Author Archives: Shlomo

Arab stabs two Border Policemen with screwdriver in Jerusalem

Officer treated for light stabbing injuries, terrorist ‘neutralized,’ area secured. Two Border Police officers are in light condition after being stabbed in the head and upper body with a screwdriver by an Arab terrorist near Lion’s Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday afternoon. While details of the attack remain unclear, Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the incident took place […]

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Trump names Putin’s favorite Globalist CEO as Secretary of State

Following revelations by Roger Stone–the sleazy advisor to the Trump campaign behind the National Inquirer “articles” about Ted Cruz’s non-existent extramarital affairs, and “confirmed” that Ted’s father (Rafael) was an accessory in the JFK assassination–that Trump only interviewed Mitt Romney for Secretary of State to “torture him” for calling the New York Liberal “a phony and a fraud,” Donald Trump […]

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Trump’s Tillerson is Anti-Life, Supported Homosexual Boy Scout Leaders

Already facing concerns about his and his company’s ties to Russia, Secretary of State-nominee Rex Tillerson is also coming under fire from family groups opposed to his support for Planned Parenthood and gays in the Boy Scouts. In his latest newsletter to supporters, for example, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said that the Exxon Mobil chief picked by President-elect […]

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DC Public Schools Spokeswoman Wants To ‘Get Rid Of’ All White Men

A spokeswoman for Washington, D.C.’s public school system tweeted Tuesday about her desire to “abolish” all white men. The declaration by Hilary Tone, who works a day job as communications director for D.C. Public Schools, was prompted by president-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Rick Perry [who has a history of political corruption] to lead the Department of Energy. Pointing towards Perry’s […]

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Thousands Demonstrate in Jerusalem to Prevent Expulsion of Amona

Thousands of Israelis gather in Jerusalem to call on the government to prevent the expulsion of innocent Jews from Amona. Thousands of Israelis gathered in Jerusalem Tuesday night to demonstrate against the impending evacuation of the Jewish community of Amona. The demonstrators protested in Paris Square, across from the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is on a […]

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Iran starts nuclear program after US ‘violation’ of deal

Terrorist Iran always had the intention for nuclear weapons. Iranian scientists were ordered on Tuesday by President Hassan Rouhani to begin developing systems for nuclear-powered boats in response to what he termed the US’ violation of the JCPOA nuclear deal, Reuters reported. Rouhani’s move is a response to the overwhelming votes of both houses of Congress in favor of extending […]

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Traitor Boeing just inked a huge deal with terrorist Iran to sell them $17 billion in airplanes

Boeing just sealed a huge $17 billion dollar deal with Iran. Here’s more: NY TIMES – Boeing announced a $16.6 billion deal on Sunday to sell planes to Iran, which for decades had been economically blacklisted by the United States. The company instead chose to emphasize how many jobs the sale would support. “Today’s agreement will support tens of thousands […]

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Where Is The Outrage? Trumpers Silent As He Fills His Administration With ‘Globalists’

And where is Trump’s buddy Alex Jones who screamed about globalists? A lot of people remember the confrontation Senator Ted Cruz had a with a Trump supporter during the campaign. At one point Cletus asks Cruz, “Where’s your Goldman Sachs jacket? We know your wife works there!” It was a shot taken not only at Cruz but also one at Hillary […]

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Kanye West after being released from a mental hospital immediately meets with Donald Trump at Trump Tower

Kanye West was spotted entering Trump Tower on Tuesday morning with a large entourage in tow. Reporters noted the rapper’s presence, and a spokesperson for Donald Trump later said he was there to meet with the president-elect. Trump and West appeared together in the building’s lobby roughly 45 minutes after the rapper arrived. “Just friends, just friends,” Trump told reporters when […]

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Trump’s pro-abortion pro-gay secretary of state pick “should be particularly alarming to conservatives”

“The Exxon Mobil executive may be the greatest ally liberals have in the Cabinet for their abortion and LGBT agendas.” A high-profile evangelical leader who backed Donald Trump during the presidential campaign is not happy with the president-elect’s pick for secretary of state, ExxonMobil executive Rex Tillerson. Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council, aired his thoughts on the […]

