Category Archives: Articles

After CA Terrorism, New Yorker Mag Cover Targets Smiling White Gun Owners

Fresh off an Islamic terror attack carried out in strictly gun-controlled California, the leftist media haven’t missed a beat perpetuating their message that guns, not jihadists, are the problem that must be addressed. For the cover of its upcoming December 14th issue,  The New Yorker magazine chose artist Eric Drooker’s depiction not of a Muslim couple like the San Barnardino terrorists, but of a white […]

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‘This Is For Syria’ Machete-Wielding Muslim Terrorist Slashes Man’s Throat At East London Tube Station

A machete-wielding terrorist slashed a man’s throat, leaving him seriously injured, and injured two others at a Tube station in East London. The attacker’s actions and words, similar to those of one of the Paris terrorist attackers, comes just days after Britain began bombing raids over the war torn country. Various news agencies are now reporting that the man, who […]

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20 Year Old Israeli Jew Injured in Yet Another Arab Stabbing Attack Near Hebron – 3rd Attack in 24 Hours

This is the third attack against innocent Israeli Jewish citizens in the last 24 hours. Two [Arab terrorists] attacked an IDF soldier at the Jilber position in Tel Romeida near Hebron early Friday morning.  The attackers were shot and killed on the scene, while the IDF soldier sustained light injuries. Magen David Adom medical services arrived on the scene and […]

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Attorney General Lynch: My “Greatest Fear” is Rise of Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

In the wake of recent Islamic terror attacks in Paris (130 dead) and San Bernardino (14 dead), what is our Attorney General’s greatest fear? Rhetoric. Buzzfeed reports that Attorney General Loretta Lynch warned yesterday that the Justice Department could take aggressive action against people whose anti-Muslim rhetoric “edges towards violence” and told the Muslim community that “we stand with you in […]

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Voter Layoff Act: GOP Legislators Push Plan To Replace Americans, Import 264,000 Foreign Workers

GOP House leaders are preparing a huge appropriations bill for a vote next week — and top GOP legislators want to include a rider that could allow employers to replace at least 100,000 blue-collar Americans with up to 264,000 foreign temporary H-2B workers. The plan would actually cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year, because the unemployed Americans workers won’t […]

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Islamic State: California Terrorists Were ‘Soldiers’ of Caliphate

Islamic State said on Saturday that a married couple who killed 14 people in California in an attack the FBI is investigating as an “act of terrorism” were followers of the [jihad] group — “soldiers” who were “killed in the path of Allah.” The group’s declaration, in an online radio broadcast comes three days after U.S.-born Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, […]

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Anti-Semitic Swedish Foreign Minister: Israel is ‘executing’ Arabs

Terrorists are shot in the act of stabbing or running over innocent Jews or police. Wallstrom claims Israel is “executing” terrorists… but what about the innocent Jews actually being executed by Arab Muslim Nazis? Swedish Foreign [and Jew hater] Minister Margot Wallstrom once again lashed out at Israel on Friday, accusing the Jewish state of “executing” without trial [so-called] “Palestinian” […]

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San Bernardino: Female Terrorist Pledged Allegiance to Islamic State, Al Qaeda Links Emerge

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who killed 14 people and injured dozens more on Wednesday, have connections to jihad terrorist groups, officials say. New details related to the Islamic terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, California have emerged, revealing the possibility that the shooters were in contact with members of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Investigators believe that the female […]

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Hillary Clinton called Sid Blumenthal’s anti-Israel son a ‘mitzvah’

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton called Max Blumenthal, a staunch anti-Israeli writer and son of her longtime confidante Sidney Blumenthal, a “mitzvah” in an email praising some of Max’s work. After asking an aide to print out three copies of Max Blumenthal’s article that day in the Guardian, Clinton informed his father in a Sept. 13, 2012 email that […]

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PLO Fatah Abbas Calls Wave of Stabbing Attacks in Israel a ‘Peaceful’ Uprising: ‘That’s What This Is’

This is who Obama and Kerry claim is a “moderate”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. [PLO] President Mahmoud Abbas described the recent wave of stabbing, car-ramming and other attacks against Israelis as constituting a “peaceful […]

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White House Backs Gun Control to “Stop Terrorists” While Bringing In Muslim “Refugees”

Forget the fact that the vast majority of gun crimes use illegal weapons. White House press secretary Josh Earnest called for tighter gun control in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, saying that President Barack Obama believes that if “common sense” gun controls were enacted, it could have prevented the attack. Pressed by Fox News reporter Peter Doocy […]

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Congress: More Than 179,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Roaming Free in U.S.

