Category Archives: Articles

Islamic State panel at the University of New Mexico whitewashes jihad and sharia

American university campuses have become cesspools of leftist indoctrination, with increasingly open pro-jihad sentiments. Here is an ugly example of this, courtesy the University of New Mexico chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood org known as the Muslim Student Association. UNM student Samuel Ryu sent me this appalling account of a recent “anti-ISIS” panel there that was really yet another academic […]

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Joe Biden to Chinese: US Emphasis on Human Rights Just Politics

During conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2011 and 2012, Vice President Joe Biden said that American presidents speak about human rights because of “political imperative,” according to an article in the latest New Yorker. “No president of the United States could represent the United States were he not committed to human rights,” he told Xi when asked why […]

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USA TODAY: U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades

WASHINGTON — The U.S. government started keeping secret records of Americans’ international telephone calls nearly a decade before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, harvesting billions of calls in a program that provided a blueprint for the far broader National Security Agency surveillance that followed. For more than two decades, the Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed logs of […]

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Obama claims “global warming” is making Americans sick – what about Nuclear fallout from Iran?

I would have to say that a nuclear Iran is about as bad for the human population as it gets… but Obama is too busy trying to spin fake junk science for politics. From the New York Post: WASHINGTON — Global warming isn’t just affecting the weather, it’s harming Americans’ health, President Barack Obama said Tuesday as he announced steps […]

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Dutch Soccer Fans Chant ‘Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas’

During a match between Amsterdam’s Ajax team and FC Utrecht on Sunday, members of a Utrecht fanbase, known as the Bunnikside and often described as hooligans, began insulting the Amsterdam fans by calling them Jews, in reference to the city’s prominent Jewish population. As the Jewish Daily Forward reported: During the match, dozens could be seen and heard chanting: “My […]

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Illegals Jump Border At Faster Rate

The second wave of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children has begun, with more than 3,000 of them surging across the Mexican border into the U.S. last month — the highest rate since the peak of last summer’s crisis and a warning that another rough season could be ahead. Immigration officials warned that they expected another surge as the weather improved. Although […]

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Bosnia: Muslim attacks Jewish leader with weighted chain as leader was being interviewed about status of Jews

More of Bill Clinton’s war on the Christians on behalf of the “tolerant” Muslims. Bosnia: Muslim attacks Jewish leader with weighted chain as leader was being interviewed about status of Jews  (thanks to Jihad Watch) Status of Jews in Bosnia: not very good, obviously. But…but…the Muslims in Bosnia are all moderates, and anyone who doesn’t think so is a racist, […]

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Rabbi: Obama Cleverly Using Jewish Democrats to Defend Iran Deal

President Barack Obama uses Jewish Democrats to hawk his agenda on Iran, and that’s why California Sen. Dianne Feinstein lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, says Rabbi Aryeh Spero. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Sen. Feinstein is a hit man for the administration,” Spero said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil […]

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Netanyahu tries to appease Obama: ‘I’m Not Trying To Kill Any Deal’ With Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the U.S. to seek a better agreement with Iran over its nuclear weapons program, insisting that he’s not trying to kill any deal, just “a bad deal.” Netanyahu, speaking on NBC’s Meet the Press, argued that the current plan “leaves the preeminent terrorist state of our time with a vast nuclear infrastructure.”

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Greece: Germany Owes Us $300 Billion in WW II Reparations

Greece’s deputy finance minister said on Monday Germany owes Greece nearly 279 billion euros ($305.17 billion) in reparations for the Nazi occupation of the country. Greek governments and also private citizens have pushed for war damages from Germany for decades but the Greek government has never officially quantified its reparation claims. A parliamentary panel set up by Prime Minister Alexis […]

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COLORADO COURT: Bakeries Can Refuse Anti-Gay Cakes – But Must Bake Gay Wedding Cakes

Gay activists protest the Masterpiece Cakeshop in 2012. Owner Jack Phillips now faces charges for not baking a cake for the gay couple. (Free Republic) Gay marriage was banned by the Colorado constitution in 2006. But this didn’t stop the Colorado Attorney General’s office from filing a discrimination complaint against Masterpiece Cakeshop for not baking a cake for a gay […]