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Racist Samuel Jackson Bashes America to Muslim Audience

Samuel Jackson is one hate whitey angry black man. From Downtrend: Before a Muslim audience in Dubai, Jackson said that America is full of white supremacists that elected a white supremacist president. The Hollywood Reporter says Jackson gave a press conference at the Dubai International Film Festival recently. He was still complaining about last year’s “Oscars So White” non-controversy and […]

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Noose poster of Netanyahu raises a storm

Netanyahu gives free land (that innocent Jews were living on), food, electricity, water, medicine, concrete, and money to Hamas mass-murdering terrorists, but this poster… THAT’S the real problem! A picture of Benjamin Netanyahu with a hangman’s noose was hung up at the Department of Visual Communications at the Bezalel Academy. The picture was not displayed as part of an official […]

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Russia Applauds Trump Dream Team – Rex Tillerson Says “I Have a Very Close Relationship With Putin”

Asked recently about the chance that he would serve in government, globalist Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson joked: ‘I’m not qualified.’ ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, named in the press as Donald Trump’s candidate for secretary of state, has stated publicly that he has known Russian leader Vladimir Putin for 17 years and “I have a very close relationship with him.” With two […]

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Trump could face Capitol Hill showdown with Exxon Mobil CEO pick for Secretary of State

[Donald Trump is] entrusting the ExxonMobil tycoon with the stewardship of US diplomacy, a move that could ignite the first showdown between the pugilistic President-elect and senators in his own party. The nomination — which Trump sources say could come as soon as this week — would be provocative, given Tillerson’s personal relationship with President Vladimir Putin amid an uproar over […]

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Donald Trump appoints Gary Cohn, another top Goldman Sachs alum, to his administration

With Gary Cohn tapped to lead the White House National Economic Council, Trump’s swamp gets deeper. President-elect Donald Trump announced Friday that the new head of his White House National Economic Council will be another Goldman Sachs executive. Gary Cohn, who is president and chief operating officer at Goldman Sachs, joined the Wall Street firm in 1990 and has since […]

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Muslims claim all finds from the Temple Mount Sifting Project are “Islamic”

Safa has an article that describes the Temple Mount Sifting Project, where tons of debris that was excavated from the Temple Mount by the Waqf in the late 1990s is being searched to find archaeological artifacts. Findings so far have included coins, jewelry and tiles from the Second Temple period – and from the Second Temple itself. But Muslim so-called […]

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Europe: Illegal to criticize Islam

This large-scale endeavor in Europe to shut up Wilders and other critics of Islam is a part of an even larger attempt to silence concerns about jihad terror and Sharia supremacism, and how Muslim migration may lead to more of both. The political elites are becoming progressively more authoritarian in service of the Islamic supremacist agenda. “Europe: Illegal to Criticize […]

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Trump Says He’s ‘A Smart Person,’ Doesn’t Need Daily Intelligence Briefings

Maybe Russia is “helping out” by giving Trump pointers, so he no longer needs those boring daily intelligence briefings. President-elect Donald Trump continues to defy convention and ruffle institutional feathers. In a wide-ranging interview with Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday,” Trump indicated he will delegate daily intelligence briefings to subordinates. From the Daily Mail: “I get it when I […]

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Drain the Swamp? Trump chooses Exxon Mobil CEO to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State

Talk about crony capitalism! Who needs lobbyists when Trump just put the CEO of the largest multi-national global oil corporation in charge as top diplomat of the United States? It’s being reported that Trump has chosen Rex Tillerson, the Exxon Mobil CEO, for the Secretary of State position, although it hasn’t been officially announced yet. And this kinda odd, because […]

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Hamas offers to export Qassam rockets to any Arab Muslims willing to shoot them at Israel

Hamas official Fathi Hammad said that the terror group is ready to export Qassam rockets to Arab armies in order “to fight the Zionist entity.” Hammad said that the rocket is comparable in quality to those produced by other international military rocket factories. Exporting them might be a little difficult, since any exports would have to go through either Israel, […]