More than 179,000 illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes, including violent ones, continue to roam free across the United States, with reports indicating that these illegal immigrants commit new crimes “every day,” according to lawmakers and the director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, also known as ICE. Sarah Saldana, ICE’s director, disclosed to Congress on Wednesday that the […]

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Blaming White Americans First

There is an interesting trend worth noting. In the face of tragedy, the political left always blames rational Americans first — not crazies, not terrorists, but rational Americans with whom they have political disagreements, who tend to be white, Christian, and Republican. It happened yesterday. As word came of a mass shooting in California, the left’s immediate reaction was to […]

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Donald Trump Booed: Declines to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel

Donald Trump was heavily booed Thursday after refusing to say whether he recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. “Can I at least try and pin you down on Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel?” an event organizer at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s 2016 presidential forum asked the leading GOP candidate. “Yeah, go ahead …” Trump responded, seemingly looking […]

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Ted Cruz to Jewish Leaders: ‘If You Vote For Me, Iran Will Never Have Nuclear Weapons’

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) made his pitch to Jewish leaders Thursday in Washington, vowing that if he’s elected president, he’ll undo the Iran nuclear deal. “We need to nominate a candidate who has the clarity to stand up and say: If you vote for Hillary Clinton, you are voting for the Ayatollah Khamenei to have nuclear weapons,” Cruz said […]

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Police: San Bernardino California shooters were Muslim terrorists – recently traveled to Saudi Arabia

Lead gunman revealed to have been in contact with several international terrorists, and recently traveled to Saudi Arabia. Police sources revealed to CNN on Thursday that Syed Farook, the 28-year-old American citizen who together with his wife and apparently his brother conducted Wednesday’s brutal shooting attack in California, was in contact with terrorists. 14 people are dead 21 wounded Over 300 local and state […]

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Hillary Clinton “I Did Not Email Any Classified Material” – 999 Emails Found With Classified Material

Hillary Clinton didn’t just boldly lie to the American people, she also put National Security of the country at risk. Just one shy of 1,000 emails sent through Hillary Clinton’s private server have been deemed classified, despite the former Secretary of State’s insistence that none of her electron communication carried such a designation. Fox News reports the State Department’s release of […]

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Under federal pressure, Illinois school district allows “transgender” boy to use girls’ locker room

A Chicago-area school district decided Wednesday night to allow a transgender student to use the girls’ locker room, settling a federal civil rights complaint that had sparked emotional reaction and put the district at the center of national debate over treatment of transgender children at school. … The district agreed to the compromise just as the 30-day window for complying […]

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We told you so: UN finds Iran worked on nuclear weapons

And Obama is helping them. The United Nation’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has released part of its report on Iran, and it shows that many of critics’ fears were justified. The IAEA says it believes that the Islamic Republic made a “coordinated” effort to develop nuclear weapons in the past, although the efforts apparently ended at an early stage. According to the report, […]

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Suspect Behind Racist Threats at University Identified as… Black Activist

More phony racism from the left. Is anyone surprised? Another day, another race hoax. This time the suspect who recently made “abhorrent” threats against black students at New Jersey’s Kean University was revealed to be a black former student and “active participant” in an on-campus rally. According to TheBlaze, Kean President Dawood Farahi drew audible gasps from faculty and students when he announced, “We are […]

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Opposing Syrian Muslim “Refugees” is a Jewish Value – 77% Admit to Supporting Hamas

These past weeks have been rife with the shameful opportunistic exploitation of the Holocaust by the media in support of Syrian Muslim migration to the United States. Editorials, cartoons and infographs clamor that a violently anti-Semitic group is somehow just like the Jews fleeing anti-Semitism. But the picture appears very different in Europe where Jewish life is under siege by […]

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Email shows Hillary Clinton’s aide proposed ‘shaming Israel’ by soliciting funds supporting PLO terrorists

The email was written by Anne-Marie Slaughter, who served as Clinton’s director of policy planning at Foggy Bottom from 2009 until 2011. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. A former top policy aide to then-secretary of […]

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Hungarian mayor accuses Israel Jews of being behind Paris attacks

Could you imagine what would happen if he blamed the Paris attacks on black people? A Hungarian mayor who accused Israel of being behind last month’s terror attacks in Paris “apologized” after his comments became public. Gabor Huszar, mayor of the western Hungarian town of Szentgotthard, said during a committee meeting of his rightist Fidesz party, the ruling party of […]

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Rename the Racist Democratic Party

All hail the anti-racist racist Know-Nothing Party. Former Democratic President Woodrow Wilson may be purged from his alma mater, Princeton University. The old “Schoolmaster of Politics”, as he was known for his academic background at Cornell, Bryn Mawr, Wesleyan and finally president of Princeton U, has been thrown under the bus by its current president for being a politically incorrect […]

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Israeli Jewish woman injured in stabbing attack by Arab at Gush Etzion junction