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‘Gay’ leader to churches: Support homosexuality or be taxed

A “gay” activist contends churches that lobby to preserve the right of religious believers not to promote homosexual behavior should lose their tax-exempt status. Jeran Artery of the homosexual-rights group Wyoming Equality made the assertion on his Facebook page and deleted it a short time later, reported Jason DeWitt at Top Right News. The issue arose recently because of the fierce […]

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Christians attacked by Muslims on Easter Sunday

Muslims around the world responded to the calling of the Quran and the “prophet” Muhammad to annihilate all non-Muslim “infidels” on Eastern Sunday. Muslims like the kill groups of people based on the date of religious holidays due to the especially offensive and provocative nature attack have on religious holidays. For example, on Good Friday last week Muslim terrorists killed […]

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Bosnian Muslim Nazi soccer fans chant ‘Kill the Jews’ in Vienna

Bosnian Muslim Nazi soccer fans joined a [so-called] pro-“Palestinian” demonstration in Vienna on Friday and shouted anti-Semitic epithets in one of the city’s central plazas, Austrian newspaper Der Standard reported. …The Bosnian fans dressed in blue, yellow and white are seen standing among the protesters and joining them in their cries, before setting out on a chant of their own: […]

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U.S. electricity prices reach all-time high

While the gasoline price index, the overall energy price index and the overall Consumer Price Index did decline in January 2015, over the past year, only one index did the complete opposite. The electricity price index, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), actually increased during these same time periods. According to the BLS’s Consumer Price Index Summary, “The […]

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Surge of half a million illegals getting driver’s licenses

A surge of [illegal] immigrants seeking driver’s licenses has surprised the California Department of Motor Vehicles, pouring in at twice the rate officials expected and underscoring massive interest in the new program. Just three months after driver’s licenses became available to immigrants living in California illegally, the product of legislation advocates had pursued fruitlessly for years before prevailing and passing […]

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Army Soldiers forced to sit through ‘White Privilege’ presentation

The U.S. Army is investigating an unauthorized diversity training presentation on “white privilege” shown to hundreds of Georgia soldiers, USA Today reported, citing an Army spokeswoman. The Equal Opportunity training presentation was shown to about 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon on Thursday, according to Captain Lindsay Roman. The portion of the program involved a slide projected on a screen […]

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Americans Send 1.6 Million Letters to Congress to End ObamaNet

It’s been just one month since the Federal Communications Commission voted to regulate the internet, yet freedom-loving Americans are already inundating Congress with their complaints. On February 26, the FCC voted to alter the rules under Title II of the Communications Act in order to regulate our computers just like utility and phone companies. It is this extreme power grab that convinced […]

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Muslims Kill 147 Christian “Infidels” in Attack on Kenyan University

Al-Shabaab, a Muslim terrorist organization, has slaughtered at least 147 staff and students at Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya. At least five armed Muslims are reported to have separated the students and staff by religion, sparing the Muslims, while killing the non-Muslim “infidels”. Who is Al-Shabaab? Al-Shabaab is a Somali Muslim terrorist organization that is aligned to Al Qaeda. […]

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Taking Obama´s signal, Democrats turn on Israel, now see Mexico as a better ally

Following Barack Obama’s lead, America’s Democrats have turned sour on traditional U.S. support for Israel. So badly have members of the president’s party turned away from Israel, that more Democrats now see Mexico — you read that correctly, Mexico— as a closer ally of the United States than Israel, which Democrat President Harry Truman first recognized as a nation in […]

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Did You Know Your Tax Dollars Are Paying for Abortion?