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Obama: Americans Were Racist Against Me

Obama claims he failed because whites “viewed him as the other” even though they elected him twice as president. In an interview aired Wednesday as part of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria’s The Legacy of Barack Obama, lame duck (or is that just “lame”?) President Obama predictably blamed racist Americans for his failed presidency. As reported by Politistick, Obama suggested to Zakaria, […]

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Trump team MOCKS the CIA over Putin interference in our election

“So Trump is siding with Putin over our own intelligence agency. Amazing.” In a pretty crazy statement overnight, the Trump team mocked the CIA for implicating the Donald’s best buddy Putin in interfering with our election. Watch below: More from CNN: In a stunning response to widening claims of a Russian espionage operation targeting the presidential race, Trump’s camp risked […]

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Black Lawyer Urges Black Juries: “Don’t Punish Anyone Who Kills, Assaults, Or Robs White Men”

An editorial recently published on a popular law website argues that black people on juries should use jury nullification to acquit anyone who commits any crime against a white man. The author, a black lawyer named Elie Mystal, argues that black jury members and their “white allies” must clog up the court system and refuse to convict defendants accused of committing […]

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Germany: “Almost Three Quarters of All Algerian Immigrants Have Popped Up as Suspects” in Sex Assault Cases

After what Germany did to the Jews and Israel, and after bringing this on herself, Germany deserves Islam. “Hundreds of young Muslim men treated women as objects to hunt down. They know what they do is prohibited by law. But they also think German women are sluts. And in addition they know their actions have no consequences. The German police do not […]

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Republicans push for investigation into Russian interference in election

Trump is not gonna be happy with Republicans when they start investigating Putin for interfering with the election. From the Washington Post: Leading Senate Republicans are preparing to launch a coordinated and wide-ranging probe into Russia’s alleged meddling in the U.S. elections and its potential cyberthreats to the military, digging deep into what they view as corrosive interference in the […]

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Obama: “If we act like this is war between US and Islam, we’re going to lose more Americans to terrorist attacks”

Wait… I thought Obama said that Islam had nothing to do with terrorism? “We are fighting terrorists who claim to fight on behalf of Islam. but they do not speak for over a billion Muslims around the world. And they do not speak for American Muslims, including many who wear the uniform of the United States of America’s military. If […]

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Iran’s new theme park allows children to fire at the American flag

Iran — with whom President Barack Obama struck a nuclear deal that both empowered them militarily and enriched them financially — has opened a new theme park for children. But the point of the park is a far cry from amusement. The “City of Games for Revolutionary Children” allows children to dress in full military gear, arm themselves with AK-47s and fire plastic bullets […]

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Mayor De Blasio: NYC Will Fund Planned Parenthood If GOP Defunds It

Commie De Blasio wants to make sure as many babies are slaughtered as possible. Abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood has a friend in NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has vowed to fund the baby-butchering institution should President-elect Donald Trump ever get around to defunding it during his tenure. Mayor de Blasio first made his vow keep the abortion giant well-fed in NYC […]

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University students wear hijabs during ‘Islam Appreciation Week’

“Have you ever heard of a Judaism Appreciation Week or a Christian Appreciation Week? We haven’t either. The left works non-stop to brain wash your kids.” University of Wisconsin students are participating in a “Hijabi for a Day” event that’s designed to spread awareness about the Muslim headscarf and counter “islamophobia.” Student across campus donned hijabs last Wednesday – becoming […]

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If Netanyahu Cared About Saving Amona, He Could Annex It

“There’s a way to stop the domestic lawfare against Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria,” writes media and international political analyst Dr. Aaron Lerner: “Annexation – as a last resort to save Jewish homes, vineyards and other property from court-ordered destruction.” Lerner, whose ideas are distributed regularly to decision-makers via the IMRA (Independent Media Review and Analysis) service, notes that […]

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Trump Vows to ‘Work Something Out’ With Illegal Immigrants

