Jew-hating Censorship: YouTube Terminates MEMRI TV Account
Someone complained that MEMRI was sharing truthful videos of Muslim hate-speech.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a valuable resource for those who want to learn what the Muslims in the Middle East are saying to each other away from the eyes of the media. Early on Tuesday, YouTube deleted the MEMRI account for “repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines and/or claims of copyright infringement.” In other words, someone complained that MEMRI was sharing truthful videos of Muslim hate-speech (what some call Islamophobia).
Most MEMRI videos features Muslim speakers denouncing Israel, Jews, the West and/or the United States. MEMRI translates the text into English and adds it as a subtitle on the video. Recent examples of MEMRI videos posted on TruthRevolt include Jordanian MP: The PA Must Not Defend The Interests Of The Filthy Jews and Yemeni Child Leads Crowd in Chant ‘Curses Upon the Jews, And Victory for Islam’.
This isn’t the first time YouTube has deleted MEMRI’s account. MEMRI can appeal the decision, which they have done in the past. They have always been reinstated.
Until the reinstatement, MEMRI videos can be seen on its site, The videos posted there do not have the ease of embedding with a YouTube code
i love israel
There is a need to start a true alternative to YouTube, which is an amoral cesspool. Freedom of speech doesn’t apply to Jews or righteous Gentiles, but the most disgusting elements of society can say whatever they want without impunity. A big up yours to YouTube and the self-hating degenerates that run that hideous website!