It’s an open secret in Washington. Despite the best intentions of the longstanding Hyde amendment, tax dollars continue to flow into the coffers of abortion providers and advocacy groups year in and year out. Need proof? Just look at the latest report from the federal independent watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The study found that Planned Parenthood, the […]

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Big Brother Is Watching You: Homeland Security Turns On the American People

You knew this was coming. Created in the panic after Sept. 11, and even as Muslim “immigrants” flood into the United States, the Dept. of Homeland Security has nothing better to do than to watch the rest of us: The Department of Homeland Security is seeking bids from companies able to provide law enforcement officials with access to a national license-plate […]

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Egypt’s Islamic State claims responsibility for Sinai attack that killed 15 troops

CAIRO –  The Islamic State’s branch in Egypt has claimed responsibility for a wave of deadly attacks that killed 15 Egyptian soldiers and three civilians the previous day in volatile northern Sinai. A statement posted Friday on a [terrorist] website associated with the group, known as “Sinai Province,” says its “fighters” attacked seven checkpoints, killing “dozens of soldiers” on a […]

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Obamacare now taking from the poor

Despite the extensive problems associated with Obamacare — both those known at the time of enactment and those discovered since — one significant perversity that disproportionately affects the poor seems to have gone largely unnoticed. During these busiest two weeks of tax season, when up to 25 percent of returns are filed, our attention turns to compliance. Many Americans are […]

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California judge orders state to provide sex change surgery for murderer in prison

(Reuters) – A federal judge in San Francisco on Thursday ruled that California must provide sex reassignment surgery to a transgender inmate, calling denial of the procedure a violation of constitutional rights. U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar wrote in his 38-page order that the state was violating the constitutional rights of Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, who was convicted of second-degree murder in […]

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US WIMP-OUT ON IRAN DEAL: France admits Kerry team caved to keep Iranians at the table, get a deal

Obama and Kerry want the suicidal Iran deal so bad, they are just giving Iran a nuclear program that will start a Muslim arms race between terrorists. Never make a “deal” with evil. U.S. negotiators reportedly lowered the bar for their own goals during talks over Iran’s nuclear program in response to resistance from the Tehran team. And, on the heels […]

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USA TODAY: University of Wisconsin Racist For Not Having An Overwhelmingly Black Basketball Team

Josh Peter, sports columnist for USA Today, has penned an article where he implies the University of Wisconsin is “racist” for not having an overwhelmingly black basketball team. “[Bo] Ryan’s system, which features a methodical, half-court offense that is key to his success but according to players and coaches can make it a challenge to recruit top African-American players”, Peters […]

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Obama just cut a deal with Iran – lifting sanctions and giving mass murderers nuclear program

International negotiators on Thursday announced a preliminary agreement on Iran’s nuclear program sketching the framework for a final deal, capping days of exhaustive and tense talks that blew past their original deadline. At a press conference in Switzerland, negotiators unveiled the framework that would guide the next phase of talks. The U.S., Iran and five other world powers plan to […]

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Feds won’t pursue contempt charges against IRS Lois Lerner

The Justice Department has declined to pursue contempt of Congress charges against Lois Lerner for refusing to testify about her role at the IRS in the targeting of conservative groups.  The department announced the decision in a letter Tuesday to House Speaker John Boehner, whose Republican-controlled chamber made the request to prosecute, after holding Lerner in contempt for refusing to […]

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Jewish Kindergarten in Brussels, a City With 25% Muslim Population Deemed Uninsurable

Brussels’ metropolitan area is a quarter Muslim. The number of Muslims in Brussels—where roughly half of the number of Muslims in Belgium currently live—has reached 300,000, which means that the self-styled “Capital of Europe” is now one of the most Islamic cities in Europe. In 2013, Muslims made up approximately 26% of the population of metropolitan Brussels, followed by Rotterdam […]

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Eradicating Israel Non-Negotiable, Iranian Nuclear Bomb Negotiable?

On Tuesday, Iranian Commander Mohammad Reza Naghdi, the head of the Basij paramilitary forces was quoted as saying, “The destruction of Israel is non-negotiable and the freedom of Palestine is one of our highest priorities.” On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu struck back, saying, “Yesterday an Iranian general brazenly declared,’Israel’s destruction is non-negotiable.’ But evidently giving Iran’s murderous regime […]

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Having Killed Religion of Freedom Act, Georgia Republicans Are Now Launching Assault on Synagogues and Churches

First Georgia Republicans cut a deal with Democrats. They would kill Georgia’s RFRA legislation in exchange for Democrats supporting roughly a billion dollar tax increase. Not content to deprive [religious Jews and] Christians of religious protection, Georgia Republicans have decided to go after [synagogues,] churches and other non-profits directly. They’re going to do it via “definitions” in a new piece […]

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