President-elect Donald Trump pledged to “work something out” with [illegal] immigrants who came to the United States as children and subsequently signed up for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. “We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud,” he said of DREAMers in an interview with Time magazine, which recently named him their Person of […]

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2015 FBI data: Jews were nearly 3X more likely than blacks, 1.5X more likely than Muslims to be a hate crime victim

Members of which of these groups were most likely to be a victim of a hate crime in 2015: Muslims, Blacks or Jews? Based on media coverage, you would have to say Muslims or Blacks. According to a Google news search for the term “hate crimes” along with the name of each of those three groups, there are 164,000 results […]

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US Naval Academy to Hold Safe Space Training Called ‘Transgender 101’

Remember that fundamental transformation Obama was talking about in 2008? Looks like it’s going swimmingly: FREE BEACON – The U.S. Naval Academy is bringing in Google employees to provide voluntary “Transgender 101” training to midshipmen this week as part of an ongoing “safe space” training series. The academy’s Center for Teaching and Learning is holding two events on Friday, one […]

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BuzzFeed Exposes Black Racism in Schools: “White People Are a Plague to the Planet”

Could you even begin to imagine what would happen if any white person ever said such a think about black people in a school presentation?? BuzzFeed published an article Monday that included several pictures with anti-white messages, including one that called white people a “plague to the planet.”   The article, titled “19 School Powerpoint Presentations That Give Zero F***s,” included […]

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Yesh Din NGO: No Remedy for Amona Jews, Only Full Demolition, Eviction

The anti-Zionist NGO Yesh Din announced Tuesday night that the solution of moving the Amona residents to a nearby location where the land belongs to absentee landlords and could therefore be appropriated by the state “was never a possibility,” because those plots “have never been abandoned,” Walla reported. The NGO, which receives an annual budget of approximately $1.6 million from […]

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PLO TV in Israel: “Slice Open the Enemy’s Chest – Slice It!”

The Fatah song emphasizes that Fatah’s “oath” is to destroy Israel, saying “free the state from the hands of the Zionists,” and that this will be done through violence, terror and killing. But the [so-called] “Palestinians” are always deemed to be the victims. Nothing is evil enough for their jihadist leadership, no matter how calculatingly violent, propagandist and evil. Israel, […]

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Trump Hiring Foreigners on H-2B Visas to Staff His Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach

Donald Trump is reportedly hiring foreign workers to staff his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., again this winter. According to the Palm Beach Post, the president-elect is paying some of the winter workers less than they made last year; most get an approximate 1 percent raise. Trump won approval to hire 64 foreign workers through the federal government’s H-2B visa […]

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Carrier Union Leader: Trump “Lied His A** Off” About Deal

President-elect Donald Trump “lied his a** off” about the terms of the deal to keep Carrier manufacturing jobs in the United States, the Carrier union’s president said Tuesday. United Steelworkers 1999 President Chuck Jones was optimistic when Trump first promised to save the jobs of 1,350 workers at Carrier’s Indiana plant, The Washington Post reports. Carrier had originally planned to […]

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Wait… What? GOP Offers $300 Million Tax Dollars for Muslim “Refugee” Aid

House republicans want to claim they have made a spending bill that is just so “wonderful” because it gives terrorists money but doesn’t allow the terrorists to actually come to the United States: From the Washington Examiner: House Republicans introduced a short-term spending bill on Tuesday that would give the State Department an additional $300 million to aid migrants and […]

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More Video From Milwaukee Riots of Blacks Violently Targeting Whites

The idiots on the left claim that it is “impossible” for blacks to be racist – even when blacks target white people for violence while shouting “death to all crackers”. Both liberals and blacks are some of the most racist groups in America. They are completely obsessed with race and it almost always has an agenda at the expense of others. 16-year-old who tweets under […]

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Obama Administration Hid “Indefensible” Iran Nuclear Deal Documents

Future senior Trump administration officials are discussing which unseen documents about the 2015 Iran nuclear deal they will make public after the inauguration [they should make ALL of them public!], The Daily Beast reported Monday. The report cites chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Corker, possibly President Trump’s pick for secretary of state, who said, “My guess is […]

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