Bennett meets with Trump envoy in the White House: “We discussed the importance of working to improve the economic life of Palestinians”

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Remember when the traitor Naftali Bennett said that “99.9% of Israeli Arabs are loyal to Israel”?

Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) met special White House envoy Jason Greenblatt in the White House Sunday, ahead of Bennett’s scheduled appearance at the annual AIPAC conference in the capital.

The two spoke for over an hour, discussing joint US-Israel efforts in the region spanning a number of areas including security, the Israeli-Arab conflict, economic development, and the prospects for peace.

“It was an honor to meet with @naftalibennett today,” Greenblatt tweeted. “We had a far ranging and important discussion about US-Israel cooperation and interests.”

“We discussed the importance of working to improve the economic life of Palestinians. We also discussed @POTUS‘s vision for peace and his thoughts on how best to achieve it.”

Bennett thanked Greenblatt for the meeting, calling the talk “important”.

“Jason, likewise. You’re creating a good atmosphere by listening to everybody. Important meeting.”

The Education Minister is slated to speak at the 2017 AIPAC conference on Monday at 8:30 p.m. Israel time, (1:30 p.m. local time).

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