Israeli soldiers stand next to commuters at a bus station where [an Arab terrorist] stabbed an Israeli woman before being shot dead by Israeli security forces, near the Gush Etzion junction south of Jerusalem on November 22, 2015. A 40-year-old man was lightly injured in an alleged attempted attack on Tuesday morning at Gush Etzion Junction in the West Bank […]

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New York: Muslim attacker shouts “F— you Jews, I’ll kill you all!” and attacks Jewish man

Muslim man walks into Judaica store and commits brazen anti-Semitic attack, before escaping. The New York Police Department are currently searching for Muslim man who carried out a brazen anti-Semitic attack in a local Judaica store. According to the JP Updates, the attacker walked into West Side Judaica store on the Upper West Side at 1:15 p.m. on Monday, identified himself as a […]

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Syrian Sunni Muslim “Refugees” Have Been Resettled In 36 States, Most In CA,TX, MI

Since the start of the Syria’s civil war in the spring of 2011, the U.S. has admitted 2,311 Syrian migrants and resettled them in 36 different states. According to data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center the top three destinations for Syrian “refugees” since the beginning of the conflict are California, Texas, and Michigan. From March 15, 2011 through […]

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Islamic Education: Savage How-to VIDEO for Muslims to Stab, Shoot and Murder Jews

As the violence in Israel intensifies, jihadis are using social media to encourage Israeli Muslims to stab, shoot and murder Jews. Islamic Jew-hatred — it’s in the Quran. In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.  

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Arabs attack police in Jerusalem with fire bombs

Group of Arabs throw Molotov cocktails at Border Police in Ras al-Amud. Security forces return fire, kill one rioter. A group of Arabs threw about ten Molotov cocktails at Border Police in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amud. Arab sources report that security forces returned fire and killed one rioter before the rest dispersed. Walla! news identifies the dead terrorist as Ayman al-Abasi, a […]

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While Jews Are Being Butchered, Netanyahu Shakes Hands With Terrorist Abbas At “Climate Change” Conference

Israel needs a real leader that will stop innocent Jews from being mass murdered – not a phony that shakes bloody hands with a terrorist at a global warming conference in Paris. PARIS – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and [PLO/Fatah] President Mahmoud Abbas briefly shook hands during a “family picture” of the nearly 150 world leaders gathered here for the […]

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Obama: Talking About Global Warming Is An ‘Act of Defiance’ Against Islamic State

Remember, every fart, every shower, and every degree you raise you thermostat is in direct support for Islamic State. That’s the kind gloss on Obama’s latest trip to Paris, where he has repeatedly stated that he is fighting ISIS by sitting in mahogany-paneled rooms eating delicacies with fellow world leaders and chatting about how to hamper global economic growth on […]

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Hillary Clinton promises to spend $1 TRILLION – will raise taxes on the middle class

The cost of Hillary Clinton’s campaign promises has topped $1 trillion – a spending “binge” that would require middle-class tax hikes to pay for it, Republicans say. Clinton critics say she hit the $1 trillion mark over the weekend, when she unveiled a $275 billion infrastructure plan. “To build a strong economy for our future, we must start by building […]

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The Laugh’s on Europe and the US: Muslim Arab Gulf States Refuse Syrian “Refugees”

Let them go somewhere “cheap.” As usual, the laugh is on us. While the West clamors to take alleged “refugees” despite that they cannot be properly vetted, France is wondering why the wealthy Gulf States are refusing to accept their own share of Syrian refugees and provide them safe harbor. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has called on the Gulf states […]

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Video: Senior Hamas Leader Say Jews Kill Arab Children and Eat Their Blood At Passover

The Arab Muslims are so riddled with hatred and anti-Semitism, they will make up anything to excuse their murder of Jews. So Jews have been using [Israeli Arab] children’s blood for matzoh since Biblical times. Can’t wait for Wikipedia to update its articles. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda […]

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Ted Cruz Speaks Out: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter a Transgendered Leftist Activist

For all the lefties who support the mass murder of babies trying to pin something on conservatives, you should take a look in the mirror. Senator Ted Cruz downplayed the role “anti-abortion rhetoric” [that’s the the lest calls anyone pro-life who defends the lives of babies] may have played in the fatal shooting of three people at a Planned Parenthood clinic […]

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Jewish Woman and Policeman Stabbed By Arab Terrorists In Two Separate Attacks

An Israeli Border Policeman and a civilian woman were injured in two separate stabbing attacks in Jerusalem. The police officer was injured on Sunday morning at the Damascus Gate, an entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem. The [Arab terrorist], a resident of Nablus in the northern West Bank, emerged from the Damascus Gate and shouted “Allahu Akbar,” or God […]

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Barbaric Arab Muslim Mothers Make “Cries of Joy” When Their Terrorist Children Die

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The following article is from PMW: PA Minister of Women’s Affairs: The Palestinian woman is different from all other women in the world “as [only] she receives the news of […]

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