the fact that they’ve extended the window to buy coverage.  Why? Well… This is the first year fines are being collected from uninsured people the government deems able to afford coverage. Tax preparation […]

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UK: Police told not to pursue Muslim child rape gangs

The silent conspiracy continues, despite the blockbuster revelations (and the public’s ensuing outrage) that law enforcement did not pursue this epidemic of rape jihad for fear of being labeled “islamophobic.” Policemen turned a blind eye to Muslim child sex trafficking, gang-rape etc., for fear of being called racist-islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigots despite the victims pleas for help. Thousands of non-Muslim teen and tween […]

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Hillary Clinton’s Excuses For Her Use of a Personal Email Account While At State Are Falling Apart

[CSPAN] – In attempting to explain her decision to rely exclusively on a privately run personal email account to conduct all of her business while serving as Secretary of State, Clinton said earlier this week that one of the reasons she didn’t think it was a big deal was that she always emailed other State Department staffers at their government […]

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Congressional Probe Launched Into White House and State Dept. Interference With Israeli Election

At the end of January the first reports surfaced of a coordinated effort between the White House and State Department to use the construct of OFA (Organizing For America), the activist group who spearheaded the voter activity for President Obama, to assist an Israeli opposition group known as V15. V15 is described as a “grassroots” movement intended to remove Benjamin Netanyahu from office.   The […]

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Iran Plans to Replace Missile Arsenal – reaching Israel

TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh announced Iran’s plans to replace its Fateh, Qiyam and Qadr missile series with a new generation of missiles next year. “We will abolish Fateh 110 missiles (a short-range, road-mobile, solid-propellant, high-precision ballistic missile with advanced navigation and control systems) as well as the […]

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At least 10 Americans being flown to US after possible Ebola exposure

At least 10 Americans possibly exposed to the deadly Ebola virus were being flown to the United States from Sierra Leone for observation, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Saturday. They will be transported by non-commercial air transport and will be housed near the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, the National Institutes of Health […]

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Kerry Promises to Pressure Israel on Tax Revenue for Fatah Terrorists

US Secretary of State John Kerry told Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas that he would push Israel to transfer withheld tax revenue to [Fatah], according to foreign media sources. After Abbas and the PA took unilateral steps at the International Criminal Court trying to get Israelis indicted for war crimes – in direct violation of the Oslo Accords, Israel responded […]

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Obama says he’s ’embarrassed’ for the 47 GOP senators who wrote to Iran to stop a nuclear holocaust

Trying to heroically stop a nuclear holocaust and saving millions of human lives is nothing to be ’embarrassed’ about. President Obama said he is “embarrassed” for the 47 Republican senators who wrote an open letter to Iranian leaders this week. “For them to address a letter to the Ayatollah [Khamenei, who they claim is our mortal enemy, ” Obama laments […]

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